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Early May, 75 AD

So here he was again. At the arena, to see gladiators fight. Maybe it was an addiction? Now that he was no longer a gladiator, he could at least look at them. Think that he used to hate it, back then, but now that he was free, it was what he enjoyed spending time looking at. Thinking back to the time where he stood down there, on the sands, with the crowd wrapped around his finger as they called out his name and threw praises his way and the women threw more than just that. But then there was the part about being a slave, being forced to fight to survive. Being forced to kill to live and he had no choice. And then of course the other part of it. Gladiators were little more than most other slaves, owned by the Empire and anyone in it could buy a private time with him. And he’d have to do whatever they wanted him to do, because that’s how it was, when you were a slave and a gladiator.

 Great, so he’d been daydreaming again and now the first entertainment had come to the sands. No Thessala today, it seemed, but there was the gorgeous blonde, Annis. He’d seen her before, both fighting and also at the ludus, when he came to see Thessala and spar with her. But he’d yet to meet this one. She was good. She had a warriors blood in her, he could tell. And she was tall, because she was not born around here. Alexius did enjoy gladiatrices and not just because he’d loved one of them, once, back in the day. They were so fierce, so independent in their own way. Not sweet and meek like Roman women. That’s also why he enjoyed Oriana so much, because she could act the same way, sometimes. But the gladiatrices… there was just something about them.

 She won, of course. He yelled along with the rest of the crowd and then decided it was about time he met this one. Spared her the humiliation of sleeping with a random Roman who bought his way into her cell and to her bed. He wouldn’t force her. But if she wanted him, he’d be stupid to say no, wouldn’t he? So he left the seats of the arena and hurried down the steps and corridors and towards the gladiators dark corridors underneath the arena. He knew these like the palm of his hand. Finally he encountered a guard and paid a few coins to be allowed access to her.

 Annis would have been shown to a room of her own, most likely unaware of who was coming to see her. Gladiators and their female counterparts were often sold to wealthy romans for fun – he’d been through all of that too, once. But that wasn’t why he’d come here… he just wanted to meet her and hear how she was doing. He was led to the right room and the guard unlocked the door and let him enter. The door closed behind Alexius and he looked around in the faint light of the room, finally setting his eyes upon the fierce and blood-stained blonde warrior. Gods, she was more stunning up close, wasn't she? “Greetings, Annis. You fought well today.” He said with a charming smile to her, not coming closer to her just yet, instead staying near the door until he knew how approachable she was.


Edited by Atrice
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The fight had been quick, almost unfair in how easy it was. Annis's opponent was a new gladiatrix, fresh, and it was like playing cat and mouse. To the other girl's credit, she had landed a few glancing blows on the Briton. But obviously nothing life-threatening. The thought of fighting for entertainment had given Annis pause at first, and even still she felt it was wrong that she was turning her swords to some other woman rather than the Romans who had taken her father from her, and then stolen her and put her in this life. But she knew she had no choice. Even if she managed to get out of the ludus, she would have to venture through the entirety of the empire and somehow get back to Britannia without being caught. It was pointless. 


And then there was the other factor of being a gladiatrix. What came after the fight. She was used to it by now, being sold to Romans for their pleasure and being expected to "perform" in another way. But she knew she would be punished if she refused, so that was pointless, too. So, she detached herself, became someone else in order to survive the humiliation. Sometimes, though, it wasn't all that bad. Today, for instance. 


As the door opened, Annis turned to greet whoever it was. For once, it wasn't an aging senator or an equite who had saved up to have her. He was a somewhat familiar face; she had seen him around the ludus, hanging around Thessala. But she didn't know his name. He was handsome, tanned and muscular, and she gave a smile as he greeted her. "Thank you, dominus. I hope you were entertained." She had only gotten into the room a moment before him, and she still had a few cuts and spattered blood on her face and body, which overlaid the woad still painted on her face. "Do you mind if I clean myself up a bit?" 


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It was always a joy to see someone fight, who knew what they were doing. And judging by the fight between Annis and her opponent, said opponent was newer to being a gladiatrix than Annis was. She was skilled, just like Thessala, but of course not quite the witch as Thessala was. Annis was something else. Alexius had decided she was simply a warrior; a proud shieldmaiden that he’d heard came from Britannia, like so many others. A proud shieldmaiden degraded to gladiatrix, but that did not make her skills less impressive. He liked watching her.

 Then again, he liked watching most women. And now he was looking at her, as he had entered the room by the arena and she stood there waiting, looking him over just as he looked her over. She didn’t look disappointed, which was a good start. Maybe she’d seen him at the ludus with Thessala? He complimented her fight and she thanked him, hoping he was entertained and then she wanted to clean herself up a bit.

 “I was very much entertained. How could I not be… you know how to wield a weapon.” Alexius said, “And of course, feel free to clean up. Not that you need to, for me… it kind of suits you.” He added with a smile and a wink, “You don’t have to call me dominus, by the way. Alexius will be plenty.” He then said and moved over to lean against the wall near the door. Women such as her were probably used to the men instantly commanding them, when they’d paid for the woman’s time. But he wouldn’t do that. He knew what it was like. He would give her space and if she didn’t want that, he was sure she’d let him know somehow.


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"I was very much entertained. How could I not be... you know how to wield a weapon."

Annis grinned as he complimented her. "Thank you. I'm glad my fight was entertaining, though it might have been moreso if my opponent had been worth the effort," she laughed. She normally wasn't a braggart, but sometimes men enjoyed hearing things like that, so she decided to test the waters. As he affirmed that she could clean up, she dipped her head and turned toward a basin of clean water. She washed her face of the blood and blue paint and then her hands and arms, drying off with a towel. Now sufficiently clean, she turned toward the man, examining him again. 

The man spoke again, saying that she didn't need to call him dominus. She was slightly surprised at that. Most men were commanding, as he thought they were, wanting her to grovel before them as though they had conquered her. And sometimes she wondered if they weren't right. But she could tell this man was different. She smiled cautiously. "Alright then... Alexius." She watched him as he leaned against the door and realized he wanted her to set the tone for what would happen. She decided to keep talking for a while. 

"I've seen you around the ludus, haven't I? With Thessala?"


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She seemed to like his compliment at her fighting skills, although then she complained that her opponent had barely been worth the effort, “I’m sure it would have been. I enjoyed it none the less though.” Alexius said and had gone to lean against the wall near the door, to give her some space. He informed her she could just call him by his name and she seemed surprised, but seemed to accept it. She spoke fine Latin, he thought. She had been here a few years, hadn’t she? He had seen her more than once fighting. And then at the ludus training too. What a pity she was a slave.

 He watched her as she went over to a basin with water to cleanse herself, which was also kind of nice to look at. But he gave her space. He made no move on her. He was not just any other Roman coming to take advantage of her. Alexius was not that kind of guy. He didn’t want to be.

 She thought he looked familiar then, which earned her another of his trademark dimpled smiles, “You probably have. I’ve been allowed to come and spar with her from time to time; she is a very worthy opponent and a good friend. Not quite so much a witch when you get to know her though.” He said, “You however… you’re not quite like her. I’ve heard you’re from Britannia?” It was easy to catch gossip about the gladiators and their female counterparts, especially the more interesting ones. Annis was one of them, he thought.


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Annis grinned in response to his dimples. He was certainly a nice departure from what she normally had to deal with after fights. He was handsome, and, what was more, was giving her her space, which was very much appreciated. But she had felt a flutter in her stomach at the sight of him and her mind wandered toward other activities... But they were still talking, so she gave it some space to happen naturally, if it did at all. He wouldn't be the first man who just wanted to talk to her, after all. It wasn't unheard of. 

The talk continued toward Thessala and Annis nodded. "I agree, she is a worthy opponent. I enjoy our practice fights." Then Alexius continued to talk about Annis, asking her where she was from and mentioning that she and Thessala were not quite alike. "I am from Britannia. Our tribe was known for our fierce warriors. I hope I represent them well." She thought of her brother, Wulfrun, for a moment. She wondered whether he was even still alive, let alone still leading the tribe. But she didn't want to even entertain the thought. 

"What about you? What's your story?"


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Alexius was certainly not the kind of man who’d see a stunning looking woman and just want to talk to her. Charis knew all about that. But gladiatrices (and gladiators) were sometimes basically prostitutes and he didn’t want her to think he thought of her that way. He’d been on that end too once, after all. And it wasn’t a joy every time, he remembered that too well. So he let her set the pace and she didn’t seem to mind. She agreed that Thessala was a worthy opponent and Alexius nodded and asked further about her. He didn’t come here to talk about other women.

 “You represent them very well. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be here I imagine.” He said and then she wanted to know his story.

 He let out a small laugh, “Want the short or the long story?” He asked when he was done and looked around, “And before I talk too much… did anyone leave a jar of wine here? I’ll happily share a drink with you while we… talk.” Alexius said and looked around. There was a table in the room with a pitcher and a few cups, so that might be useful, unless there was just water in the pitcher. He hoped not.


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Likewise, Annis wasn't the kind of woman who only wanted to talk to such a handsome man. She would be glad to take advantage of the situation she found herself in: alone in a small room with a very attractive man. Alexius continued by saying that she represented her tribe well and she dipped her head. "I try." In response to her previous question, the man responded with another question. She chuckled. "Whichever you are willing to share, I suppose." He then asked for wine and she glanced around as well, noticing the pitcher. She moved toward it and poured two cups, handing one to him. "It's not the finest stuff but it's passable." She took a swig. 

Her legs had been weary from the battle and from standing so long, and she suddenly noticed. "Here, sit with me," she said, sitting down on the bed and patting her hand. 


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She tried to represent her tribe well and Alexius thought she succeeded very well in that. Then she’d asked about his story and when he laughed, she said he could just tell what he wanted to share. Well that might depend on the amount of wine in that pitcher. And for how long he had her alone for. Alexius took the cup she gave him and drank a gulp too, “It’s fine… I’m not looking for the finest vintage, as long as it’s wine.” Alexius said with a grin and followed her with his eyes, as she went over to sit on the bed. Now that he did not mind.

He came over to sit next to her, when she patted the space next to her and he leaned back against the wall behind the bed, “This isn’t half-bad. Wine and someone lovely to spend time with. Someone who’s even a warrior.” He smiled, looking at her. Oriana wouldn’t like this. But they weren’t as close as they had once been. She went out without telling him, meeting suitors and the like. And when she wasn’t at home, was he just supposed to sit around and wait for her, when he could go out and meet people? Alexius needed to socialize.

“So… my story? I was born in Germania, but captured and enslaved when I was still a kid. They took me to Rome, and eventually I ended up in the arena, as a gladiator.” Alexius explained, “But I won my freedom, so… here I am.” Well between the freedom and now, there was still more of a story, but there was also more wine. And there was Annis. He drank a swig from the cup to that fact.


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Annis watched him as he sat on the bed next to her, chuckling when he called her lovely. "You should be careful, you might inflate my ego," she teased. As she drank another sip of wine, listening to his story. Germania. She should have guessed from the look of him. He was every bit Germanian, just as she was every bit Briton. He mentioned that he was a gladiator and she raised her eyebrows. "Well, then, I should count your compliments even higher than I did, seeing as they came from a former gladiator." She meant it genuinely; many people could compliment her skills, but when it came from someone who had been in her same position, it meant even more. 

Then, he mentioned that he had won his freedom. She raised her cup in a toast. "I'll drink to that. To freedom." She pulled her feet up onto the bed and tucked them underneath herself, getting more comfortable. "And I bet freedom tastes even sweeter."


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Alexius smiled at her teasing comment on the ego, "I don't mind a woman who has her own will." He said to her and then told her a little bit about where he came from, since that's how it started - with him asking about her origins. Annis of course was surprised to hear he was a gladiator too and said she'd appreciate his compliments more than she did before. Alexius nodded, "Count them as high as you want. I meant every word I said." Alexius added, to make sure she knew he was not joking around. She was quite the warrior, she did fight well and he did enjoy seeing her fight. And not just because she was a gladiatrix, but because she knew her moves.

She would drink to freedom and he tapped his cup against hers, "To freedom then." They both downed a bit of the wine and she got more comfortable next to him, before talking more about freedom, "It does taste sweet enough. Sometimes though... there's a bit of bittersweetness to it." Alexius explained, "It hasn't been easy. And returning to Germania was not a good idea. I'm too much of a German for many Romans. But in Germania, I was too Roman. So I came back here." Alexius said, "Today I'm not sure where I belong. I guess that's why I come here. Fighting in the arena... that, I know about." He paused, realizing he had talked a lot. He didn't come here to talk about himself, but she did ask.

"But... enough about me. I imagine you dream about going back to Britannia? I have another friend from there too... she has the same dream. Were you a warrior there too?" 


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She smiled ruefully. "Hard to have a free will when you're a slave." But she let it go, there was no point discussing it. Not when there were sweeter pleasures just at hand. Annis listened to him as he explained that freedom had a bittersweetness, and the woman lapsed into pensiveness. It was something to think of. She wasn't sure if she would be accepted back by her tribe for even leaving in the first place to fight Romans, let alone after living in Rome this long. She had thought of it before, but hearing it from him somehow made it more real. But her heart hurt for him. "I've worried about that, too." She paused, biting her lip. "I'm sorry that happened to you." 

Then Alexius asked her about herself and she shrugged, unsure of whether to trust him. But, she reasoned, he had opened up to her. "Yes, I do. I left behind my mother and brother there." She sipped the wine again. It was nearly empty and she was starting to feel a little more relaxed. "Yes. My father was the leader of our tribe and I was practically born with a sword in my hand. I've been training my whole life."


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He nodded when she said she could not really have a free will as a slave. That much was true. He still enjoyed independent women and gladiatrices had a lot more of that to them, than most other female slaves. They were supposed to be humble and keep their heads down, but a gladiatrix? She was a warrior and had to be able to fight and put on a show and win the crowd, if she wanted to please her master and stay alive and maybe gain freedom. He told Annis a bit more about what happened to him after he gained the freedom, and why he came back to Rome. Annis said that part had her worried too, about returning and then she was sorry it happened to him.

"Me too. All my life I'd dreamt of freedom and returning to Germania. And then it wasn't what I hoped it would be." Alexius said. But he tried to change the subject and asked Annis more about her story. Most patrons who came here to have her after a fight probably weren't curious about where she came from or anything. They just wanted to say they conquered a gladiatrix. Annis seemed happy to share, telling him she left some family behind in Britannia and she had been training her entire life.

"It really shows. When I was a kid, I dreamt about fighting. I never knew I'd end up fighting in the arena though." Alexius said with a grin and emptied his cup of wine. He stood to pick up the pitcher and brought it over to the bed, "More wine?" He asked while he filled up his own cup first and looked at the lovely woman there on the bed. He wondered what she wanted. Did she just want to talk? He would have to make sure it was her choice. He didn't want to be like the rest of the Romans. He might be too Roman for his own people, but he wasn't so Roman he'd violate a woman who didn't want him.


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She dipped her head. "Thank you. My father and mother taught me well." He mentioned that he never dreamed he would end up in an arena. She could understand that feeling. She had been planning on ousting the Romans from her mother land by reviving Eppitacos's plans, but here she was. 

Annis watched as he got up to pour more wine, her smile taking on a more sultry tone. She stood and approached him, her hands smoothing out his tunic in an excuse to touch him. "Maybe in a little while. I'm sure you didn't come here just to talk to me?" He was a little taller than she was, but not by much, so she was at the perfect height to kiss him. She did so, pulling him in for a long, slow kiss. 


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Yes, it would seem that her parents had taught her very well. ow she ended up in Rome despite that… there could be so many reasons. The Romans did everything they could, when they went out to conquer other lands, he was sure of it. And Annis could just have been unlucky and have been at the wrong place at the wrong time. Or she could have been caught in or after a battle. You never knew and it would seem they weren’t going to talk more about that right now.

Alexius had emptied his wine and wondered if Annis wanted more, but instead she stood and eyed him with a certain smile. And she came closer, touched his tunica and mentioned he didn’t come here just to talk to her. Yet before he could answer that, she was kissing him. Gods… her lips were warm and soft and she smelled of wine and battle and she was not a bad kisser! So what if he paid his way to her, they would not be kissing if she’d not initiated it. Not that he would not love to initiate it, but she was a slave and he wanted her to know he would not take advantage of her like any other patron. This was her choice. And by the gods it was a fine choice!

When their lips parted, almost leaving him breathless, he gave her a smile and replied to her comment just before the kiss, “It would seem I didn’t.” And then he reached down to set the cup on the floor near the bed.

“You’ve got it all, don’t you? You’ve got the looks, you know how to fight and how to kiss…” Alexius said and came over to her again, sliding an arm around her back to pull her closer. He knew how he got after a good fight – when the blood was already rushing fast in his body and his heart was pounding and he wanted more action… after a good fight, a drink and sex was what he wanted most… “I’m sure you have more secrets to show me?” He had a playful glimpse in his eyes, as he looked at her and kissed her again. He had not been thinking about Oriana since he entered the room and she was far from his mind now. There was only Annis, now. And didn’t she know it?


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The kiss was all she had wanted it to be, warm and exciting and it left her wanting more. After a moment, he pulled away and spoke. She grinned at him as he set the cup down and pulled her closer, wrapping her own arms around his neck. One of her hands played in his hair as he spoke, saying that she had it all. He was right in his assumption in how she was feeling after a battle. The roar of the crowd brought the blood rushing into her entire body, and for hours afterward the effect could linger, heightening all her senses. He was an excellent kisser as well, she had noticed. 

"I'm sure you have more secrets to show me?"

Annis smirked again as he spoke. "I'm sure I do." He kissed her again and she let the moment last, then when they broke apart, she grinned. Her eyes locked on his own, she tugged the strings at the neck of her tunic, which opened it up, though not enough to expose much flesh. Then, she pulled the tunica over her head and threw it on the ground and kissed him again. 


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When he came back to her and pulled her closer, she wrapped her arms around his neck. As if they were two lovers, finally getting close again after a long way away from each other. It felt so good, he thought. She was taller than most Romans and not as shy at all. A proper Roman woman would not have initiated a kiss like she did. And she would not meet his eyes the way she did. He enjoyed the feeling of her fingers in his hair and he complimented her and she said she was sure she had more secrets to show him.

Their lips met again, it felt more passionate this time, but it broke once more. Without talking, she opened the neck of her tunic and pulled it over her head. Well… how could he not smile at the sight of a goddess before him? She was slender and fit, as he expected her to be. Gorgeous, really. His eyes wandered over her beautiful almost-naked body and he could barely wait with touching her and give her pleasure, so he could feel her reaction and hear her voice, asking for more. She still wore something though.

Alexius easily pulled his tunica off too, he wore breeches underneath and something on his feet of course, but that didn’t matter much. He wanted to feel her body against his. Without a word, he came closer again and let his fingers dance over her warm skin to undo the wrappings that still covered her breasts and kept them in place. When he dropped the wrappings to the floor, he gave her another smile, pulling her close again, so he could feel her breasts against his bare chest, “You are so beautiful, Annis.” Because she was! Venus in the flesh and the only woman he could think about right now, “Gods I want you.”


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Annis's mind had almost gone blank, in a way. All she knew was the feeling of his lips against hers, his flesh against hers after he took the wrap off her chest. He called her beautiful and despite herself, she smiled. The compliment felt genuine. Then he said he wanted her and it was all the signal she needed. She had been standing with her back to the bed, but she easily turned the man around and gently pushed him onto the bed. "I want you too."

The woman crawled on top of him, straddling him, and held his head in her hands, meeting his lips again. Her hands explored his body, toned and fit from his time in the arena. 


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His compliment was genuine. She was a goddess in the flesh, he knew that now. And her warm and naked body against his felt more than good, it was perfect. He had his arms around her back and ran his hands over her body, feeling her curves and his hand touched her long and blonde hair. It was a treat, that she wanted him, that she admitted it and he gave her the choice. She could have chosen not to do this and just have a break from the other patrons. But this was her, wanting him and that made him feel great. When he said he wanted her, she swung them around and pushed him onto the bed. Alexius smiled up at her, reaching his hands up to grasp her while she crawled up to straddle him. He sighed into the kiss while her hands and fingers explored his body. Gods, he was more than ready.

"These needs to go too..." He said in a pause from her lips and reached a hand down to undo the strings of his breeches. His other hand was on her side and on her thigh, feeling her just like she was feeling him. How could he not want Annis? She was beautiful and she really had it all, besides being a slave of course. But he didn't think of her like that. She was a woman and he adored her for what she was. 


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Annis had about the same thoughts that Alexius did; he was a god, bronzed and muscular and perfect. His hands exploring her curves sent a pleasant shiver down her back. She felt before he said it that he was ready and she grinned, giving him one last quick kiss before climbing off and standing to shrug her own leggings off. After, she helped him pull his breeches off. 

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The feeling of her hands on his skin set him on fire and he wanted more - he wanted to be as close to her as possible. feel her body against his and feel and give pleasure. She appeared to enjoy his touches too and she grinned when he told her that his breeches had to get off. Alexius opened them and Annis climbed off him to also get rid of her own leggings. Alexius was leaning back on his elbows while she pulled them off him and he met her eyes with an engaging smile. It should be quite clear now just how ready for her he was - not that it was hard to arouse Alexius at all, he enjoyed sex and pleasure at all times and even though he got some at home, he was sometimes nearly unstoppable. He wanted more, "Come on back..." Alexius said with a grin, beckoning her with his fingers to get back and straddle him. He didn't mind her being on top at all.


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Annis was used to giving pleasure to men who bought her time after her time in the arena, but it was rare that the person in her room wanted to give her pleasure, too. She smirked when she saw how 'ready' he was, and she shook her head playfully. "I don't think I'm ready to stop teasing you yet," she said, her voice sultry. She took him in her hand and began her work with a light and enticing touch. 


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Alexius was waiting as patiently as he could, for her to get back on top of him and get to the action. But it wasn't happening. Well, he had allowed her to hold the reins here and it would be at her pace and what she liked. And apparently, she would tease him! She smirked and shook her head and admitted it. Then she came closer and took his manhood into her hand and began to work it... "Wow..." Alexius said, leaning his head back on the bed, gods that felt good. His one hand grasped a sheet and it wouldn't be long before she had him squirming and moaning while he was literally in the palm of her hand. He wanted to reach out and pull her on top of him, but as long as she did what she did, how could he... when it felt so good?


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Annis enjoyed taking control in the bedroom sometimes. Particularly when her partner was clearly enjoying it so much, like Alexius was. The breathy nature of his voice turned her on even more and she continued working with a renewed vigor. But soon enough she knew she had teased him enough and she stopped, giving him a heartbeat to catch his breath before climbing on top, using her hand to guide him into her. 


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Alexius wasn't picky - not when it came to women (or men) and not when it came to whatever happened when you were sharing some good pleasure. And he definitely couldn't mind what Annis was doing to him, although she made it hard to speak and she knew what she was doing. Most women were not so often in control, but in a situation like this... she was definitely holding the reins. And she did it very well. Finally though, she stopped and he was almost surprised, inhaling a deep breath and looking up at her. It didn't take long though, before she sat on top of him and Alexius wrapped an arm around her to pull her closer and feel her body against his. He let out a long sigh when he felt her around him and closed his eyes, trying to control himself and not just take her, even though she was on top. This was something else than with... oh... right, Oriana. Well, he couldn't think about her now. It wasn't fair. He'd think about her later. Alexius gave Annis a smile as she had straddled him, "You feel so good." He said, "I'm all yours." For now anyway...

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