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Everything posted by Liv

  1. There was something about that Praetorian all right. Something interesting. Could he have tried to court Horatia despite her being off-limits? That sort of incident would definitely have annoyed her older sister, who was probably alone in the world as the only woman who did not like being made aware that she was attractive to more than just her husband. But fine, Horatia was getting stroppy and Livia didn't fancy being shown the door just yet. Maybe Aglaea would have a juicy titbit or two to share, going by the storm she and the male slave were chatting up. Ah, but that was the thing, Secundus didn't care for Livia's opinion and when he did it was always in the form of rhetorical barbed questions that were better off unanswered. 'What do you think would happen, you fool?!' or 'Only an idiot would assume that' or any of their countless siblings. Maybe he was right: Livia had never been too bright, she had never thought of any and all possible ramifications like Horatia until her latest nuptials (and even then, foresight had arose of fear and necessity rather than maturity or worldliness). She knew nothing of the ways of the world other than spin and sew. With a rueful smile, Livia put her cup down to be refilled. "I doubt it'll ever be as you say. You've always had a good head on your shoulders, Horatia, but not me." The flashing intensity in her sister's eyes went ignored. In public she had no choice but to defend her husband as any good wife should, but in private she did not care to speak of him more than the strictly required. Talking about their brothers or father, for example, was a lot more pleasant. Safer, too. "Actually, I don't see them that much," she replied truthfully, shooting an absent glance at the slave who poured more watered wine into her cup before retreating with a respectful bow. "The last time was over a month ago." They had their busy lives in Rome, and she her sad one in Tibur with only irregular visits to the capital to break the monotony. Lucius, bless him, was the one she 'spoke' to the most despite being the one furthest away; his letters arrived at regular, precise intervals. "He writes all the time, I don't think his legate or the barbarians are giving him much to do." In all likelihood they were, but her twin somehow still found the time and energy to send his colourful missives. Livia looked forward to receiving them as much as word from Marcus Auletius. She bit the corner of her lip, affecting a look of recollection. "I think Lucius mentioned it in one of his letters... but I don't remember the details." And now probably Horatia would fill in the blanks and tell Livia all about the visit and the magnificent gifts her twin lavished upon their niece and nephew. Livia reached for her cup and was in the process of bringing it to her lips again when Horatia's suggestion made her arm stop mid-air, halfway between origin and destination. A reliving of bygone days sounded appealing, although their mother's absence would be even more noticeable. But if all were up for it, perhaps they could forget their respective cares for a day or two. The cup resumed its voyage and after a quick sip, Livia grinned at her sister. "That's a wonderful idea! We should definitely do it!" A sudden afterthought came to her. What about slaves? She could dispense with Aglaea for a few hours without a problem, but more than a day? Livia did not want a clumsy simpleton girl picking out her clothes or getting her requests all wrong. "No spouses, no children, but hopefully slaves? I don't know how it is with you, but I can't stand a novice slave looking after me. That would take all the relaxation out of the stay." @Sara
  2. Liv

    Drowning sorrows

    No, Livia shouldn't risk it. If she was to entertain any hopes of one day being rid of this sham of a marriage and be free to spend her days with somebody else, a good figure would be one of her few boons. Her body hadn't been ruined by childbearing - it would be idiotic to ruin it by gorging on all sorts of fattening delicacies, no matter how tasty. She wasn't a pig ready for slaughter... yet. Aglaea's suggestion was, as usual, a very sensible one. Feeling her eyelids growing heavier by the second, Livia turned on her side and curled up, pushing her knees towards her chest in a very unladylike manner. "Will you please do that?" She never heard her body slave's reply: Livia closed her eyes and was asleep within seconds like a lazy housecat. ---------- Livia woke up with a start. She had been dreaming: a most strange dream in which her torso had grown to the size of a small elephant but her hands and feet had retained their normal size, much like the Aesop fable her childhood nurse would tell her sometimes. She raised herself up groggily on one elbow and squinted around, blinking to try and chase sleep away. "Aglaea, what time is it? Has the merchant come?" @Echo
  3. Liv

    Happier times

    It was surprisingly hard to make out any particular fragrance given the haphazard mix of scents that pervaded the air around them, but far be it from Livia to admit defeat that early in the game. She instinctively shrunk back when the merchant smiled at them, put off by it. There was something to be said about too solicit sellers: to a sheltered young woman like Livia, it felt like they were trying to take advantage of her lack of haggling smarts and rope her into a bad deal. Without realising she was doing it, Livia stepped back to the side to take half cover behind Horatia, not returning the look her sister had given her. She remained silent, watching the merchant's busy movements. "Do you think he's legit?" she whispered, digging her fingers into Horatia's arm. "He looks sketchy. What if it's just some cheap essence?" The merchant was quick enough in producing his ware, and Livia found herself grinning back rather awkwardly as the man held out a little bottle. Now she had to do it - touch the little thing and bring it under her nose. Leaving her hiding place, she gingerly took the vial from the keeper and took a cautious sniff. "Huh," Livia let out, confounded. The smell was much stronger than she had expected, and refreshing too. The crisp mint notes were softened by the irises' flowery touch, creating a harmonious combination. Very pleasant, indeed. She passed the vial on to Horatia, eyeing her sister with curious anticipation. Livia did not want to wear the same perfume as a thousand women in Rome, especially not if her future husband were to have it as a keepsake. "What do you think? Is it too common?" @Sara
  4. Liv

    Drowning sorrows

    Livia took another bite of her honey cake and motioned for Aglaea to do the same amidst quiet chewing. There was far more food than the two of them required, let alone if she was supposed to eat it all on her own. While she enjoyed food as much as anyone, Livia had never been tempted to give in to gluttony, perhaps because she was both too vain to accept a more rounded figure and not enough of a gourmand to be captured by the different depths of flavour in a regular honey cake. She swallowed and chased the cake down with a cup of very watered-down wine, snorting lightly through her nose in amusement. "Could be. Or it could be the case that he turned out to be one of those men who fancy a woman twice their seize, and I don't want to run that risk. I would need a whole new wardrobe!" Feeling full enough for the time being, Livia scooted over to a corner of the blanket and lay down, arms and legs half spread out onto the grass. There might be green stains in her clothes after this, but that did not concern her. The sun was shining down in practically full force now, and Livia knew that lying under it with a full stomach was an invitation for a nap. Almost as if on cue, she yawned. "I want to sleep," she complained to Aglaea, "but if I do I might miss the travelling merchant." @Echo
  5. Liv

    Drowning sorrows

    Aglaea's voice roused Livia from her reverie. She looked up, blinking repeatedly, and met her companion's gaze with slightly unfocused eyes. "I'm sorry, what?" A heartbeat later, she remembered herself and where she was. "I'm fine. Was just somewhere else for an instant..." She chuckled, but there was no humour in it. Even though Aglaea knew all about it - had been there -, Livia resolved not to spend their outing dwelling on the past: she could do that well enough when she was inside and entirely on her own. She helped herself to a honey cake and broke off a piece before shoving it carelessly into her mouth. "Mmm, the cook really exceeded himself today!" she praised between bites, forcing excitement into her voice. "If it were like this every day I'd be the size of a cow." And probably not all that interesting to Marcus anymore. The thought had her chuckling again, this time in cheerful irony. "What do you think my husband would say to that?" @Echo
  6. Who would have thought that even Horatia could get flustered - and that all it had taken was an Praetorian? Had this little titbit of knowledge come to light ten years earlier, Livia would have put it to good mischievous use; now, she just filed it away as new information that might come in handy at some point. "And when you finally did have cause, he managed to unsettle you so by simply gossiping about your husband's plans...?" Livia took a long sip of her wine, hiding the lower half of her face behind the cup and raising her eyebrows a fraction at the same time. There had to be something more to this tale, and Livia would gladly sniff out any leads like a hunting dog if that kept her sister from prying. Unsettled and forthright today. What was up with Horatia? Livia let out a giggle as she followed her sister's gaze and consequently also spotted Aglaea and some other slave engaged in conversation. Right, she would have to ask Horatia about that too. Later. "It sounds like a daunting project even to me, it's hardly surprising he wants to account for every possibility. Besides, isn't it kind of him to ask for your opinion?" That was what was supposed to happen in harmonious marriages; Horatia should be thankful. The last question was not unexpected; Livia had grown used to anticipating it and forcing herself not to physically react to it. "Oh," she started with practised nonchalance, "he spends a lot of his time reading and writing." Exactly what about , Livia had never dared to ask in either case. "I suppose he's also got paperwork to deal with regularly as paterfamilias. I don't know the details, I've never had much of a head for that sort of thing." It was true that Secundus did all this, though it was also true that these activities did not take up as much of his time as Livia would have wished; his bouts of rage or paranoia were unfortunately more time-intensive. The finger-shaped bruise just by Livia's shoulder had all but faded, and between the very final stages of healing and the folds of her stola it was perfectly hidden from view. Livia reached for a sticky date and stole a glance at Horatia out of the corner of her eye. It truly spoke to how far apart the two women had grown when one was asking the other questions that would have made sense two years prior. @Sara
  7. Livia gave the two men a thin smile, letting that be her answer to Tertius' enquiry as to how she was doing. He was definitely aware of his brother's ways, but chose not to have much to do with him. How could Livia blame him? If it had been possible, she would have done the same thing. The law certainly allowed her to stop being family to Tertius and Teutus and Secundus and all the Quinctilii-Vari; yet something within Livia felt she did not deserve an easy way out. "May the gods continue to favour him," was her prosaic acknowledgement as she followed her brother-in-law to the atrium, casting a glance over her shoulder at Aglaea and another at Secundus' brute. She took a seat on a beautifully decorated, comfortable-looking chair and had a cup of watered wine thrust almost immediately into her hand by an attentive slave. Reclining on a sofa, whilst even more comfortable, was unfortunately not an option - her keeper slave would no doubt spin it to his master as her attempting to seduce her hosts by giving them a better view of the contours of her body. Now was a good time as any to present her gift to Teutus. Livia looked up and waved limply to her body slave. "Aglaea, bring me the pouch I gave you." Not waiting for her order to be fulfulled, she took a sip of her drink - of excellent quality, as expected - and schooled her features into what she knew passed for a curious, observant expression before turning to her new official nephew. "How are you finding your new days so far, Teutus?" Her gaze flicked on to her brother-in-law seconds later. "And I imagine yours are even busier than usual, Tertius?" Livia reckoned he would have had to teach Teutus about new social and business intricacies, but she did not know for sure. She had never freed a slave before, much less a blood-related one. @Atrice @Echo @Sharpie
  8. Liv

    Drowning sorrows

    The signs were there. Frankly, it was naïve of Livia to think Aglaea would be perfectly content living out the rest of her days a slave and nothing else, with servitude as her whole identity. Yet as naïve as it was, it was the only option Livia wanted to seriously entertain for the time being; any pretence of doing otherwise was simply for the sake of their relationship. It was therefore with some difficulty that she forced herself to giggle at Aglaea's reddening cheeks. "Very well, then I'll ask her!" Livia assured with fake enthusiasm. "But you'll only hear of them after my vetting. Can't hand you off to just anyone." Won't, not to anyone. She helped herself to some ham and took her time chewing; as long as she was busy eating, she wouldn't have to keep smiling. Suddenly visited by melancholy, Livia allowed herself a short stroll down memory lane before remembering the letter that by some miracle was still tucked between the folds of her clothes. "It's nice when you're interested in someone that's also interested in you..." she murmured to nobody in particular. 'Interest' could mean a lot: the scratching of an itch, pure and innocent love or even a lifelong commitment. Growing silent, Livia sat up and directed her absent gaze to the wild grass that surrounded their blanket island, wrapping her hand around a clump of weeds and pulling at them until their roots came out. Of course, sometimes what one thought would be a long-lasting interest was plucked away too soon. @Echo
  9. Hey @Nioh! Welcome to the site, glad to have you on board! If you ever come across a Bakumatsu-era rp board, please give me a heads up Hope you like it here, looking forward to writing with you! And feel free to come and say hi on Discord.
  10. Liv

    Drowning sorrows

    Whatever connection she and Horatia had now, Livia suspected it was cobweb-frail. Distance and secrets had a way of doing that, and even if they were to rekindle their relationship and grow close again, it would not happen nearly as fast as Aglaea seemed to be implying. "I'm sure you're right," she acknowledged, putting on a tentative smile. She felt bad about not letting Aglaea take care of herself, but a dutiful slave would feel worse about overlooking their duties. "That's all right," Livia insisted even as Aglaea fixed her clothes. "Doing it myself for once won't kill me." Never mind how poorly done it had turned out. "If you didn't dry off properly you could catch cold." And if her slave were to get sick and bedridden, that would be a much bigger problem than a few askew clasps. Her green eyes followed in appreciation as Aglaea laid out their meal. "You know me too well!" Once everything had found its place, she propped herself up on her elbow and reached for a small bun topped with herbs that she knew was filled with gooey cheese. "It's nothing. Enjoy." Livia took a bite and enjoyed the flavours bursting in her mouth as she chewed in silence. Food was one of the few pleasures she could indulge in without facing glaring disapproval, but she did not fancy becoming a rotund slave to it. Everything in moderation. "But do tell. Have you reached that age where you would like to have a partner? I could ask Horatia, you know. I'm sure she knows of a decent slave or two." Although she tried to sound cheerful, inside Livia was seething. What would she do if someone were to take her place in Aglaea's priorities? If they took her most precious friend from her? It was an ugly feeling, but she hoped the day her body slave found a partner was many years away. She tried to change the subject to a less divisive tangent. "When we go to visit Horatia you may have some time to yourself. Knowing her, we'll probably just sit and chat inside for a couple of hours, so I'm giving you permission already now to leave. You may go to your temple or shopping or whatever." There was a chance Aglaea might have to deliver a letter, too, but at that moment it was only a chance. @Echo
  11. Livia had never found her niece and nephew to be the adorable tiny little ones Horatia spoke of, but said nothing so as not to shatter the illusion. Her own daughter had never had the chance to grow into one either, and even if Horatia had forgotten all about the little life that never was, Livia had not. "Boys will be boys," she commented neutrally and took another sip of her watered wine. "How old is he again? Fifteen? Won't be long until he officially becomes one." And hopefully an invitation for the grand event would come, allowing her to skirt her husband's surveillance again. True to form, Horatia's clarification came swiftly. Thermae, huh? Livia's brother-in-law must have really lined his pockets in dreary Raetia; that was no cheap endeavour. Unless his family were even wealthier than Livia knew, which was well within the realm of possibility. "I'm sorry, I don't remember where or who I heard it from." A lie; Marcus Auletius had told her the last time they had met, though Livia wouldn't claim to know who his source was. That a Praetorian also had heard the same rumour was nothing extraordinary; for all the city's inhabitants, the circles they moved in could sometimes be suffocatingly small. "Oh? How so? Was he rude to you?" Livia, subconsciously imitating her sister, broke off a sprig of grapes from a rather big bunch and plucked them off one by one, shoving each one into her mouth at a regular pace. "They are very annoying, though, as you say. Think they're in charge when they're really little more than glorified brigands." Politics did not interest her one iota, but her sister would certainly expect Livia to share her opinion of the Praetorian guard. How wrong Horatia was! If the dogs came sniffing about, they would find at least two juicy bones, and neither would help Livia in the slightest. "Nothing ever happens there," she confirmed evasively, wishing that Horatia would let it go. "You'll see for yourself when you come to visit." The contents of her wine cup had suddenly become very interesting, and she studied them for longer than they warranted before taking another careful sip. Who needed Praetorians snooping around when she had Horatia to do that? Time to redirect the conversation to safer themes. "But do tell me more about these baths. What's Aulus got in mind for them? What locations is he looking at? And what do you think of it all?" Mind your husband doesn't pawn off your beautiful jewels, sister. @Sara
  12. Liv

    Drowning sorrows

    Livia wanted to believe Aglaea's optimistic words, but deep down inside, self-doubt gnawed at her. Would Horatia really be pleased by an eventual visit? She might be busy entertaining or forging connections in her husband's stead, to improve his standing - but even if she were inconvenienced by Livia dropping by, she would never let it show, in typical Horatia fashion. As she left the water she cast a thankful look at her body slave, already dashing to dry her off. Once Aglaea was done and got started on herself, Livia grabbed her neatly folded clothes and stepped into them, haphazardly fastening various fibulae and clasps and giving herself a rather slipshod look in the process. She was no good at doing it herself but wanted to give Aglaea a chance to tend to herself without interruptions. "Well, that's true. You hardly ever grow bored in Rome." So long as you could roam its streets freely, that was. But she wasn't fully convinced. "All kinds of people indeed, some more interesting than others... How about that temple of yours? Anyone interesting there?" Livia insisted, now smiling wryly. She had never seen anything wrong with allowing Aglaea to keep following the rites of her people - perhaps a legacy of their time in Antioch, with its eclectic mix of Eastern creeds and beliefs alongside the official Roman cult. Thus, Livia thought it only natural that her slave should look for potential partners there, amongst her kind, the same way Livia's own selection had been confined to the senatorial class. What would happen afterwards however, was to be considered some other time, although letting Aglaea out of her possession was out of the question. Brought back to the present by her slave's question, Livia blinked in surprise before replying. "Oh, yes. Let's eat." She lay down on the wide cloth that separated them from the grass and waited expectantly for whatever delicacies Aglaea would magic out of the basket. "Let me guess! Cheesy bread, smoked ham and blackcurrant buns?" She would hardly turn down juicy olives or dried figs or other fruit, though. "You help yourself too, Aglaea." There should be enough for the two of them, even if there were some foodstuffs she knew from experience her slave would avoid. @Echo
  13. Liv

    Happier times

    Why do it on the way home when you could forget about it and not now whilst the thought was still fresh? Livia disagreed with Horatia's reasoning - which probably stemmed from the market's layout or some other equally logical reason -, but held her peace. "I see a problem with that if she grows as tall as you," she teased, again feigning interest for the sake of good familial relationships. A quip here, a jibe there, followed by an apology and all was forgiven. "I know she wasn't, but she might have brought it up at some point before. You were always going to get married before me, so..." Livia shrugged as way of conclusion. In some deep and well-hidden part of her, she was secretly comforted by the fact that their mother had missed both of her daughters' weddings; Horatia had had a few more precious years with Livia Calavia than her and that was already painful enough in its own way. "Or your mother-in-law might have shared some of her wisdom with you, because Vesta knows her daughter isn't going to get married anytime soon!" Livia's giggle was more than a little patronising, in spite of being well aware of the prestige a Vestal brought to her family. Mint and irises - now that was a combination Livia had never considered, but Horatia might just be right. It could indeed suit her, and she liked the smells well enough on their own. "That is a very good idea," she admitted, impressed for once. "And if he has to travel, I could give him a little bottle to take with so that he'll think of me when he smells it." Livia was now grinning from ear to ear in that way that lovestruck people do, totally unaware of how cheesy she looked, and let her sister guide her. After what felt like an eternity of dodging people and breathing in offensive odours, they reached the perfumeries corner. Livia's eyes lit up as if it were Saturnalia: so many little beautiful bottles and flasks, each filled with its own fragrance. She turned to Horatia, unable to disguise the excitement in her voice. "Do you think they'll have it? Mint and irises?" @Sara
  14. Horatia opted not to go into the specifics of Raetian weather, and Livia did not press it. She was not in the least invested in the answer, and her indifference might have been more noticeable than she was aware of. On the other hand, she seemed to be listening very attentively to Livia's little description. Possibly depicting the whole scene in her head, allowing her imagination to fill in the blanks. Horatia had never seemed the most creative person to her, but even she had to exercise fantasy every now and then - and mayhap be disappointed when the Tiburtine villa failed to reach her expectations, which were sure to be high. Oh. So there was to be a visit after all. Livia acquiesced with a nod, gaze already far away, deep in thought. Two weeks was not a lot of time, but it should be enough to prepare her husband for it and deal with his inevitable displeasure in whatever shape it might take. Best to let him know as soon as possible, in fact, so that any eventual bruising would have time to subside. "Yes, that would be lovely," she reiterated with little conviction. If Horatia came alone - discounting the necessary slaves, obviously - it might make the prospect a tad more amenable to Secundus; he would only have one more pair of eyes on him to contend with, in addition to all the ones he was convinced followed his every step. "The current is not too strong, so it's a nice place to swim. And if you come on the nundines, we can also go to the market. It's not as impressive as the ones here, but they have very good olives and olive oil." It was a very unimpressive market in all truth, but perhaps quaint enough for Horatia to be interested in it. She wouldn't have to beware of pickpockets, for one. "But are you sure you can bear to be away from them?" Yet another polite platitude, although the children were old enough to deal with their mother's absence for a few days. Aulus had already dealt with it a number of times before, even years at a time - he should have no reason to object to a couple of days away on a sisterly visit. "I suppose it would be quite boring for them, though. Not a lot to do but pick flowers," Livia chuckled humourlessly. She reached for some cured ham, more to have something to do than out of actual appetite. Gods, what else was there to talk about? Right, there were those rumours of Horatia's husband intending on building some grand what-was-it-again as part of his bid for consulship. It was only polite to show some interest in her brother-in-law's activities, as long as Secundus was out of earshot. "That reminds me, the last time I was here I heard some whispers of your husband having something built... but I can't for the life of me remember what it was," Livia confessed sheepishly. "Was it a library...? Or thermae...?" Playing the forgetful pupil would almost certainly elicit a desire in Horatia to correct her. @Sara
  15. Liv

    Drowning sorrows

    Livia had never really considered Aglaea's own need for socialising, but now that it had been brought up, she almost felt bad for having ignored it for so long. For her, Aglaea's company was a lifeline, a friendly voice in a world of bitterness. But just as she eventually had felt the need to seek out others, so it was natural for her slave to do. Seeing the same old faces and hearing the same old ramblings day in and day out tested anyone's patience. She half-sat as she listened, legs folded under herself underwater, carried back and forth by the water's motion. Yes, clean air was certainly nice - in the countryside it carried the fragrances of different flowers rather than the stink of sewage and rotting food, and there was much less dust. At the second mention of 'meeting new people', a knowing smile appeared on Livia's lips. Had someone piqued Aglaea's interest lately? She opted not to comment on it right away, but she wouldn't be able to resist temptation for long. "About that, we're in luck. My sister invited us to visit her soon, and I've been trying to convince Secundus to go. Or let me go," Livia muttered, her tone betraying the annoyance she felt. "I haven't lost all hope yet, but it all comes down to his generosity." She all but spat out the last word, anger surging in her breast like an inflating balloon. "Even if that's all we do - visit Horatia, I mean -, it would be a nice change of scenery." With a couple of final kicks underwater, Livia's swimming session came to an end. She might jump in again before they returned to the domus, but for now she had had enough of splashing about. "I like the orchards well enough, and this place here." That she didn't list any other spots spoke volumes - could a person ever grow to like a prison? Livia stood and wrung her sopping hair, letting it hang freely down her back when she was done. She cast Aglaea a mischievous look, the sort that only came out once in a blue moon. "I noticed you spoke about meeting new people twice..." she started in a light, teasing drawl. "Is there something you're not telling me? Did some handsome fellow catch your eye?" @Echo
  16. If Horatia too felt their meeting was more than a little awkward, she did not let it show. Or perhaps it was just that Livia was no longer as adept at reading her sister's features as she had once been, back when a twitch or a blink told her more about her sister's mood than the words coming out of her mouth. But it was only to be expected that things would turn out the way they had - Horatia with her husband that wanted to go places and Livia with hers that did not want to go anywhere, and the two of them unwilling or unable to disobey. As Horatia spoke she nodded along, the picture of an attentive guest. "Were they very different from ours? Colder, I would think?" Yes, the weather was a perfectly safe topic to talk about, and something about which it would be natural to be curious, given the extension of the empire. Not that she cared about the answer; unlike some, Livia had never dreamed of accompanying a spouse to the farther reaches of Roman territory. She plucked a slice of cheese from its place on a tray and brought it to her mouth, almost-but-not-quite imitating Horatia. "Oh, it was a bit boring, to be honest." Sequestered away, all right. If only Horatia knew... but Livia was not in the mood to tell, possibly not ever. So she took a sip of her own wine to wash down any cheese bits left behind and gave her sister a small melancholy smile. "Tibur is indeed beautiful, though not so much in the winter. There's not a lot to do other than spin and sew. But you should come some day, now that spring has come." She was not entirely sure she meant the invitation, but it would have been rude not to make one. If Horatia accepted, there would be quite some downfall to deal with both before and after ... "It's on the outskirts, two or three miles from the town proper, but flowers have begun to bloom, and there's a stream where you can swim." As far as prisons went, it was at least a pleasant-looking one. Most likely right up Horatia's alley, too. Livia took another sip of her weak wine. "Don't know if you'd be jealous." Nobody could be jealous of that. "Guess you'll have to see for yourself sometime." The corners of her mouth lifted, but the smile did not reach Livia's eyes. She had well and truly lost her touch. @Sara
  17. Liv

    Drowning sorrows

    It was impossible not to laugh at Aglaea's antics, even though Livia's view of the whole thing was partially obstructed by her current position. It was childish good fun, and the gods knew how that had been chronically lacking in her life for the last couple of years. "See, isn't it better now?" She lazily paddled closer to the other woman, neither making a literal splash on purpose nor attempting to be stealthy. "Move your arms and legs a bit and you'll warm up in no time." She'd had enough of floating. Bending her legs so her knees were hovering just above the riverbed, Livia took a deep breath to fill her lungs with air and went under, blowing bubbles underwater until the need for oxygen made her resurface. Had Aglaea drunk from the fountain of knowledge that morning or what? Sometimes she was almost infuriating with how sensible she was, but Livia knew it was just her own temper flaring up for a second. If it weren't for her slave's sense, things might have turned out quite different by now, and not for the best. "You're right," she admitted, nodding without much conviction. "On both counts. I guess it's more... manageable here?" Not quite freer - the lack of distractions meant Secundus tended to overanalyse and doubt the few that did exist -, but more predictable. There was less variation to their days, fewer unknown quantities to set him off, and less talk of his episodes got out. "I miss having more places to go and things to do. Even the weekly market got old very quickly." Not to mention how much easier it was to find an opportunity to be with Marcus when they were both in Rome. Livia dunked her head in the water again and repeated her bubble-blowing routine, again coming up for air after a short while. "I don't think I've ever asked you, Aglaea. What do you like best about this place?" Livia waved her arm broadly around them, meaning the whole complex of the villa rather than their little spot. @Echo
  18. April, 75 AD - same day as 'First introductions' Livia had begged and pleaded for days and finally her efforts had borne fruit. To think she would have had to grovel in order to be granted permission to visit her only sister, whom she had not seen in months. Yet here she was, blessedly free of Secundus thanks to his asocial ways ('I can't possibly go with you to see your sister, I know she and her husband laugh at me behind my back!'), if only for a few hours. With Aglaea dismissed on charitable grounds of 'go and enjoy yourself', Livia felt oddly uncomfortable, almost as if she were naked. Even in an environment that was anything but hostile, her unease only showed how dependent on her body slave she had grown, in spite of the fact that her older sister was sitting just a few feet away. Now that small gifts and platitudes had been exchanged, Livia was at a loss for words. Had she really wanted to see Horatia after long weeks of nary a word, or had it all just been a convenient excuse to get away after all? She stared at Horatia with a meek yet somewhat fearful expression, hands folded in her lap. What should they talk about? "So... how was your winter?" @Sara
  19. Liv

    Happier times

    Livia knew the look on Horatia's face very well; she and Lucius had been on the receiving end of it more times than she cared to remember throughout their childhoods. It was the classic 'I-think-you-aren't-telling-me-the-whole-truth' Horatia look. This time round, though, Livia had perfected the 'I-can't-believe-you-would-think-such-a-thing-of-me' expression herself and put it on at once, hopefully managing to seem perfectly innocent under her sister's scrutiny. She weighed the small purses in her hand, noticing how soft they felt. Cute little colourful purses, utterly boring, utterly safe. No sharp edges, no wood that might splinter off, no rough fabric that might irritate a child's skin... Livia fought the urge to sigh and instead looked up at Horatia and gave an approving smile. "I'm sure she would love these. Has she started getting at your jewellery yet? Then you'll know where to look." If Calpurnia took to the pouches, then whatever she took might find its way there. "Why don't you fill one or two of them with sweet-smelling herbs like lavender? She might like that too." Livia couldn't care less what her niece would or wouldn't like, but keeping up pretences was a necessary art, even with family. It was her turn to narrow her eyes, intrigued that Horatia was done with her shopping. There was being frugal and there was being a bore! Unless she was saving her coin for the nicer stalls further ahead, which in that case Livia would approve of. "Actually, I haven't decided. I suppose both?" She wasn't quite sure what to buy, other than the embroidery articles she'd had in mind. "I do need to stock up on beads, I'm all out of blue and orange ones..." Livia fiddled with her fingers as she made a mental tally of other things she needed, until she was struck by a sudden thought. With a wide grin, she looked up at Horatia. "Is there anything a new bride should be buying? Some secret item passed down from mother to daughter?" @Sara
  20. Liv

    Drowning sorrows

    Pleased that she had finally got her way and cajoled Aglaea into joining her, Livia bobbed back a little, half-sitting and half-lying in the water. "It's because you're not moving," she countered, waving her arms around her for emphasis. If Aglaea decided to beat a retreat back to land, Livia wouldn't resent her; by some deeply flawed logic, she thought it natural for her slave to shun the cold, since she came from such a hot land. "I don't remember if I already know how to swim..." Livia squinted up at the blue sky, trying to poke her memory into coughing up results. "But I'm sure I was a splashing champion." Her recollections were so fleeting, and now more than ever seemed to have been from a dozen lifetimes ago. She was often torn between dwelling on them in a tribute to past good times and ignoring them so she couldn't compare them to her dreary daily life. Once again, Aglaea spoke sense. Frugality was one of the few things Secundus didn't seem to mind, so he might just give permission to have the almond trees planted. It was not something Livia would have been able to command on her own, not with all the slaves knowing how her husband was. "Yes, that's a good idea. But we should get mature trees, so he doesn't grow angry waiting for them to bear fruit." She dipped back her upper body, stretched out her legs and let herself float face up at the mercy of the gentle undulation, unbound hair fanning around her head like some extravagant accessory. Bitter almonds could be deadly, Livia remembered, but chose not to comment out loud. A wife complaining about her husband to her trusted slave was much more innocent than the same wife discussing poisonous nuts with the same slave. Impatient for a new topic, one that would take her mind away from such forbidden things, she called out to Aglaea. "Do you miss Rome yet?" Livia did. Gods, how she did. Countryside living was not for her. @Echo
  21. Liv

    Drowning sorrows

    Livia took a few more steps into the stream, the water now close to knee-level. It was still cold, but not as much as when she'd first tested it; not cold enough to reach into her bones and send pangs of pain through them, anyway. A particularly sharp pebble dug into her sole for an instant before she kicked it away with her big toe. She bent forwards and dipped her hands into the clear stream, feeling her arms break out into goosebumps. "Oh, come! You'll get used to it in a few minutes," Livia insisted, but without much force behind it. For some reason, Aglaea seemed to be more reluctant to let loose lately, although in Livia's presence at least she had never been overly relaxed. She acknowledged Aglaea's comment with a glance towards the bank and a nod, and then launched herself forwards in a decidedly un-ladylike imitation of a fish, sending water splashing all around her. Brrr. She had better start moving soon to warm up. Using her arms and legs to propel herself, Livia swam over to the other bank and back a few times, the water now a much more bearable temperature thanks to the heat her muscles had begun producing. Oblivious to what Aglaea might be musing on, Livia flicked some water at the dark-haired woman. "I remember there was a stream like this, though at the time Lucius and I were convinced it was a big river. And there were lots of almond trees, too... They looked so beautiful when they bloomed, almost as if it were snow..." Livia let herself get lost in reminiscence for a little while, though the memories were worn and faded - more glimpses and flashes of things and people than full sequences that could be replayed at will. "Perhaps we should have some almond trees planted. Do you think Secundus will find fault with that?" Then again, he could find fault with anything if only he wanted to. @Echo
  22. Liv

    Happier times

    Livia wasted no time in following suit and exiting the litter, eyes widening in joy at all the wares and haggling that awaited them. Her dark blonde or light brown hair - depending on whom you asked - wasn't nearly as fetching as Horatia's, but decency dictated it too should be covered, and so she draped the light green garment over her head. She was intent on getting her fill of bright and airy colours while she still could, after all, for respectable married women were expected to be more demure in their choice of patterns and dyes. Again, Horatia embodied the stereotype very well. Had she been on her own, Livia would have made a beeline for the jewellers, but with Horatia in tow it would reflect kindly upon her to show some thoughtfulness. "Since we're here, why don't you get something for Calpurnia first?" She did not go as far as to suggest what, as it was well beyond her current capabilities. Young children might as well be a foreign race to her, as odd as her body slave's Jewish brethren. Should she mention her nephew as well? Marcus Horatius Justinus had usually brought gifts for all his children in their younger years, barring special occasions like birthdays, so Livia figured Horatia would probably want to get something for her son too. "And maybe for Titus too?" Before Horatia could overthink the situation and turn back so as not to spend money unnecessarily, Livia took her by the wrist and gently but firmly dragged her sister closer to the stalls. @Sara
  23. Liv

    Drowning sorrows

    Once she was stripped down to her strophium and subligaculum, Livia put her arms back down and crouched to take off her sandals without teetering to and fro. "It really is. It's so peaceful and quiet..." That was the case most of the time, except when slaves came by to collect water for whatever purpose. "Almost feels like we're in a different world." She rose and looked over her shoulder, once again on the lookout for intruders. It wouldn't be the first time one of the slaves working outdoors invented some inane motive to come out and pretend to require her opinion while trying to get an eyeful. "The only issue is never really knowing how long the silence lasts. Though we'll probably be fine if we return before lunch." As she spoke Livia closed the distance between their little picnic spot and the stream, and dipped her bare feet in with a girlish squeal. "Oof, it's still cold!" The sun hadn't been shining down on the water long enough to heat it up yet, but after a few minutes of getting used to the temperature, it should feel warm enough to swim. "I think I like this little site so much because it reminds me of Hispania, when I was very young. Of course, you weren't with me back then, Aglaea... I'm glad you are now." Livia didn't turn around as she traced circles in the water with one foot, but a trained ear like her body slave's would have heard the rare smile in her voice. @Echo
  24. Liv

    Drowning sorrows

    Aglaea did make a good point about the soporific effects of poppy seeds, but at the same time, resorting to their use would open the door to a slew of whispers and rumours that might turn out catastrophic for Livia. What with the way tongues tended to wag, slaves' and free people's alike, she would quickly go from concerned wife trying to assuage her husband's insomnia to deceiving wench out to murder him... and while things were admittedly bad, they hadn't quite reached that level yet. How odd it was, Livia thought to herself, that even a fleeting musing of the deed didn't immediately repulse her as its taboo nature warranted. Livia shrugged and looked around, making sure there was no one in sight. Aglaea would have received a light scolding for that comment if not for the lack of a breeze that might carry it to unintended ears, but then again, she might well have taken that into consideration before speaking - Livia found her observant enough, more than she got credit for. "A very sound plan," she nodded in agreement before stepping over to Aglaea and holding her arms out parallel to the ground, in a silent request for help with undressing. "Be careful, I've got a letter somewhere in there." This time her voice was a soft whisper, impossible to hear more than a foot away. Poppy draughts were one thing, letters to Marcus quite another. @Echo
  25. Liv

    Drowning sorrows

    Many masers would have bristled at being spoken to so freely and casually by a slave of theirs, but Livia wasn't bothered by it when it was Aglaea. Unconsciously, she even encouraged it, eager for the semblance of friendship. If it was all an act, then her companion was a very fine actress. Livia didn't dare to think of that possibility. She stopped and bent to pick a couple of flowers, intending for the gesture to fool some overly curious slaves into thinking the two women were just going for a picnic. "Even a bull would be quieter," Livia mumbled as she stood up and tucked a poppy into a lock of hair right above her ear. She handed Aglaea another poppy and resumed walking. "Well, for one, if a man's really, really drunk, he can't get it up." That would be a very nice side effect, although knowing Secundus, he would pin the blame on her. "And sometimes they drink so much they even pass out." Another blessing, if it went that way. Livia sighed, shoulders drooping. "You're right, though. In his case, it would probably just make everything worse. Sense isn't really his strong suit, is it?" Excess drink might just make him even more paranoid and irascible. The water came into sight, raising Livia's spirits. When they were only three or four paces from the stream, she came to a halt and motioned for Aglaea to put down their food and clothing. Putting her hands on her hips, Livia cast Aglaea a questioning look, followed by a tilt of the head towards the water. "What shall we do first? Eat or swim?" @Echo
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