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The Crush of the Crowd

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"I have heard that there are very many beautiful temples in Greece - where I grew up, we had three in that style, though they were still working out the thing with the columns, that makes them look straight, and they hadn't got it quite right so the columns are all... " he made a gesture with his hands, sketching a cigar shape in the air. "Though I've been told that the temples built later are all much nicer to look at. I suppose the gods want nice temples to live in, but Paestum's temples aren't bad." At least, Rufus didn't think they were, but he wasn't a god who demanded the perfect temple, so what did he know?

"I think I'd like to see the Pharos - imagine a tower with a light that can be seen from half a sea away, days before you ever reach harbour."

He had no idea how far away the horizon was, but it must be a very long way away indeed. He thought that he missed the horizon most of all; Rome was just crowded with people and buildings and he missed the open expanse of sea and sky.



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"That's why I would like to visit Greece. Their architecture is so similar to the Roman style, and yet different. I would love the chance to see it in person." She smoothed out her skirt. She did enjoy seeing the things that men were able to do with stone and time. They built such beautiful buildings, and a well-built, stylish building pleased her eye almost as much as the natural beauty God created. Rufus mused about the Pharos, towers of light to help guide ships to their docks. "Oh, that sounds amazing. Though to fully appreciate it, I imagine one would have to climb aboard a ship again." She laughed. 

She thought quietly for a moment. "There are benefits to being on a ship, though. The ship itself can be crowded, but at least there's plenty of empty space to examine. I remember seeing some huge fish while I was coming to Rome. It was a wonder to see."


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"I've never been in a ship, though people tell me they're dreadfully uncomfortable." He supposed they were far more likely to be uncomfortable if you were there as part of the cargo, getting shipped half a world away to a slave market somewhere, and thanked all the gods that he'd never had to endure that, only the long trek up from Paestum to Rome, to a slave market in a place where he could speak the language at least. He'd rather accompany his master somewhere and travel in some vague sort of comfort as a personal attendant.

"That must be something to see," he said. "We could see dolphins, sometimes, if we were very lucky, just standing on the cliff near the shore - though they didn't come that close very often. I suppose people are more likely to see them if they're on a boat or ship or something. Though there are stories of dolphins rescuing shipwrecked sailors."

Like, oh, Actaeon - no, he was the one Diana turned into a deer, wasn't he? Someone - Rufus could never remember all the names in all the legends.



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Aglaea smiled as Rufus mentioned dolphins. "Yes, I saw dolphins a few times as well on my journey. I also saw whales - I've never imagined animals so big." At the time, the only frame of reference Aglaea had about whales had been the story of Jonah, which had sent her below deck when she thought of it. But looking back, she knew that she had been very lucky to see such a thing when some people had never even stepped on the deck of a ship. 

The woman glanced up at the sky and then realized she had been idling for some time, speaking with this nice young man. "It was a pleasure speaking with you, Rufus. I'm afraid I must be going now, though. I suppose I've been putting off returning home to tell my mistress I was robbed." She chuckled good-naturedly. She wasn't really afraid of Livia, and if they worked together, they could conceal the theft from Secundus. "Thank you for sitting with me. I hope we meet again."

@Sharpie End?

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Rufus supposes that such big creatures as he's heard that whales are wouldn't be likely to come so close to the sea-shore that people could see them from land, so he's never seen them himself.

"It was nice to meet you, Aglaea," he says, getting to his feet and offering his hand to help her up. "I hope you won't be in too much trouble over the money."

She didn't seem to be terrified of letting her mistress know about it - she didn't look as if she was too mistreated, not like some slaves Rufus had seen in his time. She seemed to be well-treated and well-cared for, at least if her dress was anything to go by, she was.

He looked towards the Curia, where the first senators were already making an appearance after the meeting.

"I should go too - my master will be wanting me," he said. "I've enjoyed talking with you - I hope we meet again, some time." It probably wouldn't be any time soon; who knew whether Rufus' master and Aglaea's mistress moved in similar circles, after all.


@Echo - end! It's been a fun one, thanks!

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