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Rutiliana's Ladies


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This is a wanted ad for Flavia Caesaris aka Rutiliana
She needs her 'household' so to say.

No faces are listed, nor nationality.
Names will be left up to the player too.

please tag me (Eris) or hit me up on discord (madxasahatter#4230)
should you be interested. sort of first comes first serves.

Intelligent - Patient - Firm
Skilled in languages and health issues.

Protective - Takes No Crap - Firm
Former lady gladiator
brought to the palace because Ru favored them in the games.

Constant - Loyal - Efficient
Pretty much runs Ru's little household.
Doesn't let her charge get away with much.

"Cosmetic Slave"
Flirty - Creative - Chatty
A new addition to her household.

"Hair Dresser"
Quiet - Creative - Sweet
A new addition to her household, like the above.

"Body Slave/Companion"
Loyal - Clever - Secret Keeper
Has been with Ru the longest.
Knows her secrets and fears and keeps them close to her heart.
Clever and easily fades into the shadows if she feels she must 'spy' on those who might harm her charge.
Ru plans on freeing her soon, but wishes to keep her on as paid help.


Edited by Eris
forgot some info
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