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Atticus admittedly liked the idea of having Rufus under his wing. There was something about having a dutiful pupil to pass along his knowledge and teachings. It was not a great deal but still. It gave him a sense of importance. He paused to think more of the slaves and the culture among them. Atticus had come into the household as an educated and valuable slave already, and while he did not necessarily have to climb the ranks through the household. There was the threat of jealousy involved, positions in the household could always potentially cause friction. Yet the family that owned them did not try to cultivate too much of a competitive atmosphere, however, they did promote excellence. He had seen some slaves' personalities change when a rival was presented, or when their Dominus' back was turned. 

"Mostly pretty good, keep your nose out of trouble and it won't find you," Atticus winked and reached out to place his hand on Rufus' shoulder. Atticus did not know what else to tell him, "Now, I don't see you causing any fuss or anything. Do your job. Keep your prick to yourself. And you'll be alright, hm?" He answered, he had children of his own that were owned by the family. Although he could not shake the paternal feelings he had over Rufus at the moment. 



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Well, Rufus was generally pretty good at keeping out of trouble, although he knew as well as anyone that no slave could remain out of trouble for long if a free person were determined to get them into trouble. Still - thankfully - this did not seem to be the sort of household where that was normal, common or even expected. He wasn't the sort of person to go sticking his prick into anyone who took his fancy, either, so that should be easy enough. Although that thought brought another, more troubling question, to mind.

"Will the master require any... more personal services of me, sir? In bed?"

There were reasons that his old master hadn't, of course, but those reasons didn't exist here in this house. It wasn't as though he would mind (he certainly couldn't object) but if he was going to end up serving in that way too, he would at least like to have prior warning that it might be required.

He liked the household, what he'd seen of it; he certainly liked and appreciated Atticus' help and the fact the other man was letting him ask questions, and was even answering them. It remained to be seen whether he really had fallen on his feet in being purchased by this master, into this household, but he was feeling optimistic about his future here, and that couldn't be bad.



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Atticus listened while Rufus asked his own question, and it was a fair one to ask. Many owners enjoyed sampling their slaves and enjoying them. The private lives of many Romans were especially shocking, and could be scandalous if they were more well-known. Octavius on the other hand was quite boring by comparison. 

"Oh no, his preference is towards women, and no you won't need to help in bed with his wife either," Atticus answered, and peeked out to check on the Dominus of the household. He was still busy, and oblivious to the conversation taking place between the two slaves.  "His younger years were filled with experimentation and adventure, but alas," He said, a hand dramatically rested on his chest as he did so. "No more, and I will be tactful enough not to ask what occurred in your old household. The family typically free older slaves and are not known to willingly divide families, and the like." He added, in case Rufus was allocated a common law wife to call her own. 

While he was fairly secluded he would listen to the gossip that other slaves would tell him. A lot of it was exaggerated but that was what made it fun. So juicy, and scandalous. Even if the most he would ever do would be to giggle, and then go about his day. 


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Rufus felt relieved at the news, and was surprised that he also felt disappointment mixed in with the relief. That was unexpected. A slave who was someone's body slave was unlikely to be lent out to anyone else, so there was that, too. He supposed it might be possible to form a relationship with another of the slaves in the house, but that would maybe put his position in jeopardy. Aanyway, when would he get the chance to be with another slave when his time was spent in his master's presence?

He shrugged. "You can ask, if you like. I never did, not with the master, but sometimes he lent me to a friend. And the master's cousin - our master, I mean - he stayed with my old master last winter, for three days, and he borrowed me then because his own body-slave was ill."

It had been three days of interest and excitement, travelling around for Titus Flavius Alexander to see various people, and there had been that earthquake... Earthquakes weren't uncommon and it hadn't been the first that Rufus had experienced (though it was one of the bigger ones), but the time away from his home had seared those three days into Rufus' memory. Perhaps they didn't qualify as high adventure to most, but they'd been the most adventurous few days of Rufus' existence up until now, and that was without the memory of being taken to Titus Flavius' bed, which hadn't been unpleasant.

He swallowed as Atticus mentioned about this master not dividing families. That had made him think of his sister - Jupiter knew if he'd ever see her again.



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Oh, now this was juicy!

There was something about listening to people gossip about their betters that always managed to brighten his day. 

Atticus leaned forward and rubbed his hands together. He wouldn't gossip. Buuut there was nothing wrong with a bit of gossip. It could potentially add to some rather excited scenarios when the Dominus' cousin came. Octavius and Titus were quite close as friends, and it was not uncommon for them to spend time together. He stopped himself from blurting out something and reached over to pat Rufus' shoulder. He liked the young man, and hoped no-one would be jealous or cruel towards him. 

"Is it going to cause you any issues? He is a regular guest here." Atticus asked curiously. Slaves were property yet they also were human beings, with feelings and consideration. He was itching to know how Titus felt about Rufus. Were there going to be any secret liaisons while they were there? Would Octavius be willing for his body slave to tend to his cousin's more intimate needs? Oh Gods! It was juicy and exciting. Perhaps age was approaching and he was finding excitement in the smallest things. 


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"Trouble?" Rufus repeated. "No, I don't think so. He said he was very pleased with my service."

It didn't sound as though this new master would lend him out as his old master had - or maybe he would have, if he hadn't decided to try Rufus as his own body slave. He wasn't likely to end up in Titus Flavius Alexander's bed again, though, and found himself regretting that. It hadn't even been a possibility when he was at the slave dealer's, though, so why it should suddenly matter was beyond Rufus. It wasn't as though it had meant anything to the man - but he had said he'd tried to buy Rufus from his master, before he'd left, and then there had been that brief exchange at the slave market...

There was always a danger for slaves in reading too much into any interaction with a free person.

Whether it would cause Rufus any personal issues, to see the man so close and have no interaction with him, Rufus couldn't say - but he already knew that Titus Flavius was on close terms with his cousin. He could ask to borrow Rufus if he wanted, but that (and the master's possible reply) were totally outside of his control, so he set that thought aside.

"Would I be allowed to have any sort of relationship with one of the other slaves, if they wanted it too?" he asked. Even the hypothetical possibility would be something, he wasn't entirely sure he could obey an imposed rule of celibacy - especially if he had to be there while the master and mistress were enjoying their marital conjugations.



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(As Atticus)

Oh, how he loved hearing about this. His intimate encounters had declined over the years, yet there was always something exciting to hear about other people's gossip concerning it. It was always good to know information on those around your Owner. At least, that is what he would continue to tell himself while he tried to pry out more gossip for his own amusement. The question asked was utterly practical, and quite fair. 

"Hm, from what I know," Atticus began, his thumb moved along his bearded chin in deep thought. "They are okay with it. However, if you find another slave you are interested in it would be best to speak to the Dominus about it." He answered carefully. Not wishing to potentially give an incorrect answer that could get Rufus into any sort of trouble. He quite liked the redheaded fellow. Atticus couldn't help himself. It was a a treat at his age to receive any sort of news. "Of course, pregnancies could potentially cause issues or to establish co-habitation."

Now he really had to know. 

"Hm, why do you ask? Has anyone caught your eye?" Atticus asked. 


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"No - at least, not yet." Rufus shrugged. "I'd rather know first, though, before anything happens that I might get in trouble for. This is the first household I've belonged to apart from where I was born, I don't know all the rules this master has like I knew my old master's."

It did seem like it was a good house to be in, though, despite the initial hiccup when Rufus had mentioned the master's hand.

"Does Octavius Flavius lend his slaves out, ever?" he asked, curious. If he didn't work out as the master's body slave, it would be as well to be prepared for that sort of thing. The master probably wouldn't lend his body slave, of course, but stranger things had happened.

"And I've been asking all sorts of questions when you've probably got all your own duties to see to," he added, though he'd liked talking to the older man. He didn't think he'd do much talking when serving the master - it was his experience that the free people liked their slaves to be seen and not heard.



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Atticus could not help but wiggle his eyebrows in jest at the phrase. Not yet. 

Jokes aside, it made sense and young Rufus had a good head on his shoulders. He asked questions rather than let himself get caught with his dick in the wind. He looked back at the pieces of parchment in front of him then paused at the next question. Again, it was not uncommon. It would be a negligent host who did not ensure that all their guests needs were met. He was about to answer when Rufus continued, and again he peeked out at Octavius who was still working in silence. 

"The Dominus is busy, and doesn't prefer being disturbed. Besides, unity and concord within the household and all that," Atticus answered, still, he was impressed at how Rufus wanted to please him. Too many slaves were pushy or wanted to climb the social ladder. Rufus was refreshing. "I think you will do well in the household," Atticus said, a part of him wanted to ask what Rufus wanted to do but decided against it. No point bringing up something that could potentially cause pain. 

Then again.... a lot of people didn't like listening to an old man prattle on. So, perhaps Rufus was trying to make a graceful exit? 

"I think I have told you everything," Atticus added thoughtfully. 


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"Do well? I hope so, I've never joined a new household like this, I would like to get along with everyone else in it, though I'm sure some of them are going to be jealous of me, just bought and already chosen for the master's body slave," Rufus said. He was within earshot, if the master wanted him, but that didn't seem likely right now.

"So, does he lend his slaves out? I mean, I might not work out in this position, for all sorts of reasons, I'd like to be prepared. Or would he be more likely to sell me again, if he doesn't like me?"



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