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Movers and Shakers [M - S]


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March, 77AD

Ione hummed to herself as she pared the vegetables, enjoying the peace and quiet of the kitchens. She only had a few shifts here a week but was deeply, deeply grateful for them. They got her off the main floor of the brothel which was currently busier than she'd seen it in months - partly, she suspected, because of the repairs her dominus had conducted on the fabric of the building but also because of the new girls and boys he'd housed in its walls. Ione was still on the lower floors, and therefore reserved for some of the better customers (although that was a relative term...), but she knew that might not last as the others continued to charm and flatter and be well...better at her at fishing for business in the tabernae and streets around the Elysium. She had Spurius though and she smiled to herself as she mindlessly did her tasks at the thought of him.

Things were better than they had been in quite some time for Ione. Armenius was an ominous presence in the brothel - she hated that she couldn't read him nearly as well as she could her last owner - but he was at least improving their situations. She even had pillows now in her little cell, and thicker blankets. Not to mention the medicus and herbwifes now came to the girls when needed, rather than Titus' method of just letting his girls wither and rot under the torment inflicted on them. She sighed, shaking her shoulders and trying not to think of it, of that time in her life. Things were going to get better, they were getting better and she resumed her humming - not noticing the shadow of somebody darkening the door to the kitchens until they were standing in front of her. She blinked up and dropped the knife with a clumsy clatter in surprise. She immediately dropped her gaze. "Dominus, I'm sorry, I was distracted..."


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He'd had the deal with Spurius Antius Claudus - he mostly just thought of him as Claudus - going on for a few weeks now, since the other came to see him. Their arrangement was going quite well. The crew working for him to repair the building was doing a great job. Now if only his dear wife could finish her current dealings in Hispania, she'd have something very nice to come to Rome to see. But she did not and he was left with his brothel, his slaves and his whores. He didn't pick on them as much as he did when he was younger, he'd grown older. Instead nowadays he was all about the profit and of course also all about getting the best out of what he had. The new girls and boys were trained by the more experienced ones, once Lucius had taken his time to make sure they were broken in well enough. Unless they were virgins, he could sell such things for much higher prices. And then there were girls like Ione. No, there really was just one girl like Ione. Who had a steady arrangement with someone outside the house, that someone being Claudus. It didn't go unnoticed by the other girls, when she came home from his place, that she seemed well-rested and in a good mood. And her mood had in general improved. Last time Ione had brought another girl with her to the house and the girl had spoken to Lucius once she came home. 

Which was why he now wanted to talk to Ione. They told him she was in the kitchens at the moment and Lucius went to find her. She was humming, seeming happy - what was this, a happy whore? A rarity! - and didn't notice him until she almost walked into him and dropped a knife. It was only because he was quick to move his foot that it didn't pierce it and he inhaled a breath... grateful that he moved his foot and not so grateful for Ione's clumsiness. 

"Clearly." He replied, "Are you done with your work here? Else, get someone else to finish." Lucius paused, looking her over, "I want to talk to you." 


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Ione winced at his words and bent down to pick the knife up, setting it on the side, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. She glanced down - half the vegetables were yet to be prepared for the stew but she knew where one of the other slaves was that usually helped and she nodded to him. "Yes dominus, I can get Titia to finish it..." She wiped her hands on the little apron she wore for her cooking and unknotted it from her back. "Should I meet you in your office, dominus?" Well obviously, he clearly didn't wish to talk to her in the dark, smoky rooms that served as their kitchens. Duh. She bit back the disappointment that she couldn't finish her shift here - she was supposed to be in the rooms until sundown at least and that was a few hours away.

Still, at his bidding she scurried away to find Titia - currently in the little courtyard washing some of the sheets in a pail of water. Ione wrinkled her nose at the smell and breathlessly explained that dominus wanted her to takeover in the kitchens. The older woman grumbled but dutifully moved back into the building as Ione climbed the stairs - ducking clients and the building crews that loitered in the corridors until she drew to his office. Stepping over the threshold she hesitated and cleared her throat to signal that she was there. 


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He hoped she was not disappointed that he cut her off from her work like this. Shouldn't she be grateful, at least? That he allowed her to work here, instead of spending all of her time in her cell on her back or on all fours or whatever she did to service the men that came to her. And left a certain amount of cash at the brothel. Perhaps they would end up as a proper rival to the Domus Venus? Lucius hoped so. But he'd need more profit, then. Meaning more hard-working girls and boys, rather than girls taking their time in the kitchens, humming and being distracted enough to almost drop a knife on their dominus! Ione naturally agreed to come, because what other option did she have? He simply nodded at her words, "Of course, where else?" Her cell? While it was nicer than before, it was still the home and bed of a whore and he preferred his own office over that. More privacy. A nicer bed. All that. So he went back to the office to wait, while Ione went to find someone else to take over in the kitchens.

Luckily it didn't take long until she walked through the open door to his office and cleared her throat. Lucius looked up from behind the desk, "Good, you're here. Close the door behind you" Because his office had an actual door and not just a curtain, "Have a cup of wine and take a seat wherever you like." He gestured to the empty cup on her side of the desk and the pitcher of wine placed near it. Concerning the seating, she really just had two choices, there was one of the guest chairs on one side of the desk or the bed he had in his office. He didn't wait for her to sit before he continued, "... and tell me, how well do you think you're doing your job at the moment? Are your clients satisfied?"


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She immediately did as he asked and shut the door and then blinked at the empty cup on his desk. Her old dominus, she was sure, would rather her lick wine up off the floor like a dog rather than offer any of his. She hesitated but he was already speaking again and she didn't want to seem rude so she poured herself a small measure and then moved to perch on the very edge of one of the chairs opposite his desk. She bit her lip at his question. 

"H-has somebody complained?" She asked immediately, panic in her voice. She shook her head and sipped her wine to fortify herself, "I...they...they seem satisfied, dominus. Most of them finish, usually." Of course some men didn't - usually those far too into their wine cups but she equally knew that a few of them had scoffed when they were done and claimed other girls in the place were better. She was just - as Spurius had correctly guessed - not a natural prostitute. She was awkward and hesitant and struggled to take the lead. It was almost easier with domineering clients, who pushed her down or told her what to do. "I hope I'm doing well, dominus." She added quietly and took another deep sip of the wine. It was good, far nicer than what she usually drank. "I'm grateful for all the improvements you've made as well...truly grateful." 


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She did as told, as a good slave would do, even if he did noticed her surprised look, when he offered her wine. But sometimes you had to sacrifice something to gain something. And a cup of wine or two might make her relax more and also smoothen her tongue. Which was just what he needed. She did only take a little wine and perched on the edge of a chair, now nervous about his questions. Something he kind of enjoyed, she had no idea what was on his mind and he could play with her all that he wanted, because she was his to play with. Not all the girls were this much fun to toy with though. Most would suck up to him, often quite literally, want to please him and get into his good graces. But not Ione. She was different. Now worried about her clients, if they complained and she said they seemed satisfied. Lucius had just leaned back, with his arms folded on the desk in front of him, studying her as she stumbled through the sentences. Finally she took a deep sip of the wine. And said she was grateful.

"I'm glad to hear that at least. Not that you're always taking advantage of the improvements. Since you also have business elsewhere." Lucius said with a small wink, pausing before he continued, "I haven't heard any complaints about you. Quite the contrary. I hear you're getting better. And that you've been spending time away from here, spending your coin, learning new things. Tell me about that." 


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She let out a relieved breath and smiled, genuinely delighted as he said he'd heard she'd gotten  better. It was such a meagre compliment but she snatched it nonetheless and held it dearly. She wanted to get better because getting better surely meant it got easier? And she was...despite her eighteen years, tired of everything being so hard. She had another small sip of wine and then put it on his desk. She was oblivious to any motivation for his questions and instead glanced up at him with a slightly shy smile before dropping her eyes again. 

"I have been learning massages, at the cheap baths - the ones we work at some time. And...trying to get better at dancing. I thought it would be good, to have other things I'm good at...it might earn you more coin if I can do more than..." She shrugged and struggled to finish the sentence, taking her cup back up again, "More than just lays." She sipped again. "But I only do it when you give me time to go the baths or once all the clients have left. It doesn't disturb my work, I promise." She winced and glanced up at him again, "Does it...please you, dominus, for me to learn new things?" 


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Lucius was not entirely pleased with the fact that she'd decided to learn new things and pay for it even, without his knowledge. Of course he could not blame her for wanting it, if it truly was to just get better for the sake of the brothel, but for some reason, something was off about all this. Yet here she was, smiling and explaining how she'd learned massages and dancing and how she wanted to do other things than what she already did. Many thoughts went through his mind. Vibia, for example, came to his mind. And she was with the Domus Venus. Would Ione be his Vibia? He tilted his head, not entirely sure. She was still too uncertain. And not at all forwards enough. Ione promised her lessons didn't disturb her work and hoped it pleased him.

"It does... but I want to see you use your skills then. I need to see... results." Lucius said first, before another thought came to him, "It's your own coin you've spent on these lessons? That must be expensive for someone like you." Perhaps he'd need to ask the guards and bouncers if she really did return as much coin to the brothel as she was meant to. Of course the whores got to keep a little bit of coin to themselves, but most of their earning went to Lucius and the brothel. So how did she gain so much that she could pay for lessons for weeks? Lucius was not stupid enough to believe she had that much saved up, unless she kept some of the earned coin to herself. Which was bad for business. And for her. He leaned a bit forwards... "Why do I get the feeling that there's something you're not telling me?"


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Ione nodded hurriedly; "O-of course, I'd be happy to show you? If you'd like?" Her fingers flexed on her wine cup and she sipped, finishing the little she'd taken in a final gulp. She set the empty cup down on his table, nodding, awkward. "Yes...it's not cheap. But I use the cheap baths so it is not too expensive, and I save up the peculium I have so I can do a lesson every other weeks on the massages." It was true, but he seemed suspicious. She bit her lip, eyes widening as he leant forward and posed his question...or statement.

She felt her heart hammer in her chest and she blinked, wide eyes and a little gormless. She was telling the truth - at least about the lessons. Not so much about the extra as that Spurius gave her, which she'd pocketed against her better judgement and saved and stored under the chamberpot in her cell. Nobody would look there...she hoped, at least. It was a pittance really, nothing at all, but it was the world to her. "I promise, dominus." she said hurriedly, clearly nervous and anxious, "I promise I'm telling you the truth, I do pay for the lessons myself, I promise...I thought it would please you but I can stop, if you would r-rather..." 


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She said she'd be happy to show him what she'd learned, and that might be something he was interested in. But he also mentioned he wanted to see results. Meaning profit, of course. What use was there in a girl learning such skills, if he didn't earn some coin from it? Of course she hadn't had any complaints. And some of the other girls had ratted her out to him, they told him about the lessons she took and the pleased clients. Girls who were all about getting on his good side. Ione however, she just did it, without telling him. She emptied her drink and kept explaining. Without asking or demanding anything, Lucius poured more wine for her. How kind of him to do so. But she was talking, so that was good. The wine would help her. She claimed her peculium saved was enough for the lessons, but he came to his own conclusion about her. That she was keeping something from him. That she was not telling him the whole truth. And what good was a slave and whore to him, if she was not loyal like the others?

She blinked with wide eyes, before she spoke... her words quick, she was clearly nervous. Gods, did she think he was stupid, really? He inhaled a breath.

"I'm sure you do pay for the lessons with your own coin, I didn't tell you to stop." Lucius said, "But... with the peculium you earn... I don't think it's enough, not even for the cheap baths. Are you stealing from me, Ione?" He paused, meeting her eyes, "Tell me the truth, maybe then I won't have to punish you." At least not so much. But a few weeks on one of the top floors of the brothel might make her understand.


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Ione hurriedly sipped the refilled wine, not even realising or comprehending that he'd topped it up for her. It was so delicious compared to the lora they had. She gulped it down and looked visibly worried as he set out his stall. Stealing. She choked and splashed a little bit of wine on the floor. She hurriedly moved to place the cup down on his desk lest she spill any more. "No! Of course I-I wouldn't steal from you, dominus." Titus had thrashed a girl that had done so.

She felt so stupid. She hadn't spent the as on a lesson but surely it was stealing all the same? She had presumed her new dominus was more reasonable, but that was foolish. She shouldn't have listened to Spurius. She could feel her heart hammering against her ribs, almost painfully. "I promise you I wouldn't, I wouldn't steal from you. I paid for the lessons from my peculium - I saved it up, I-I don't buy anything. No new clothes, or makeup or anything and I don't eat much at the thermopolia...I-" she was visibly panicked and re-took her cup up again, taking a deep sip. She was such an idiot. Better to admit it now. "O-One of my clients gave me an as...extra. To the fee. I've saved that, but I promise I haven't spent it on lessons...I don't even know why I did it..." Because Spurius had said she should. 


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She was nervous and why would she be nervous, if she was telling him the whole truth? No, her surprise, her eyes so wide and her words so fast... and her tone... the look in her eyes... she was not telling him everything and so far, his only conclusion to her new ideas and the coin she had for making them come true, well she had to be stealing from him. But this accusation made her choke and splash some of the wine, firmly saying she'd not steal from him. Lucius arched a brow, gathering his hands on the back of his head. He didn't have to tell her to explain herself. She knew she should. And she did. She said she'd saved up for the little coin she was given and she never bought anything. Ione drank more wine, clearly still nervous, no, more than nervous now. Afraid. And then came the truth. Well part of it.

"Well you told me why you did it. To be a better whore, right? Or did you already forget what you said moments ago?" Lucius said, he didn't have to say that, to remind her, but he enjoyed playing with her. He should get to the point now, because she'd told him a little and he wanted everything. So that he could decide if he should make good use of that knowledge... "Which client would be so pleased with you, that he gave you extra for you to keep?" 


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She looked upset. She didn't keep the money to be a better whore, she did it because she wanted something for herself, even just an as and Spurius' advice had made sense. But now she realised just how foolish it was. Everything of hers belonged to her dominus - from the food she ate, to the gaudy toga's she wore, to the as under her bed and what was between her thighs. It was all his, and it was stupid of her to think otherwise. She sipped her wine, eyes downcast.

She didn't want to tell him but he wouldn't ask if he didn't have a suspicion, she was sure. She exhaled and gripped the cup until her fingers blanched white. She bit her lip, and then said it - quietly - almost in a whisper. "S-Spurius." She swallowed, "I...I don't remember his full name. I just call him sir. He was pleased and he gave me the as to keep as a thank you." She kept her eyes down at the floor and took another sip of wine. "I'm sorry. I can go and fetch it for you, if you'd like?" 


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He didn't feel sorry for her. Perhaps he should, but she was owned by him and she should really just have told him all this right away, instead of keeping it to herself. Instead of leaving him guessing at what was going on. If she had knowledge that could be useful to him, he wanted it. And now finally it all came. That she'd been given an extra as, but she'd saved it for herself and really did spend her own coin on those lessons. An extra as that she'd kept to herself. She was a slave. She didn't own herself. He could take everything from her if he wanted to. Didn't she know that? It was better to just be a loyal slave from the start. Now she sat there, looking upset, gripping the cup tightly, biting her lip. Gods, get a grip of yourself girl! 

She did, kind of, when she gave him the name he wanted. Spurius. It was easy to guess which Spurius. She claimed she didn't know his full name, but again, Lucius was not stupid. Claudus had said he knew Ione and she was the one who came to his house and pleased him alone. Was he so fond of her? That was very interesting. More than she knew.

"Keep it. You've given me something much better." Lucius said and then he did give her a small smile, "Drink up that wine and then come here and show me what you've learned." 


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She smiled, genuinely relieved as he said she could keep it. "Thank you domine, so much." It was such a small thing but to her it was momentous. She nodded her head hurriedly, oblivious to the second part of the statement about giving him something far better. She had no idea what that meant and chose not to dwell on it, instead she drunk the wine as hurriedly as she could at his command, taking hurried sips until the cup was almost drained. 

Then she set it on his desk again, before unfurling herself from her perch to move around his side of his desk. She'd never liked the office - it was an ominous place that filled her with dread. It was better than when Titus had owned it, but it was still a frightening place to be summoned by any of the girls or boys employed here. She wrung her hands and peered at his chest - not meeting his eyes. "I...can massage your shoulders, domine, if you'd like?" She didn't want to touch him without his permission - even she knew there was rules against that sort of thing.


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She could keep the single as, it wouldn't add much to the treasury and honestly, maybe she had earned it, for what she'd given him tonight. First he had his own kind of fun, toying with her feelings and her thoughts and her secrets... and then he'd made her admit who gave her the money and who might have suggested that she got the lessons. Because if Claudus was the one, and he thought it was so, why would he give her an as to keep as her own, if she didn't do a good job and he didn't want her to do it even better? Lucius was proud of his work with her and to add a little extra on top of it all, he thought she should give him a massage. Ione was a very good girl now, doing as told. She emptied her second cup of wine and then she moved around to his side of the desk. Lucius shifted in his chair and she stood there, looking at him, seeming uncertain again, wondering what he wanted.

"I think I would like that. Is it easiest if I sit or lie down? You tell me, you're the one who has been learning." Lucius said, how gracious of him, to let her decide how it should happen. He knew of course what he would prefer, but he wanted to see her skills. Of course, one more thing before she could massage him properly. Without saying anything, Lucius inched his tunic out of the belt he wore, so he could keep it on, and then pulled the tunic over his head. There, now she had free access to his shoulders and his torso for the massage.


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She blinked. She usually concentrated on massaging Spurius' leg, but she thanked Fortuna that she'd paid for a couple of lessons on general massage as well, otherwise she'd be completely fucked and have no clue what to do. But he took the initiative and decanted his clothes. She wasn't ashamed of the human form - she herself was naked probably more often than she was clothed - but there was something uncomfortable about seeing him without his tunica. Even when he bedded her he'd kept it on. She swallowed and offered a gentle smile. The wine was going to her head and she felt lighter...more carefree.

"It is easier if you lie down." she said, smile still on her face. "At the baths they have scented oils and I don't have any." She frowned and shook her head, "But I can do it without." And the she glanced at his bed. It was big, and far finer than the thin ones the girls had in their cells. It was also problematic. She frowned. "A-at  the baths they have table, higher up, so I could stand at the side." she bit her lip, trying to figure out what to do. "Can I...Can I kneel on your bed, dominus?" 


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Why did she blink? She was the one who suggested she could massage his shoulders. Or was it because he removed his tunic so she could massage him better? Of course she might never have seen him this bare before. He'd seen her naked more times than he could count by now, but he supposed it could be seen as vulnerable by a slave like her... to see her master undressed like this. Well at least he'd kept his breeches on for now. Whether it would stay that way, time would tell. Perhaps her massage and her hands on his body would feel a little too good? It wouldn't be the first time. The slaves who gave massages at the baths had others uses too, after all. Ione smiled at him then and said he could lie down. He nodded and moved to the bed, while she spoke of scented oils.

"If it is easier with oil, I think there may be a small jar of olive oil on a shelf over there. Just don't use too much." Good olive oil was not cheap, after all. He nodded to a shelf on the other side of the desk and she spoke of how it was like at the baths... "Of course you can kneel, if that's what makes it easier." He replied simply, while he waited for her to get the oil. Since she had to move around the desk for it, he thought, why not? "You can help yourself to more wine too, if you'd like." If that makes it easier too. Lucius smirked, watching her move about. She was a pretty little thing, wasn't she? Almost reminded him of his old slave Salacia, although she'd not been a whore. And yet he bedded her too. He could take whomever he wanted here, after all.


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She smiled, relieved and nimbly moved round to the other side of the desk to get the small jar of olive oil and then she blinked at his offer, staring at the wine. "Are you sure?" She asked and then realised her mistake, shaking her head; "I-I only mean that is very generous of you domine. Thank you." And she wouldn't say no. Plenty of girls she'd known here in her few months drank themselves silly most nights to deal with the job, but Ione wasn't one of them. Then again, when there was free, good wine on offer, she wasn't going to refuse it.

Careful not to drop the little jar of oil, she moved to pour herself a half measure of wine, sipping from it deeply. Then she set it down and moved over to his bed, shuffling onto it - to the far side. It was so comfortable. She wasn't expecting it and her spare fingers traced the fine blanket. So soft. Then she glanced up at him and offered a small smile before lowering her eyes again and pouring a small measure of oil into her palms, running her fingers together to douse them. "I'm ready. I hope you won't be disappointed." 


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She was so surprised that he kept offering her wine. Meanwhile Lucius had not had a single sip of wine himself. And she was talking, so it was working. And now he'd begun, it was almost addictive. He wanted more. The more she could give him, the more he had to use. And meanwhile, he also found it kind of addictive to see what he could make her do, while she was completely oblivious to his plans. She just did as told. Now she fetched the olive oil and at first questioned his offer of more wine, but quickly corrected herself. He offered it, so she should take it, not ask questions. And she did take the wine. Good.

"You're welcome." Lucius said from his spot at the edge of the bed. A massage would be nice. She came back, shuffling onto the bed and he noticed how her fingers touched the blanket. She liked this bed, did she? He smirked and she smiled and added a few drops of olive oil on her fingers.

"I'm sure I won't be. I know you don't wish to disappoint me." And she shouldn't want to either. Then he continued speaking, almost casually, "Do you want me to sit or lie down?" 


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She smiled and nodded. She didn't want to disappoint him and - thus far - besides the as secreted under her bed, and the incident where she'd presumed he'd want her in the kitchens straight away, she hopefully hadn't. "Lie down please domine." She said in her warm, accented voice and then rubbing her fingers together so they were equally covered in the oil, she shifted so she was kneeling next to him, peering down at him. It had some sort of odd symmetry to the first time they'd met, when he'd taken her and made her pleasure him on top. She winced at the memory.

And then she, with tentative hands, touched him, working slender fingers into the muscles and knots of his shoulders. She was a slip of a girl and so she couldn't push in as much pressure as the masseuses at the baths, but she tried her best, working across his shoulders and down the column of his spine silently, ready and willing for him to tell her to fuck off at a moments notice.


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Ione was all smiles and nods right now, which he considered a good thing. He didn't know if she was one of the girls who got very drunk every night, to stand the work, but she definitely couldn't be sober anymore. She told him to lie down and he did, on his stomach so she had access to his backside and could massage him there. Soon she was kneeling next to him and her oiled fingers worked the muscles of his shoulders and his back. It felt rather nice and he let out little sounds when something felt especially good. But he had to stay focused too. Lucius was not done yet.

"Do you massage him too? Spurius, who gave you the coin?" Lucius then asked in between the little sighs and sounds while she massaged him. He thought he could get used to this. Maybe this was only the first time she got to massage him like this. Even with her size, he thought she did well.


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"Sometimes, domine." She said with a light voice, concentrating more on the work of her hand than what she was saying. The wine was also partly to blame for that, she was sure. "But I like it. I used to massage my mama's arm, she broke it when I was a girl and it never healed right." She let out a little sigh at the memory. In truth, her home on her island hadn't been much grander than her cell here. They had slept in the same room - with more space given to the workshop than the family's comfort, and she'd had precious few belongings other than those gifted to her or scavenged. But she remembered the warmth and the coolness of the breeze whipped up from the sea. She let out her own little sigh of contentment. 

"Are you enjoying it, domine?" She asked tentatively, listening to the soft, little sounds of pleasure he made occasionally. She smiled to herself, pleased at her own handiwork - but Ione was always looking to improve, to make her life somewhat more bearable; "I-is there anything I can do different? Better?" She asked as she continued to knead his back, "I want to get better..."


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So maybe it was Spurius, who'd encouraged her to learning how to massage like this. He could not imagine she came up with the idea on her own. She was sweet, but very naïve and young and he did not think she'd think so far alone. So if she massaged Spurius, who had a limp, it made sense. And he gave her an as for herself too. Was he more fond of her than he should be? He did know Ione was Lucius' slave, right? Of course that was something to hold against Spurius, should he ever need something. Meanwhile Ione went on, not thinking too much about what she said. She spoke of how she'd massaged her mother's arm when she was a girl. Lucius didn't comment on it. Her life before she came here didn't matter to him. As long as she did her work here, that was enough. Luckily she kept massaging him and asked if he enjoyed it and wondered if she could do anything different or better.

"I do enjoy it, it's nice." Lucius said and then he shifted a little to glance at her, "Do you know how to massage my front side too?" He then asked.


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She smiled broadly, delighted he was enjoying it. The lessons were an expense she could ill-afford but that they might be useful was thrilling. Maybe Spurius was right? Maybe if she continued to upskill herself she could improve her station? She was still barely eighteen, she’d seen whores here well into their forties. If she had another twenty years left of this work then she wanted to ensure she had the best possible clients for the best possible life. It didn’t occur to sweet, submissive Ione that she could dream of a future when she wasn’t pleasuring men for money. 

“I…haven’t done it before.” Her fingers stilled on his back. She could see from the corners of his eyes that he was watching her and she tried her best not to let it discomfort her. She swallowed, blinking slowly. The wine was strong. “I can try, domine, if you would like? The lessons have only focused on the back so far.” For the most part anyway. Massaging his chest, given every other new thing she’d done since she’d arrived in the brothel, seemed tame by comparison.


TAG: @Atrice

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