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Everything posted by Chevi

  1. "You delivered the consul's wife's baby in a temple." "Yep." "You know, bathing in the blood of your enemies would be a bit more believable!" "Believe me, I now" Metella chuckled, opening the door to her room. She was bone tired, but also still had he head full of the experience. It sounded surreal, now that it was over. Gods, it had felt surreal back when it was happening. "And how are you?... I've nearly got Ragum trained to shake hands. I'll have to show you when you're more - well, less done in." "I... am even less keen on pushing a baby out of my vagina, I'll tell you that much" Metella wrinkled her nose. She was not looking forward to that part at all. She started trying to peel off her tunica. "Also, it turns out, none of the priestesses of Juno Lucina are midwives. I had to do all of it alone. Go figure. You'd think, since they serve the goddess of childbirth..." @Sharpie
  2. Attis paled, and then looked visibly relieved when Metella reassured him she was fine. It was endearing. The look on her face softened as she realized what had happened, and she walked over to him to take his hand. The dog sniffed at her tunica curiously. "Same as ever - but you can't just waltz in, covered in the blood of your foes and tell me you randomly delivered a baby in a temple. What happened - the goddess was pregnant and you helped deliver the latest addition to the Pantheon?!" "No" she chuckled "But close. Come on, help me get out of this." She pulled Attis along to her room. She needed to get out of the dirty dress, and wash herself clean. And she felt very tired. "It was the consul's wife" she explained as they went. The dog jogged along. "Well, the previous consul's. The one who's friends with the dominus. I went to the temple of Juno Lucina, and she was there too, to pray, and... well, turns out, she was in labor." It was still hard to believe Horatia had missed the signs. @Sharpie
  3. Someone barreled straight into the fabrics stretched out in front of the shop, pulling several lengths to the ground in a table. The servants yelled as fabric was yanked out of their hands. A stretch of light green silk fell over Calpurnia's head, veiling her from the struggle that was happening; it took her a moment to disentangle herself, and see a man emerging from the puddle of colors. "Apologies, I really am very sorry about this! I hope they're not ruined!" It was an amusing sight. Calpurnia found herself chuckling, despite the distressed noises the merchant was making. As far as netting men in the street went, this one was not a bad catch. When he stood, he proved to be quite tall, taller than Calpurnia, even. It was rare, in Rome; she was used to many of the men and almost all women constantly looking up at her. "Were you in a hurry for a reason, or do you just enjoy plunging into quality fabric?" Calpurnia smirked at him. "Not that I would fault you for that." @Atrice
  4. Chevi

    Make not war

    Hit hits did not land. Instead, Alexius managed to pin him down completely. They stared at each other for a moment. Felix was at a loss. What was he doing? Pinning him was not going to accomplish what the fight was supposed to do... Also, he was very close. "You need to mean it..." He didn't. That was the problem. How did he come to trying to beat up an actual gladiator? He was just waiting for Alexius to get his punches in, so they could get this over with. He looked up at the man above him, but Alexius was already getting up. "Come at me again..." Felix groaned, getting up from the ground. This was all wrong. And felt awkward. But there was nothing else to do, so he took a deep breath, and lunged at Alexius again, hoping to barrel into him with enough force to knock him to the ground. @Atrice
  5. Metella was not the one who had given birth, but she was still bone tired. After the litter had come for Horatia, the lady insisted that one of her servants accompany Metella home instead of walking with the litter - because walking across the Esquiline covered in blood and grime was going to be awkward. The man lent her a cloak, which helped, but she was still far from looking her best once she arrived to the door. She returned the cloak and walked in. The look on Attis' face was priceless. "Who did you murder, and do you need help to dispose of the body?" "This, Attis, is what childbirth looks like." she sighed, looking down at herself. It took her a beat to realize she should elaborate. "Not me. I'm fine. But I just helped deliver a baby at the temple. So. How was your day?" @Sharpie
  6. End of January, 77 AD Calpurnia was at the Emporium, shopping for fabric. It was her new favorite pastime, and Aulus was gracious enough to sponsor it. The marketplace gathered all the treasures and luxuries of the empire, anything money could possibly buy - including fabrics of all colors and materials, for the pleasure of those who could afford it. And those who had the eye for their possibilities. Calpurnia definitely had. She knew that as a former Vestal people still expected some level of modesty from her... but she didn't much care. Besides, the secret of good dresses was not in the price of the fabric, or its rarity. It was in the hues, and the quality of the weaving. Something that was cheap could still be exquisite when tailored right. And had just the right color. Which is why she tended to spend several hours shopping around, blissfully immersed in the world of texture and color. For today, she was wearing a sky-blue stola and a darker blue palla that complimented it just right, with gold and silver jewelry. The merchant knew her well. The moment she appeared, he had his best new wares on display, with several of his slaves running around, unfolding bolts and lengths of fabric, until the space in front of the shop was a maze of fluttering fabrics in all colors of the rainbow. Egyptian cotton, Hispanian linen, iridescent silk from beyond the empire. Calpurnia stood in the middle of the whirlwind of fabrics, listening politely to the merchant's sales pitch, touching the fabrics, enjoying the show. That is, until the sound of running was heard over the commotion of the market, and someone barreled straight into the fabrics, pulling some along. After that, it was a whole lot of colorful chaos. @Atrice
  7. "You do...but there is nothing more precious than holding your child. It makes it worth it." Metella really hoped so. She liked Cassia, and basically raised her, but Cassia was not her child. She was her responsibility. She wondered what it would feel like, to have her own. Hers and Attis'. This little one in Horatia's arms, wrinkly and dirty as he was, looked quite cute. "And see? You've done it once for another woman...your own will be no bother..." Metella let out a laugh. "Something tells me this end of it was the easy part..." She did her best, but that baby would have come out without help anyway. "You'll have my prayers...but...you're worried?" "I am" she admitted. Why wouldn't she be? Horatia had done it twice and she was still terrified for her life. She waved a hand. "And I doubt I'll be welcome back into this temple anytime soon..." she added with a chuckle. "Those priestesses should really bring you some wine at least. Should I go check?" @Sara
  8. Metella handed the baby to Horatia and let her hug him. In the meantime, the servant returned with the basin, and Metella washed her hands. Gods, she was covered in grime up to her elbows. She cleaned herself, before she poured water from the pitcher onto a clean towel. "I could not have done this without you... I owe you everything Metella." Metella smiled, shaking her head. Patricians liked to throw favors around. She wondered if she'd still mean it once she stopped bleeding out of her lady parts. "I...I thought I was going to die. I have been so afraid...for so many months... Thank you." "You are most welcome." she chuckled, sitting on the edge of the bed. She dabbed the wet towel on Horatia's face and neck, cooling her and cleaning up some of the sweat and tears. "You were amazing. Your husband better be proud of having a wife like you." The baby fussed, and Horatia looked beyond exhausted. Metella gave her a smile. "So, I've got all this to look forward to, huh." @Sara
  9. "There is, if the Romans are involved. There is no end to their creativity when it comes to fucking or killing." Thessala noted. It was nice to hear the man laugh, and not contest her statement of fighting prowess. If he had, they would have had to spar sooner. But now they were in agreement about wondering what the next big thing was going to be in the arena. "At one point, they had me fight Alexius, out of all people" she agreed with a grin. It had been a memorable night, between a gladiatrix and a former legend. "It ended up being a game of stripping. He won. But barely." @Sarah
  10. Lucius could imagine few things more boring that being in the senate, but his brother seemed to be content with his job. It didn't make for great conversation, though. Luckily, as they walked along, a familiar figure made an appearance, in the company of a servant and a guard. Lucius' face lit up with a smile as they noticed each other, and the lady walked over to join them with a friendly greeting. "Lucius, what a pleasant surprise." "Pinaria Gaia. Always a pleasure." Always meaning, once when they had been set up by Silanus, and once when he'd visited her in the company of Alexius to talk about her attacker. No wonder she had a guard following her around. Still, Lucius Liked Pinaria, and she was always pleasant company. Gaius, on the other hand, looked very surprised. "Gaius, this is Pinaria Gaia. Silanus introduced us. Pinaria, this is my brother, Gaius Vipsanius Roscius." @Atrice @Sharpie
  11. The look in Horatia's eyes spoke volumes. She had a baby, a son. And he was alive, and healthy, thank the gods. Horatia looked at her for a moment, and Metella smiled back, woman to woman. "Cut it... A-and then we're almost done, we're almost done..." Metella cut the cord, and then wrapped the baby again, setting him gently on the bed. She knew they were not quite done yet, but Horatia seemed more at ease now. Wrung out and exhausted, and pale, but not in so much pain and panic. She delivered the afterbirth, and Metella placed it in another towel. She looked it over as much as she could, it seemed intact. That was a good thing, she remembered that. There was no much blood coming with it. Metella placed some towels between Horatia's legs, and put a blanket over her for warmth, before picking up the baby, who had stopped crying, and was making some fussing sounds. "You're a Goddess..." "No I'm not" she chuckled, holding out the baby to Horatia. "But the goddess definitely helped. Here. You can hold him. You have done great." @Sara
  12. Horatia was weeping, and Metella felt tears in her eyes too. The baby was definitely crying. Strong set of lungs. "You have to... You...you have to cut the cord. I-I don't have a knife." "OH. Right." She remembered this part, from there Cassia was born. After some hesitation, Metella looked around, and pulled one of the ties out of Horatia's discarded stola. She unwrapped the baby, tying the chord close to his belly. "He is fine. He is strong. Has all his toes and everything." she said, talking to keep Horatia's attention. She was not quite done yet, after all. "HEY! We need a knife!" She yelled out of the room. The priestess must have heard the baby crying, after all. One of the servants appeared eventually, timidly poking her head in, and holding a knife. Metella washed it, then ushered the girl out with the basin for fresh water. "Stay awake, mama, you can hold him in a moment." As soon as she figured out how the hell to do this. @Sara
  13. The screaming was deafening, and the pain must have been intense, but with the next contraction, the body of the baby slipped out. Literally. He was extremely slippery, covered in all sorts of things. Metella lay him on the towel between Horatia's legs, and watches as the tiny feet and hands squirmed. Horatia collapsed back on the pillows. She was bleeding, but not in a way that would have been alarming. Well. More alarming. "T-the baby...?" The reply came in a small, gurgling, choking sound, and then a tiny whine, and then a cry. Metella gasped. Oh, thank you Juno, thank you thank you thank you. She carefully folded the towel around the little body and the dangling chord, and lifted him. So tiny. So tiny, wrinkly, pink, and slippery. And so very alive. "It's a boy" she grinned. "He's alright. He's fine." @Sara
  14. Chevi

    Make not war

    Felix barreled into Alexius and they both went down. At first it felt like a win, but soon he was rolled over, with Alexius pinning him down, and landing a hit on his shoulder. Of course he knew what he was doing. Felix's instincts kicked in and he struggled, trying to get some hits in on Alexius' torso. He had no illusions about winning the fight, not even in his current state of self-defense. But he was going to try. And be grateful Alexius was not breaking his nose. @Atrice
  15. "Their prayers aren't working. It's still agony." Horatia was terrified, and in pain. All of that made sense. She was giving birth in a temple that was supposed to help her but wasn't, in a terrible room, with only one girl for company who was about as terrified as she was, and twice as clueless. Metella was silently praying too. Horatia screamed, it was a terrible, primal sound, and gripped her shoulder hard enough Metella was sure it was going to leave bruises. But at the same time, the baby was moving. Coming into the world. With a convulsion, the head appeared, and then a little, scrunched up face. "Whoa!" Metella reached out, steadying the baby's head.It was bloody and covered in slime. It was... a whole lot of surreal. Please be okay. "Good job, mama! Here we go! Keep going!" @Sara
  16. "Yes it is, it's working. You are doing it." Metella decided, watching what was unfolding in a surreal way. A few months, and she was going to be on the other end of this, and she was looking forward to it less and less by the minute. At least it was going fast?... But right now, this was not about her. Metella put a hand on Horatia's belly, looking up. "There is an entire gaggle of priestesses praying for you out there, that has to count for something, right?" she added with a small smile. "Come on. You are close. Let's get this baby out, hm?" @Sara
  17. Metella knew that most women gave birth in a birthing chair, but they did not have one, and none of the priestesses seemed inclined to help. The goddess was probably not pleased with that. She could not well hold Horatia up and also help the baby, so she let her get on the bed, piling pillows and blankets behind her for a half-sitting position. No woman should have to push lying down, even she knew that. "Aaaaalright" she took deep breaths to steady herself too, as Horatia strained through a contraction. "Great job. Yell if you want to, just keep breathing." And do not pass out. Metella knelt on the bed, folding Horatia's tunica up. "I can see the baby's head there. It shouldn't be long now, alright? Juno's here. She's helping. Why else would this happen in her temple? We're going to be fine." @Sara
  18. "You are doing well." Metella had no idea, but she was going to state it to make it true. Horatia was not fainting, or flailing, so that was good, so far. After the next wave of pain, Metella got to work, stripping her palla and stola off, with not much regard to the ties and the fabric. A temple servant showed up with a basin and a large pitcher of water, and some towels. Metella washed her hands. She wet a towel from the pitcher, and held it to Horatia's forehead. She looked pale and sweaty, and somehow smaller now that she was only in her tunica. Metella set some towels down on the bed. "I know this is not ideal" she noted, helping Horatia try to find a better position, holding her arms. "But this baby is coming out, with the blessing of the goddess. So. Um. You push, and I catch it. That's what we are going to do. Okay?" @Sara
  19. Horatia was muttering prayers as Metella was trying to get some semblance of a plan together. From the looks of it, they did not have much time. "Help me with her." They lifted Horatia to her feet, and the priestess led them to the small side room. It was barely bigger than a chamber, with a single bed and a small table in it. Metella yanked the used sheets off the bed and tossed them out the door. She really hoped the night watch didn't have fleas or some shit like that. Juno protect us. "Sheets. Blankets. Towels. Water. Lots of water. Light." she listed "I have no idea what I am doing, so you can all go and pray. That is what you do, right?" There was a general scurrying, but for now, they were alone. Metella helped Horatia sit, and grasped her hands. "Look at me." She had to stay firm, even though she also really, really wanted to panic. "You ca do this. You have done this. I am here, I will help you. Alright? And a midwife is on the way. Take a breath. Let's get your palla off, alright?" @Sara
  20. "No. I am going to pray, and then I'm going home." "You are not going to make it" Metella stated firmly, as if she was talking to a child. She was good at that. She could see the panic rising in Horatia's eyes, and felt it in the grip of her hand. Alright, bad wording. "I-I'm not ready to die. I'm not ready..." Oh shit. The woman was terrified. She had done this twice, and she was terrified, because it had been done before. Metella squeezed her hand. One of them had to keep her head straight. It was going to have to be Metella. She gave Horatia a determined look. "You are not going to make it home to have the baby. You will have it right here. You will be alright. The goddess is watching." Even if the damn priestesses were not. "H-help me to the altar?" Metella helped Horatia get up, and walked her to the few steps to the altar. She scooted the chair after them so she had something to brace herself on. Time to get things rolling. Juno, forgive me. Metella put her fingers in her mouth and let out a sharp whistle. The priestess appeared with a look of murder, and maybe the goddess would smite her for this, but she couldn't exactly leave Horatia's side. "This child is coming right now, by the will of the goddess." Metella declared. The priestess looked ready to faint. "Show us to a room we can use, and get us water and blankets. When the litter gets here, tell them to go find a midwife. Fast." The priestess stared. Metella sighed. "Believe me, domina, I don't want to be the one giving the orders, but someone has to. I will makesure the consul knows how gelpful you have been." Well, that worked. @Sara
  21. Horatia did not put up a fight. They were in this together now. It would have been hard to invent a stranger pair than the two of them, the Briton slave and the Roman patrician, both red-haired and both pregnant, from vastly different men. Maybe the goddess had her reasons. "I'm not sure. Maybe... You will h-have my eternal thanks for this, Metella. A-and that of my husband." How was she not sure?!... "Might as well get some learning in, huh" Metella smirked, getting on her knees. She was not not even sure what she was looking for, but unlike the priestesses, she was at least willing to try. "Maybe your husband could sponsor a midwife for this place..." "Well?" "Whoa." Okay. Some things did not need a medicus' degree to notice. Metella surfaced, looking at Horatia over the sea of expensive fabric. "Domina, I'm sorry, but you are not going anywhere." @Sara
  22. "No I can't tell, I'm not a midwife!" Metella glared back at the priestess. This was probably a bad thing to do, in the damn temple where she was supposed to pray to the goddess for help. Then again, it was not the goddess' fault if her priestess was a bitch. "She's the wife..." "I-I am Horatia Justina. I-I'm... I'm the wife of A-Aulus Calpurnius Praetextatus... First Consul of this city last year, and you w-will send word to my h-husband and y-you will let my litter come to collect me and you will help me to my k-knees to pray and you will respect this woman. Am I understood?" The effect of Horatia's words was spectacular. Both priestesses had their mouth open in shock. That's right, you are in this now. Even Metella felt a wave of respect for Horatia. Finally the younger priestess hurried out of the temple, no doubt going for the litter. The elder one still stared. "She will pray in private. You may leave us." Metella decided. The priestess bristled, but being stared down by two stubborn pregnant women eventually worked, and she sulked out of the room. Metella let out a sigh, turning back to Horatia. "You may pray, but I will look. Because you don't want to give birth in a litter... Has your water broken yet?" @Sara
  23. Someone finally made an appearance. Metella sighed a sigh of relief, but it was short-lived. "We don't have midwives here! This is the second time this month..." "What?" Metella stared at the woman, despite her better judgment. "Why not?" Seriously, of all the places in Rome... "I just need to make my prayers and then I'll go... My litter is down by the gates, just give me a moment to collect myself." Well, at least they got a chair. Not as helpful as a midwife, though. "Can her... can her litter at least come up here for her? She's not going to make the walk back." Metella pointed out. "... can't you tell how... um, close she is, at least?" @Sara
  24. They got to the columns and stopped. Horatia braced herself, looking very much like she was in pain. Yup, this was happening. Metella looked around, trying to see if there was someone to help, but no one was in sight. She stood by, supporting Horatia, until she was done breathing through the pain. "You see? The pains pass and you feel alright." Until the next one. Duh. "I...its been years. Since my daughter. Thirteen. I...I have not had easy births." Metella's eyebrows rose. Thirteen years?... Talk about a late child. And complicated births. Oh, damn. "But you're young, and healthy you...you will be fine." Metella clicked her tongue. When things got serious, she went right back to being bossy. "I have seven months to figure it out. You don't. Come on." It was nice of Horatia to try to console her, but she had more urgent things to take care of. Like, pushing a baby out, apparently. Metella supported her through the doors of the temple. "Salve... Hallo? We need help here!" @Sara
  25. "You have a long while t-to go, and to reconcile yourself to it. The pains...the pains can last for days," "Days?!" Now it was Metella's turn to go pale. Oh no. Attis was so, so dead for this. She held up Horatia and walked her towards the temple, although she was fairy sure at this point that the woman was in labor. "There is no rush to get home." There was every rush to get home. But Metella hoped that the word of the priestesses would be more believable than her own. So, they continued on, to the steps leading up to the building, before Horatia stumbled again. "Ah... I'm afraid." No shit. "You have done this before" Metella pointed out, walking along and half-supporting, half-carrying Horatia. "The goddess is right here. And so are her servants." @Sara
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