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Everything posted by Gothic

  1. Gothic

    Gothy's plotter

    Absolutely! Sounds like a plan!
  2. Gothic

    Gothy's plotter

    Excellent! I'll start something and send you the link.
  3. Alaric listened when she answered him. Relieved that she did not wish to remove remnants of the past as they lived here. There were plenty of people in their lives that had already passed on that they would like to remember. "Mmm, I like that idea, the garden is also another area that needs work," He said, his duties called him elsewhere and regularly he found himself without a green thumb. It was basic, a water fountain, and nothing particularly interesting or of note. "Hmm, what else?" He asked, although the question was just as much to him as it was to her. Alaric thought back to the home that she would have shared with Titus, her late and wrongly convicted husband, and now it had been taken over and was an asset of the state. Alaric didn't presume that he knew or understood her pain. Yet, he admired her bravely and determination to clear his name. "We need to make sure that the children each get their own room," He added, not including Barbara as she would marry soon.
  4. Gothic

    Gothy's plotter

    Absolutely! I think either would be good. Would you prefer one with Alaric or Claudia because I am good for one with either of them.
  5. She listened while he answered her questions. It all sounded like a completely foreign world to her, she paused and imagined it. Years ago, she had gone East when Livia had fled with her in over to escape Clemens' grasp. Although her memories of the event was hazy. Decimus' home sounded quite peaceful, happy, and with a simple nature to it. She smiled to herself as she listened, subconsciously leaned close to to focus more on the story he was currently telling her and noticed that briefly he too was off imagining. She nodded in acknowledgement, Claudia had seen the style in the past and waited for him to continue. Britannia. She had heard many things about that foreign land. Her elder brother, Darius, had begun the conquest of the land and unfortunately, it was his final conquest. She had seen some of the British slaves with their bodies still marked with the woad paint. Clearly marking them. It sent a shiver down her spine, it must have been terrifying to be in these forests with all the screaming barbarians charging at you through the mist and not being sure where they came from. "A tamer of trees?" Claudia asked, clearly equally as unimpressed by the title and gave a shrug of her pale shoulders. "Sure, tell me all about him. I cannot say that I recall the name." She added, then waited for him to begin his tale.
  6. Gothic

    Gothy's plotter

    Oh god yes! Hmm... maybe a thread where they meet up to eat somewhere because she was given a day off? I could NPC her Mum in the thread, too!
  7. Alaric smiled, happy and silent holding her. His thoughts kept him comfortable, happy in the knowledge that the spirits of his late wives would be happy in knowing he and Seia found each other. Then the last thing hit him. The room. Every so often, Barbara would make comments about the house looking more like a Barracks rather than a family home. Alaric never particularly noticed. "Oh! Oh I see!" He exclaimed, his body rocked as he laughed and placed a tender kiss on her forehead. "When you move in, you are welcome to decorate the house however you like," Alaric said, there were tokens of the Aetii-Stilichii that still remained within the home. "I would like you keep certain items. Otherwise, the place is yours to decorate," He added, his breathing slow and steady. "What else would you like in the house?"
  8. Gothic

    AeRo Timeline

  9. Gothic


  10. Gothic


  11. <p>71</p>
  12. Gothic


  13. <p>70</p>
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