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Upon Autumn's Awakening


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September 74

Swinging himself off his horse, Jullus landed on the dirt path in front of the villa's gate with a soft thug and small cloud of dust that kicked up. He pulled his cloak around him tighter as a breeze cut through him, and he handed off his horse to one of the slaves that came out to meet him. Unlike the city, which always seemed warmer due to the population and bustle of the city, he could tell that Autumn was slowly taking hold of the country side. Just by the feel of the air. He supposed it was only proper, the Queen of the Underworld had returned to her husband once more, after all. 
"Is my daughter home?" He asked the housekeeper as he strolled up to the stairs that lead up into the welcoming building that his daughter called home.  He was answered with a mere nod  as he was ushered in into the much warmer inside. He had come unannounced, but knew by the time he entered the home the slaves would have found their domina and alerted her to her father's arrival. That he should expect the children of the household to rush their way through the home to greet their grandfather, newly returned from his station in Gaul. 
He was never home long, just enough to check on his children and siblings. But it seemed to be enough for now. Though his boys were growing older now, and from quiet conversations with Valeria told him that he should be the one that saw to their training was never far from the back of his mind. However he had no desire to force them to relocate to Gaul with him, and away from the family they knew and depended upon.

@Gothic for Flavia Juliana

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There was a time when the news of her father's arrival would have filled her with dread. Now? It was a joyful occasion. It was difficult not being able to see spend time with him now. Her half-brothers resided with their uncle, Octavius in Rome itself and it was only during times she traveled to the city itself that she saw them. One of the household slaves came to inform her of his arrival. Quintus, her eldest boy rushed to meet with him and no doubt had several stories to share with him concerning his adventures. Both the twin girls followed with their arms outstretched eagerly for the embrace and followed by faithful nannies to ensure the children did not fall. They all embraced their grandfather as Juliana walked around the hallway. 

She smiled, delighted to see him and hurried her pace to walk (with a fast pace) towards him. Her arms wrapped around him and she smiled. "Pater! Welcome, it is good to see you." Juliana greeted him warmly. Every greeting felt precious. Their bond had increased after the purges and civil war that had caused considerable harm to their family. Her father was unmarried, an eligible bachelor and Caesar's only unmarried brother. 

"Come children, let your grandfather come inside. No doubt he has had quite a long journey to come here to see us." She added. Her hand rested on little Quintus' head and glanced behind her to see one of the household slaves nod that preparations had been made. Food and wine would be brought out once they had gone into a more suitable part of the villa.  

"How are you? And how was your journey?" Juliana asked. 


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