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Daddy Issues


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When Oriana's father sat her down for the evening to speak to her about something important, she assumed he found another husband for her. She had been dreading the day, not knowing if she even met the man she would marry. Her heart was pounding when her father arrived. The two ate dinner together, which was a rarity unless they were having guests. It must have been that there was a husband being introduced, right? She couldn't think of anything else it would be. Once they were finished with their dinner, Ordovian cleared his throat. The words he said next were the ones she least expected. 

"I am not your father." 

Oriana's mouth dropped. What was he talking about? Of course he was. He'd been with her his whole life, as long as she knew. The man then went on. 

"Your mother told me how much she hated you because you weren't mine, just some bodyguard she slept with. This was a little before she died when she revealed the name. I wanted to kill him, but I just never had enough energy in me to do so." 

The apple didn't fall far from the tree, Oriana thought. Her mother slept with her bodyguard and so did she. Her mother probably would've hated her more if she knew her now. Oriana realized that she had told her father a name. "Who is it?" She asked, not thinking she'd know the man. He was probably dead now--a lot of bodyguards died in their line of business. 

"A man by the name of Marcus Falco. I haven't seen him for twenty-two years, so he's probably long gone or dead by now." 

Oriana's face went white and her eyes widened. No, no, no. There were hundreds of thousands of people in Rome, and her father had to be the one man she despised, the man she hated the most. He screwed her over time and time again, and that scumbag had to be her father? She felt dirty that her bloodline was actually one of Marcus Falco's. He hadn't seen him in 22 years, but it had only been a month since she last saw him. 

"Don't worry, Oriana. I will still find a suitable husband for you. You are adopted, and as far as I'm concerned, a legitimate child of mine. Nobody will need to know." 

She didn't really hear the words her father was saying. She was fuming at the thought of this man being her father. "I have to go," she said, standing up and briskly walking away. She went to her room, knowing she had to visit the asshole tonight. She put on her cloak. Oriana didn't let Alexius know where she was going, so she slipped out of the home and made her way into the city. 

Ever since her deal with Helios, she knew exactly where to find Marcus. Ironically enough, he worked at the Venus. How many illegitimate children did he have? She didn't want to know. When she was about to approach the Domus Venus, she saw the man keeping watch outside. Of course it was him. She was angry, but she had to approach him so he didn't think she would kill him. Though she had definitely thought about it before this revelation. He must have not known or else he wouldn't have talked to her as slimy as he did. 

She couldn't calm herself though; she was angry and confused. Oriana walked up to him, her temper getting the best of her. "Marcus fucking Falco," she said, obviously angry. "We need to have a little discussion about who you stick your dick in." Her voice was raised, but she wasn't planning on staying outside of the Venus. She was pissed



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Marcus Falco was completely oblivious to the conversation that had been had taken place between Oriana and her father. It was unlikely that he would have believed her even if he had overheard the conversation that was taking place. 

It was not Marcus she approached or managed to attempt to barge into the establishment with. There was security that would need to be passed, and a noblewoman's tantrum about what what a guard chose to do with his pecker was another matter entirely. He had heard a discussion taking place at the door. Aquila was excellent when it came to defending the establishment and could always be relied on for murder. His door manner was not the best when it came to dealing with customers. One of the other guards came to speak with him to warn him that there was a woman calling for him. 

There was only one woman who was foolish enough to try to pull something like this. 


The normally silent Aquila stepped in and blocked her path. His large arms crossed against his chest and glared down coldly at her in a silent (and final) warning to lower her voice. He did not share Falco's patience. He blocked her path, his large frame prevented her, and unlike Falco. He was more than willing to dump her backside in the gutter. This was an esteemed establishment, and would be treated as such. She would not be the first uppity potential worker who tried to disturb the peace. Aquila did not care what Falco had been putting his cock in. Another jilted lover? Falcos' cock was not going to get in the way of business. 

"Silence yourself, cunt. Or I will cut it out." Aquila rarely, if ever, spoke to people, and unlike Falco. He had no qualms about maiming women. This was her first and final warning. 

Marcus began to approached the entrance in hopes that Aquila won't do what he had regularly been told to do. Strangely enough, he was worried and concerned for Oriana's safety. It was strange, she was so much like him, so... much. 


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Of course the coward had a bodyguard. She didn't care about anyone in this god forsaken establishment. She assumed that the bodyguard mostly had to deal with men who maybe didn't get enough pleasure from a prostitute or men being too aggressive. And when he called her a cunt, she took a few steps back. Fine, this wasn't the place to talk. But she was not going to let someone talk to her like that, especially someone that was probably a slave. She had no idea who he was, but he was lower than her. But she was a few feet back from him now. 

"You're going to threaten me? Fine. But tell your coward cunt of a boss to come out here. You'd be pretty pissed if he fucked your mother, too." She didn't get angry often, but lately she saw herself getting more angered. She would never talk like this in front of anyone. She knew he was listening, he had to be. And the way she was speaking to him through his bodyguard was shameful and ignorant.

"I'm going down to the popina to not cause an argument at this fine establishment." She was obviously being sarcastic about the Venus being a fine establishment, and though it was nice, it was still a brothel with women and men who probably had many diseases. Oriana started walking away, wondering if Marcus would even meet her there. 


Edited by Sydney
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Aquila was more impressed by what he left in the latrines in the morning. He knew as did many others about the quality of the Domus Venus. Senators, Imperials, and the grandest of people frequented this place. Still, it sounded like she was another of Falco's many jilted lovers. Fucking a girl's mother too? Now that was an impressive score, even by Falco's standards. Normally Aquila would have been oh-so thrilled to hear about Marcus' adventures but he was on the clock. Instantly, he went back to work and assisted people into the establishment when he heard Marcus' footsteps come up behind him. 

"She is at the popina down the road. If she comes here again. She dies." Aquila murmured into Marcus' ear, and he nodded. Marcus was utterly puzzled at the concern he had for her. Sure, Aquila was a sadist and was the one they sent when they wanted the person to suffer. He spoke quietly to Aquila and passed some coins so that he would buy time away from his place of work. Sure, Marcus had also killed before -- but it was work. Aquila loved killing and torture. No-one deserved what Aquila did to them. Marcus had no idea what Oriana wanted.

He saw her, and without the infamous black wig. 

At least one thing had improved. 

Her hair... it reminded him of someone....

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He demanded sharply, more like a protective father than an angry lover. Marcus reached out and turned her around by the shoulder. He was angry, and had seen so many go down that path. There were few who rose to the zenith and gained wealth, respect, and freedom. While many suffered. "Why on earth would you go there?!" 


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Oriana didn’t have to wait long before Marcus appeared at the popina. She didn’t take a seat yet before she heard his familiar voice. She crossed her arms at his first question. “What the fuck is wrong with me?” She scoffed. He was about to find out what was wrong with her. 

He spun her around and she looked at him. This man...this scum was her father? She was always told that she was a carbon copy of her mother so she couldn’t point out any features that they shared. “I went in there because, if it wasn’t for your fucking bodyguard, I was going to punch you. Because you messed everything up.” Oriana was flaming. 

“You’re the reason my mother is dead. If it wasn’t for you...” She took a breath. If it wasn’t for him, she would’ve never been born and her mother wouldn’t have hated Oriana as much as she did. There was finally a reason. “Let’s sit down and talk about this. Because there is a lot to talk about.” 


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Marcus had never killed a woman.

His job was not always considerate towards the fairer sex, and to ensure they did not damage the reputation of the establishment. If they wished to end a woman's life they would usually send Aquila. He had no scruples when it came to doing the crimes that they were not comfortable with doing. 

"Dead?!" He asked, in shock and remembered her. Oh.. how could he possibly forger the times he spent with her in his (and Calvunus') arms. It was never easy to think that a woman he had been intimate was long amongst the living. Marcus was not sure whether he should humour her or not. He turned to look back in the direction of the doorway where he could see Aquila at the doorway. Marcus exhaled, shrugged and looked in the popina she had chosen. It was good enough. 

"Come on, we can talk here," He said, did not wait for her to enter and sat with his back against the wall. Marcus had no desire for someone to try to approach him from behind or shank him in the ribs. Marcus waited for her to sit down and join him. There were many questions he wanted to ask her -- and perhaps, she simply needed to vent her frustrations for a while. 


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Oriana had been increasingly frustrated lately. She felt like her whole world was falling apart and nothing could ever go right. She knew she was being a little dramatic, but with everything on the line, she had so much to lose. This had just been another thorn in her side. 

She was obviously upset, but maybe Marcus wouldn’t want to kill her if he knew he was her actual father. If she spoke of it, it was real. And she really didn’t want it to be real. Oriana had come this far, and he had to know. It was still impossible to imagine her mother, a prude, heartless woman, sleeping with someone like Marcus.

Oriana sighed and sat down, ordering a cup of wine. She was silent for a moment, trying to gather up her thoughts. “Gods, I hate you. And I want you to know that.” She said, gritting the words through her teeth before continuing. She let another moment pass before she spoke again. “You...my father told me that I’m not his actual child. It’s you, Marcus. And I cannot think of anyone worse than you.” 


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Marcus was silent while she ordered some wine, and fortunately, the barkeep understood that it would be a serious conversation because he was brought one too. It was rare for her to not speak. In fact, it was a complete opposite from literally every single encounter they had previously. He did not want to assume and hoped that his job had not been placed on the line from her outburst. He took a mouthful, and now was thankful he did not have the burden of having to deal with daughters. Were young women always like this? 

The first part did not surprise him. Hatred and being hated was a part of his line of work. Marcus shrugged, raised his cup in a toast and kept drinking in response. Finally! Some normalcy to their conversation. 

Then the next part. 

At first Marcus blinked in confusion. The news was certainly shocking to all involved and while he teased her regularly. It was more to get a reaction from her about her mother and her background. But this.... 

What the actual fuck? 

He sat with his mouth parted slightly and allowed the words to sink in. He was her father? Sure, he (and Calvunus) had spent time in the company of her mother. Yet she was not an inexperienced woman and knew about contraceptives to protect herself from an unwanted child. Even if she didn't, there was likely a woman in her company that knew someone who did. Still, there were many questions he had. Primarily.... 

"Why the fuck would you lie about something like this?" 


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The moment she got a cup of wine, she completely downed it. She was stressed, angry, and hated Marcus’ company. Her father could’ve been any of the thousands of people in Rome. He could’ve even been dead, which would’ve been better. She was embarrassed to be related to such a dirty person. And the things he said to her at one point...ick

There was silence when Oriana spoke, and when Marcus spoke again, it wasn’t what she expected. He thought she was lying?! If only she was! It would’ve been better for her in every way to lie than to tell him the truth. She could only roll her eyes at his incompetent answer. 

“You think I’m lying?” She said, snapping back. “Literally anything would be better than having you as a father. I’d rather my real father be dead.” She had her cup filled up with wine again. Oriana downed it once again.

“I came to tell you before we decided to slit each other’s throats. My adoptive father told me that my mother told him before she died. Figures, she was out to make everybody’s lives miserable. And now her dumbass decision to sleep with you is still making my life miserable ten years after she died.”


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Here she goes again. 

Marcus poured himself more of the wine, sighed to himself and over time. Women talking turned into white noise that he could fade out if he tried enough. Marcus did not know what her end game in trying to tell him this. Marcus was used to being insulted. Most of the time? It was another thing to hear Oriana's mother spoken about so cruelly. By no means was Adriana the love of his life. But she was a good person, well, to him she was anyway. Marcus didn't buy her story that she was his child. Sure, the pair of them had similar personalities, but still..... 

"Do you know what the pressure is like to be a woman in Rome? Married to a man who doesn't care for you? Watch your husband take as many lovers as he desires all while having to save yourself for him?" He asked each question one by one, and ignored how he was highly hypocritical towards his own neglected wife. 

Marcus answered for her. 

"It isn't easy. Now," He paused, tried to think of why she would lie about something like this. It wouldn't do her any good. Legally her mother's husband, or to him, her real father (Aulus) would be responsible for her. Marcus was not legally educated. "Why... would you lie about this? Hm?" He asked with surprising gentleness. 


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Oriana was clearly upset about the situation. She wanted to get her words in, but maybe it was better to listen. She needed to settle down and hear him out. She took a breath and listened. He spoke, not in a hateful way, but in a way that she understood. She knew exactly what he was talking about and it showed on her face. She gripped her cup as she had it filled again, but she didn’t take a drink from it. Not yet. Had her father, Aulus, really slept around? She wouldn’t be surprised. She never paid attention to that kind of stuff as a child. 

He asked her again why she would lie about this. She shrugged. “I don’t know. You tell me why I would lie about this.” She took a sip of her wine. “I’m richer than you. I have a great life with a great father. I gain nothing from this, but you gain everything.” If he was really a slime ball, he would use this as leverage against her. He’d tell people and she wouldn’t even be considered as a marriage candidate to Senators or anyone of her class. Everything she worked for would be...gone. 

She couldn’t even look at Marcus. Oriana looked down at her wine, almost in shame at what is happening. 


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Marcus still could not believe that this was happening. 

He could not think of a reason. 

"To stop me from killing you?" He suggested. Already he felt conflicted enough as it was. Even before, he was angry and yet... a protective side of him remained. If she was his daughter than it explained a lot about her behaviour. D-did he actually feel sorry for her in this moment? It was true. Marcus could destroy her reputation and future prospects. What he wanted to do was balanced on the scales. A part of him believed that this could still be a ploy. 

Despite it all. He could not do that to her. If she was his daughter. How could he live with himself? 

It was tempting. Oh so tempting to use it with wicked intent. 

"Oriana," Marcus said, with a fatherly sigh and caught himself on. He cleared his throat and rested his hand on his chest to ease up with it. "I will not do anything with this information. This is not your world. It is mine. You need to stay away from this place, and..... people like me." 


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