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MATCH FOUR: Laran vs Vopicsus


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Laran vs Vopicsus

A new Retiarius and a completely new Thraex enter the arena! Who will win and who will fall?! 


OOC: Post your intros. Then wait for a staff member to post the dice roll result for the first poster. Good luck and have fun! 

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He did not know what to expect.

He prayed the small wooden idol and left it in place. Laran forced the memories out of his mind when he knew that he needed to enter the arena. In the cells, he made a point of not speaking to too many gladiators. Just in case..... He wished to make his Lanista proud and to represent the Ludus Mauritunius with pride. If he survived, it would mean he had a greater chance of freedom or greater perks within the Ludus. Laran strode onto the sands as he heard the roar of the crowd around him. Laran checked the armour on his left arm, it was secure and held the trident in his hand. 

Laran stood and waited in the arena. He gave Vopicsus a nod of respect and his face remained a firm line. He waited for the command for their match to officially begin. 


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This wasn't the way things were supposed to go. It was supposed to be an easy job with any easy payout but here he was, the place anyone of his stature dreaded being. A criminal faced with death if he couldn't swing a sword correctly, and he really didn't know how to swing a damned sword. As he entered the arena he could see the man he would be facing across the sand. The sounds of cheers were drowned out by the dread he found taking over his body. The nod the man gave him hadn't even registered right away but a few seconds passed and he reciprocated the gesture. Then the dread really set in, that guy was like twice his size and much more muscular, this was going to go badly.


"Shit." Was all he could mutter as he waited for the match to begin.


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