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Everything posted by Gothic

  1. I generally post better in the early morning or late at night.
  2. "No!" He snapped, previously friendly and relaxed face became a mask of anger. Octavius breathed inwards and controlled himself again. Apologising to a slave (particularly a new one) was not the norm. What truly had angered him was how obvious and indiscreet he had been in his company. A Roman man, a perfect example of virtus or manly virtue was not hampered in any way. If Rufus was to remain as his body slave, he would know and who would to assist him. It was most painful during the colder months, like most scars or injuries that while they healed. Always they left a mark. "It is an old wound from my first tour of Britannia. Every so often it aches and causes considerable amounts of pain." He admitted at last, while his family knew of the injury he never revealed to them the amount of pain he was in. Valeria knew, there was no hiding anything from her anyway. It was his left hand and fortunately he could still symbolically carry a sword, along with use it if necessary. Nor did Octavius wish to go into any further detail about what happened on that devilish island. Some things were best left where they belonged, in the past. "The heat from the brazier helps soothe some of the pain." @Sharpie
  3. Claudia did not understand at this point the privilege she had to be able to leave the city to avoid the heat. Or how it was beneficial to her. It was something that was always assumed. They had always moved to escape the heat. At least, as long as she could remember. She felt the towel grab around her and patiently waited while her body was dried, she lay down and felt any tension leave her body as her body was massaged and oiled before a strigil was used. Once that was done, she sat up and dressed in the underlayers of clothing. She did not require a lot of cosmetics, yet ash was used to highlight her eyes and her lips were stained to highlight them. The ornatrix, Daphne, worked silently while Aula began to work on her hair. She was caught up in her thoughts while the pair worked. Once Daphne was done with the cosmetics she began to work on curling and pinning Claudia's hair with Aula. Claudia waited silently, there was no pinching nor burns from the irons and looked towards the tunica. "Volusa, bring me the tunica and the veils so I can compare them," She said, then glanced into the large, decorative and utterly expensive mirror to see the reflection. Her reflection briefly stared back at her before Claudia turned and smiled at Volusa. "How long?" She asked. "Not long, Domina," Aula answered. @Sharpie
  4. Thank you for replying to this, guys. This poll is going to stay open for quite a while. So feel free to add more comments, etc.
  5. Gothic

    Gothy's plotter

    Both of them are more than suitable. Do you have any preference about which you would like to explore first?
  6. Octavius while used to having slaves around him constantly. There were plenty of times when he wished for quiet and time to think. Away from people, even those who were closest to him and who understood this about him. "You will have a bed to sleep on in my sleeping quarters that will be put away during the day." He answered. Many Roman couples, especially the wealthy, did not share the same bed and instead would have separate sleeping quarters. However, he was often in his wife's rooms and she was regularly in his. It would mean that Rufus would be in regular contact with Valeria, his wife and Domina of the household. It would mean that unless they were sent away. Slaves would see and hear even the most intimate encounters of the family that they served. Rufus was an experienced slave and likely knew all of this. "There will be times when you will be in the company of Valeria, my wife," He said. Rufus may have already seen her around the household already. Octavius rubbed his hand to soothe the joints. He would never be known as a cripple and the public face of a Roman man was vital to maintain. Even among his slaves and in his own home. "You do not need to know what I eat in the morning. The cook knows and will send a platter for to deliver to me. Do you have any other questions about how we will proceed?" @Sharpie
  7. A lot of my characters (not all) like to have solitary quiet time. And so do I.
  8. Gothic

    Senate Faction Information

    SENATUS POPULUSQUE ROMANUS (SPQR) Although the 'senate', as it is known, has undergone a series of transformations since its original inception, it still maintains a place of importance and power within Rome's political sphere. From a council of elders built specifically to advise Rome's early kings, to a collection of politicians all vying for ultimate power, and more recently a mix of factions all in support of internal stability, but with different short-term goals and ambitions - the Senate is the gateway for Rome's leading men to leave their names in the annals of history. As it currently stands, the Senate is composed of 750 active members - a marked increase from the average of 600 during Augustus' reign - though on average only 100-200 are 'sitting members'. To clarify, of all of Rome's population, only 750 men are eligible to be sitting members. "Sitting members" are those IN Rome who actively engage in discussions, who actively pursue a career in politics, and attempt to climb the Cursus Honorum. The political factions of previous decades have since disbanded, either through deaths or retirement, and the current political landscape is much different than it has been in the past. In general, Rome's elite are supportive of the Flavian Caesars. Rather than attempting to undermine the power of the Caesars, they instead have grouped into two major factions with different modi operandi all centered around strengthening the empire as a whole - civil war is the last thing any of them want. Those factions are: DEFENSORES (the 'Defenders'): Despite their name, these men are traditional expansionists. It is their belief that Rome should be the master of the world, and any remaining barbarian nation with relative strength poses a threat to Roman dominance. The best defense is a proactive offense. Senators within this camp are most focused on continued expansion on the British isles, the conquest of Germania, and the political situation in the east. PUBLICI (the 'People'): In contrast to the Defensores, the Publici keep their focus centered on social issues at home. They do not see continued expansion as the right move for the empire, instead pointing to the ill side-effects of conquests such as high taxes, influxes of refugees and slaves taking away work from Roman citizens, and the declining purity of the Italian or Latin population. MODERATI (the 'Moderates'): Though not a collective party or faction in the same sense as the Defensores or the Publici, the Moderati are arguably the most important senators in the sense that they are the swing votes. Their views, morales, and ideals differ from person to person, as do their ambitions and goals. For some they truly vote based on what they believe is best-others are more easily influenced by rewards.
  9. Your application has been accepted. Please make sure to update your necessary claims and feel free to make your plotter.
  10. Octavius did not explain who he was. In time, he would mention the increased connection to Caesar himself and the role he played within the Empire. Although soon it would be known through seeing what Octavius did and there was a strong possibility that Rufus will be in the company of Caesar himself. Thus far, Rufus had been respectful and quiet, and those were good signs from a possible body slave. What would be the biggest cause for concern would be how honest he was when it came to dealing with his Master. "You will be assisting Octavius Minor with his writing, ensuring that he listens to his other tutors, and otherwise supervising him to ensure he is behaving himself appropriately," He answered, Octavius Minor was mostly well-behaved. Yet he was young and boisterous, a child and still needed the guidance of adults in his life to assist him. "I am sure you and him will get along," He said. Thus far, Octavius Minor had not shown signs of malice towards others, and he was fortunate in that. "When you are with me you will ensure that you are within shouting distance. Around meal times you will have time to rest as I will be attended to by other household slaves," He answered, there were times when slaves needed physical rest in order to be most productive, and furthermore, Octavius would need his own rare moments of solitude. @Sharpie
  11. A 18acre Roman town has been found in the UK. https://www.archaeology-world.com/entire-18-acre-ancient-roman-town-discovered-next-to-major-motorway/?fbclid=IwAR0j0w8_bc0wQI_vcLznHueJ-0Kr39E8bbpIQf25hT4chcDoFgPkmMuUvjY
  12. Claudia paused and shrugged. She did not wish to deal with the heat that came with summer, and the social nor the political issues with the heat. It was difficult to stay cool in the extremely hot weather, unpleasant and sticky, and it was the perfect question for her to ask Drusilla when she next saw her. Technically, Claudia could go to one of the family villas in Northern Italy without permission, however, there was a strong chance that either she or her family members would be going up there. "I hope to," She answered then sighed and smiled, "anywhere would be better than Rome when the heat gets to be too much." She closed her eyes to relax for a moment and remembered that duty called. She had no desire to develop lazy habits. When her hair was now finished. "Is my hair done?" She asked, as another slave began to help to clean her body. Claudia was used to this sort of behaviour from the people around her. Born to wealth and privilege, she was used to being attended constantly and had briefly forgotten the issue with the veils. Before her skin resembled a wrinkled prune, she stood up and completely comfortable in her nudity. She waited for assistance and a towel to wrap around her body. Then she would need to have her body dried, oiled, and then she would need to dress for the day. @Sharpie
  13. May 74CE Corinthia remembered the place she had nearly been assassinated at. The culprit had been seized, interrogated and finally had a brutal end to their lives. Yet the original source? She still did not know who it had been. There were many people who would have been only too happy to end her life if it suited them. Either to cause conflict for Caesar, revenge for her father, or a range of other petty issues. She did not hide. Her kohl-rimmed eyes scanned the crowd, her long neck upright and chin raised in defiance. Let them hate her... let them try again... the Gods protected her and allowed her to live for a purpose. However, she had not come alone this time. Her faithful body slave, Nadia, came with her silently and held her items in her hands. Aeneas, the British slave who had been trained as a gladiator also flanked her and followed her. Despite how much she raved, ranted at and occasionally hurled things at him. She felt safer with his tall, pale presence that followed her. Her chiton was stark white and only highlighted her olive skin, the jewelry she wore was gold, expensive and demonstrated that she was a woman of wealth. One of her 'friends' had told her that many people found their lovers at the Circus Maximus. While the idea of having a lover irritated her. She needed to marry, and to marry well. It had been some time since she had heard from Lucius Junius Silanus, and wondered if their travels to Greece was merely in jest. A part of her wished that it was true. She used a small hand fan made out of vibrantly coloured peacock feathers, long and expensive, and gazed at the crowd. Her hand had rings with semi-precious stones on them, as she casually fanned herself and was able to hide her disgusted look every so often. Finally, she found the right place to sit and finally she took her seat beside a small group of young men. Some her age, others younger, and mostly they were all from good families. Listening to their conversation she began to understand why so many people drank excessive amounts of wine.
  14. Octavius listened with a relaxed facial expression and did not rush Rufus when he answered him. He did not wish to add anything nor hint that could potentially alter Rufus' response to him. It all sounded above board, it was not uncommon for a mother to protective over her children -- and push away those who could potentially threaten them. No matter how remote. He did not judge his cousin for a friendship with a slave, he himself had them and had not spoken of them. Often they would end up becoming freed as time went on. Even though Rufus had not admitted to it, Titus' reaction was enough to give him what he needed to know. Sometime he would speak to Titus about what happened. "I understand," He answered, paused and thought for a moment. "Your duties are to ensure my time is kept in order, to attend to my person and to pass any messages along to the others slaves. I do not expect you to know everything right away. I expect honesty, discretion, and dedication to work." Octavius began, these things were not beyond the norm and he had found that it improved morale for people to know what to expect. And what behaviour would not be tolerated. Not that he needed to say. "You will rise with me, I tend to waken early and prepare for the day with some reading. You will spend time with the children. Especially the eldest, Octavius Minor when you are not with him." Octavius explained, since this was still a trial and it Rufus' position in the household could always be improved. @Sharpie
  15. Claudia sat still while Volusa tended to her hair and again closed her eyes, enjoyed the sensations and let out a happy sigh. Volusa was gentle with her movements and was considerate. She paused to ponder both of those options and mentally imagined them both of them on her. Either option would have been fashionable, she was silent and thought more about either option. Both options would be more than suitable and appropriate. She imagined herself wearing both options. Once the question diverted away from her thoughts and since they were becoming closer, it was not unexpected. Considering she would be going to her mother's grave, something modest would be most appropriate and she may need to change her clothing depending on the situation. "You may, Volusa." She answered, turned to look at her body slave and waited for the question. @Sharpie
  16. He glanced towards Tertia and gave her a reassuring smile that she was doing a good job. "Anytime, Barbara.. you all know that you are all welcome here, anytime." He said, like a fussy parent as everyone took their places at the table. Alaric smiled at Alaricus' invite for Imperia to come and sit by him, it was welcoming for her to do so and he was pleased they got along. His hand went out to rest gently on Seia's arm briefly, a warm and affectionate gesture of the love between the pair of them. Soon a child would follow, and their family would grow yet again. Another addition to the soon growing family and smiled as Decimus stood up again for his wife. Instantly he approved of the respectful gesture and began to eat, no doubt Seia would near enough interrogate him. The family had always loved stories and hearing about other people's lives. Decimus seemed to be unofficially adopted into the clan. Alaric ate and then offered the children some of the dried fruits out of a wooden bowl then waited for them to take some. Behind them, Crispina gestured to Tertia to assist in lifting up the new platters of food that would be brought out. Later the family slaves would eat the remnants and that was the way it had been for some time. The platters had meats, roasted doormice, and a variety of other foods for the celebrations. @Renna @Sains @Echo @Indy @Jenn
  17. Gaius clapped his hands upon releasing her from his grip and turned to lead Rukia into the tricilinium (dining room). The room was decorated with images of fertility, fierce beasts and mythological figures, and was certainly not as grand as many of the other homes. There was a wooden bowl with dried fruits and bread along with wine. It may have been a little sneaky for him to do this but a quill, parchment and ink pot were already in place for him to use. "Ah, there it is," He said, poured the watered down wine into two wooden cups and sat on one of the cushions. "Ow.. oof, be careful about growing old, you need to carefully sit down," He mused and stopped himself. A lot of the time the young did not wish to hear the ailments of the older members. "Joyous news! A child!" He exclaimed, smiled and gestured for Rukia to sit. It was important to be a good host. Once the business had been concluded. In his eyes, she was now a guest in his home and would receive the bounty. "Now, I did have some slightly ulterior motives for inviting you..." Gaius began, and tapped the parchment with his fingertips. "Do you mind telling me the tale of your life? Names can be changed, if you wish it of course, and only tell me what you wish to hear." He said kindly, it was a lot to ask considering they had just met not long ago. @Bee Bee
  18. I am getting back into horses and horse riding again. It has been years!
  19. Quintus nodded, a gesture that was more mature than he behaved. He missed his father but knew that duty called. It was part of life and he frowned a little in frustration. "I imagine so, mater says that it is a busy job." He said, then went silent and soon the same jovial expression returned to his face. "Did you help or teach him about languages?" He asked brightly, stared up at her and seemed to study her pale features. Her pale eyes, skin, and that red hair absolutely stood out. Many women in Rome loved blonde or red haired wigs. Maybe that was where her hair went? He was itching with a child's curiousity to find out what had happened and how he could find out why without potentially causing offense. All these possibilites filled his mind then suddenly he burst out. "Why is your hair short?" He asked.
  20. "To survive, thrive, and protect your family. No matter the cost." Who is your closest friend?
  21. Gothic

    Roman baking!

    The gift won't show. Grr!
  22. Gothic

    Roman baking!

    Caius is not amused at having his recipe stolen!
  23. Gothic

    Turia's Owners

    Many things are relatively open for people to make up. Turia has a considerable amount of freedom and favour within the household so she is permitted to wander/get time off. I would prefer it for that to continue although it would be a fun and angsty plot if something happened and she lost her Dominus/Domina's favour. The Dominus Name: Open. Age: 30s-40s. Equite Personality traits: Aggressive when alcohol is involved. Wants a son. Ambitious. The Domina Name: Open. Age: 30s-40s. Equite Personality traits: Vain, entitled, has Turia as a lover (and likely has others from among the family slaves) and has Turia as the current favourite. The pair of them likely have daughters already although the number is up to you. A lot of other details and information is open to you. Feel free to message me if you are interested in either of them. For references on how they have been mentioned. Please check out Turia's application here, and the following RP threads where they have been mentioned previously.
  24. "Home. My family home as so many fond memories of the past and so much hope for the future." Are you scared of death?
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