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All said and done


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April 77AD (right after Cerealia)

It was done. Justice had been served, in the bloodiest way possible - just like the Romans liked it. Calpurnia had no pity lost for that man, but she was not fond of the gore and blood that went with the execution. She felt the responsibility to witness it; especially after what Alexius had told her about how dangerous that man had been. But once the actual games started, she found the time to slip away from her seat. Tacita dutifully followed, but at the exit into the galleries of the Amphitheater she told the girl she could stay back and wait. She moved to the large arches overlooking the Esquiline, wondering if Alexius had seen her leave. She knew he had been looking at her. Everyone else seemed too absorbed in the games that had just started.


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Alexius certainly saw her leave and it didn't take many moments for him to decide, that he had to see her. He didn't know if she noticed him, but his seat had not been too far from where she sat. It just made it all clear to him once more, really. There Calpurnia was, sat in one of the best seats in the arena and there he was, higher up on the steps, sat in the seats reserved for the lower classes. And while Alexius was no slave, he was still just one step above that - a freedman. Now however, he had left his seat to find her. The corridors of the arena were mostly quiet and he moved around, wondering if he was too late, if he wouldn't find her, if he wouldn't see her. But he had to. 

And then suddenly, he saw her. There was no way it could be anybody else, what with her height and her figure. Alexius slowed down and ran a hand through his hair, inhaling a breath to try and calm himself, but it didn't feel like it worked. But he approached her, glancing around as he did. She appeared to be alone. He couldn't help but smile when he was close enough, "You were waiting... for me, I hope?" 


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Despite her thoughts still racing from what they had just witnessed, Calpurnia gave Alexius a small smile.

"I thought you might come here." she admitted. She'd hoped he would. They had not had much time to meet in the past weeks, and all of those had been stolen moments. Every time she saw him, she wished it could be more. She sighed. "That was... horrific. As he deserved, as far as I understand."


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Why was it so wrong that he wanted nothing more but to take her in his arms and hold her close against his body? With anyone else, he would have done it. But because he cared for her and knew within, that it wasn't right, he didn't do it. Yet she smiled at him and had indeed hoped he'd come too. Gods he felt like a fool when she spoke like that to him. Because such words from her made his heart flutter. He drew closer to her, how could he not? Meanwhile she commented on what they just witnessed in the arena. 

"He deserved far more than that." Alexius said, though it might sound dark to her, but if he couldn't be honest with the woman he loved... "It wasn't something Rome hasn't seen before. But... it's done. He's gone. He won't ever hurt anyone again." He said and looked at her, "I swear if any man ever threatens you like that, I will personally deal with them." 


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Calpurnia smiled softly at Alexius' heated words. She knew he meant it. He was protective of her, even though she was far out of his reach.

"I believe you." she nodded; she wanted to reach out to him, but her hand stopped halfway. "But at least it seems tonight Rome is safer... at least by one monster. But you friends, the ones he hurt... they will still need you." Calpurnia had her own moments of grief and loss in her life. She knew that closure was rarely ever neat or complete. And watching the man die would not wash the memories away.


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She smiled when he promised to deal with anyone threatening her, and then said she believed him. Reached out to touch him, but she pulled back. They were still in public. Someone might see. Fucking Rome and the rules. She went on about how Rome was safer now and how the people Alexius knew, needed him. He nodded.

"I know. And I'm there for them, if they need me." He said, but something in him argued, said he'd rather be here than there. Here with her. Which was messed up, because he should be there, for them. Yet he couldn't stay away. They would need to move though. They couldn't stay here and talk. 

"Right now though, I think they all have people there, for them... and you have me." Alexius added with a smile, "Come." He motioned for her to follow him. He knew just where to go. Not a place for a lady like her. But the only place right here, that he could think of. And as long as he was with her, and they were alone... it would be enough, right?


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Alexius was a good man. He was kind and brave, and most people who met him knew that. But Calpurnia wondered how many of them realized that it went deeper than that. That he really was one of the good ones. She smiled, and followed him, slipping out of sight. Tacita would be there when she returned, and no one else would look for her for a while. Everyone was either too enthralled in the games, or assuming she'd left because the gore was too much. She felt a flutter in her chest as she followed Alexius; they had not been alone since the library.

"Does it feel different?" she asked as they walked. "Seeing the games from above like this?"


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He didn't touch her yet. Just motioned for her to follow him, and she did and with a smile too. Alexius smiled back, looking over his shoulder at her, while they moved away from the gallery and down the steps, down and down until they reached the ground level. Here he would follow another path, not leading out from the arena, but rather along with it. Meanwhile Calpurnia wondered what it was like to see the games like this.

"It does. Mostly because most people around me don't know what it's like, down there, on the sands." Alexius said and shrugged, "And yet I go to see games. I like it. Isn't that strange?" He added with a roll of his eyes and stopped by a staircase leading down into darkness it would seem. He looked around them to make sure no one were following them or watching them, but the area appeared empty. Alexius reached for her hand to pull her with him down the stairs, down under the arena.


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"Maybe a little strange" Calpurnia chuckled, following along "But it makes sense." The arena had been his life; a place he survived long enough to live to sit among the spectators. That in itself was impressive. No wonder he returned.

They walked together along the hallways, then Alexius led her down the stairs to the corridors under the arena. Calpurnia had not been down there yet. It was a whole other world. There was a rumble above them, the sound of people roaring and cheering at the games, like distant thunder. This was the place Alexius had come from. She looked around curiously. "Where are we going?"


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She was so sweet and understanding, Calpurnia was. How could he not adore her? And want to be alone with her. She said it was strange that he still liked the games, even though he'd been down there, but it made sense. It did. But it was still strange. He felt he should not enjoy it, but he did. But there were so many things he should not enjoy, but did. Like Calpurnia. He shouldn't enjoy her. And yet there he was, wrapping his hand around hers and taking her with him down into the faint light underneath the arena. Lit by torches and oil lamps mostly, but he knew the way. He barely paid attention to the sounds from the arena.

"Somewhere... where we can be alone." They already could, few could make out who each other were here. From somewhere nearby he could hear beasts growling, that was probably the big cats from earlier. 

"I know it's not the best place. I just..." Alexius trailed off and stopped for a moment, pulled her closer against his body in the dimly lit corridor, "I hate that I can't touch you." 


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Calpurnia was still fascinated by the sounds of the arena; it was almost like descending into a whole other world. The Underworld, maybe, with the sounds of beasts and the smell of damp walls, and the flickering light of flames. But she trusted Alexius, and she needed no better bodyguard.

"I know it's not the best place. I just... I hate that I can't touch you." 

He pulled her closer and Calpurnia smiled, leaning against his side. "I've missed you." she said quietly.


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She seemed satisfied with his explanation of where they were going - to a place where they could be alone. Even if it was down here, which indeed must seem like Hades to her. Dark and dirty, the roar of the crowd from above and the growls of the beasts from down here. Alexius had been here before though. Many times. He knew his way around. And it wasn't the first time he was looking for a quiet place to share with a lady down here either. But all those others, they didn't matter. He pulled her closer and she nestled against him. He slid an arm around her to hold her closer.

"And I missed you." Alexius said and kissed her hair, then led go to take her deeper inside. He grabbed a torch on the way, as he led her into a room that had stone benches and water basins. It was dark though and there was no water. It was an old area for washing after a fight. It didn't look like anyone had used it in a while. He placed the torch in one of the basins to lean against its side and light up the simple room.

Then he turned to her, "Here we are. I wish it was nicer, but... you're here." He smiled when he looked at her, finally dared to really look at her. And how gorgeous she looked in the light of the torch, that made her skin shimmer. 


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The room he led her to was... dark. And bare. Lit by the torch she could see it was some kind of a place for gladiators, probably to wait before a game, or clean up after. It was not a place a girl dreamed of... but Calpurnia was not a girl anymore.

"Here we are. I wish it was nicer, but... you're here."

The last time they had been together (the only time), it had been a hospitia that was elegant and comfortable. And then they met at the library for a stolen moment. Now, he had invited her into his world, so different from hers. But Alexius was still the same. She could see the admiration in his eyes. Smiling, she stepped closer to kiss him. "Nice enough."


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Calpurnia was certainly no girl, but a beautiful grown woman he admired more than anyone. He really did wish it was nicer, but it was quick taking her down here by the arena and no one would suspect they were here. It wasn't neat and nice at all here. But they were here. She was here. And she came closer and he reached for her, slid his arms around her waist while she told him it was nice enough, "You really think so?" He chuckled and pressed an almost chaste kiss to her lips. If he kissed her harder, he might lose himself in it...

"Anywhere's nice with you though. How have you been?" He said, he didn't let go of her, just holding her was fine, although he knew his body would soon disagree. But he didn't want to just... make it seem like all he wanted was her body, because it wasn't like that at all. He wanted all of her. 


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The kiss he gave her was soft; he was holding back. It made her smile. She knew how much he wanted to be with her; that had been clear every time they met. She stayed in his arms as he pulled back.

"Anywhere's nice with you though. How have you been?"

"I have been keeping busy" she answered. Calpurnia did not like to sit around idle. "My sister-in-law and I are working on something new... a home for women in need. It takes a lot of work, but it will be worth it..." She smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "How have you been? When not catching criminals?"


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Alexius was holding back all that he could. Which might not be so much. But for her, he would do it. Even though both his heart and his body told him to not do it. Just give in. Even in a dark and dirty dungeon underneath the arena, where the monster of a man was just killed. He could still hear the roar of the crowd from above. And he could hear Calpurnia right in front of him, speaking of being busy and how she worked with her sister-in-law on a home for women.

"That sounds impressive. And needed, too." Alexius said, smiling at the soft kiss she gave him. How to answer her question? "I have been... missing you." Alexius then confessed with a sigh, brushing his fingers over her backside, "More than you know. I feel like... I'm going crazy. You know, a friend of mine recently found me sleeping on the steps to your temple. Vesta's temple. I'd been drunk and that's where I fell asleep. You must have been on my mind, even then." He reached down to kiss her again, he couldn't not do it. That's what he longed to do, all the time. Hold her close and kiss her.


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"What?" Calpurnia stared at him. It wasn't the drunk part that bothered her... it was him, on the doorsteps of Vesta. "Alexius you need to be more careful than that. You could have gotten into trouble..." She gave him a serious look, but she trailed off, and kissed him back. If he was going to get into trouble for anything, it was not going to be sleeping on some stairs. Once she pulled back, she reached up to stroke his face. "I am sorry we haven't found a better way to meet yet."


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She was surprised to hear his story about falling asleep on the steps to Vesta's temple and said he should be more careful. Well, he had been drunk. Probably not thinking straight. Not that that was an excuse for poor behavior, ever, but still... you did weird things were you drunk, sometimes. But she accepted his kiss and touched his face. Alexius leaned into her touch.

"Will we ever? This isn't better either. And I never know if... if I'll see you again." He replied, "I know I have to be careful, with you. I know that all too well. You have powerful people watching over you. If they found out about me..." He trailed off, he didn't want to think about it. Not when he was actually with her. Who knew when she'd suddenly be married off to some old and powerful Senator and had to let Alexius go because of that? Who knew if this was to be the last time he could hold her? Just the thought made him pull her closer against him. Like he didn't want to let go of her. 


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"They won't." she told him as he pulled her closer, and rested her head on his shoulder. "We will be clever about this, and we will find a way. I am not a young girl. I am a free woman and I have power. We'll figure this out, you and I." She had no idea why, and was not sure at what cost, but she knew this was not going to be the last time they would be together.


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She seemed content with him bringing her closer against him, and it felt nice having a woman who would just rest her head on his shoulder like she did. Calpurnia said they would not find out about him and that they'd find a way, because she had some power too.

"I hope so. Being apart from you for so long... it's not what I want." Alexius said and looked at her, again feeling so good about her being almost his height. There were truly no women in this world quite like her. He smiled, looking at her, "I just want to be with you. All the time." He picked another kiss from her, this time a little longer, which didn't help his desire for her, but he knew he couldn't keep it at bay forever anyway. Alexius was who he was. For her sake, he tried to hold back. But it wasn't his strongest side... "Is this place... is it good enough for you?" He asked against her lips, she knew what he meant, didn't she? 


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Calpurnia knew Alexius meant everything he said. He was an honest man. He was also a kind one, and an honorable one, and he did his best to hold back in this current situation, even as he was kissing her with a sign of pent-up need. She kissed him back in kind.

"Is this place... is it good enough for you?"

"You are good enough for me" she whispered back. "Wherever we are." She pulled back, looking at him in the flickering light. "But darling, we don't have enough time for you to be polite."


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He needed her so much, he'd waited for her, he'd had to find his pleasure elsewhere, but pleasure was not the same as loving Calpurnia. He would know though if this was good enough for her. It was for him, but she was of a much finder breed than he was and she was used to proper beds and everything. Last time it had been at a proper place too. This was far from it. But Calpurnia didn't care and Alexius chuckled at her words, "I guess you're right. Gods... you..." He sighed and pulled her into another kiss and let his hands travel over her backside to hike up her dress. There was no need to talk, with what she just said. There was just a need for her. And he'd give into that need, as she'd seemed to ask him to.


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This was different from last time. That had been Calpunia's first, loving and comfortable. This time, it was all passion, and she allowed him to sweep her up in it. Alexius knew what he was doing, and he knew what she wanted. For the short time they had spent together, he knew her. And once he had permission to not treat her with the politeness required by her station... he was a lot more fun. The crowds still roared somewhere far above them, and she muffled her own cries against his shoulder, bracing herself against the wall.

They ended up in a heap on one of the stone benches, Calpurnia straddling Alexius' lap, catching her breath in the cool darkness. Her dress hiked up, pooling at her waist, and her palla slipped to the floor. She rested her forehead against his, hands still gripping his shoulders.

It had been very different from last time. Better.


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It was passion alright, passion and desire for a woman he wanted more than anyone. And that he only had once before. How could he long so much for someone he barely knew, even like this? But he did and he paid attention to her, like he did last time. When did her body respond to what he did, when did it sound like she liked something very much... Alexius wanted nothing but to please her and praise her and that's what he did in the faint light of the torch he brought here. They'd ended up on a bench, it wasn't broad enough for them to be side by side, but she was straddling him, resting against his body while they both caught their breath. Alexius softly kissed her cheek, "How do you feel?" He asked, "You seemed very... swept away..." He added with a small smile, happy that he could please her so.


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It took Calpurnia a few moments to catch her breath and gather her wits. She had surprised herself too; she was many things, but experienced was not one of them, and she was learning new things as she went. Alexius was excellent at helping her find out what she liked. And the result was spectacular. She gave him a bright, hazy smile as he asked how she felt.

"I feel... well taken care of." she stated, without a hint of guilt or hesitation. She caressed his cheek as she leaned back. "You are... very good at sweeping me away." She chuckled. "How do you feel?"


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