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The best prize is a surprise!


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"Yes, Domine." Teutus kept to himself the thought that he had no intention of boasting about it  - the other slaves no doubt would dislike it immensely, whether he boasted or not. He also made no mention of the fact that if Antonia Varia had been born, say Antonius Quinctilius Varus, Tertius likely would never have extended such an offer to his slave-born son.

He also kept to himself the thought that he would allow his slaves to earn their freedom, or give them the chance of it at some point; his father might be a good master but the very good ones at least gave their slaves the opportunity of freedom.

As for being Tertius' son... he'd been kept in a strange sort of twilight world for years: a slave and therefore owned, yet the master's son who would one day be his heir and the son of the house. It hadn't engendered any popularity with the rest of the staff. They all knew he'd get his freedom one day, why boast about it now that the time had arrived? They'd be calling him 'Domine' soon enough, no need to rub it in before it happened.

"Thank you, Domine. Will there be anything else?"



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Teutus seemed to understand when Tertius asked him to not boast about his upcoming freedom. It was true it might never have happened, if Antonia hadn’t been a girl, but she was a girl and Tertius adored her just the way she was. Yet he also knew he’d someday find a husband for her and she would leave this house and leave him. She would not bring any heirs or carry on the family name. Teutus would be the one to do that, now.

His son thanked him one more time and wondered if there was anything else.

“No.” Tertius replied, “I believe that’s it, for now. Go and enjoy the day, Teutus. And make sure you’re home and ready tomorrow, for the ceremony.” Tertius added and sat down behind the desk, but he glanced up at Teutus to see if he was waiting for him to say more or if he’d just leave. His son. Who would soon be his free and recognized son. He could only hope that Teutus would indeed keep his promise and honor Tertius and their family name.


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Teutus, being a slave all his life, recognised a dismissal when he received one. His father had nothing more to say right now, Teutus had no more questions, therefore Teutus was dismissed.

"Yes, Domine," he said and gave a polite bow, a slave to his master, before retreating from the tablinum, his thoughts in a whirl.

It had been so long in coming and now it was tomorrow. Just like that. As though it hadn't been dangled before him like a carrot in front of a donkey for... eight years, near enough.

Tomorrow. This time tomorrow he would be a free man, with some obligations and duties (of course! Who in Rome could escape obligations and duties, after all?) but a free man, able to dictate how he would spend his own time. Quite what he would do with himself remained to be seen, but that could be worries about later.

He strolled back along the garden colonnade, whistling to himself, ignoring anyone who tried to get his attention.

Oh when I joined the Legions
As might be yesterday
I kissed a girl at Clusium
Before I marched away..



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He was certain Teutus would be ready and show up tomorrow, so that he could be freed. If he didn’t show up, or he turned up drunk or filthy, he probably knew it wouldn’t happen. And Tertius was aware that the young man had been waiting for this to happen in years. Many years. Since Tertius’ wife died and he only had Antonia as his legitimate child. That’s when he first began considering to adopt Teutus as his legal son and slowly began training him to learn and know all the things a proper free Roman citizen should know.

 Teutus had been dismissed though, and Tertius sent him a last smile, before the younger man left the tablinum. Once Teutus was gone, Tertius leaned back and reached for a jar of wine and a cup on a small round table behind the actual desk. So it would happen. His slave son would no longer be a slave and Tertius would from tomorrow be more open about the fact, that he did have a son and that Teutus was indeed bright and ready to take on the Roman Empire. And maybe he would have a meeting with Octavius soon, to see if something could be done in order for Teutus to strive for an actual good rank in their society.

 Oh there was so much to be done now – so much was going to happen and Tertius looked forwards to it. It was no secret that he had been a little… bored, the last few years.  Staying neutral in politics had its perks, but nothing terrible had happened during the last many years. So there was nothing interesting to stay neutral from. The current Caesar actually took his job seriously and he did it well. There was peace. It had not been this peaceful since Augustus, had it? Hopefully it would stay that way and his son Teutus would soon strive for glory in Rome.


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