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Gothy's Blog

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Entries in this blog

General rambles + updates

Hello AeRos! I hope everyone is staying safe with the virus, and is doing well.  I never thought that AeRo would reach or touch as many people's lives as it has. I'm grateful to everyone who has been part of the site, and the long history that it has had. AeRo is going to be twelve years old soon. I was 19/20 or so when it opened, and it has been through a lot of my life. Both the good and the bad. Many of the the friendships I have made on here are some of the best I have. The staff h



Character Clothing: Claudia Gaia

Character Clothing Profile CLAUDIA GAIA   Gaia was a character that I never thought I would get into. She was one of my, "well, throw her into the world and see where she ends up!" and I got to say, her story has surprised me. Gaia or Χρυσανθη (Chrysanthe) started her life as a poor farm girl in Greece. However, in AeRo, her story began as a slave when she was given as a gift to Manius (one of Claudius' heirs and his nephew) by Archaita, Manius' mother. Essentially, she was



Character Clothing: Flavia Juliana

Character Clothing Profile FLAVIA JULIANA       While this isn't something that is really seen. I like to show Juliana's growth and personality change through the change in her clothing. Previously, she was insecure and would make it up with jewelry or excessive accessories in order to try to stand out. I first started playing her when she was around 15? I think, I dunno. (And I am terrible when it comes to aging up my playbys, they usually stay the same and I just ima



Juggling RL and RPG

This is something I have been thinking about on and off. Basically, my RL has gotten more involved over time and I have not been able to dedicate the same amount of time I used to AeRo in years past. For one; it was unhealthy as fuck, and two; my life has a lot of other priorities and I want to keep RP as a hobby. A much beloved hobby, but, a hobby none the less. This is going to be a tad rambly and hopefully I will edit it before I post it. But I might not depending on how I am going at the tim



Goals and setting them

Currently the staff team are working on transferring the information over, and correcting any issues that were missed during the previous one.




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