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Everything posted by Gothic

  1. "Not at all! Come, eat with us. The rest of the family will likely be along soon," He greeted, a handshake offered. Should Decimus take his hand, he would find the grip to be strong and he led Decimus into the home. His home had been decorated by Seia, in Alaric's opinion, it was utterly beautiful and a comfortable home. The Triclinium. While the chaise of the wealthy were there to seat on. Alaric had never gotten used to it, it felt unnatural to have his stomach twisted and he preferred to sit upright. Therefore a table was also there with a chairs surrounding it to sit on, the chaises were available for Seia, his children or guests who preferred to recline like that. "Come, make yourself at home and relax!" He invited, took a seat on one of the chairs and gestured for Decimus to sit with him. In the distance, the tapping of a wooden sword against the furniture could be heard and Crispina telling the young Dominus to behave. Alaricus, Alaric's son and a mini-version of his father walked into the room with a bright grin. Then looked at Decimus in confusion, "Ave," he said and came to stand by his father. "Decimus, I'd like to introduce you to Alaricus, he is my son and hopes to be a soldier someday," He introduced him, and without looking he reached out and reached for the wooden sword as Alaricus began to play with it again to prevent it from accidentally hitting his head. Alaric glanced up at his son in a silent, parental warning for him to stop. His son needed to learn decorum, there would be plenty of time for him to play in the legions and smiled. "Alaricus, Decimus is a praetorian guard and will be working with Marcus," He said, children needed things explained to them. He wondered when the rest of the clan would soon join them. @Sains @Renna @Jenn @Indy
  2. Your application has been accepted. Please make sure to update your necessary claims and feel free to make your plotter.
  3. Stuck on a character idea? Why not check these ideas out? A courtesan dealing with difficult clients. A noblewoman caught in a secret love affair. A person from outside the Empire traveling to Rome to see what the city is about. A legionnaire who is struggling with civilian life. A tavern keeper. A slave bounty hunter. A witch who makes talismans to protect people from evil spirits. A slave trader. Gladiators in training. Charioteers. A traveler from a distant land. An agricultural slave. A baker.
  4. The writing on the piece of parchment was easy to read and understand. The individual in question had excellent penmanship, each of the letters was precise, readable and it was something he wished to share with the world. Dear journal, Perhaps in the future my writings will be found and used as a basis for what the world knows about Rome? No doubt the larger events will be covered by many of the larger and more influential writers. I do not have the same level of access as they do. Someday I wish to be able to write the tale of every single Roman within the Empire, from Caesar himself right down to the lowest slave, everyone has a story of merit and worth. Now, who am I to undertake such a large task? One that would most likely never be completed? I am Gaius of the Petronii Aquilia. It is likely that you do not know my family unless it is to ask about our merchant business, and the wealth we have. I have six children, five daughters including the one that the Gods decided to take from me, and the grandson I adopted in order to take over the family business. My people do not originate from Rome itself. Mauritania, kin in Aegyptus, Roman, our family has mixed roots and ancestry. A male member of my family served in the auxiliary many years ago and through his actions, Roman citizenship became achievable. I married a woman of good virtue and character, who I miss terribly. In my younger years when I was more focused on building family wealth in order to rise and teach my children good ethics. Business. It was all that I cared about. Now as my body begins to weaken, the time in this world has begun to grow shorter, and I can feel it. I have begun to look around at the people surrounding me. No doubt, my children possibly think that age has finally caught up with me and now this is a strange little hobby that I use to pass the time. In a way, they are absolutely right. My son-in-law and eldest daughter, the pair of them now run the business from Rome, and I can spend my twilight years doing as I please. I have yet to reach out and try to find someone interested in sharing their story with me. I've asked a couple of people. Many seem to think that because they are not Caesars or famous Legates that their story does not matter. I want to hear it. Who knows? Maybe the Romans many, many years into the future would want to know what it was like to live during our times was like. And that, would be impressive. Gaius.
  5. Hello there, I'm looking for some slaves for my character, Claudia Caesaris. No playbys have been listed because I'm pretty easy going about that sort of thing. If you have any questions about them. Please feel free to ask! Daphne Age: 25-35 Nationality: Open Personality: Bubbly, good natured and happy go lucky. Skills: Cosmetics slave. Isis Age: 25-35 Nationality: Open Personality: Pretty open. Skills: General attendant. Clio Age: 30-40 Nationality: Open Personality: Wise, friendly, loves learning and teaching. Skills: Tutor, teaches languages, knowledgeable about womens health Cynane -- taken by Atrice. Age: 25-35 Nationality: Open Personality: Firm, protective, resilient. Skills: Sword and spear. Acts as a bodyguard. Former Gladiatrix. Aula Age: 25-35 Nationality: Open Personality: Quiet, hard working, trusting. Skills: Hair slave. Volusa -- taken by Sharpie. Age: 17-19 Nationality: Open Personality: Loyal, friendly, good conversationalist although knows when to be quiet. Skills: Body slave. Constantly with Claudia.
  6. Feel free to post statuses! If you have any suggestions, feel free to send a PM or a DM on discord! 😄 

  7. Gothic

    I like wine

    Hey Brian! Welcome to AeRo and I can't wait to see the characters that you come up with. Let me know if you need any help with anything!
  8. Gaia had probably gone to the wrong Ludus. She held a basket with a few treats for Aeneas, Corinthia's gladiator and hoped that he would like them. She could hear the gladiators train. Who could ignore the sound of the wooden swords clashing against each other? The grunts, the occasional cries of pain, and she could not help but fan herself. She had been less lustful of late, instead preferring friendly company and trying to keep Corinthia out of trouble. She peered in, a hand rested on the bars and she was followed by two of her household slaves. A few of the men made comments about her seeing up the gladiators -- she ignored them. Gaia began to feel uneasy standing near these men and instead turned to walk up the steps where a group of onlookers would watch the gladiators train. Slowly she exhaled in frustration, glanced at someone and could have sworn she recognised his face. Lexus? His son worked for her, a frequent visitor and she was incredibly happy to have him. Maybe it wasn't him though? A stranger stepped in between them, concealing him from view and she grumbled. Moved through the crowd, her hand reached out as though to gently rest on his shoulder to gain his attention. She stopped herself. What if it wasn't him? Gaia squeezed past a man, who politely moved to let her have a better look at the gladiators -- and at Lexus. She had taken him into her bed often enough to recognise her friend. "LEXUS!" She beamed, dropped the basket in the process and hugged him. Of course, randomly grabbing a man may not have been the wisest move. Especially if he did not recognise her or had been on guard in case the worst should occur.
  9. Alaric listened when Seia began to explain what had happened to her. Her knew that her mother was not kind towards other people, especially her own daughter and pulled her close. He had heard his previous wife's screams during childbirth. It had been frightening, all one could do was sacrifice and pray that the Gods would be merciful. Titus was a good man, at least, he was towards Seia. "Your mother was cruel and most unkind towards you. I can see why you defended Titus so fiercely, especially when your parents abandoned you," He answered, his tone and facial expressions darkened at the sound of the betrayal. Her parents would never be welcome in their home. Not after everything they had willing put Seia through. However, it did not take long for him to relax once more. He could not help but smile at her words. "I have a suspicion that you will always be able to make me feel this way." He responded, his job had not been an easy one. Being forced to serve a man that he despised and serve underneath fools. His focus was on protecting the last princess, Rufia Flavia, and trying to keep her as safe from Clemens as possible. Flavia was not weak and reminded him of her mother, and in a way, of Seia too. He chuckled and gave a boyish shrug, Alaric was about to comment once more and drew her close again. The first part of the kiss was soft, tender, and the latter part needed no more encouragement from him. He kissed her passionately, his arms pulled her close to feel her feminine curves against his body, and again he was in bliss.
  10. Jan 74CE. He walked alongside his beautiful wife, Cornelia, a woman who had given him considerable connections and many healthy children. Through her, he found his other beloved, Venusiana and together they made a happy trinity. Behind them were slaves, attendants and other notables. The porticus liviae remained one of the primary locations to be seen in Rome, a place where the wealthy and the powerful would gather to relax and dine. Occasionally, they would be approached by people wishing to use the family connections to aid their careers. Quintus, for the time being, waved them off. "My dear," He said, patted Cornelia's hand as it rested on his forearm with affection and smiled at her. "Venusiana's birthday approaches, what should we get for her?" Quintus asked, it was not entirely Roman, and each of them were an equal part of the relationship. He did not have a mind for clothing nor the fashionable styles, unless, he was noticing that a woman was comely in appearance. He paused near the available seats and gestured for her to sit down, servants remained close in case they ever desired anything and he smiled at her. The pain of the civil war, and the separation from them still remained close to his heart. "Wine and food!" He said to one of the household slaves, who went off to deal with one of the local vendors. There was something about the food of the temple. The local area was filled with gardens, small libraries, temples and more. All places he would take Cornelia during their quiet time together. @Anna
  11. Gothic

    Brought in

    Corinthia was silently pleased when he was compliant with her wishes. Although it was her divine right, how else would he have become a slave to begin with and end up in the service of Rome? A clan chief sounded a lot like a king to her, in some ways, the clans and the septs sounded similar to the clans and tribes that the Romans have. Slowly she nodded her understanding, and they too had feuds. There were families that were determined to remove each other -- a slight long forgotten that was continued by their heirs. Maybe they weren't so different? It was strange to think that he had a family back home. One that he could no longer see or protect. She exhaled softly, it was why she was so cunning and ruthless. It validated her behaviour. Gaia, was weak, and perhaps that was the only reason why she had been left unharmed. She needed to protect her family -- or she could be kneeling by some barbarian's feet, needing their support and grace. Her eyes glazed over in thought, her hand lifted and was briefly going to place it supportively on his shoulder. Yet... would that encourage bad behaviour from him? Corinthia gulped when he said that his son would not know him now. He would be a stranger in his eyes. What did Aeneas' wife tell her son about his father? Did she tell him the truth or did she made up an elaborate lie in order to ease the pain? She felt torn. Truly torn. Her hand intently tightened. How would she feel if her son (if she ever had one) would not know his father? Worse, what if she was never able to see that child ever again? For a moment, she avoided his gaze, unable to look into those pale eyes with her darker ones. Corinthia did not know what to do. A Domina would never avoid the gaze of her slave. Finally, it lowered, the reason for her hesitancy was now shown. Her eyes were glossy and strained. Tears. Silently her hand reached out and touched his shoulder, a gentle and compassionate gesture.
  12. I found this and I thought people would like to see it.
  13. This was not going to plan. This was absolutely not going to plan. She pointed towards the water when he said that he did not know what to do. Speechless that he did not get into the water and fetch it out himself.. Was it not obvious?! Her mouth opened and closed, similar to the dumbstruck look that fish had and stood in surprise as Lexus disappeared in search of help. When he left she she growled and let out a yell of frustration. The whites of her knuckles showed as she dug her nails into her her palms, her fists clenched that tight and sighed to herself. Now she had to try to rely on little Lexus to find a slave who could help her. No doubt her mother would see him as being an angel who helped her. This was not going to plan in the slightest. She breathed to calm herself down. Tears of anger and frustration began to sting at her eyes. Her mother had warned her of people who would get so angry that the Gods would find a way to strike them down. Finally, Lexus returned with a slave girl in tow, she was a little surprised at them holding hands and pointed to the water. "It fell in there," Corinthia said, the slave girl winced and reached down into the water. Fishing around for the missing ring, and the slave girl kept an eye on the water for signs of the fish. Corinthia knew she should say something to Lexus. "Thank you for finding assistance so quickly." She said, although her eyes were focused on the water and the slave girl attempting to find the ring. @Atrice
  14. Your application has been accepted. Please make sure to update your necessary claims and feel free to make your plotter.
  15. Your application has been accepted. Please make sure to update your necessary claims and feel free to make your plotter.
  16. Gothic


    Your application has been accepted. Please make sure to update your necessary claims and feel free to make your plotter.
  17. Your application has been accepted. Please make sure to update your necessary claims and feel free to make your plotter.
  18. He paused when Seia asked which Gods. To him, the different Gods had each taken on parts of the other and they were similar. Alaric shrugged. "Both? Our children worship the Roman Gods though." He added. Seia had always accepted and supported his foreign ancestry. Seia's words of praise meant a lot to him. Alaric always tried to do his best by his children (and that includes his step-children) and he knew the risks of childbirth. He had heard of the plant that women would take to prevent any unwanted pregnancies. Alaric did not want to press it. "And you love your daughter, any child would be fortunate to have you as a mother." He murmured in response, peaceful and relaxed. The lines in his face began to soften, his usual neutral expression or a scowl was replaced with a more at ease one. Alaric was so comfortable that he nearly drifted off to sleep. He blinked a couple of times as his eyelids became heavy, when she tightened her hold on him he instinctively pulled her closer to him and held her close. He murmured in agreement about him having a big heart. Instinctually, he returned the kiss and his eyes opened to gaze at her. They had known each other for many years before they knew each other well. He had either Suetonia or Galla, and she had Titus. "It was when I saw you walking towards the courts to clear Titus' name," He said, paused and remembered the sight. It did not end in victory. Alaric admired and loved strength in others. Alaric chuckled, gave her a teasing smirk, and playfully nibbled the tip of her nose. "I know, I imagine that you did not expect me to be quite so passionate?" @Renna
  19. AeRo re-open party!! Whoo hoo!
  20. And we are open! ❤️ 

  21. Vestals (Not including the head Vestal.) Calpurnia Praetextata Suggested Face claim: Player's choice. Age & Birth Position. 38 Position: Senatore. Parents: Player's choice. Other family: Player's choice. Personality: Dependent, Mature and Stoic. History: Became a Vestal. Otherwise, player's choice. Ultimate Goal: To preserve knowledge. Other information: N/A Who to contact: Gothic. Vettenia Sabimilla Suggested Face claim: Player's choice. Age & Birth Position. 29 Position: Senatore, Vestal. Parents: Player's choice. Other family: Player's choice. Personality:  Self-assured, Impractical and Disinterested in new ideas. History: Became a Vestal at nine. Otherwise, player's choice. Ultimate Goal: Player's choice. Other information: N/A. Who to contact: Gothic. Belicia Modesta Suggested Face claim: Player's choice. Age & Birth Position. 27 Position: Senatore, Vestal. Parents: Player's choice. Other family: Player's choice. Personality: A peace-maker, Creative and Apprehensive. History: Became a Vestal, otherwise, player's choice. Ultimate Goal: Player's choice. Other information: N/A. Who to contact: Gothic. Flavia Mamilia Suggested Face claim: Player's choice. Age & Birth Position. 26 Position: Senatore, Vestal. Parents: Player's choice. Other family: Player's choice. Personality: Serious, Humourless and Timid History: Became a Vestal, otherwise, player's choice. Ultimate Goal: To marry once her service to Vesta is done. Other information: N/A. Who to contact: Gothic. Cloelia Torquata. Suggested Face claim: Player's choice. Age & Birth Position. 17 Position: Senatore, Vestal. Parents: Player's choice. Other family: Player's choice. Personality: Melodramatic and Intelligent. History:Player's choice. Ultimate Goal: To never marry. Other information: N/A. Who to contact: Gothic.
  22. Alaric smiled gently at the feel of her fingertips caressing his face, then laughed at her jest and answered more seriously. "There is not a lot of space for the horses, I have a farm outside Rome with room for them to roam and run freely," He added, personally, he thought that codex was an amazing find. His hand reached up and softly caressed her cheek, his hands were calloused from war and work, yet were still able to be tender and gentle with the woman he loved. "Oh yes, just in case," He answered with a smile, returned her kiss and could only imagine children between the pair of them. "It would be a blessing from the Gods," He murmured softly, kissed first her forehead and then the tip of her nose. Alaric did not think he would have more children. A part of him always worried about the pain and loss during childbirth. Although now was not the time, he was on a natural high and rested his forehead against hers.
  23. Corinthia had to admit that she was grateful she had found Aeneas rather than another slave, particularly one who did not like her much and that was likely every single slave within the household. Her arms folded protectively across her chest, her chin raised in seeming defiance of the worry she had, and yet, her heightened breathing displayed the fear she had inside her. Her dark, kohl lined eyes regarded him as he dropped down to one knee and felt more secure. She looked at him with suspicion, her eyes narrowed and her lips moved to a thinner line. However, a sign of her relaxation was, her arms slowly began to loosen around her chest and moved to a more relaxed position on her lap. When he offered her some food or wine (especially on this night where the roles were reversed and society altered) and her lips twitched with the hint of a smile. She was grateful for the respect given although, how defiant could a slave be when the roles were altered most of the year? Her hand reached out and casually pointed towards a nearby platter of figs, dried fruits, and bread. Something she had managed to get for herself before the household descended into chaos and she had retreated into her room while the merriment continued to play on. A pitcher of wine and two glasses were present, each was ornate and beautiful. Expensive glass from the middle east had increased, and naturally it found its way to her mother's household. Perhaps she should indulge a little with this night? "Over there, the tray and the pitcher," She gestured, her voice still soft, "bring both of the glasses," Corinthia added, in an unlikely gesture of kindness and compliance with the tradition of Saturnalia. In order parts of the household, the sound of the slaves merriment could be heard and it was likely to continue through the later hours of the evening. In truth, and while she would deny it, Corinthia was happy with the company and felt safe knowing that Aeneas was here with her. Not that she would tell him that. She sighed to herself, exhausted and had to resist rubbing her eyes in case she accidentally rubbed the kohl into her eyes to increase the dark circles beneath them. "Quickly Aeneas," She insisted, although without the venom her words usually had. @Sarah
  24. Gothic

    Brought in

    Corinthia listened and occasionally her nose wrinkled in irritation at the sound of his Latin. It had improved in the time that he had been in Rome, and training through the Ludus. Still, she wondered about the land he was from, and it was difficult to think that there was apparent civilisation outside of Rome. It all sounded oddly free and away from pressures of Roman society, something she found interesting and could not shake. How many people in Rome would have been all too happy to see her die? Death and politics were everywhere. "Caledonii," She echoed, Corinthia never heard of it before. The name was foreign, illusive and perhaps someone more widely traveled would have been more knowledgeable about the lands beyond the Roman borders. The fantasy was interrupted when he spoke of his name, the one before he had been given one and her dark eyebrows instantly narrowed in irritation. "No, your name is Aeneas. Aonghus is no more," She added sharply, then exhaled irritably. Her mother had told her that kindness towards slaves would often help in their manners and temperament. Sometimes the carrot was far better than the stick. Not that Corinthia happened to listen very often to Gaia's advice when it came to absolutely anything and everything. Perhaps it had not been wise to encourage this sort of behaviour from him? It would not have been pleasant for him to think of a home that he could no longer return to, and for the entertainment of his Domina. The brief thought of compassion was swiftly pushed aside in favour of seeking more knowledge about his strange people to the North, they would never be able to She debated sending him back to the ludus, out of sight and unfortunately, not out of mind. There was something about him that drew her to him, and it still puzzled her. Her fingertips irritated tapped by her side, thinking and pondering what the next course of action should be. "Aeneas," She insisted again, used his new Roman and slave name, and smiled softly. Corinthia could not help it. "What of the politics of your former home? Do they have Kings or Chieftains there?" She asked, curious and interested in how these strange people's lived. @Sarah
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