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Posts posted by Adamaris

  1. Annia Comna


    She remained transfixed on the arena and the men clashing swords. One was duel wielding while the other kept a shield on one arm. The one who used two swords was fast, agile, she favored him over the two. Despite his lack of defense he more than made up for it in speed and skill. It had crossed Annia's mind to get a gladiator of her own though she never thought to ask Titus about it. One of her slaves sat beside her, a large fan in her hand as she fanned her Domina. Per usual Annia was dressed only to impress trying to look something like an Empress though with a much smaller fund. She dawned her fiery red wig as was usual for her since it lent her an exotic flare and reminded her so much of the slave she once loved. Mostly because the hair used to make the wig had belonged to that slave.

    A male voice interrupted her concentration on the game, blue eyes shifting over to the gruff looking man. He was not a common scrawny male nor a slave who worked in a house. He was muscled, well defined. He had the look of a solider though far less well dressed. Still he didn't look like someone who was too important, he was more of the common rabble. She hadn't a need for him and so she turned her head away trying to watch the fight again. "Depends." She paused a moment seeming a little sharp of tongue. "Only if my husband comes to accompany me."

    Nothing should turn a man off of a woman than knowing her husband might come along but Annia knew hers wouldn't. He was too busy with that whore of his and she was too busy trying not to care. Turning her head she looked him up and down, blue eyes flickering with a hint of annoyance. Resting a finger delicately to her chin she bared her teeth as though breathing through them. "I see you are still here."


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  2. Annia Comna


    She'd been cooped up with Canica all day, more or less playing the duties of a faithful wife and caring mother until she felt the sinking sickening sensation of boredom eating away at her. Annia loved her family but there must be an escape from them at times. Despite having grown so comfortable with her domestic lifestyle Annia was still at heart a reckless adventurous little girl seeking some form of freedom and rebellion against what was expected of her. Unlike before she didn't express it by cutting her hair short and playing with wooden swords. No, as a woman Annia expressed it by going off to a peaceful place alone. To be away from the home and hearth and the worries of a child and concerns of a husband drinking again. She didn't even take a slave with her as she wrapped herself in green silken shawl and left the slaves to watch her daughter.

    Walking along she enjoyed the faint trickle of a water fountain over a small pool. Birds were fluttering about singing their songs as the scent of exotic flowers hung in the air. It was a place that if Annia cared more for romance would have called rather Romantic. Unfortunately for her romance was never top priority of her list. Swinging the green silken fabric over her shoulder she paused a moment to admire a strange orchid claimed from another land by the Roman Empire. After all it was not just slaves that Rome won when they took a new place.

    The flower looked fragile, as though a single touch might kill it and yet at the same time it looked dangerous with petals pretending to be thorns or sharp points. Really in a sense the flower reminded her a little of herself. Sharp and deadly in appearance but once you got beyond her false representation you realized just how fragile and soft she truly was. It would be a most horrid mistake for her to allow others to see that side of her. Not even Titus was given the pleasure to seeing Annia's weaker more delicate and soft side. The only person trusted by it had been a love she'd known since childhood. The girl whom she had promised heart and soul she'd never love anyone above her. Even though her love and loyalty to Titus was strong she had never broken that promised. She'd never loved anyone more than her. Turning away Annia nearly bumped into another enjoying the scene and caught herself just in time to avoid embarrassment. "Pardon me."


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  3. tumblr_ov3sbhtXF41rjl6wko3_400.gif

    Annia Comna

    "No one can control me, cuz this is what I'm made of."

    She was all too aware of where he was meant to be seated, a place Annia reached for herself though she never tried to make it obvious. She longed to have her husband gain favor with Caesar through his success with his gladiators in their ludus. Annia would work another angle, not that she felt her husband couldn't bring them success but more so they could win favor from two sides. She played the more political game. Making friends, throwing lavished parties to win attention to their ludus and gaining a reputation for hospitality. She wanted to appear to have wealth and power even if it wasn't always true. Often times when you were convincing enough others would start to believe you. Behave as the class you wished to be, not what you were. This is why Annia tend to look down on other equite.

    Annia too admired the blood sport, she always had since her childhood. Before she had been sent to Rome to be married. Once Annia had even dreamed of being a warrior in her own right, winning her freedom from the marriage she feared being forced into. "Have you ever had the honor of seeing the inside of a ludus?" Annia tried to avoid making it sound like an invite. She loathed sounding desperate but of course she wished to gain his interest. Perhaps a random meeting could be her hopes to win a friendship, not a real friendship of course but a voice to speak for her and a means to gain reputation. After all, few people mattered to her truly outside her husband and daughter. "There is an excitement over watching the gladiators train.  A place where slaves are transformed into hero's of the coliseum." From there some Gladiators even had the privilege to become like gods, their names on everyone's lips.

    They had yet to have such a gladiator, one that the people of Rome idolized, one they cheered for, excited to see the next poor soul lose their life to them. "There is no lack of excitement at the ludi." When she said this she intentionally mean her home of course. Annia was no stranger to throwing parties that meet every desire the human heart could conjure. She did this so people in Rome would happily whisper her name when you sought out a fine rare taste of something new.

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  4. 16 hours ago, Atrice said:

    Tertius would definitely enjoy a private tour of the ludus to watch the gladiators - and it sounds good with them meeting at the arena and then moving on to the ludus 🙂

    Alexius does his very best to try and be charming when he sees a good looking woman, but he also isn't so fond of denial, so that might be interesting. They could also meet at the arena or maybe if he's come to watch gladiators train near the arena (there were seats above the training grounds back then, so that you could come and watch them train for no cost... that's what he does). And I don't mind if he doesn't get it his way 😛

    I'd love for Cynane to meet some kind of love interest, so if Annia is interested in her, that could go even further. Cynane isn't very fond of most men, she doesn't trust them and thinks they hold too much power and they never treated her very well in the past. I think she'd be surprised to find a lady liking her like that, but she might also end up being curious about it - so this could definitely turn interesting too 😄


    Awesme, sounds like a plan for Annia and Tertius. It shall be entertaining for him and a benefit to Annia and her husband.

    Annia and Alexius should be a blast if not for just all the sass. Great if they end up being sort of enemies where Annia always tosses insults at him and he ruffles her feathers. Since he hangs around where gladiators are too often Annia will run into him. More often perhaps than she would like.

    Annia, turning bicurious women since she was a teen. It would be interesting since Annia has some of the same opinions on men minus her husband. I LOVE this idea of Annia sort of being a flirt that makes Cynane question that part of herself. 

  5. tumblr_ov3sbhtXF41rjl6wko3_400.gif

    Annia Comna

    "No one can control me, cuz this is what I'm made of."

    Hearing the male voice Annia turned her head slowly to look upon him. She remained cool and calm, perhaps more so than the woman beside her who was a bit more excited to have a higher member of society speaking with them. Annia brushed it off herself as though this was common place to her but remained equally as polite. "Ah, Quintus Sulpicious Rufus." She used his full name, never using a shortened version unless she held a friendship with others or had spoke to them long enough that it became tiring. "What honor is this, having you bless us with your presence at our humble box." What indeed, this was interesting. Annia hoped it had nothing to do with the wide eyed little waif seated beside her but then again if she was the bait for a larger catch so be it. Laying her fan in her lap she listened to him speaking and internally scoffed at his comment for Ludus Gallinus having any spirit left. They would have to have had spirit from the start to have it remaining yet.

    The mention of Ludus Magnus soured her stomach and made her taste a bitter bile in her mouth. She hated when people brought it up but Annia held her tongue and retained her pleasant smile. "Yes, they always have held a bit of a reputation in Rome. Of course we've had new prospects this year. I'm sure they will add a thrill to the day as the games come to a close with the final matches. After all we wouldn't want to give the people of Rome anything less than the best show they will ever see." She didn't have to insult the other Ludus but in her own way she was informing him that they wouldn't so easily bend either. One day she would see her husbands Ludus stand above all others and when that day came she would stand proudly by his side.

    "Are you a fan of the games? You seem to be well versed in your ludi." Perhaps even more invested in the games than he seemed. Did he have a Gladiator fighting under his name perhaps? If not it might interest him and more importantly if the idea ever came to him she could push him towards her husband for 'aid'. It never hurt to have more promising gladiator's in the stables and a senatore in ones pocket. Soon enough Annia planed to have more than that in her pocket. Nothing would thrill her more than having half of Rome eating from her hand. Should she play her cards right there might come a time where it was true.

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  6. 9 hours ago, Atrice said:

    Hello Ada! I come with a few ideas!

    Tertius is a now 44 year old senator in Rome and I'd love to gain more plots for him. He's kind of bored with his life at the moment and has begun coming more and more to gladiator games, so that might be one way for him to meet Annia. Maybe he wants to watch them train and doesn't want to sit with the commoners or something like it, and they can interact?

    Alexius is a former gladiator, once known as Lexus, but he was freed back in 60AD. He kind of misses his "glory days" as a gladiator, although back then, he hated it. When he was freed he was the new lanista of his ludus back then, but it didn't last long and he left Rome. Now he's back though, he works as a bodyguard for the wealthy Oriana, but he also still watches the games and hangs out near any ludus because he hasn't really found his proper spot in life yet. It might be interesting to have Alexius and Annia meet then. Just beware, he was and is still quite the womanizer 😉

    I also have a few slaves - Helenus works in the thermae, Helios is a prostitute at the Domus Venus and Cynane is Claudia Caesaris' personal bodyguard, but she has time off sometimes and also gets to meet others that way. She is kind of a feminist and has her own pride, she likes powerful women and she might find Annia very interesting.

    My own plotter if you want to read about all my characters 🙂


    Oooooooooh, for Tertius she could try to win his favor and friendship by giving him a private tour of the Ludus and to let him see the Gladiators train. She can perhaps meet him at a game and he can express his interest and she can slide in with volunteering to show him the Ludus and of course throw him a nice little feast to convince him she's just the best damn hostess in all of Rome.

    Womanizer woman woman womanizer, womanizer baby. Yeah, Annia would certainly try to part his boy parts from his body if he tries playing anything with her. She's such a little spitfire WHICH IS WHY HE HAS TO MEET HER OUTSIDE HER LUDUS. xD I love being able to push her buttons and have her get pissy and hissy.

    Something tells me Annia would actually secretly love and admire and possibly really lady crush on Cynane. Annia sort of in her own way is a bit of a feminist though she's more so in the view that women can manipulate the world around them by 'playing the game' and making men think they hold all the cards. I think these two need to meet if only for Annia to really lady crush.  xD

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  7. tumblr_ov3sbhtXF41rjl6wko3_400.gif

    Annia Comna

    "No one can control me, cuz this is what I'm made of."

    As per usual the games proved to be a magnificent show and with gladiator's trained at their ludus present Annia was hard pressed to miss out. Besides she had a rather important prospect outside of sitting in the box beside a fellow wife ludus owners wife. She tried gossiping and talking to Annia though the older woman viewed the younger girl as a lesser. She had nothing of use or interest to her and so the fiery redhead kept her eyes locked on the show at hand. With elegance she raised a fan to cool herself off, moving with a strange sort of ease expected of someone from a higher class. Annia always kept her appearance with perfection, not a curl out of place, every stitch of fabric she wore was to play into the current fashion trends of the women of Rome. Even the very way Annia breathed was well calculated by the woman to give her a soft feminine appearance even if it meant she had to take shallow breaths to appear closer to Roman perfection. It would be considered a borderline obsession around her appearance if there wasn't such good reason for it.

    As the gladiator of her Ludus took his next swing and made contact with the arm of his opponent the crowd around her went into an uproar of cheers. Blood spraying over the sands as the wounded gladiator moved back and swung his net to capture his prey. It was like a deadly dance between the two, a slashing of the blade and a swiping of the spear. Net twisted and tossed as shield deflected attacks. Their dance went on for some time until the sword made purchase and slid into the neck muscles of the other gladiator, blade blood soaked and moving through the other side of flesh. When the blade was withdrawn the opponent backed off, hand to his wound though his legs betrayed him. With a rapid lose of blood he rocked and swayed until the sword was swung with force and in a single cut sliced into his belly. The other gladiator fell to his knees, the crowd standing and roaring in excitement as Annia continued to fan herself, looking a little bored with the bloodshed. True it was a victory for her ludus but the show hadn't been spectacular.

    "What an impressive match."

    The other woman's voice held an annoying high pitch tone to it, almost like a stargazing child will poor intellect. Perhaps once upon a time she had been just as infuriatingly bubbly but then again Annia had serious doubts to that. She'd never been a wide eyed innocents. She'd been born, bought, and sold, innocents was not an affliction Annia had ever suffered. "Not impressive enough. I certainly hope your husband has something a little better or our gladiators will cut through your men before noon." She smirked, a smile as sharp as a knife itself and just as painful in the breast of the woman beside her.


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  8. Body Slave

    Female/ 22-27

    An extraordinarily beautiful young woman of exotic appearance. For a slave she is well dressed and decorated as Annia's favorite and personal slave. She is Annia's most trusted slave and often the only one who share's in secrets not even Titus knows of. Annia is very fond of this girl and not ashamed to show a more physical affection for her. Often times when Annia feel's lonely she will turn to this slave as company since she is Annia's 'safest' solution. Because of this she is constantly being gifted beautiful necklaces and bangles. Her life is fairly simple so long as she keeps on Annia's good side but she also knows Annia's temper and that she wouldn't think twice about doing something horrible to her if her trust was broken. Annia is also horribly jealous, not wanting anyone else to touch this slave meaning should she fall for someone the relationship would have to be kept secret. It also gives her a shield because Annia would never let anyone touch her, not even Titus since this slave is only for Annia.




    It's not a great secret that Annia actually enjoy's watching gladiators battle to the death in the arena. She has spent most of her young adult life watching the fights with her husband and his family. Because of this Annia has invested in a gladiator of her own, to bring her fame when he steps into the arena and cuts down his opponents. Annia is rather proud of him, having bought him from a smaller Ludus where he had garnered a reputation within the smaller city. He is new to Rome but willing to fight since pleasing his Domina could earn him his freedom. 

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  9. Annia Comna



    About: Annia is a woman seeking to rise in power from her station. She's a social climber  who is cunning and brutal. Annia isn't a woman to be crossed or to make enemies with. She can be pleasant and even friendly though it's normally an act of manipulation. The best way to get on her bad side is to threaten her family or go against her husband. Despite a rocky relationship there is only one person she will ever truly love, her husband Titus. Never think of coming between them or it's your head.


    Potential Plots:

    Slaves/Gladiators: Annia has many slaves herself and is in a position to interact with gladiators. Though she views them as no better than brutes they do serve one potential purpose for her. Desperate to give her husband a son she would even turn to the gladiators for help when Titus is unavailable. 

    Member's of the Senate: She is always trying to gain her family higher and get her husband in with the elite. It would be nice to plot potentially with senators, their wives, or their daughters.

    Priestess/Midwives: Annia is desperate for a son but since the birth of her daughter conceiving has been a long and painful process. Perhaps Annia can be seeking the help of a midwife and priestesses for fertility aid.

    Others: If you have other idea's for characters with her feel free to shoot them her way.

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  10. Annia and Caius: Because I want to see Annia eyeroll into another dimension talking to him. She's going to go find Cthulhu with that eyeroll dimension shifting. For real though, he likes gossip and she likes gossip but he is beneath her so she can't associate with him. Instead she will accidentally get stuck in conversation to find out what the lowlife knows. xD

    Quintus and Annia: Aren't they married in another life? Really though a political figure on her side, she needs to play nice so she can wiggle her way into friendship and put him in her trap card pocket.

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  11. Annia Comna.

    30| 2nd March 34ec | Equite| Wife, Mother, Socialite| Bisexual| Canon | Lucy Lawless





    A cunning and brilliant woman she was built for one thing, domination. She's clever, very observant, and can stand her own against most people in a battle of tactic and wits. She's driven and can even be ruthless and brutal when necessary, always keeping one step ahead of her enemies and holding a dagger behind the backs of her friends. No price is too great to her in the game of advancement and climbing the social ladder. As soon as Annia reaches a new rung on the social order she dreams of reaching the next and so on and so forth. Her ability to read people and manipulate those around her has also become a handy skill she lends to her husband with vigor. Though she can shield her darker nature with a charm and grace that makes her lovable and appear like a kind honest woman make no mistake, she's a serpent in the grass. She plays dutiful wife but her husband knows better, she is a valued partner in his business not not shy about getting her hands a little dirty.

    When it comes to her family her family is her all. She's a very hands on mother, spending a lot of time pruning her daughter for the future and trying to make her understand the importance of being a strong woman but never letting others peg you as strong so you hold the upper hand over them. Canica is her pride and joy but regardless how much she loves her daughter the reality is son's are a greater worth to a man than a thousand little girls. Despite having been matched up by their parents Annia loves her husband, she had no other choice like most woman but to marry him to maintain status and build friendship between houses. Rather than sulk in her family's choice Annia embraced it and has been a dutiful loving wife to him. She wants nothing more than to help him raise their status and in turn raise the worth of their family. She would kill for him and if others ever asked she would never wish to trade him for any other man in all of Rome. It is perhaps this love and dedication to him that has driven her so hard to give him the one thing he's always wanted, a son. She would sacrifice her world for him and in her quest for a son to please him has gone to great extremes. 

    That is however saying some of these extremes may not please her husband entirely if he knew but the problem with Annia is nobody says no to her and no one truly controls her. Sex and passion, as stated she would never love another man like she loves her husband but in her quest to give him his heir she gained a undesired habit. She isn't shy about taking on lovers so long as they are only slaves, gladiators at most. Her rather high sexual drive and hopes to increase her chances to conceive have put her into the bed of her husbands gladiators. Though she would never admit it's a little self serving to her as well she's convinced herself it's only for him, only to make him happy, only to give him a son. If ever she was discovered by her husband she would push her gladiators aside for him in a moments notice though they would be horribly missed. 



    Annia is considered quite beautiful, a natural brunette with the most stunning crystal blue eyes and ivory skin. She rarely ever wear's her true hair, instead preferring to cover her head with lavished blonde and red wigs decorated in gold and jeweled hair pieces. Annia feels the blonde hair makes her look like the higher born Roman's who typically are blonde where as the red hair makes her look more exotic and elegant, something not commonly found in the great city. Much like the great care she takes in her hair Annia also takes in her clothes. She often times dressed far above her station, wearing bright colors, shades of red, yellow, orange, and purples or blues. Elegant silks and flowing fabric drape her body with a flattering cut. She adorns her neck with fine jewels and is never without several arm bands and bracelets to add an extra flare to her appearance. Many would say a woman such as Annia would make Venus envious. Even when she is alone she is dressed to impress, never letting her appearance fall to the wayside in any situation. The older she gets the more she seems to obsess over her looks as well.



    Father: Spurius Annius Comnu

    Mother: Lydia Kronossos

    Siblings: Caius Annius Comnu and Attia Comna

    Spouse: Titus Justinius Canicus Phiscerus

    Children: Canica Phiscera

    Extended familyTiberius Justinus Canicus Phiscerus and Cambria Phisceria (Deceased)

    Other: N/A



    CHILDHOOD [43CE-55CE]:

    • Born as the youngest of three children Annia was perhaps loved most by her mother and less so by her father. She was the baby of the family and where her brother was her father's pride Annia was her mother's little goddess. Having inherited her mothers beauty and her fathers intellect Annia showed she was an impressive young thing from an early age. Watching her father's engagement with other men in his class Annia aspired to be a woman of tact and business and to share his talents of manipulating and keeping the upper hand. Of course in watching her father's deals and arrangements from dark corners she learned from a very young age, only five years old that she had been bought and sold from the moment she had been born into the world a girl rather than a boy. Annia was another pawn in her father's game and in this game she was the future property of a much older boy, 8 years her elder named Titus Justinius Canicus.

      Unlike most girls she didn't accept her lot in life right away, instead she convinced herself she would win her freedom by becoming a Gladiator in the arena. In a rather obnoxious daily display she would torment her older brother until he would show her how to fight using a sword and attempted to make herself look like a boy by cutting her hair shorter to her mothers dismay. It placed her father on edge to have his daughter behave with such bizarre behavior and often times it was cut short by her fathers strict rules and constantly having her daughter watched by slaves. To have his daughter playing at being a boy rather than learning her place as a Roman woman. Of course by the time she was 8 years of age her world would be changed when making friends, rather close friends with a girl named Aurelia. She was a lovely young girl, only 2 years older than Annia and rather charming. As her parents would say Aurelia had set a great example for Annia. Teaching her more to be poised and to seek the approval of others than fight against the social tides.

      Of course the girls became fast friends, nearly inseparable and spending every day together. As Annia grew she allowed herself to mature into a beautiful young girl. Though she wasn't like so many other girls and with great comfort neither was Aurelia. Their friendship ran deeper than even sisters, their friendship was one of deep love and respect. Only at the age of 12 Annia knew she didn't just love Aurelia, she was in love with her and Aurelia too was in love with her. Together the two girls promised each other than no matter what, no matter whom they would marry in the future they would always love the other most of all.


    • A forbidden love, kisses from soft red flowered lips. Despite knowing one day she would have to marry a man she hardly knew Annia promised forever that Aurelia would be her only real lover. Two beautiful fawns in the gardens, blooming youthful girls coming into their womanhood. Spring was always a time of romance and wonder to the girls. Annia always playing the charming young guardian to a more fragile and feminine Aurelia. Her hero when young boys tormented her and teased her for her attention, trying to show off their brawn over the young girls brains. They were each other's safety, they were each others worlds. Of course the illusion couldn't last. As years went on and Annia grew more and more into her womanhood her time came closer to when she would leave her family's home and be sent off to her husbands home or the man who would become her husband. 

      She was only 15 when she was placed into his marriage bed and he already 23. Though handsome and dashing Annia couldn't help but feel her heart was breaking. So great a distance was put between herself and her lover. Moved from Carthage to Rome she feared she would never see Aurelia's face again. In her situation most delicate little flowers would have withered away or cried for themselves but not Annia. She stood strong and proud and accepted her face, now the wife of Titus. Annia had been so unprepared to be with a man and for some time would often times find comfort in her personal female slaves. Of course the more time that went the tolerance she once had for Titus became love and dedication. The eagerness to please him playing the dutiful role of wife but always watchful of her steps. She knew even as his wife she held no real power over his world, an unproven little girl playing at being a grown woman. Annia was wise and observed her 'family'.

      Playing the quiet innocent wife under the house of her husbands parents had proven the wise move. causing too much trouble could have pushed her husbands father to move her from the household and at the same time though already married Annia was still a young girl herself. Hardly as wise in her years as she would have liked to be. In her early years with her husband she was given her most precious slave Ethne, a Celtic girl not much older than Annia herself. With her lost close friendship with Aurelia Ethne became the closest person to Annia, sometimes even closer than her own husband. The one person she would share her deepest secrets with, including secrets of Aurelia and her love for the woman.

    ADULTHOOD [63CD-73CE]:

    • A child no more, the pain of a woman's duty and the rebellion against the chains. When Annia was 20 years old she felt her status in Titus' world was secured with news of their child. Though Annia had prayed for a son to make her husband happy her prayers would not be answered and what was meant to be a joyous time would become a blood soaked nightmare. The birth of her daughter had been a traumatic one. Just as Annia had been ill prepared to be a wife she had been ill prepared to be a mother in her age and it nearly cost her her life. If the risk of nearly dying hadn't been bad enough she had been shamed further by having a small sickly little baby girl rather than the strong son her husband had wanted. For weeks Annia recovered alone with only Ethne at her side, her feelings towards her child growing to a dark and twisted nature.

      Canica was already several weeks old when Annia first looked upon her face, sleeping peacefully in her cradle. Her mother dreamed of nothing more than to snuff the life from the baby for being her embarasment. After all she had prayed for a son, sacrificed for a son and she had been given this, this weakling girl child. Intent on smothering her Annia was startled by the child waking and crying, unable to do the deed at the sight of the helpless little creature. Annia held her daughter for the first time to stop her crying and in that moment felt regret and disgust for what she had nearly done, her cold heart melting. It was this moment that so strongly indebted Annia to her daughter, made her the perhaps overly protective mother she had become of her daughter. The lioness who would fight tooth and nail for her child and would make her sickly little girl the most dangerous and primed woman in all of Rome.

      Because of the traumatic birth it would take over a year for Annia to recover and even then she was forever cursed with the pain that came with trying for another child. A pain that still plagues her, a pain she's fought against and grits her teeth towards it if only to give Titus what he wanted. Yet having her daughter to look after and securing her position in the household with a child Annia stepped up more, coming out of her shell and assisting her husband in his business. Her observant nature had made her just as skilled as he, if not more so because of her cunning and charms. Rather than live her whole life as the pawn of some man Annia would play the game better and make pawns of men to raise her family to higher status and loftier dreams. To give her daughter the future she was never given. To never see Canica sold to the man who's family could bring their own more respect. Her daughter would have Rome in her hands, her daughter would have the world. 

      Things continued as usual, trying to increase their standing and profit as Annia's wisdom and tact improved. When she was 25 however her world was changed again, for the better. Aurelia recently widowed had come to Rome, a woman with a reputation for being a bit of a drinker and party animal and a great beauty loved by all and perhaps in the wrong ways. New of Aurelia's arrival had brought Annia to a joy she never thought she would feel again though her fears dug at her soul. She had never changed her feelings for Aurelia. Despite loving her husband and being ever faithful to him she had always loved Aurelia first and forever, she had kept her promise but would Aurelia have stayed the same? Throwing a party for her dear friend and inviting them to their home Annia tested the waters with great caution seeing her flirt with the eligible bachelors around them, looking for her next husband and causing great pain to Annia. Yet when Annia left the part to go to bed early she was surprised by Aurelia and the warm greeting of fiery passion received in a kiss. Aurelia too had never forgotten and after so many years they were together again.

      Of course Annia wasn't the only serpent in the house, having offered to let Aurelia stay with them Annia spent her every waking moment with her love. Something that had not gone unnoticed by Ethne. Though Annia did not love Ethne as she did Aurelia that slave had become more than a slave to her and rather a trusted friend and companion. So long as Aurelia was in the home Ethne had become nothing more than a slave to Annia. All her old privileges taken away as Annia didn't have time to dedicate to her. It was betrayal and pain to Ethne, to lose her importance in the household and become no better than the girls used as pleasure and entertainment. Betrayal for betrayal, her lips had been sealed over Annia's feelings for Aurelia but no more would she be quiet. She would tell Titus and watch Annia's world fall down around her. Indeed it would, Aurelia having left the house in secret to fetch something at the market for Annia, a surprise she was attacked by men, surrounded and beaten to death. The death of Aurelia was the hardest thing Annia had ever faced, the love of her life forever gone, beaten and abused in her final moments. Her heart burned with vengeance, the oath she would find who was responsible for this and end them with swift justice.

      It became her only goal, blood for blood. It was the muttering among her slaves that Annia discovered three of their own slaves had been the men to beat Aurelia and take her life. With haste she told Titus, demanding he give her justice for Aurelia and so justice was given. The slaves were to be put to death in the Arena. A sight to behold, watching them butchered by the proud gladiators. Of course Annia didn't understand what would cause three slaves to attack her lover. She would not give up until all the pieces of the puzzle were revealed. More whisperings from the slaves revealed that Ethne had been envious of Aurelia and had spoken ill of her, the investigation focused on the beautiful Celtic slave. Her most prized possession. It was in her secret watching of Ethne she discovered the woman was afraid Annia would find out and send her to die as she had the other slaves. All the proof Annia would ever need.

      Revenge would have to be held back for a time, it would not be enough to kill Ethne, she had to suffer, as Aurelia had. Throwing a party to entertain the elite's of Rome Annia without permission of her husband offered up but one slave to entertain the men who had gathered and one alone. For them to do as they wished with her and satisfy their needs, the slave she selected was Ethne. A night of shame, a night of being used and treated like an animal. Something Annia had promised she would never let happen, her Domina had been the hand to force it upon her. Ethne knew in that moment, running to Annia to beg for forgiveness and mercy. Annia seemed at first she would give it but there was no mercy in her heart for what had been done to Aurelia. She beat Ethne to the floor, and pulled a dagger. Ethne desperate to tell Annia that she had informed Titus and that Titus had orchestrated Aurelia's death but her words had been too late. With throat slit Annia watched the woman bleed out on the floor,, her anger settled as Aurelia got her justice.

      Broken and forever changed, Titus had told Annia he knew of her feelings for Aurelia and with no son in sight there was a threat to their marriage still. Annia swore her love to him, her undying love and loyalty, that she would do anything and everything just to make him happy until the end of her days but this betrayal had cut Titus deeper than she had expected. Under his own roof no less. Annia promised him she would make up for it, she would spend the rest of her life trying to right her wrong to him. Three times a week Annia would go to the temple to pray for the son Titus wanted, the one thing she had failed to give him and still nothing would come of it. As Titus showed less interest in her Annia knew her chances to conceive became smaller and smaller and her greatest shame and threat came to her in the form of Numeria. A threat to end their marriage if Annia could never give him a son. This has pushed Annia to her most desperate measures, a risk to lose everything only to keep her husband and her world.



    Ada | Central US | DM




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