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Everything posted by Chevi

  1. February 77AD Lucius had been working with the vigiles for several months, but he had to admit he had never seen them hop to work so fast and with so much enthusiasm as when the news came in that the Venus was on fire. And it barely tampered their heroic spirit when they found out that the fire, thank the gods, was only near the Venus, but not actually in it. It also did not make them any less helpful to know that there was not a single man among the rank and file vigiles that would have been able to afford a girl or boy from the Venus. It was the principle, after all. And maybe a faint hope of reward. The building next to the Venus caught from a cooking fire, as far as they could tell. The centurion on the scene immediately ordered the vigiles to start pulling down the burning parts of the roof, and sent some to cover the adjacent roof with water-soaked skins and blankets, to prevent the Venus from catching from the sparks. People stood by, watching the scene unfold; even some of the girls and the clients came out of the Venus, looking nervous. Lucius was standing at the building's doorway, part of the bucket brigade that was passing down water from the nearby fountain. Smoke and sparks flew everywhere, and made him tear up, even with the scarf over his mouth and nose. "Are we sure there is no one inside?..." @Sara
  2. The smile that lit up her face was the first genuine one since they met. It looked much better than the fake flirtations. She spoke Greek, and Iophon could tell it was her native tongue, although she spoke it with an Ionian accent, slightly different from the Greek his own family spoke. "Greek, from an island in the Ionian Sea. I was called Hilaera, when I was..." Free. She was free-born. Those stories were never good.It explained a lot about her. "My dominus thought that with my background the name suited me... Tell me about Egypt?" Iophon responded in Greek. "I moved to Rome two... three years ago, with my brother. Before that, we worked on ships... we were born in Upper Egypt, along the Nile, in Ptolemaios Hermiou. It is quite a beautiful place... very different from Rome. Until I came here, I thought my home was a big city." @Sara
  3. Iophon went and paid the fee for Ione's company. She was cheap. Cheaper than he remembered, from before. The place really was struggling, and by extension, so were the girls and boys. It was not the first time Iophon bought someone's time without expecting sex, although it was too expensive a charity to do often. "You could tell me a story? If you'd like? From where you're from...you're not Roman?" "Greek. From Egypt." he grinned, settling back on the bed. "How about you? You're named after a Nereid. Is that your real name?" @Sara
  4. The more expensive places were better to the girls. Sometimes. Definitely had cleaner rooms and more comforts, but that was usually for the clients' benefit, more than the slaves'. Poor Ione. She was stuck here, doing a thankless job. "Not if you pay... And if you pay, there's no reason why you can't get your fill as well. I'd be happy to..." She placed a hand on his thigh. Iophon smiled at her, patting her hand. "You don't know me, but I used to come here quite often. Told stories in the receiving room to the girls and the waiting clients... had nice chats and everything. I kinda miss this place. I'll go pay, but you don't have to put on the show." @Sara
  5. "There's one newer than me...she used to be a house slave, she's a decade or so older than me." Well, the new management was clearly not spending money on the girls. Dead end. "But the dominus had plans... Should our selling point not be that the girls are beautiful and your every desire is catered for? That's the beauty of the Elysium, you can do whatever you like." "Honey, that is everybody's selling point." Iophon pointed out. That's why so many of the prostitutes were slaves. So that clients would have the freedom to basically do anything and everything. Ione did not look very comfortable with the concept, either. Iophon sighed, glancing at the faded pictures on the walls. "I spend five more minutes in here and the guard's gonna come beat me up, isn't he." @Sara
  6. "Ione." Iophon repeated her name. A Nereid. Girl from the sea. He wondered where the ship had come from. "Like what? You want a story about...me? I'm not very interesting." "Everybody's interesting" Iophon noted, and he meant it. Every person had a story, some were just better than others. "Look, Ione, here is how things work. I will make a deal with the new owner to direct clients here if they are looking for entertainment. But I need to make sure that I can vouch for this place as I used to. I hope the renovations... will go well. But Rome is full of brothels just like this one, or better. So, a good place needs a good story. You mentioned you are new. Are you the only one?" @Sara
  7. The girl looked disappointed. Iophon sighed. She really was new, if she was trying this hard to get clients. And working in this sorry excuse for a brothel, her life was probably harder than that of girls in other places. "You're not here for that. But you're in my room...and want to see what's new here? How will your clients know if we're any good unless you test us out...?" It wasn't like Iophon did not appreciate good company. He occasionally even had money for it, although less so until he made a new arrangement with the new management (discounts were nice). He took a seat next to her on the bed, stretching his legs. The room was awful, but she was the one who had to work in it. "So... what's your name?" she had not introduced herself "This place is a dump, no offense. But it used to be quite decent. I'd love to see it get back to that, I bet you would too. But I'm a storyteller, not an investor. You gotta give me something to work with..." @Sara
  8. Well, the inside of the Elysium did not live up to its name at all. Iophon looked around with a sad expression. The receiving room was a disaster (literally), and the chambers did not seem any better. Iophon was too busy looking around to realize he had given the girl the wrong impression until they had reached her cell. "Well, this does need a bit of work, doesn't it... used to be a tad less drafty" he noted, finally turning back to see her pointing the way to her bed. "Oh. Oh. No, darling, I'm not here for that." It wasn't her fault, she didn't know better. "My name is Iophon. I'm a tour guide. I used to bring clients here." @Sara
  9. New management. Now, that was interesting. It would hopefully mean an improvement in quality of service. And also the chance for Iophon to renegotiate his terms of collaboration. If he was going to start bringing clients here again, he would have to make sure he was also benefiting from the arrangement. The girl was trying a little too hard. Iophon grinned at her invitation. "Sure, I would love to. Show me the improvements." @Sara
  10. "Brand new. Off the boat only a few weeks ago." Well, that explained why Iophon had not seen her around before. He doubted she was as new as she claimed to be; but fresh girls always had a certain appeal to certain men, so he did not fault her. She looked a little... awkward. "And you? Are you new to the delights of the Elysium?" Iophon smiled, shaking his head. "Can't say I am. But it's been a few months since I've been around last. Came to see what's new. Other than yourself." @Sara
  11. February 27, 77AD Azarion's heart hammered in his chest as he checked over the horse's harness one last time. He had made modifications in the past few days, after finding out the Whites were participating in the Equirria races on the Campus Martius. his chariot and two horses were also ready for the run later that day... but right now, he was not looking after them. This horse, from the White's stables, was not assigned to a chariot yet; not fully trained to run alongside someone else, or keep a steady pace. Which suited Azarion just fine. The festival, in honor of the old ways of Rome, started with horse races, rather than chariots. Romans were much more fond of the pageantry of charioteers now, especially when all four factions were represented - but still, tradition was tradition, so the tracks were cleared for riders. Azarion had caught glimpses of the others - mostly young men who were riders in the Circus as well. They had good horses, and experience. But Azarion had something they didn't. Stirrups. He had been considering this for a long time, but stirrups were no use in a chariot race. This was an opportunity he did not want to pass up. To ride again like they used to, in Sarmatia. He was not sure if Tiberius and Tiranes were going to show up for the festival, but he knew his cousin would go out of his mind. Azarion did not let anyone in on what he was preparing for. Not even Marcus. He was wearing the uniform of the Whites, but without the reins wrapped around his body this time. He tied his growing hair back as much as he could manage. Patting the horse on the nose - in his mind, he called him Pagos -, Azarion was ready to walk out to the starting line, when Marcus made an appearance... @Sharpie
  12. The Elysium had taken a hit since the earthquake. It was not one of the fanciest or the nicest brothels around, although Iophon had a soft spot for it, from a purely friendly perspective. These days, he directed visitors to other establishments, according to their tastes, but rumor had it the Elysium was looking ahead to better times. Or trying to, anyway. He had not been around for several months now, so being in the neighborhood now presented an opportunity to stop by and see what was happening. Other than the usual business, obviously. A girl was standing just outside the door, looking a little disheveled, but smiling at people anyway. Iophon walked up to her with a curious smile. Some things had changed, apparently. "Well, you're new..." @Sara
  13. "I'll do it if you insist but it'll be weird - anyway, I'm pretty sure the attendants here have seen it all before. They're not likely to say anything." Azarion smirked. At least Jason was not offering a massage. Although the idea of getting one did sound great. He glanced around at the attending slaves hurrying around. Somehow it felt wrong, asking another slave to do this. He glanced at Jason. Do I just ask? Do I pay? "We've been in Rome for... a while. We just can't always get to do things like this. What about you?" "I have been here a small while also. We do not have baths like this, at home. I am from North, from Germania. You?" Germania. Another barbarian, in the heart of Rome. Azarion looked him over better this time, which was still a bit awkward, but whatever. He nodded to Jason, he could answer the question. What is he doing here? @Sharpie @Atrice
  14. "You must be Wol... Wulfric?" Theo ventured, walking into the room. It was just like any other insula apartment; much like his own (minus Didia's touches). The man definitely looked like someone who had been hit on the head. For a moment Theo thought he had passed out, but he opened his eyes as they walked in. "My name is Theodorus. I'm a medicus. Iophon here told me you need help." Theo sat on the edge of the bed. "Let me see." "I'll go get some wine. And food" Iophon offered. He wanted to be useful. @Atrice
  15. "I'm not sure Quintus Augustus thought so - but then, I think his value was probably more in the symbolism than in his intrinsic value in the marketplace." Calpurnia knew that releasing Eppitacus from slavery had not earned her a lot of good will - but her standing as a Vestal at the time had protected her from the harsher criticisms. And in retrospect, her decision did not bring about any great catastrophe. The man had been a lot smarter than that. She smiled at her brother over the edge of her cup. "If I become consul... Well, I have Quintus Augustus' support so it's almost a given, Jupiter willing. As for my plans for afterwards, a great deal depends on the security of various of our border provinces, and on what the Augustus has in mind. A proconsular appointment somewhere is not beyond the realm of possibility, after all, and I have held a propraetor governorship recently." A border province. Politically advantageous, but as for a personal life, not exactly the best choice. Calpurnia nodded. It was too early to go into any details about what he would do if he was sent to Britannia, or Judea, or Libya. Would he take his children and wife along? For how long? It was no use musing about it until something materialized. "And what are your own plans now - apart from arraying yourself in all the colours of the rainbow like Iris?" Calpurnia grinned at her brother. "Maybe I'll govern a province too. I think I'd be good at it." No one would disobey a Vestal anyway... "Or I'll go make use of your library. Maybe find myself some charity work to do." @Sharpie
  16. Calpurnia hoped that her brother was treating his young bride well. Horatia seemed like a kind girl, and starting a new life in Rome while dealing with her first pregnancy could not have been easy. "He is. And he's excited for this one. And if it is a girl, of course she'll be another Calpurnia for the family. She'll have a great namesake to live up too though." Calpurnia chuckled. She knew her brother, just like any Roman man, would wish for a son, first and foremost. But if it was a girl, she could still make a good marriage. Or become a Vestal. The Calpurnii would not be the first patrician family to have more than one generations attend to the sacred fire. "Before he left for Greece... Did you see Aulus much? I imagine it must be hard for family to visit I... Can men visit?" "Not in here" Calprunia shook her head "Only the pontifex maximus can. But I did see him sometimes. We... attend a lot of events, along with the senators." And games, and festival celebrations. Vestals lent a sacred aura to official functions of the utmost importance. "Have you been to any of those yet?" @Sara
  17. Oh shit, indeed. The Romans were on this side of the river. And way too close. Azaron glanced back at the bottom of the hill where the horses were grazing. "If they find Burdukhan and Borena..." "We should probably go." Azarion noted, although he was still keeping an eye on the riverbank. "Or we could... find a better vantage point and see what they are up to?" Maybe it was nothing. Or maybe it was something very, very serious. There was no way of knowing. @Sharpie
  18. This time, the girl spent a fairly long time writing. Capurnia waited patiently. She already shook her head no, which meant that no, a medicus had not examined her. Calpurnia wondered if that would help at all. She had not heard of healers who could give someone back their voice... but the gods had mysteries, and the girl had a voice, just not words. She took the tablet and read the scribbled details. [Abandoned as a child, told by family that found me my cry was strangled. They try to teach me to speak but voice didn’t work. When I was sold I was bought by a master who enjoyed the fact that he had a mute slave….It wasn’t until my last 2 owners that I learned to write.] "Well that... is quite unusual." Calprunia nodded. "Maybe, if you want, I can find a medicus to look. But I don't think it will be a problem either way." @Jenn
  19. Iophon took some bites of the honey cake, but he was definitely more interested now in the man he'd just met. "I came back very recently. I went to Hispania, but I'm thinking about returning for good now. Do you consider it a safe city, now? If I settle down here again, I'll also bring my wife and our children... The name is Lucius." "Safe? Where would be the fun in that?" Iophon grinned at his question. Rome had never been safe... not really. It was too colorful, too crowded, too busy for that. Iophon liked it that way. But then Lucius - not much there - mentioned his family, the young man nodded. "The... nice neighborhoods, are fairly safe. The vigiles and the urban cohorts keep them that way. I mean, there is always crime, but at least we are at peace, so people get to make their own individual mistakes..." @Atrice
  20. The merchant was giving Calpurnia a puzzled look, but he did not dare argue. Instead, he personally checked to make sure the fabric really wasn't damaged. He dusted them here and there. "Are you sure, domina? You really don't have to..." Calpurnia waved a hand and opened her purse. "Fold them up. A little dust won't make them any less expensive." The tall man was giving her a strange look, too. She didn't mind. Since freeing Eppitacus, she was used to having the reputation of being a tad too forgiving. "Thank you. You're more than kind... you must let me know how I can repay your kindness." "You don't need to" Calpurnia waved a hand, paying the merchant. "But if you insist, you can help me carry all this home..." The servant girl was clearly not going to manage all of it alone. @Atrice
  21. Lucius chuckled at the look on Tiberius' face. As much as he was mature for his age, and smarter than many senators Lucius had met, he was still young enough to be bashful about compliments. "Do they? The walls around the Palace are kept rather clean." Of course they were. And Tiberius could not easily go around Rome, perusing graffiti. Lucius made a mental note to keep an eye on them. More than usual. "That... is good to know. I do what I can for them. In the name of Titus Augustus, of course." "Of course." he nodded. No one wanted to accuse Tiberius of going for the rank of emperor. Maybe a lack of that ambition made him who he was. "So... how would I best reach out to you, if I had issues to talk about?" A vigiles recruit showing up at a Palatine on a regular basis was bound to raise some eyebrows, after all. @Sarah
  22. "The pleasure is all mine, Pinaria. I am - I can't help wondering what my brother might have said about me." Lucius held up his hands in defence. "I told her you are much more motivated for the cursus than I am" he grinned "And that you support my idiotic life choices despite your better judgment." Lucius loved his brother, despite their considerable differences. And he really hoped Pinaria would like him too. It seemed that Gaius recognized Pinaria, at least by name. There were not that many senatorial widows her age, probably. "I am running for Aedile this year... I hope your family is well - and I am sorry for your husband's death," Gaius, always the considerate one. He nodded in agreement. "How is your son doing?" @Sharpie @Atrice
  23. Chevi

    Make not war

    They both went down again, carried by Felix's weight and momentum. They hit the ground, with Felix on top, but Alexius was far from giving up. He locked his legs around Felix's, and his arms grabbed for his arms. Felix struggled, staring down at the man. Alexius didn't want to hurt him. And the more ridiculous this whole thing got, the less he wanted to hurt him too. Felix huffed, pulling back to sit on his heels. "This is useless." he frowned. Not to mention laughable. Him, trying to lose a fight intentionally, against a gladiator that could kill him but didn't want to. "Just hit me. Let's get it over with." @Atrice
  24. Thessala could see the amusement in the man's eyes as she mentioned her fight with Alexius. It had been all staged, obviously; they worked together, as much as against each other, to entertain the crowds. Giving a good show took two people, who pretended to be enemies. "Alexius? Tis a shame I wasnae there tae see it." "We put on a good show" she admitted with a grin. "Whit aboot... Whit aboot twa teams fichtin'. Each team is a man an' a woman." Thessala's eyes lit up as she tilted her head. "That... that could actually be fun" she grinned, considering the idea. "You should bring that to the lanista. It would need... whole new tactics..." @Sarah
  25. The merchant was ready to have a fit about the fabrics, but the servants were quickly gathering them now, and nothing seemed torn or damaged. Maybe a little dusty. The man at least looked sheepish about having run straight into them. "I was trying to catch a boy, whom I saw steal a purse from someone. He's lost in the crowd now. And the woman will never see her purse again." That made sense. Calpurnia glanced around, but the thief was probably long gone by now. She instinctively checked for her own purse. It was still there. "What do I owe you?" The merchant gave him a glare, obviously making calculations in his head. Calpurnia knew it was going to be a high number. "I was going to buy them anyway. None of them are damaged" she waved a hand. "It would be unfair to tax you for trying to help someone else." @Atrice
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