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Husband and wife.


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Jan 74CE.

He walked alongside his beautiful wife, Cornelia, a woman who had given him considerable connections and many healthy children. Through her, he found his other beloved, Venusiana and together they made a happy trinity. Behind them were slaves, attendants and other notables. The porticus liviae remained one of the primary locations to be seen in Rome, a place where the wealthy and the powerful would gather to relax and dine. Occasionally, they would be approached by people wishing to use the family connections to aid their careers. Quintus, for the time being, waved them off. 

"My dear," He said, patted Cornelia's hand as it rested on his forearm with affection and smiled at her. "Venusiana's birthday approaches, what should we get for her?" Quintus asked, it was not entirely Roman, and each of them were an equal part of the relationship. He did not have a mind for clothing nor the fashionable styles, unless, he was noticing that a woman was comely in appearance. He paused near the available seats and gestured for her to sit down, servants remained close in case they ever desired anything and he smiled at her. 

The pain of the civil war, and the separation from them still remained close to his heart. 

"Wine and food!" He said to one of the household slaves, who went off to deal with one of the local vendors. There was something about the food of the temple. 

The local area was filled with gardens, small libraries, temples and more. All places he would take Cornelia during their quiet time together.


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Cornelia prided herself in the marriage that she had found herself in many years ago. It was happy, healthy. Sound. Filled with the laughter of their brood. She had done her job as his wife and done it well. a bit too well. Four children in a span of a decade, without a miscarriage between them. They had two strapping boys that would carry on their father's legacy in the future, and two daughters that would bring them new connections and family bonds. Daughters that would one day be their mother made over. 
There was also their beloved Venusiana to consider.  Cornelia had made an oath to her husband that no other man would find his way up her tunica, women however had been another thing all together. The three of them became tightly bound to each other, but there was still moments when Cornelia needed to be with her husband, moments that didn't include their lover. So as their stroll through the Liviae found their conversation turning to the subject of Venusiana, she secretly cut him a glare from the corner of her eyes. 
"She has made hints of new silks for her attire, I figured we would find some rich blues and reds for her, along with matching wool." She said, mirth masking her flash of jealousy. She pulled her fine woolen shawl around her shoulders tighter as they came to sit in a quiet location. The order of wine and food was made clear and she watched as the young slave scurry away towards the vendors. "I do hope this one does a better job at picking out the wine. The last time I was here, the wine was not a sweet as it should have been." She commented softly.
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Quintus valued her opinion. There were many times when her good sense not only preserved the family, but also strengthened his position in Rome itself and political partnership aside. There was a genuine love and affection between them. It was only heightened through Venusiana's love for them both. He was a fortunate man in many ways. Blessed by the Gods. Both women loved each other, no rivalries for him and he loved knowing that if Caesar ever called him elsewhere in the Empire. Cornelia would not be left alone. 

"Hm, new silks sound lovely, and something with wool, too." He echoed Cornelia's words, gave her hand a gentle squeeze and smiled. Naturally, when Cornelia's birthday approached she would receive a variety of gifts herself. Quintus was not necessarily skilled when it came to clothing. He knew expensive clothing, well-made, and other depictions of status. But style? Preference? Those were entirely Cornelia's domain. All he knew was he loved seeing their beautiful outfits -- and removing them from their shapely forms. 

He nodded in agreement. "Oh Gods, the stuff we got last time was bitter, and did not taste nice, did it?" Quintus asked, screwed his face up and shuddered at the memory of the taste. "I want something sweet, refined and lovely. Just like my wife." He praised her, and his gaze lingered on hers lovingly. Behind him he heard the scurrying of feet as the slave approached with two different pitchers of wine. "Ah, wine!" Quintus exclaimed fondly at the sight. 

"Two kinds, Domines. One sweetened with honey and the other Falerian," The slave said and poured the wine. 


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Cornelia was no stranger to her husband's lack of skills when it came to tailoring. But that knowledge was needed neither for the admiration of the finery she and their beloved wore, nor the removal of said finery. The latter of which, he was aptly skilled at, if you went by their brood of children and the fact that they weren't exactly shy about the sexual side of their relationship. While, Cornelia was certain, most couples in Rome viewed sex as merely a tool of continuing the family, she was never one to deny herself something that brought her pleasure. 
"I'll figure it out, you can have your fun later when the dresses are made and upon her." She said, a twinkle in her eyes as they were delivered wine, the promise of food coming soon, she had hoped. And she took the offered goblet once it was poured and handed to her. "I had also thought of jewelry, but it is close to her birthday to have anything made to match what she already has. I suppose I could talk to one of the merchants though to see what they have ready made." She continued the conversation almost absent of mind as she sipped at her wine. 
"Of course on the subject of such occasions, we should perhaps discuss what we should plan for the children's. Minor's will be here before we know it." Rufiana would be ten this year, their eldest son a strapping 14. It unnerved her that her children were growing up. The boys, she knew would follow in the footsteps of their father and other male relatives. She was prepared for them to grow and join the ranks of military and senate. Her girls, however, she knew were borrowed time. Her time was limited to teach them of men and the ways of the world, of how they can be of use, politically, to their husbands. 
And yet, she felt dread when she realized her eldest daughter, her longed for girl, would soon be of marriage age. She would lose her far sooner than she had ever expected. 
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Quintus' eyes twinkled at her comment. Their Venusiana was a goddess to behold, and Cornelia had never been jealous nor hostile. Venusiana was as much her love as she was his.

He too accepted the wine and sipped it in thought. When it came to gifts he would have preferred to have Cornelia's stylish eye choosing whatever it happened to be. "I am sure we will find something suitable," He answered, although they all knew what that meant. Cornelia would likely choose something and he would have his body slave hand over the necessary coin for the item. 

Then there were the children's birthdays coming up. It felt like only a short time ago they were only children who required their parents. Their eldest son was getting closer to becoming a man, and the obligations that came with the position. "Hmm, perhaps a new horse for Minor? Or the family could travel somewhere in the empire to show him life outside the city proper," Quintus continued, smiled softly and extended his hand to rest on her arm to reassure her. His fears for their children leaned more to the potential for disgrace and shame. 

"Has he or Rufiana said what they would like for their birthdays?" Quintus asked. He tried to spend time with his children yet Cornelia spent more time with them than he did. It would be some time before any concern for the younger children. He was all too happy for them to have their childhood. After all, there was only a limited time for them to be children before becoming adults, and dealing with responsibilities that came with it. 



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