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Late September, 76 AD

It was late September and fall was definitely coming upon Rome now. The weather wasn’t too cold yet, but it was not summer either. Pinaria pulled her palla closer around her and looked over her shoulder after her servant, Gaia Lucia. The woman was actually a freedwoman, but she and Pinaria had not yet parted ways and she wasn’t sure she wanted to. At the same time, she was not sure if it was actually love between her and Lucia, but they cared for each other. Deeply. And Gaia Lucia came with her everywhere.

 Soon it would be dark and they needed to head home from the temple. Lucia suggested a shortcut through an alley between a few streets, said she knew it. Lucia said it wasn’t entirely safe though, so they should hurry. Pinaria nodded and followed the former slave. But Lucia hurried a little too much and suddenly she was too far away. It had become darker as they walked and suddenly, Pinaria did not feel safe at all. She tried to call for Lucia, who had disappeared around a corner. Pinaria stopped for a moment to call for her servant again.

 That’s when she heard it, in the silence behind her. Footsteps coming in her direction. She looked over her shoulder to see a hooded figure some way behind her, “Hello? I don’t mean to bother you… I’ll be on my way…” She said and moved on, but the person kept following her. Suddenly he was right behind her and held a blade to her throat. Pinaria froze and squeezed her eyes shut. She thought about her son. This was not happening, was it? It was...

 “Please, don’t hurt me… I have a son…” She said, and yet she felt the man pull her closer, “What do you want? I don’t have any money. I gave them all to the temple. You can have my necklace…” She suggested to the stranger behind her, “I don’t care about such things…” He whispered back to her and she felt the blade cut into her throat and stinging pain of it. He’d cut the side of her throat. It wasn't deep, but enough to make her bleed. She felt his other hand move up. He touched the wound and got her blood on his fingers.

 “Wha… what do… you want?” She stuttered, afraid, but she heard nothing but his breathing as he touched the wound again and smeared the blood between his thumb and his other fingers. Suddenly she heard her name and she dared to look up. It was Gaia Lucia! Lucia came back for her! The man behind her saw it too. He let go of her, but not before he also cut her arm through her palla as he pulled back. Then he quickly ran away in the other direction. Pinaria ran towards her servant and fell into her embrace. She felt her heart pounding in her chest. Together the two women made the rest of the way out into the more open street again. Now, however, it was entirely dark. And there was still a bit of a way to get home. 

"I'll run for help!" Gaia Lucia promised Pinaria and tired as she was from the sudden incident, she didn't argue before it was too late. Suddenly she was alone again! What if that maniac came back? What in the name of Hades did he want? With a sigh she dared to take her eyes off the street for a moment, as she leaned against a nearby wall and moved the palla away from her arm to inspect the bleeding wound.

Edited by Atrice
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He wasn't often out late, not being much of a social butterfly, but there had been a particularly good play on at the theatre, and Spurius had learned to appreciate thespianism well executed. He didn't indulge many vices, even though he could now afford them - to the point where it was occasionally commented on, but he did partake of a little high culture. He might be a Plebian but he was a successful businessman, which meant he was reasonably well off.

However, the play had ended and home was now his objective. It was too far for him to walk with his bad leg, so Romulus and Remus - Romano-germanic identical twins of significant proportions - were carrying him home in his litter. Compared to those of the wealthiest his was fairly lightweight and far from elaborate, but it was one of the few luxuries that he indulged in, even if circumstances made it more of a necessity.

There were various sounds in the evening's twilight, as the twins took a shortcut through one of the less properous - and less well lit - streets; the clanking of pottery being washed, a loud conversation, the laughter of children. And somewhere up ahead running feet. None of which seemed unusual until the litter drew abreast of a figure huddled against one of the walls of the buildings that lined the street, and even in the fading light, dark stains were visible on what was surely a woman's clothing.

"Stop." He told the twins, peering across the street at the figure. From what he could see she looked well dressed, and that was surely blood. "Are you hurt?" The man's voice called out across the street. Possibly a foolish question but there were many traps for the unwary on the meaner streets of Rome.


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She looked up when she heard the footsteps, immediately afraid that it was the attacker returning to do more. Why didn't he... do anything else? Was he just out to hurt and eventually kill her, but didn't get the chance to finish his plan? Why her? Had she done something to someone, offended someone? She couldn't recall that she had. Why would someone want to hurt her then? At last the footsteps were close enough and she realized she'd been still as if she was paralyzed, when she heard them. But now a litter came into view, carried by two strong slaves, and she relaxed her posture a little bit again. Then suddenly the litter stopped, close to her. Fuck, was this it? Maybe this was whoever had been out to get her. She could not imagine someone would hurt her just to hurt her, if there wasn't a reason. He must have been hired by someone...

A man looked out from the litter then and asked if she was hurt.

"Yes." She merely answered, "My... servant has run for help." She added, but didn't want to yell too much more, in case the attacker heard her. Gods! She felt how her heart was still pounding at the thought of it. Her mind began searching for answers again... if there were any to find...


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There was a faint sigh. "Down." The man's voice commanded, and the litter was lowered to the ground. It sounded like the woman was in shock. Why send her servant away, and stay sitting there? It was the only explanation.

Unfolding his rangy form from the littler, Spurius grasped his staff and stood up, crossing the short distance to where the woman sat huddled. Yes, that was blood, he could smell it as well as see it in the twilight. "Let me see." He said, firmly but more gently than when he patched up mild injuries on those whom he traded. He thought it was her arm and her throat, yet clearly neither were deep, else she wouldn't still be speaking, or possibly even conscious.

Kneeling down slowly with the aid of his staff, Spurius set the aid aside and pulled at the edge of his woolen toga. Grasping the fabric in strong hands, he tore a strip from the bottom of it, folding it into a soft pad. "Hold this against your neck." He commanded, already tearing another strip.

It had to be shock, he told himself. That or she bore pain very well. Or it was a trap.


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She heard him give a command to his slaves and soon after, the man left the litter and stood. He had a staff he leaned on, he wouldn’t be much help if her attacker returned. Hopefully the attacker would not, but you never knew. If it happened once… she shivered by the thought of it all, felt her lips tremble, but she would not sob in front of a stranger! She bit her cheek. Meanwhile the stranger asked to see and he knelt down.

 Pinaria was grateful that he just looked, he didn’t touch her, she didn’t think she could stand that right now. The palla was ruined now. A cut through it and blood. She didn’t know how much her throat was bleeding… she said nothing as the man began tearing his toga apart and folded it, handing it to her.

 “Is it… is it bad?” She asked with a trembling voice and looked up, trying hard to be strong, while she blinked away a tear. She barely noticed it though, as her mind was elsewhere, “What… what if… he comes back?”


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 "You're not dying." He assured her gruffly, channeling the old medicus of his legion as she asked how bad the injury was. But the tremble in her voice as she asked and the pale gaze that looked up at him begged for reassurance, even as she was clearly trying to be brave in the face of what had happened. "You'll be alright." He added, a little more gently. "I'm going to bandage your arm." It wasn't a question, and with deft fingers he wound the second strip of toga cloth a few times about her arm, firmly but not painfully, and tied it off.

What… what if… he comes back?

Spurius finished his work and sat back slightly. "You won't be here." He told her simply. "You're going to get into my litter, and we'll take you home." He said, with the firmness of a Roman man, accustomed to being obeyed. It never occured to him that might be a scary prospect, only that it was the most efficient way to remove this woman from danger and get her the care she needed.


Edited by Sarah
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What a strange thing to say to a woman who had just been attacked, when she asked if the wound was bad... she was not dying? Well she knew that. But it still felt bad. It hurt like Hades had cut it and she feared infection, she didn't know where the man's knife had been after all. The stranger then added she'd be alright and began to bandage her arm. First she winced at his touch, but she felt she couldn't do much at all and allowed it to happen. At least he was trying to help her, right? That was something. But she worried that the attacker would return to finish his job, whatever it was. The stranger then said she wouldn't be here if the attacker came back, because he would take her home in his own litter. She glanced at it and at the man. He was very friendly, he was helping her, didn't really ask questions. But he was clearly not of her rank and what would people think... if they saw them together. She had no husband. She wasn't sure that would be good for her reputation. But she found a way out of that.

"What about my servant?" She then said, they had to wait for Gaia Lucia to return! What if she came back, and Pinaria wasn't here? And what if she came back, and Pinaria's attacker went for Lucia instead... "She will be back here, for me, with help. We should wait for her here. If you will wait with me?" 


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If he'd known she was concerned about apparent propriety when she'd just been stabbed, he might have laughed. But then it wasn't something that he generally had to think about, except in one specific area, which he solved with avoidance. But he had forgotten about the servant.

"Where did you send her?" He asked. "Surely she would have taken the most direct route? If we take the same, we should meet her on her way back." Which was vastly preferable, in his mind, to waiting around where Pinaria's attacker might come back. The twins might be of herculean build, but they weren't trained to fight. Spurius was an ex-legionnaire of course, but he'd not tried to fight since he'd injured his leg. He wasn't certain of their chances. Though he acknowledged that the simple presence of extra people should deter all but the most insane, or determined.

The litter was a simple affair, little more than a chair with a canopy slung between two poles; anything larger and he'd need four slaves to lift it, but it was perfect for his purposes. Pinaria could ride and he could walk, which wasn't the fastest but it would get them out of here. "You should see a medicus." He said gently, hoping to persuade her. Whilst he'd assured the woman that she wasn't dying, he'd prefer not to be the one to tell her that those cuts were going to scar. Hopefully not too badly, she seemed comely enough in the low light. Hopefully her husband wouldn't mind.


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When you were a highly ranked woman of the better society of Rome, but without a husband and father to your son, and looking for one... you had to think about your reputation. And now there were two things tonight that might come in the way. One that she'd been attacked and hurt and two, she was assisted by a friendly man, but he was of lower rank and had invited her into his litter. She was grateful for his assistance, but she could not risk her future for him, not even in a situation like this. So she tried to tell him they ought to be here and wait for her servant. Besides, what if Gaia Lucia came back here... and the attacker did too, and Pinaria was not here? 

The stranger wondered where she'd gone and assumed they would meet her on the way back. She thought it over and then he thought she should see a medicus.

"You are probably right." She said with a sigh, "I hope you do not think I am not grateful. It's just all... a bit much." She looked at him, he was only trying to be friendly after all, "Very well, if we take the most direct route to my home, I will borrow your litter." 


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It was a measure of the distance between their respective social standings, where the concern of each lay in the wake of the attack.

Then she admitted she was feeling a bit overwhelmed. He wasn't surprised. "Of course." He replied. "I don't think you're ungrateful." A bit stunned, possibly. "I don't mean to pressure you," lies, but his intention was noble enough "I am only concerned for your wellbeing." He would far rather that they were all not there, if her attacker would return. He was no coward, but he was eminently practical. Still, something had clearly scared the attacker off.

The litter wasn't the kind with a surface to lounge on and curtains that could be drawn, and he was planning to walk anyway, so from his very male point of view he could see no problem. "Here, let me help you." He offered her a strong hand to help her up, bracing himself with his other grip on his staff. It was easy to see that he favoured his right leg, but was otherwise both somewhat tall and reasonably strong. There was a scar on his forearm, straight and narrow as though from a blade, the mark white and old.


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At least he was kind to her, had stopped to help her, although he had no reason to. No other people had stopped to help her, when she had leaned against the wall after Gaia Lucia ran for help... instead of staying with her. Was it wrong? It was, wasn't it? Leaving Pinaria Gaia to fend for herself, even if it was to just wait for her servant to return. But now this man was here to help her. He said he was concerned for her and then offered to help her up from the ground. She took his hand, although she now also noticed for the first time, that he had with him a staff that he supported himself with. Was he a former soldier or something? She'd seen it before. He didn't look very old, so that could not be his reason for the staff. 

"Thank you." She said as she pulled her hand back, now that she stood. She did notice the scar on the man's arm. He had to be a former soldier. But now she noticed that her legs felt a bit shaky, now she was standing again. She inhaled a breath, trying to be strong, trying to not cry. She was more than that. She had to focus on something else than herself.

"May I ask... your name?" So that she could thank him later, once she came home. She looked at the litter, much simpler than what she was used to, but at least useful. Gods how she just wanted to go home now. She hoped her brother wouldn't be upset with her, after what happened.


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Bracing himself, he gently pulled the injured woman to her feet and kept hold of her hand as she steadied herself. She looked shakey; shaken. Not surprising really, poor thing. At least as a soldier you knew the risk of injury; a well bred woman walking the streets of Rome wouldn not expect it. He waited, offering that silent support, as she drew a deep breath.

May I ask... your name?

"Spurius Antius." He replied simply, and for some reason held back with his usual cognomen. But then, he wasn't at work, and it tended to be used around his business dealings. "May I ask yours, Lady?" It seemed so odd to be having what sounded like a very civilised conversation in this situation, but here they were. He dealt with high class customers regularly, but never socially. He'd become something of a bitter recluse outside of work. And yet here they were. Something of the old Spurius, the young man he had been, was far more open to people. And something of the new Spurius saw the possibility of gratitude from her husband.

She seemed steadier after a few moments, and Spurius summoned the two slaves with the litter closer with a jerk of his head. They were born of a Germanic mother and a Roman father and bigger than most Romans; they certainly carried the simple sedan chair with ease. It was set carefully next to Pinaria. "If you'll sit, we'll get you home." He offered her his hand again to steady herself if she needed to.


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She was shaken, probably more than she liked to admit. It wasn't like she was some young girl born yesterday, she was a grown woman with a son and she had a husband once. She didn't want to just crumble, she couldn't, for her own sake and that of her son. She had to be brave. So she tried to focus on something else, like the man who was kind enough to help her. 

"Pinaria Gaia." She simply replied and not long after, the litter was brought closer. She looked at the slaves, they certainly looked strong enough. She should have had them with her, when she was attacked. Gods her arm was still hurting. Pinaria sat down and hugged herself with her uninjured arm.

"Thank you, for all your help, Spurius. I don't know what... I'd have done, if you hadn't come..." She sighed, now that she sat in a proper litter, it began to creep in on her again. What happened with the man who attacked her, and what happened after. She wasn't sure she could forgive Lucia for running for help and not taking Pinaria with her. It wasn't right. Lucia had always been so loyal to her. Spurius was more helpful than she was, now. 


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She was strong, not to crumple after being brutally attacked by someone. Probably still in shock as well, but he could see that she was holding herself steady. But even Spurius knew, from his own experience on the battlefield and that of others, that adrenaline and stubborness would only take you so far. Best they got her home as quickly as possible.

Pinaria Gaia. It wasn't a name that Spurius knew, so neither a customer nor hot on the gossips' lips. No doubt a respectable lady.

If he hadn't happened to come along, she probably would have sat there until either someone else came, or her servant came back with help. Interesting that it was servant, and not slave. Still, if someone else had come they could have been any kind of character, but oddly enough Spurius was the man of the hour. "You're welcome." He said simply, and gestured for the twins to lift the litter, which they did smoothly. "I'm glad I could help." He added, with a faint smile, meant to be reassuring. 

"Where are we taking you?" He asked simply, looking over at her, staff in hand, ready to set off. Hopefully it wouldn't be far for her, and he could continue on his way.


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She had to be strong, for now. Pinaria was not stupid, she knew better than to fall from grace in public. She might do it once she came home, once someone had taken a closer look at her wound, once she was alone in her bed. But not now. Now, she had to move on, she had to reach home and her son again. Hopefully he'd already be asleep once they came home, so he would not be startled to see his mother like this. 

Pinaria thanked Spurius for all his help, she didn't know if her voice was trembling or not, but she felt herself relax as she sat in the litter. Spurius said he was just glad he could help and meanwhile, his slaves easily lifted the litter. She glanced at Spurius, he had a cane, he clearly didn't walk so well. And now she took his transportation. She gave him a smile and then he asked where to take her. She explained where her family lived, it wasn't that far away, luckily. And soon they were on their way. She leaned back, tried to relax, but she could feel the pain on her throat and her arm was throbbing. It hurt. So much. But she bit her cheek and kept it inside. 

"What do you do for a living, Spurius?" She asked then, trying to get her thoughts off the pain while they were moving. 


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She looked a little steadier, once she settled into the sedan chair. Perhaps because the end was in sight. He could take her home, hand her over to her husband's household, and she could get the care she needed. Perhaps there might some a small reward or future customer in it for him. Mostly he just did it because that was clearly what needed to be done. That was how Spurius lived his life; some things needed to happen. Whether a slave needed disciplining or an injured person needed assistance, and you did them. He indulged in precious little sentimentality, preferring the practical. Practical rarely got you hurt.

But that little smile when he asked where they were going suggested that Pinaria Gaia was feeling at least a little reassured that there was an end in sight and it was not as bad a one as it could have been.

The odd little party made their way through the growing gloom. He'd hoped to be home before it got truly dark, but that might not happen. He could ask a torch of her household.

What do you do for a living, Spurius?

Idle conversation felt a little odd in the circumstances, but perhaps she'd benefit from taking her mind off what had happened. He didn't want to think too closely about why a highborn lady was sitting, cut and alone and bleeding, on a side street. "I trade slaves, Lady." He replied evenly. "I have a warehouse on the east side of the Emporium Magnum." Which meant he was successful, to have a building right on the Emporium. "If you're ever in need of a new slave, I keep only the finest stock." And he prided himself on his ability to match the slave to the buyer.


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She worked through the pain and tried to concentrate on something else. She had to distract herself, until she was home and safe and alone. So she asked what Spurius did for a living, it might be interesting to learn anyway. He explained he traded slaves and had a warehouse of his own for the business. That was impressive. She knew there were plenty of slave traders in Rome, but not all of them had a warehouse. That was something. Not that he struck her as a wealthy Plebian, but he'd obviously done well for himself. He told her that he kept the finest slaves, should she ever need a slave.

"I'll make sure to come to you, should that be the case." She replied to him. That was the least she could do, after he helped her today. Hopefully her brother would also reward Spurius for his kindness. She still felt strange about her servant Lucia leaving her like that. She wasn't even a slave anymore, she was a freedwoman, but Pinaria had always considered her a friend too, and maybe it wasn't as she thought it was. She inhaled a breath, unsure of what else to say now. She'd be home soon. Then she could think about what else to do. Oh, maybe there was something she needed to say to Spurius.

"I'm very grateful for your help. But... and my brother will probably say the same... I hope I can trust you to keep this to yourself." She said to him then, she could imagine her brother wouldn't want all of Rome to know that his sister was attacked in the street. And she'd rather prepare Spurius for that, than let him wait and be reprimanded by her brother. Hopefully her brother would also find some reward for Spurius. He should be rewarded. He was the only one who cared to help her, after all.


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There were many reasons why someone might abandon a friend during or after an attack, and many of them boiled down to fear. Spurius had seen it on the battlefield, after the initial charges, when things got messy and dirty. The Legions of course took a very dim view of deserters, but there were those who hung back, and those with no desire to stay on the field when the battle was over. It was always a bit of a shock at first. And that was for hardened soldiers. How much worse then for two women who likely never expected to be attacked in the heart of Rome?

So he hadn't thought much of it when Pinaria said her servant had gone for help. It might be more logical to take Pinaria with her, but the injured woman would likely slow the other down. Perhaps there had been a measure of fear involved.

Still, he smiled and bowed slightly from the waist when Pinaria said she'd make a point of coming to him, should she need new slaves. A new customer was never something to be sniffed at. "I would be delighted to serve you." He replied, ever the salesman.

He was trying to think up some non-intrusive question to ask her as a further distraction when Pinaria spoke up again. He glanced at her, a little surprised. "Of course. It's little of my business." He said blandly. Except of course that he'd found her, bleeding, on the street. He could absolutely see why she would not want that to be common knowledge, though he knew from experience that scars could be obvious and take care to hide. "Though if I may, I would suggest that your brother report the attack to the Vigiles. They may be able to find - and punish - your attacker." And stop any further attacks.

A man who would attack a random woman on the street might well attack again. Assuming of course that the attack was random, and not someone she knew. But he'd already said it wasn't his business.


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She gave him a small smile, when he promised he'd be delighted to serve her, should she need a new slave. She might, she thought to herself. But she would need to talk to Lucia first, before she did anything. As they moved on though, she thought it best to let Spurius know that he should not run with gossip about what happened to her. And he did promise to keep it to himself. She gave him a look, when he said it was little of his business. It was very much that, now, she thought. Since he found her and he helped her. It was not something she would forget.

Btu he went on, saying the attack should be reported to the vigiles and she nodded.

"Of course. I expect my brother will know what to do, and do the right thing." She replied to him and looked up, as people were walking towards them. Familiar people. Her servant Lucia along with two guards from the household and another slave too. They reached Pinaria and Spurius and their little party.

"Pinaria... Domina... what are you doing?" Lucia asked, looking at Spurius.

"This kind man came by where I sat, and he offered his assistance." She told her servant, "But you can come with us and stay near, make sure we're safe the rest of the way." Which honestly wasn't all that far. She leaned back in litter, honestly feeling a little tired suddenly.


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The attack seemed little of Spurius's business, in the broad view. Yes he had helped her when she needed it, because he'd been in the right place at the right time. He was glad to have been able to. He would escort her to her home to ensure that she was safe. He hoped he might gain some reward from his efforts, either directly or as a new customer, and then apart possibly from commercially he didn't expect to see her again. They moved in different circles. A shame since she gave the impression that, when not recently attacked, she was a confident, self-assured lady who might be interesting to talk to. 

They spoke briefly of the need to inform the vigiles, and suddenly others were on them. Spurius's initial concern was quickly assuaged when it became clear that here was the missing slave - attendant? - and the guards she'd gone to get. "Your mistress needed aid; I am assisting her home." And the sudden increase in numbers greatly reduced the change of any attempt to finish whatever had been started. It was far more likely that her attacker had been someone who knew her and wanted her dead or injured, but it was also possible that there was some random psychopath out there. Actually, it was virtually guaranteed that there were random spychopaths out there.

Spurius followed the other woman as the guards flanked them, and the twins continued to bear the chair with Pinaria in it in her wake. It wasn't long before they angled clearly in the direction of a door. There were many things he could have said to the other woman, presumably the one who had left her mistress behind, but no doubt those things would be said by other than he. Sometimes the wisest approach was to hold one's tongue.


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Her arm still hurt, and her throat. And now Lucia was suddenly here with two guards and another slave, but they were way too late. She'd come this far now. If Spurius had not shown up, Pinaria would still be sitting against the wall where the attacker came at her... and he might have come back. She was not sure she'd be able to forgive her former slave, now servant, but she would have to think about that another time. Lucia was now suddenly concerned and Pinaria explained what the litter and Spurius and his slaves were there for. Spurius confirmed what she said and she gave him a small smile as thanks. And said nothing more as they were approaching her family's house and the front door.

Once there, the litter was set down and Pinaria carefully climbed out of the litter. Lucia came to aid her and she allowed it, but only because she felt she needed it. She had not lost a lot of blood, but the pain in her arm suddenly felt stronger again. Perhaps because she was finally home? One of the guards that came along opened the door, but Pinaria first turned to Spurius.

"Thank you... for all your help." She said to him, "Please, come inside... if you're not in a hurry and you're hungry or thirsty, just let the slaves know. And my brother may want to talk to you. I think..." She trailed off with a small sigh, "...I need rest. And attention to this." She nodded towards her arm, but then looked at him again, "But thank you. I won't forget what you did for me." 



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It had been a long day. His leg was aching from the distance they'd walked, not because he couldn't walk that far but because he'd already walked a fair distance that day. He'd had to face the fact that he had a limit, and there were consequences for exceeding it. But ceding the litter to Pinaria had been the right thing to do; an injured woman - and a high class one at that - took precedence. Now at least they had reached her home, and she could receive the care and the comfort that she deserved. Given that she lived with her brother, that wouldn't even be the comfort of a husband. He wondered idly whether she was only recently divorced or widowed or whether, like him, she paid the tax. None of which was his business, but he took an interest in people.

She was helped from the litter and he stood aside, letting her familiar slaves aid her now that she was home. Her words of thanks were answered with a bow. "I am glad have served, and that Janus and Mercury guided me to you." He replied, naming the Gods of passageways and travellers. They were also the gods of new beginnings and financial gain respectfully, and with the introduction to her brother either might still have some part to play. "Rest well Lady."

Once she had been ushered inside Spurius followed, going where the household slaves indicated, knowing that the twins would wait in the atrium. He was curious to meet this brother.


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