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Quintus Sulpicius Rufus


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Quintus Sulpicius Rufus.

FORTY-TWO | seventh month 29CE | SENATORE | SENATOR | Bi-curious | Wanted | John Hannah





He is quiet, unassuming, and at first glance he could be considered to be cold towards others. He has seen many men rise and fall. Despite this quiet, he will act behind the scenes to protect his own interests and to ensure the survival of his family. A political match that soon turned into a loving one, something that came to his surprise. At all times, he is polite and civil. Even when it comes to dealing with his foes. Quintus has an ability to lure people into a false sense of security about him. A gift that makes him an able politician.

Quintus is a man of uncomplicated yet refined tastes. Why have many women when you can have the finest quality? Together Cornelia and he are in a relationship with a freedwoman called, Sulpicia L Venusiana (Venusiana) in an equal partnership. How could one man be so blessed?

When it comes to his children he leaves most of their early education to their mother, especially the daughters who would likely learn as mcuh as they can. He proudly teaches his sons what he knows and believes about human nature, politics, and the kinds of people that will likely cause issues. While he is not overly affectionate, he has held his children and offered his congratulations when they have made him proud.




Quintus stands at 5'8 tall. He has a calm demeanour and it shows in his facial expressions.

His face is always clean shaven (except during times of grief). His hair is a light brown, flecked with grey and cropped short. His eyes are grey-blue, large and expressive. His body is mostly unremarkable, neither excessively ugly or handsome.



Father: Lucius Sulpicius Rufus (b. deceased, former Consul.)

Mother: Plancia Magna (b. alive)


Sulpicia Rufia (b. 48 years old)
Titus Sulpicius Rufus (b. 34years old)


Spouse: Cornelia Scipionis


Quintus Sulpicius Rufus Minor {b. 60}
Appius Sulpicius Rufus {b. 62}
Sulpicia Rufiana {b. 64}
Sulpicia Annthea {b. 68}

Extended family.

Sulpicia Rufia's husband = Lucius Volusius Saturninus (Senator)
Quintus Volusius Saturninus (b. 60CE)
Gaius Volusius Saturninus (b.64CE)
(Other children did not survive.)

Titus Sulpicius Rufus' wife = Valeria Flacca (Daughter of Publius Valerius Flaccus, Senator)
Sulpicia Flacca (b. 61CE)
Publius Sulpicius Rufus (b. 65CE)
Sulpicia Valeriana (b. 70CE.)


(Grandfather, Senator) Marcus Plancius Magnus
Marcus Plancius Magnus Minor age 40.
Plancia Magnilla


Extended family on the Plancia-Magna page.


The Freedwoman: Sulpicia L Venusiana

Related to the Corneli-Scipiii through his spouse.


Born in 29CE, Quintus was a quiet and studious boy. His sister was the elder, the apple of his father's eye and was fussy and protective. He was a small child, quiet yet interested in the world around him. He learned the traits that he . Later, his little brother was born (year here) and was his opposite. Bold, brash and wanting nothing more than to be a famous Legatus. He followed his father to the Senate and eagerly listened to the debates that occurred on the lead up to the august building, although what struck him as more interesting was watching the men who served in the Senate and learning about their personality traits. What made these men tick? How did they grow and develop?

At the age of nineteen (48CE) he was one of the Viginitiviri and specifically served as a decemviri stlitlibus iudicanus. This gave him further understanding concerning the affairs of freedmen and slaves. Something that would come in handy many years into the future with Venusiana. He served for an additional term and found himself drawn to these matters of state. His father recommended that he gain some experience within the legions to benefit his political career. Quintus was sent to Illyria in 50CE and fortunately it was a relatively peaceful period within the empire. In 55CE he was discharged and prepared for his life within the Senate body.

Political sphere. Quintus became a Senator in 59CE when he had reached  and gained political position. Loosely he aligned himself with supporters of the Caesars and it became more absolute with his later marriage to Cornelia Scipionis.  Herself a relative to Darius Caesar and later on, Junus Caesar. A time of hostility towards the Senate and frustration. At times he began to wonder whether he should have chosen a military path yet from his previous experience. He knew it would have done neither Rome nor himself any good. Married Cornelia Scipionis in 59CE. It was a political union, one that he had made out of duty and found himself drawn to his beautiful new wife. Soon though, he valued her intelligence and input of what she had to say. Admittedly, he did wonder about Annthea's influence on his wife and later come to believe that it had saved his life. Together they had a son to call their own, named in his honour and he felt a change inside him. They had a body slave called Venusiana that the pair of them gained a fond affection for that developed into love. A few years after the fact they freed her.

Eyes on the crowd. In 60CE the Augusta died and soon Honorius Caesar and Junus Caesar were both killed in their respective areas. An event that shocked the people of Rome. There were many voices who opposed Cyprianus and his desperate grasp for power. Like many, he was nearly killed in order to prevent him from reaching the Senate and unfortunately, he (and the others) were not able to put a stop to it. Therefore he fell silent and with the supporters who did not like Cyprianus. They remained quiet until his crimes would finally become too great for even his supporters to ignore. .

62CE Clemens purge. Both Consuls at the time were put to the sword. Fortunately for Quintus, many of his extended family members were not currently in Rome. He did not send for Cornelia, instead preferring that she remain safely away from the capital and was happy that Venusiana was there with her to support her. There was not much he could do. At first, he was relatively quiet about what he was going to do and who he was going to support. Outwardly, he was compliant with Clemens and wanted to ensure that his family survived. If the young prince Tiberius remained alive, he would support him when he finally came of age and understood that Rome needed to be governed by an effective leader to end the tyranny of the later years. The only candidate was Quintus Alexander.

The Civil war. Went to the East to support Quintus and paid large bribes to ensure that his wife and children would not come to any harm. When Quintus Alexander has his final victory he returns to Cornelia and Venusiana. They embrace and hold each other. Unable to let each other go. Happy their family was all reunited once more, and he began to settle into the new regime. He celebrates in his home with a glass of wine upon the news of the death of Clemens. At the end of the year, another glass is had for when Cyprianus was murdered after Seia Imperia won her trial against him.

63CE Quintus Alexander becomes the next Caesar leading to a decade of peace and prosperity. Much of his time is devoted to supporting the Senate, protecting his family interests and building up. Due to his wealth and connections, every so often someone who would try to approach him trying to pry information out of him-- and often revealing more of their intentions that they previously believed.

64CE birth of third child, Rufiana. With 65 to 67CE being largely uneventful in terms of events for his family. In 67CE, Quintus Caesar and Julia Drusilla are both married in a ceremony attended by the movers and shakers of Rome. In 68CE they celebrated the birth of the fourth child following the death of the Cornelia Annthea, the matriarch who taught the female members of her family how to survive and thrive in the political sphere of Rome. Her son, Quintus Caesar gave the eulogy at her funeral (along with being deified) and her life was celebrated while the family mourned the passing of the respectable matron. 69-71CE were times of relative quiet with nothing particular of note happening for him.

In 72CE he served as Consul in the most recent year before the last, and became increasingly aware of Quintus' son Titus and Tiberius both being considered possible heirs with neither being pushed in favour of the other.

In the current time, he maintains himself as a Senator of Rome and is distantly married a relative of the Imperial family. He aims to keep and advance his family through Rome. One thing could be said about him -- he is a political survivor.



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