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Everything posted by Chevi

  1. Theo was not sure what he was in for when Didia came to get him from his apartment. He was trying to sleep off some of Saturnalia, but this sounded serious. Now he was in Alexius' room with a whole munch of strangers, and he was still not entirely sure why he was here. Sure, he had stitched up Didia after the attack, back when it happened... but where these people really planning on finding that attacker no, in the entire city of Rome? Apparently, they were. Theo glanced at Didia. He remembered how hard it had been for her, and he remembered her injury well too. She was none too happy about the vigiles being involved, even if it was just one man. He cleared his throat, not knowing how much he was going to be able to contribute. "The... injury I have seen, it was... clean. And healed well. That means, whatever weapon he uses, it is sharp. And he keeps it clean. That's... all I've got." @Sara @Sharpie @Atrice
  2. Azarion had tried to find Safinia's killer for more than a year. Nothing. Not even Marcus could get any results from the vigiles. And then he had been attacked, and seen the man and... still nothing. And now, suddenly, in the middle of Saturnalia, he was standing in Alexius' apartment with a bunch of other people who all... knew about him? There had been other victims he already knew this. But it was shocking to see this weird assembly of people, all here for the same goal. And he was ready to help, if it meant he got to kill the guy. Marcus had given him a letter, and he had handed it over to the tall man who was with the vigiles. Useless bunch of bastards. He wondered if they would come to any conclusions tonight. If all the City had to show for catching a murderer was one vigile, a medicus, a fruit-seller woman, two slaves, and... well, Alexius, then this was going to be one long damn hunt... He signed for Jason to translate. He didn't want to fight me. I confronted him, and he was trying to get away. Coward. @Sharpie @Atrice @Sara
  3. December 22, 76AD, evening (after The hunt begins) In retrospect, they could have tried to find a bigger place for this, Lucius thought. They barely fit inside Alexius' apartment, and his son was not even home yet. But it was still better than nothing, and the place was inconspicuous enough not to raise any suspicion of the ragtag gathering of slaves, freedmen, plebeians, and one former patrician. They really looked like an unexpected group of people as they all filed in. Lucius, still in his vigiles uniform (he had to go on patrol while the others looked for more clues, and he jut got back for the evening). Alexius, the ex-gladiator, towering over the rest of them. Jason, the imperial body slave, and his cousin, the mute charioteer, who was leaning against a wall with his arms folded, sizing up everyone. A girl - Didia? - who had been attacked by the killer, and apparently also lived next door. And she brought another, soft-spoken older man along, who introduced himself as Theodorus. Medicus for a ludus, apparently. Well, Lucius thought, there was a possibility that a medicus' services were needed before this was all over. Lucius had brought some wine for everyone, and also a rolled-up map of the city. It was a little dated, and barely marked more than the main streets and the regions, but it was the best he could rustle up on a short notice. He also had a new writing tablet, instead of the one he'd borrowed. "Is this everyone?..." he asked, glancing around at the assembled people. How were they even... supposed to do this? "I know we don't all know each other, but apparently we have a common enemy. Someone who has hurt... and killed... a lot of people." he glanced at Didia, and cleared his throat. "Someone no one has paid attention to, or connected the dots, for too long. And we need to find him, fast. Before he hurts someone else." @Sara @Atrice @Sharpie
  4. "I never mentioned her name," Lucius nodded. That was good to know. Ovinia's secret needed to be kept safe. Jason seemed like a trustworthy man, even if he did not trust the two of them yet. "Thank you." "My cousin. That was...A month and a half ago, two months ago, something like that." Lucius opened up the writing tablet, and took some more notes as Jason spoke. "My cousin is a charioteer for the Whites. As best as I know, he came across a man outside their stable and there was... some sort of run-in or something, I don't know, and my cousin got his arm cut. I only found out the next day because the, uh, leader sent for me - my cousin can't talk, they needed someone to translate his signs. They wanted a description." Lucius looked up, surprised. So.... a man had been attacked too. That was strange, compared to the other cases. And suddenly, Alexius looked a lot more alert too. "Do you remember the description?" "As best I got was that the man who'd done it was taller than me - maybe about your height, sir. Dark hair and wearing a dark green knee-length cloak. That's all I know, sir." The description matched Ovinia's, as far as the height and the hair went. And now they also knew he had light eyes. Definitely the same man. But why... Alexius spoke up. "This cousin of yours… is his name Azarion?” Lucius looked up curiously. “I met him a few months ago… I told you about that girl who was murdered. That girl was his friend. And now he got attacked? Damn…” Lucius' eyes widened. Things were beginning to fall into place like they were making a mosaic picture... "He killed a girl, at the Circus" he glanced at his notes "And then her friend met him, at the same place, and was also attacked, even though he is not a woman..." “He’s going to die.” "Oh, for sure." Lucius nodded. He glanced at his list again. "We are going to have to talk to this... Azarion?... too. And for that, if I understand it right, we'll need you." he added, looking up at Jason. "We need a time and a place to all sit down together. This is... bigger than we thought. Ovinia, twice. The girl who got killed, and Azarion too. The girl at the brothel... and Alexius' friend. And that is just the ones we know of." He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "We are hunting a monster." @Sharpie @Atrice
  5. "I'm not getting drunk. But I'll take a sip. And winner gets a walnut as well." "Fair." Lucius was not planning on getting blind drunk either. He did have the shift in the morning. And honestly, he was more interested in the game. Maybe it would get Titus to trust him more... He refilled the wine cups and rolled the dice. "Six." "Eight." He revealed the roll. It was a five. Lucius smirked, drinking from his cup. "Ask away." @Sara
  6. "You'll have to teach me the rules." Lucius blinked in surprised, then swallowed another comment. Gambling was generally frowned upon, except for Saturnalia. And slaves didn't often have something to gamble with. He was learning to double check his assumptions. "Sure." "What are the stakes? Walnuts. Don't make it particularly exciting...then again, you're supposed to be apologising to me, so I hope you're rigging this in my favour." "Wouldn't that be a little patronizing?" Lucius shot back with a smirk. He opened a small bag, fishing out a handful of dice. "There are a number of ways to play... all of them fairly easy. It's more about the stakes than the throws." He fished around for the cup used for dice rolls. He put the dice in, shook them, then turned the cup upside down on the bench. "For example. We roll the dice, and then we both guess the number. Whoever is closer, wins. And if you don't like walnuts..." he smirked "Whoever loses empties his cup of wine. And answers one question with the truth." @Sara
  7. Of course Jason thought he was being accused of something. Lucius recalled his conversations with Titus about how slaves, and former slaves, saw the world differently. He was glad Alexius came along. He could probably smooth things out if Lucius walked into something he was not supposed to. Jason led them along the back corridors into a room that was comfortable, and seemed private. It opened to the gardens, which reminded Lucius of the party he had attended. Seemed like a lifetime ago... "Why don't we sit down? Lucius, tell him why we're here." "Yes, please, sit." Lucius nodded, taking a seat too. "We are here because we need your help. Ovinia sent us... she told me you found her, after she had been attacked. And that we could trust you. We are trying to catch the man who'd done that to her... and others. She told me you also knew someone... a brother?... who had been attacked. We need all the information we can get." @Sharpie @Atrice
  8. Lexus looked hesitant. Had she said something wrong?... "I mean... anyone can see us here." That... was true. Septima glanced around again. She did not let go of his hand, though. If anyone did see, she could claim she was helping with his injury. The injury that seemed mostly forgotten now, as Lexus kept his eyes on her. "Have you been thinking about me too?" Septima swallowed. Yes, she had been. There had not been many men to think about in her life... or at all, really, but Lexus, she could not get him out of her head. Not in the wildly romantic, passionate way Thalia tended to feel about men she liked... but rather, as someone she wanted to be near. "I have." It was almost a whisper. Was she supposed to admit that? She wished she could ask her sister. But Thalia was not there and she needed to make decisions for herself. "Come with me." She led him by the hand across the gardens. She still tried to remember that they needed to find something to bandage his wound with. But also, some private place to... talk. At the far side of the garden, a series of smaller rooms opened, most of them used for storage. Her determination faltered as they got to the doors. She turned back to look at him, blushing again. "No one usually comes here, but... We should... find something here for your hand...?" @Atrice
  9. "Well, they tried Germania Superior, maybe they'll try there again - after all, didn't Julius Caesar try to come here about a century ago, and fail?" Aius coughed, having swallowed a bite of her food wrong. "Gods, no. I don't wanna fight those people. I'd like to be not devoured by the forests, please, thank you." Everyone knew legends about the forests of Germania. No one wanted to go there. "Sarmatia, perhaps? Or whatever it is that's on the other side of Dacia, anyway. Or further south, past Africa." "Somewhere warm?" Aius ventured with a smirk. "I hear there are lands full of riches south of Egypt... Although Caesar had tried that one too, didn't he. Or so I was told by a woman in the camps nearby, I think her name was Cleopatra..." @Sharpie
  10. 'Oh, so you're like a tutor, then! My, er, um... I know a man in my domus who was a tutor.' The flowers were for the tutor, then. Aia chuckled. Sweet kid. 'I'm a gardener in a domus. I live in the villa too, but I don't have my own quarters. You wouldn't think it, though, because no one in the room thought to wake me up when the earthquake started.' "Well... that is not kind of them" Aia noted. The earthquake had been bad. She got through it alright, but many others didn't. At least Florus looked unhurt too. "Are you... shopping for anything else? For your... tutor?" she added with a mischievous grin. @Ejder
  11. Theo was ready to pack it up for the night at the ludus when someone called his name. The gladiators and the staff were out; the former, at all kinds of parties, many of them at their sponsors' houses, the latter, lost in the general hustle and bustle of the festival. Some would tickle back in the morning with various ailments, most likely, so the medicus planned on returning the next day. In the meantime, a nice dinner at the insula... But then, an unexpected guest appeared in the ludus doorway. Theo poked his head out of his workroom, noting the familiar figure in the light of the torches. "Spurius!" he smiled in surprise "Are you visiting, or looking for help? I hope there is no trouble..." @Sarah
  12. "No, you look like you need to know about all this - you've been here eight years, after all. People think it's relaxing and Tabiti knows you need something nice in your life." Azarion sighed. He did. He was not complaining, his life being eons better than it had been a few years before, but it also... lacked most things people did for fun. Not that he was seeing the fun element in communal bathing just yet. They took seats next to the man he had come in with them earlier. "I like it because... Well, it's a nice experience and very refreshing - you'll see." And I thought people bathed because they were dirty. He smirked a little. The warmth in the tepidarium was nice, at least. It did work wonders on sore muscles. Azarion rolled his shoulders. He glanced over at the stranger on Tiranes' other side. Tell him we are alright. Before he thinks you are forcing me or something. @Atrice @Sharpie
  13. Well, at least his joke landed, even if his punches were not likely to. Lucius decided Longinus had chosen wisely about a possible teacher. "Well, we'll see if we can make you into a passable peacekeeper then. They'll teach you how to carry water well enough when you join up, but it pays to be ready to handle any of the drunks in the Subura that give you trouble." "That... sounds very useful. Especially because, as I have learned, the vigiles don't get weapons." Lucius pointed out. Not that he had made up his mind yet about joining the vigiles at all. But he liked the possibility. "Ever been in a fight?" "I... can't say I have" he looked a little sheepish about it "Unless you count those times when I was a kid and wrestled with other kids. Not an adult fight, though... So. What do I do?" @Sains
  14. "She is forced to work here. She's a slave, it doesn't count. She's got to have some entertainment in her days and... I can imagine this is a more entertaining view than a mine or a farm." Lucius was still wise enough, despite the wine, to swallow his comment about farms. He had quite liked living at the villa, but he was beginning to realize that sometimes helping out with the harvest was probably a very different experience than what the slaves had gone through. And Titus had had enough scoffing for one night. "Don't let your pining distract you. Give it a couple of weeks and the fact you're so bone tired will be distraction enough." "I am beginning to see that" Lucius agreed, taking a bite of bread before he decided it was time to change the topic. "So... fancy some games?" @Sara
  15. The young slave appeared soon; they waited for him just inside the door in the vestibulum. Lucius wondered if Tiberius would make an appearance too - if the vigiles wanted to question his body slave, he had every right to - but instead, Jason came alone. "My master is rather busy right now, but if you let me know what it's about, I'll make sure he gets the message," "You're Jason, Tiberius' slave? If so, it is you we need to speak to." Lucius nodded at Alexius' words. So, this was the young man who found Ovinia and took her home... Thank the gods he had been there to help. According to Ovinia, he swore and oath to keep the secret. "Is there a private place where we can speak?" he asked, glancing back at the guards. @Sharpie @Atrice
  16. Septima had never been much interested in... men, before. She was happily enveloped in her little world of reading and study, and the gardens and the festivals, and whatever was Thalia was up to. She knew from her sister that flirtation and such things existed, but she never engaged in them much. But now, holding Lexus hand purely to help him with his injury, she suddenly realized that... she did not mind it much. She also knew that if her sister walked in any moment, she was going to have a fit for the ages. "I wish we could be somewhere, alone. I have been thinking a lot about you." All thoughts of trouble forgotten, her heart jumped as she looked up at him, eyes wide in surprise. Delight. "You have?" Why did it feel so good, that someone was thinking about her?... Not someone, Lexus in particular. He was sweet. Septima glanced around the gardens. Apart from the discarded flowers nearby, nothing was out of the oridnary peaceful sight. "We... are alone?" @Atrice
  17. "You're not going to get over her by looking in there. But it'll probably make you feel better for about an hour." Lucius knew that if Titus had thought him a fool before, he was definitely thinking he was a fool now. Throwing away his birthright to join the vigiles, and then... liking a woman he could not even go near anymore. Yep, wine was probably the best available solution. Lucius snorted too, and drank. "Well you've fucked it. You can't have her." "I know." Except, well, he had just shoved her up against the wall and kissed her like they were dying. So, there was that. Probably a one-time thing. "There's plenty of nice plebeian girls you know. Kitchen maid has been making eyes at you, ever since you roamed in." "And here I was she was looking at you." Lucius chuckled. "Or maybe she looks at everyone. Hey, it seems like not everyone hates out guts then after all, huh?" he grinned, and drank from his cup. @Sara
  18. "Thank you" Lucius knew he needed the training. The vigiles were teaching him how to handle fires, but unlike the urban cohorts they were not trained in combat. And he needed to know how to fight. Not just for this one maniac they were about to face, but no doubt for the long line of other maniacs that were in his future... They walked past the amphitheater, and up the stairs to the Palatine. He'd been there before, as a guest, but not since his fall from grace. For now, he did not want to be a guest, but they did need to find and talk to this Jason. As they reached the guards at the gates, Lucius glanced at Alexius before announcing himself. "Lucius Vipsanius Roscius" he gave his old name, because it probably still carried some recognition. Or a sense of familiarity, anyway. They could see the rest from the vigiles uniform. "We need to talk to a body slave named Jason. It's urgent. If his master asks, tell him my name, he'll know me." @Atrice @Sharpie
  19. Once again, they understood each other. If the murderer put up a fight, they would have an excuse to take him down. Preferably in a very, very painful manner. Lucius knew it would not fix what had happened to Ovinia; she would live with that for the rest of her life. But at least, once the man was gone, she could feel safe again. "I will take you up on that" he nodded, as they made their way across the Forum and towards the stairs to the Palatine. "I have taken some lessons, from a Praetorian I know, but... turns out fighting is very different when you're with the vigiles and you can't carry weapons." @Atrice
  20. "Ah yes. We have so much time for women in between shifts." That was a no, then. Too bad. Maybe Titus would have been in generally a better mood if he had someone to court, or even sleep with. Not that Lucius had any moral high ground on that topic. Also, he realized a moment too late he had given away too much with his question. Dammit. "So it's the woman herself making you insufferable?" "Huh?" he tried to look innocent. "You like her then? And have fucked it by slumming it here?" Dammit. Titus was just too smart for his own good. "I am... starting to think, maybe... that I do?" he ventured, staring into his cup. @Sara
  21. "She's an adult. She can navigate a city..." Lucius couldn't help but chuckle, remembering the way Ovinia asked about where the poor streets were on the Esquiline. Titus must have read his thoughts, because he smiled too. His mood was getting better. "Scratch that. She's a fancy, rich lady. Of course she can't." He was not going to argue the point. "You can deal with them better than us. At least you know what to say. Most of us. Don't know how to be polite now we have our freedom. Or don't want to be polite. You probably make them feel at ease. As if you have some common ground.," That was true. For better or worse, Lucius had the upbringing of a patrician. He knew how to behave, even if no one expected him to play by the rules anymore. He did not like this part of the job... until today, when he realized it gave him a slight chance to see Ovinia again. Dammit. "If you want to be the Tribune, you got to do the shitty stuff as well as the heroic stuff." "What?" Lucius grinned "I thought it was all glory and admiration!" It wasn't. He chuckled, drinking some of the wine. "So, how about you, Titus? Any woman making you insufferable lately?..." @Sara
  22. "She doesn't approve of you if memory serves. I didn't hear her complaining about the vigiles as a whole last time she was yelling at you." Lucius chuckled. "True. She doesn't approve of my decision to be with the vigiles." And leaving the ranks of polite company. Which he was finally understanding for the first time. It made a lot more sense after... what had just happened. "That it? She bollock you for slumming it with us, again? Some of the rich girls are insufferable. More insufferable than you, if you can believe it." "Well... she is that." driving him mad, more like, but in a whole new unexpected way. Lucius shook his head, trying to shake the memories free. "But if she ran off and got lost or hurt on my watch, her whole family was going to come down on me. Or worse, my brother." he sighed. "I have no idea why the centurion thinks I can deal with these people. If anything, I'm just bait for them." @Sara
  23. "You could say that again." Titus didn't usually mince words. Lucius liked that about him. He was harsh, more often than not, but he could be trusted not to play games. They shared the food, and Lucius allowed him to say what was on his mind without interrupting. "You're not the only person here who wants to help people. Nor are you the only man who has skills that are valuable." Lucius nodded. That was fair. Because of where he had come from, he tended to barge into his new calling with full momentum. "You're also the only one who wasn't or isn't a slave. Remember that the next time you try and tell us to go and fetch food for your woman. It brings back certain memories for a lot of us." He winced. He had... not quite considered that. The food issue was a mess, and he was trying to help, but to be honest, he was mostly trying to help Ovinia, so Titus, once again, was not wrong. "You're right. I'm sorry." "Any particular reason you were quite so insufferable today?" "Well..." how much was he supposed to say? He trusted Titus, but this new... thing, this secret, it was something that could hurt someone other than him. "Ovinia's family and mine have history, and if you recall, she doesn't exactly approve of the vigiles..." @Sara
  24. "I'm going home." Well, that was not what he'd expected. But he couldn't really argue after a long shift like that. "That's fair." It looked like Titus was leaving, but then he changed his mind. "I can stay until the next watch goes out." "Also fair." Lucius nodded, a little relieved. They headed towards the nearest free bench. He set down the plate and the jug of wine, and the small bag that held the gambling kit. "This you trying to make amends?" "Well... the first installment, anyway" he chuckled. "I know I was insufferable today." @Sara
  25. Evening, December 17th, 76AD Lucius and the rest of his cohort finally made it back to the castrum. It had been a long, eventful patrol - including the part where Ovinia's kitchen almost burned down, and then Lucius somehow inexplicably ended up making out with her in an alley, and then the rest of the cohort carried food for her (and got some for themselves). Lucius knew he'd burned what little good will the others had for him as the weird rookie. Literally. And yet, for the rest of the patrol he had a goofy smile on his face (which probably pissed the others off even more). The day was over, but that only meant a short break for rest. They would be up and about early again tomorrow morning. And yet, it was Saturnalia. Everyone celebrated in their own way. He knew he could not win all of them over at once, so he started with one person who deserved his apologies more than the others. He caught up with Titus crossing the courtyard of the castrum. "Hey, Titus? I've got some wine... and food. And walnuts." he offered a little sheepishly. They didn't really had money to gamble with, but it was customary to gamble for walnuts on Saturnalia anyway. "I mean, if you are not too tired..." @Sara
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