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Renna last won the day on March 25 2019

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  1. Itsa me, Rennalish. I love Aero. I haven't been active in a long, long, long time, mostly due to my own IRL problems and Ancient Rome really not being my forte in the first place. But. But! I legitimately hard-core hated Romans for years. Somehow, who knows, Gothy twisted my arm and convinced me to give it a try, and I tried it, and now I'm all fond of ancient Rome like a grandma who knows her children are troublemakers and clucks about it while shaking her head, because how is it that kids are so smart and so stupid at the same time. Romans? "Aw, those guys." I know way more about Rome than I ever thought possible. I still get a bit of schadenfreude every time I learn of some new historical incident where the tribes they were all snooty about kicked their skirted butts, BUT, I also love them. My stupid, overly-formal, debuached geniuses. Such a blend of imagination and contridiction and honor and cruelty, they ARE human nature at its most dualistic and Aero got me thinking this way. This site is special. I created a character I adore here, and one I would love to play (again, and again, and again, I don't care how, cranky Seia delights me). I remember dozens of other people's characters with love like I knew them in-person. In short, it's a damn cracking good site and my only real wish is that it lives. I'm fine with a reboot, or a semi-sandbox (like maybe 3 sections on site: History I, History 2, AU), so there's some structure for different plotlines. My main concern with a reboot of that nature is that it is going to be more work. I think the easiest solution will be to reboot and shrink the lore. I personally adore trying the same characters in different ways, because change one tiny thing and suddenly you're careening off down a path headed toward the other side of the world. That isn't for everybody, but "what if?" is fun for me so starting over won't bother me in the slightest as long as the site history remains accessible and people can continue their current plots as much as they wish in a subsection or AU board of the rebooted site. We have great stuff here. It's beyond kind to keep it open even when your muse has burned low, so I'm just thankful for that. Choose the option that seems healthiest for you, O Venerable Admins. We made awesome stories before, and we still have the talent so we'll make them again.
  2. Seia did not miss the wrinkled nose in response to her mention of horses, and stifled a laugh. "None that I entered myself, but I do believe that some we sold already may have made a future in the races. I was curious and wanted to see." The woman desperately wanted to tease her companion, but held herself back, for Gaia's sake. Seia had very little use for fussy, fainthearted women, but she supposed not many other girls grew up knowing anything about horses at all. "But I'm sorry to tell you, Domina, that there isn't much about me that people would expect. I assume you've never ridden one? A shame. If I may share a secret?" She leaned over, just slightly. "I think 'they' say that it isn't proper for women to ride, because once you do, and become good at it, once you can control an animal so much larger and stronger than you...men are absolutely flimsy in comparison." Seia settled back in her chair. "It makes it much more difficult for people to bully you, I'll say that much. Not to mention, it's fun."
  3. Seia Imperia - 32 or 33 I forget - Renna
  4. "Proposals have fallen through?" That truly did surprise her. "Your mother is such a loving person; she's exactly the kind of sweet beauty men want for a wife. That's a shame...I hope she finds a good match soon. She deserves to be happy." It made no sense. Gaia was a perfect wife, utterly charming and utterly sensual. A man would have nothing to complain about. Seia accepted the wine with quiet thanks, and considered both Corinthia's offer and her question. Seeing Gaia again, well, she did wish to. She missed her friend, and she knew exactly what to bring her as a peace offering in case there was any leftover ill-will. A gift of peaches and honey would probably smooth over any ruffled feelings Gaia might have harbored, but from the way her daughter was speaking, it seemed that perhaps there were none. That would be wonderful. She did have to wonder, however, exactly what Corinthia was asking her. Surely she knew the general idea of what happened? The older woman did not want to rehash her life story, partly because it was painful and partly because she had enough infamy at this point that launching into the great story of her bullfight with Cyprianus would probably bore a companion who likely knew it all already. "That's a very good suggestion," she answered at last, taking a sip of the gifted wine. "I think I will. I've missed her. As for me...." She shrugged. "I'm doing well. I was single for a few years after first being widowed, and threw all my energy into raising my daughter and finding justice for my first husband. Thanks to the gods, I received that. I remarried a good man, one of the few willing to help me when it looked as if I would have no money or standing left, and I'm very happy with him. I've given him another daughter, and more recently, a son." Her cheeks colored a little. "It's very busy, with three children of my own and one stepston still in the domus, but I like being busy. And I still have time for my horses." Seia nodded down to the track. "I had a Parthian friend, years ago, who gifted me a mare. It's become a business for us. N'aschi and her descendents create some very fine horses, so I was rather interested to see if I could recognize any of mine in the race today." @Gothic
  5. She'd known this woman's mother? Seia took a moment trying to think, trying to place the face with someone familiar, but when Corinthia provided the name her eyes flew open in recognition. Gaia. This was Gaia's daughter?! "Claudia Gaia," she breathed. "Of course, I see it now. I'm surprised I didn't see it sooner. Look at how beautiful you are!" How many years had it been since she'd last seen the two of them? Gaia, Seia suspected, was never going to age, but Corinthia certainly had not been this proud young woman when they'd first been introduced. Seia sat again, feeling a little better about the situation. "Your mother," she told her companion, "was always very kind to me. Not a common thing in this city." For her especially, but she didn't add that little cynical note to the end of her statement. "Several of the Imperial family were, back in the day...I just haven't felt right coming close again, after everything. At first I was too much of a political target and didn't want to spread the damage, and after..." Seia shrugged one of her shoulders, a bit wistfully. "It just hasn't seemed right, all things considered. Your family has been through enough and I supposed no one needed reminders." Seia took Corinthia in again, then shook her head. "It has been too long. You're a lady now, as stunning as your mother. I let time go." She smiled then, just a little. "Can you tell me, please, is she doing well?" @Gothic
  6. Seia's annoyance grew at the woman's tone. She'd chosen the most innocuous question she could think of; so why, then, was she being answered so tersely? She hadn't missed the once-over of her clothing either. Classless, to make it so obvious. As Seia took her seat, she adjusted her clothing and flicked a long, golden chain and fine pendant out from under her palla so it rested on top. Titus' gift to her was not one she tended to flaunt, but it seemed she was in the company of one who thought highly of such things. Here you go, princess. I have money. I can play. Imperia already knew she wouldn't find a friend here, but her sarcastic thoughts were interrupted by the woman's name and she froze. An Imperial? Of all the places she could have sat for these races, she'd chosen to sit next to an Imperial? And a snobby one, at that; Seia had fond memories of some of the Imperial family from when she was newly wed, but had kept her distance from them after her first husband's imprisonment and execution. She didn't know the younger members at all, and even though she'd ultimately won, well...it was still awkward. Some people probably still had doubts. Cyprianus had far overstepped his bounds, yes, but even Seia couldn't deny that Titus had been staunchly anti-Imperial, even if she didn't think him capable of assassinating anybody and was certain that he hadn't. People who did not know him well could hardly be expected to be wholly convinced that he had been innocent, even if her bulldogged tenacity had ended up tearing a dictator down. She hated it, and had decided that avoiding those with a vested interest in such things was the wisest option, considering that she was a woman with a temper and a mouth. But here she was. Trapped. "....No, domina." Seia's answer was very slow, coming before she had time to think it through, and she realized that it might sound as if she had just refused Corinthia's request to know who she was. "I mean, no, we have never been introduced, otherwise I would have never been so forward. I had no idea." She rose from the seat she had just taken, smoothing her palla around her body. "I'm Seia Imperia, and I suppose you have probably heard of me. Please excuse my intrusion, and forgive me if I've caused any discomfort. I'll leave at once." @Gothic
  7. She didn't really want to be here. Seia had enjoyed the races, once, and still loved horses - riding them, and caring for them, and her N'aschi had helped her create some of the finest stock in Rome. But the city was difficult for her, these days. She didn't trust or like people much. Old memories bit often and hard, and she preferred the company of her new family to the backstabbing citizens of Rome. It was Alaric who had urged her to go out into the city, enjoy herself, find some friends, because he was a good man who wanted his wife to have happiness outside of him. She saw the sense in it, and had agreed, but now that she was here found herself feeling rather reluctant about the whole thing. How was she supposed to make friends? And what was the point, the next time things went south for her most of them would sit back and enjoy the free entertainment. She had friends, Seia grumbled to herself. Just because there were less than five of them didn't necessarily mean that she needed more, since the ones she had were quality. Still, she settled down next to a young lady who seemed bound and determined to let the world see how wealthy she was, and inwardly rolled her eyes. She hadn't had the heart to tell Alaric that she wasn't going to make friends, even though she was pretty sure it would be true, but she had agreed to go out and try to enjoy herself. What did it matter if she was seated next to a peacock? She was here for the horses. Still, she had basic manners, and decided to greet her companion with polite small talk. Hopefully in a minute they could go back to just ignoring each other. "Salve, Domina. Do you have any favorites for this race?" There, that should be inoffensive enough. She hoped so, anyway, because looking at the pale-skinned slave with this woman was making her heart sting a little. She wondered if Alaric had been that white when he'd first come to the city...she couldn't look at any of these foreigners without seeing some part of him in them, these days.
  8. "Ah, thank you, Alaricus, Crispina." Seia lowered herself, giving them both a smile. "You take such good care of me." It was true for both of them. Seia was ostensibly the mistress of the house, but Crispina was the motherly figure that the wise listened to when she began to boss. Seia herself was not always wise, more of a bulldog that dug into the ground and held on when she was sure it was the right thing to do, but in matters of health and hearth? She deferred to the slave. Imperia was quick to accept her stepbrother's offer to sit with him, hurrying to the open place and sitting down with another bashful look to their guest before tucking herself closer to Alaricus, with his confidence. It was safer here, he liked conversing with strangers and could do most of the talking if she didn't know what to say. The lady of the house watched to see that her daughter was safely settled down, then smiled to Decimus. "Thank you, dominus." Seia's hand moved to rest on her belly, as it did so often these days. She still wasn't sure what to make of the gods, but if there was a Juno, it seemed that she did in fact favor one Seia Imperia. Which was only right, after all, considering the hell she'd endured for the sake of her first husband. "Tell me, how long have you been in Rome now? Are you learning your way all right? The city is so huge compared to the colonies...my mother and I lived in Greece, when I was a girl, I still remember the first time I saw the city coming back. It made me dizzy." @Sains @Gothic @Echo @Indy @Jenn
  9. Seia blushed like a child. She couldn't help it. "Thank you." She squeezed Alaric's fingers, tightly, treasuring that she could take his hand this way, whenever she liked. "I love your father very much," the woman told Barbara frankly, then looked to Alaricus, so similar to his father. "And both of you. I'm always so happy in your company, in this house, and I know how precious you both are to him. I'm honored that he trusts me to help care for you. I..." She couldn't speak for a moment, then finished simply. "I'm just so happy. Thank you for welcoming me." It was so different than how Titus' family had 'welcomed' her, and filled her completely. Imperia wiggled on her lap, and announced, "We can play all the time now!" Seia's daughter broke free of her arms and rushed to Alaricus, tugging at his arm. "We can play swords. You can show me." This made her mother laugh. "Outside," she chided. "We don't want to break everything in the domus." @Gothic @Jenn @Sarah
  10. Imperia's giggles relaxed her mother, along with the sweet kiss, and then the distant crash made her laugh out loud. "I love that boy," she told Alaric. "He makes me smile." She moved into the circle of his arm, accepting the squeeze, then strode out to the main room, letting Alaric follow behind with Imperia still in his arms. Seia didn't say anything to Alaric's other children at first, just giving them a shy smile, but she went over to the unfortunate chair and set it upright without comment. Only then did she greet the others. "Salve, Barbara, Alaricus. It seems we're just in time to keep the domus from being torn to pieces." But the comment wasn't scolding - even if Seia had tried to be stern, it wouldn't have been very convincing given the size of her grin.
  11. Seia hadn’t exactly wanted to entertain a guest, but it had nothing to do with the guest himself and everything to do with the rough start Alaric’s baby was having in life. The pregnancy was new, her belly only just rounding out, but the fatigue and illness so far had been far worse than it ever had with Imperia. Seia was proud that her husband was so welcoming to those new to Rome, so generous with his friendship and help, and it annoyed her that she would, most likely, be stuck in their room trying to gather the energy to greet Alaric’s new friend until well after everyone else had arrived. She liked using herself to show off for him - look at me, look at the kind of woman he deserves to have - and a late hostess did not serve this purpose well. Imperia was being sweet, though, patting rosewater onto her mother’s face with a tenderness that went straight to Seia’s heart. She was such a good girl. “Thank you, dear.” Seia pushed herself off the stool with a few breath and a little shake of her head. “I’m all right now, thanks to you. Let’s go meet your father’s new friend, yes?” She took Imperia’s hand in her own, giving it a squeeze as they went together to the Triclinium. Seia was dismayed to see that her fear really had become real-Barbara had even beat her there, and she’d needed to travel!- but she put on her brightest smile anyway and entered with a joke. “This has to be a girl, Alaric, soldiers are supposed to be on time and this baby is always making me late.” She bent to peck her husband’s cheek, then turned her smile to Decimus. “You must be Decimus. Welcome, dominos, we’re so glad you were able to come.” He hadn’t been given wine yet, and Seia was quick to pour some. “I’m Seia, this is my daughter Imperia...” Imperia moved like a ghost, stepping half behind her mother, shy in strange company, but she too offered a smile, “And I hope my tardiness will be forgotten after enough of some truly excellent wine. Welcome.” She wanted to go see her grandchildren, spoiling them with her attention, but the rule was that guests came first so she only allowed herself to flash Barbara a swift, rueful little smile.
  12. Seia was in Alaric's room - her room, soon, and nervously checking her hair and makeup in the hand mirror. She didn't want to look too glamorous, or intimidating; she was so happy to think of this second marriage, but she couldn't forget how badly it had gone when she'd first met Titus' family. Time had cured that, eventually, but it had required Titus' death to do so, and imagining that she might face the same with Barbara, and Alaricus, made her cringe. Barbara was only a little younger than herself, as Nefertiti and Irisi had been, but if she should be upset by this, it would hurt worse. Seia was....invested, in Barbara, that was the only way to explain it. She knew what Alaric had done for her, she knew how deeply her love loved his daughter. She wanted it to go well. This was why her hair was left down, simply styled, her makeup was plain, her jewelry was dainty. She didn't want to come swanning in and -- "Oh, I hope this goes well." She couldn't help fussing out loud. Imperia was sitting on the bed, impatiently swinging her legs. SHE'd been delighted to hear about all of this, which wasn't a surprise because she'd followed Alaric around like an awestruck duckling even before a marriage was on the table. "Mater pretty!" Imperia hopped down and ran over to throw herself at her mother's legs, grinning up at Seia with Titus's hazel eyes and making the woman laugh and her heart seize all at the same time. "Thank you. So are you." Seia lifted her daughter in her arms, holding her to her breast and giving the girl a kiss. "And very sneaky, too, you knew that would make me laugh." Imperia just grinned and shook her head 'no', feigning innocence very unconvincingly. "You are an imp," Seia told her. "I'm not sure I have a daughter, maybe the gods gave me a monkey instead? Are you a monkey?" "Nooooooo" Imperia wiggled out of Seia's embrace like lightning, scaling down her Mater in a way very much like a monkey despite her protest, and Seia rolled her eyes. "Uh-huh. Not convinced." She caught the girl, straightening her hair and clothing with practiced swiftness, and crouched down to look at her face. "Remember, they might not be sure that they like the idea of having a little sister, so we need to be patient, okay? They might not want to play with you right off." Imperia stared at her, as if not believing that anybody would ever not want to play with her, but instead of answering she was distracted by Alaric's entry and hurtled at him, slamming into his leg as she had her mother's and wrapping her arms around it to try to take a ride on his foot, giggling the whole time. "Pater!" Seia gave her daughter a quick glance, surprised and a little stung that the title came so easily from the girl's mouth when she already -had- a Pater, but of course...what could Imperia remember of him? Her mother's stories, that was all, the touches to her cheek from the necklace that was "Pater", had been all these years. Alaric was solid, and the child was still only just out of babyhood, it shouldn't be surprising that the solid, living man would be the one Imperia saw as Pater. All the same, it hurt a little. But Seia brushed it off with a quick shake of her head, telling Alaric quietly, "She's excited." @Gothic @Jenn
  13. Alaric's praise of her as a mother warmed Seia's heart. "You don't know how much that means to me," she confessed to him. "I didn't want to be a mother, ever. One of my playmates, when I was a girl -- her mater died having her little brother. That terrified me, and I had nightmares, and my own mother was just ...unreasonably cruel. Not just strict, I mean cruel. I was sure I would either die, or have a baby and turn out to be just like her toward it. I don't know which frightened me more. But the way Titus spoke of children, and parenthood, made me wonder if maybe there was something lovely in it, and then Imperia came and my world fell in on her. I didn't know it was possible to love so much. She is my life." And the little girl had her father's eyes, so even with his absence Seia was able to see part of him, living near her still. Thriving. There was a silence, Seia's fingers caressing gently into Alaric's hair, but after some moments she smiled at him and made a pleased sound in the back of her throat. "This was what I hoped for," she said. "Your face just now. You look calm, comforted...at peace. I wanted so badly to be the one to make your face change this way." She'd done it. The wish was granted, and how beautiful it was to see! His comment made her blush, however, her tan skin washing bronze. He'd loved her while she was going to the courts? Why - that was even before they'd spoken in the market. That was so early! That was - Her thoughts derailed when Alaric turned his attentions back to her nose, both making her laugh and blush again. "Well, it was hardly proper of you." It hadn't been proper of her either, in point of fact. "I was rather expecting a softer, just-getting-to-know you sort of kiss. Instead..." He knew what he'd done instead. He was very guilty. "Actually, I find I've forgotten exactly how it happened." Seia kissed him, slowly. "You'll have to show me again."
  14. "Which gods?" Seia wanted to know, not missing that he'd claimed the kiss to her nose he'd confessed to wanting so badly. "Roman, or from your homeland?" She didn't care which he believed in, she didn't suppose that it really mattered one way or the other. At least not to her, so uncertain of her own faith and beliefs, even though she was a favorite at several temples throughout the city for her devotions. Desperation and devotion, Seia knew, were not quite the same things. She'd become pious only because there was nowhere else to go, and it felt like doing something, to pray. It was better than doing nothing, pacing up and down waiting for the city to give Titus the justice he deserved. It kept her from losing her mind. Seia closed her eyes as his brow met hers, savoring having him this close at last, and slipped her arms around his neck to keep him close to her. "You're a good father," she informed him. "You love the children you have, and I love you for it." If she was going to have more, she wanted to know that they would be loved, and safe, and treasured. Part of her could, to some point, understand not liking children, but bringing them into the world was so dangerous, such an impossible battle, she was certain that whatever higher power ordered the affairs of men had intended them to be cherished. Wasn't that the way of things? Anything worth having was worth struggling for, and every woman who gave birth was risking her life to do so. There were men out there who abandoned their babies, after all of that. The thought made her shiver, and she tightened her hold on Alaric as if holding him would be a shield strong enough to keep such ideas at bay. "...You have a big heart." This was murmured against his face, and punctuated by a kiss. "You love easily. Alaric, when do you think you fell in love with me?" Seia's eyes were still closed, her expression peaceful now. "I'm not sure when it was love, for you, but that first time at the market, when I was trying to sell things...You kept coming into my mind." There was a sudden laugh. "And then you kissed me and it only got worse. That was cruel of you."
  15. According to my sister, my fantasy job would be working with dragons. "But not like, taming them or anything, you'd be like a human-dragon relations person because you'd understand about hoards and you could all just chat about your collections." 

    1. Gothic


      I love collecting things, too. I still have my grand champions! ❤️ 

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