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Everything posted by Sara

  1. Sara

    An Introduction

    She nodded, “Cubiculum.” And then continued under her breath, repeating the words he had taught her; “Hortus...T-Triclinium...Tablinum.” She was at least learning something. Even if it was just a smattering of extra words. She hated feeling incompetent, and she’d rarely felt it before now. It didn’t sit right with her. Glancing up at him with an arched brow, she nodded her head: “Yes we have Gods...we not savages.” She’d heaed that word thrown around at the slaves on the journey. But she eyed the lararium suspiciously. She had understood, since the occupation that there were similarities in their beliefs but the names of his Gods escaped her. They’d largely been left to their own devices, in her own village, to continue to pray to their own Gods and Goddesses and few had any real sense of the Roman religion outside of understanding it was as important to them, as their own religion was to the tribes of Britannia. Tentatively, she reached out to touch the shrine but glanced at him suspiciously before she did, and withdrew her hand. “I can come here...lararium...to speak to own Gods? Not yours?” Though she wasn’t convinced she would. She had always spoken to them outside, with the fresh earth beneath her feet. Then again, greenery seemed in short supply here. TAG: @Sharpie
  2. Charis nodded, although her reactions were muted. She felt downcast. "Yes Domine...New start in life." She wanted to tell him that this particular new start was a considerable step down for her; a free woman with a loving family, a husband, a child on the way and a thriving business - to somebody that could not even raise their eyes unless summoned to. Would he even care, if she did? He hadn't asked her at all about her life before she had arrived, although she supposed with sadness, that it was incidental, and he didn't need to care. She was Charis to him - the young, new slave. She wasn't Erea, the daughter, wife and business woman. As Teutus spoke again, she cast a concerned glance towards him. She did not want him to go - not because she was afraid of Tertius, whilst he made her uncomfortable, she wasn't afraid, but she didn't want to be left alone because at least her young slave peer had given her a bit of a steer with how to act. She would just copy him, and then she could avoid her Dominus' wrath. If she was left alone again, who knew what she'd say wrong? Still occasionally glancing at Teutus, she cleared her throat but her voice was quiet, muted - as if the life had been taken out of her by this very interaction. Which she supposed was partly true. The recovery from the journey and tiredness had an equal part, however. "I... go too, if you want it, Domine?" She didn't want to presume, of course, and she regretted asking the second the words had left her mouth. TAG: @Atrice & @Sharpie
  3. Sara

    An Introduction

    "Tab-lin-oom." She repeated, unsure. She understood more than she could say, and not being able to get the accent or the perfect words was irritating. She rolled her eyes at his compliment. "I doing fine. Not well." She was only grateful that she had a natural aptitude for languages, and had picked up a fair bit of Latin in the years before her capture. If she had been forced into this completely without their language she wasn't sure how she'd cope. She did laugh though, at his suggestion he learnt her own language. She grinned, spirits lifted slightly. "I will teach you." She sounded out and hesitated at the words, but they seemed right. She shrugged her shoulders as she glanced into the Tablinum, eyes wide and exploring. It was too grand for her. "It will help...if I bad and you have other slave from Britannia to..." What was the word? "Re-replace me?" She didn't want to think about it, but she honestly had no sense of what life was like once you actually belonged to a household. Did you stay for your whole life? Or were sold when it became convenient, or you displeased your dominus? She also offered a wider grin and ran her fingers across the images on the walls, speaking over her shoulder; "And we have good swears...you say under your breath...dominus won't know." TAG: @Sharpie
  4. It was an uncomfortable feeling, to have others talking about you and feeling unable to step in yourself. Still, at least Teutus' review of her capabilities wasn't horrific. It was a little concerning, that he admitted she was finding it difficult - that won't land her in very good stead, will it? - but it was at least honest. As Tertius interjected that he hoped she'd be a fast learner, she swallowed. She hoped so too. The slave market had been humiliating. She did not want to go back there. Least of all because there had been a suggestion with her face, she'd sell well to a brothel. The thought made her shudder. As Teutus agreed that she would be quick, she cast a quick glance up at him and reciprocated his smile with one of her own - broad and appreciative. Even if she did find his mannerisms and his aloofness a little perturbing, he had at least made an effort with her. That much could not be said for the other slaves. Then again, she had hardly been in the mood to socialise. Not daring to raise her eyes to Tertius and instead dropping them back down from her glance at Teutus, she only nodded silently, assenting that she would be quick. This was a conversation without her know, she supposed, but she felt the need to agree verbally - to remind her master that she was still present. "I will be quick, Domine." She thought it safe, and not impudent to add; "T-thank you...Domine...for chance to...prove myself." She certainly didn't feel particularly grateful, but if that would please him and give her respite from having to do this again any time soon, then it was all to the better. TAG: @Atrice & @Sharpie
  5. Sara

    An Introduction

    She glanced up at Teutus as he laid a hand on her, but found it reassuring. He was speaking quicker now, and whilst she followed most words it was not without concentration. She did, however, shoot a glare at the other woman. She understood a little that Rhoda must have been in a difficult position, and hadn't necessarily wanted the new slave in her company, but she surely just had to get on with it? She offered a small inclination of her head to him as Rhoda sighed and stalked back off where she had come from, only saying; "I need her back soon. We have work to do." as she left. Charis smiled timidly up at him and whispered under her breath; "Thank you." Wiping an errant tear from her eyes (she fortunately had stopped herself before a few single tears had become a great torrent), she glanced around the room. "Culina...domus...exedra..." She repeated the words she knew, and those he had taught her for the house. She frowned at him, trying to shake herself to act better, get it together Erea! "The room is?" She gestured around themselves, he hadn't told her the name of it. Her voice was still downcast as she spoke again, as was her expression. She half-heartedly pointed out of the room to another, a little way off. "What is that?" Which room is it, she meant, but at least she was trying with her Latin. TAG: @Sharpie
  6. Charis frowned, both at the tone of her master, and the brusqueness of the son. Had she done something wrong? By addressing him? Or was this tension something else entirely? She supposed that any man that would keep their son enslaved was a complex one, and she doubted she'd understand the intricacies of this relationship any time soon. As Teutus entered and set down his wares, Charis kept her eyes on the floor. This meeting had not gone particularly well, but then again, it hadn't gone spectacularly badly either from what she could tell. But what she could tell, was very little - the man that now owned her was proving almost impossible to read. Better to ere on the side of caution, Erea. He seemed irritated, and she didn't want to give him any more cause to. Instead of looking at Teutus as he moved to stand next to her, she followed suit by folding her hands and keeping her eyes on the floor. She imagined what the Gods must have seen if hey looked down; two little people standing like idiots, looking at their feet. How ridiculous. In an effort to lighten the tension, as Tertius hadn't seemed to be completely opposed to her speaking in their conversation so far, she offered in a lighter voice; "Teutus has shown me domus...and Latin words for rooms so...I can help better." She clenched and unclenched her fingers in their folded position, feeling awkward and stuck for words. She did not want to get drawn into the middle of something between them. She was wholly ill-equipped. TAG: @Atrice & @Sharpie Sorry she's a bit quiet/not very active, she's sort of trying to stay out of the way of father-son relations...
  7. Sara

    An Introduction

    She flinched a little at his hands on hers, and his proximity, but did not move away. He meant it out of kindness, she was sure. Glancing at him, but evidently not believing him she swallowed and willed herself not to cry. She was better than this, and it would not beat her. "I am strong." She asserted, but her voice was wavering. "But this...here..." She was losing patience trying to interpret her thoughts into their odd little language. Instead she let out a pained groan and took her hands from his, collapsing her face into them. She was about to sit up properly and ask what the likelihood would be, of her being able to be freed one day, but another voice interrupted her thoughts, and she whipped her face up to see the other woman - the one who had abandoned her in the kitchens alone, standing a little way off with her hand on her hip. "I've been looking for you! Where have you been?" The older woman eyed Teutus uneasily, and whilst her voice was not unkind, it was a bit exasperated. If Charis had been in a better mood she would have understood the woman's position - whose name she had yet to glean. After all, she was suddenly being presented a young, foreign woman with whom she'd have to work as well as taking on the burden of teaching her the meals she needed to prepare, and her role more generally. It was no surprise she was so cold. Charis mumbled as she spoke, still upset. "I...Teutus...showing me domus. You left me." She said it matter of factly, but there was a hint of accusation in her voice. She glanced to Teutus, as if looking for guidance. "Do I go with her? Or look at domus more?" TAG: @Sharpie
  8. Sara

    This or That

    Savoury! Crisps over chocolate any day of the week... Going to the beach or going to mountains?
  9. Sara

    An Introduction

    Charis frowned at him. She'd heard of gladiators, that they fought and died for the Romans sport. "Why sell women to ludus if it for gladiators?" She assumed only men could be one, before she realised what the probable fates of the women who went there was and she swallowed. She nodded and examined the room, a little in awe. As he gestured to the figures on the wall, she frowned and took a step back. This was sport to them? Watching forced fighting with men that couldn't say no? "They fight to death?" She asked, horrified. "And...they slaves? Like us?" She thought briefly to her brother, Turi. He had always been a strong young man, physically fit and they had always joked he must have been born by the Gods - he had towered over his diminutive sister. She had no idea what had happened to him, whether he had been captured or sold or if he remained in Britannia. If it was the former, what if he had been sold into a ludus himself? She wrapped her arms around herself, upset. "Why do enjoy..." She shook her head, "Why do Romans enjoy it?" She moved away from him, feeling overwhelmed and moved to sit on one of the klinai. She nodded mutely at his question, and looked up at him. "I...do not know if I can...do this..." She admitted. Maybe it was just the tiredness talking, or the images and vivid colours on the walls overwhelming her, or the fleeting discussion of her pain, but she felt troubled. And defeated. Blinking, she rubbed her face tiredly. "I cannot...live here...do this...I don't want to..." TAG: @Sharpie
  10. Sara

    Gothy's plotter

    Oooh I'd love a thread with any of your people! I'm not sure who is the most likely though? Charis is in a bit of an awkward position at the moment, as she can't really socialise...but there may be something there if one of your people is visiting Tertius and stumbles across his new addition to his household, or equally for any of your lower class people, out and about there may be chance to stumble across one another
  11. Sara

    Atrice's Plotter

    Hehe, you know I'd love to throw Charis at Cynae! *'Rule Britannia' plays somewhere in the distance...* Maybe Tertius lets her out after a few weeks and she gets lost? I can imagine she's probably freaking out they're going to assume she's running away, and she struggles to ask for directions because her Latin is so poor when your Cynae could overhear her accent (or her swearing under her breath in her own dialect...)
  12. Sara

    Chevi's Plotter

    Hey hey @Chevi! Incidentally my young Briton is sorely in need of some lessons in Latin so, would be keen for any plots between her and Aia! I'm not sure how they'd be introduced or how it would work, or whether Tertius could reach out for her services, but poor Charis is struggling. She does have a natural aptitude for languages and dialects, a bit like Aia, but being thrust into a whole new country (and position...and house...) has thrown her for a loop, a bit! Anyway - if you're keen, I'd love to have them meet!
  13. Charis actually smiled a little, genuinely, at the thought she could work in the garden. She had cultivated her own herb garden back at home, in Britannia, and despite the inclement weather it had thrived. "That will be kind Domine...I would enjoy that, garden work." It would also give her an opportunity to enjoy the grander side of the house. The slave quarters, whilst serviceable, were oppressive compared to the grandeur of his quarters. To be outside, enjoying the fresh air and beauty of the gardens would be a welcome relief, even if she was dreading the heat. Oh she so desperately wanted to look up! She was finding this 'staring at the ground, like a kicked dog' routine painful but she willed herself to do it. There was no point inciting his anger by crossing him again, despite how unnatural it felt. "I...will not avoid Domine," That was a lie, she'd try her best to steer clear of him as much as was possible. The idea of a reward intrigued her, however. What constituted as a reward to a Roman master? A few more coins? Or a few more freedoms? She suspected it would be pitiful, but couldn't help but ask, intrigued, "Reward?" Gods, she really was like a dog. Looking for any scraps to make this life more palatable. Still, before she could say more, a light knock interrupted her and she glanced over her shoulder to find Teutus stood a little way off. Her demeanour completely changed at the sight of him, in a worryingly visible display. Her posture became a little straighter, but her shoulders relaxed and a genuine smile - much wider and more relaxed - stretched across her face. Whilst in another life, given their evidently different personalities, they might never have been friends, here and now Charis valued his company - or at least found it preferable to that of his father. Forgetting herself, or not understanding it wasn't her place, she spoke to him, smile still on her face; "Teutus!" She spoke with her head turned away to Tertius, still glancing at his slave son, "Teutus been very helpful Domine." TAG: @Atrice & @Sharpie
  14. "N-not always...not always her slave...but I can help..." She corrected herself. Teutus had briefly explained the role of a body slave and the thought of being in that proximity to the little girl made her nervous. "In women things...when she older, Domine." She spoke carefully, and hoped the bluff of 'women's matters' was enough to make him understand. She remembered the difficulties with her younger sister when she was on the cusp of womanhood, and just hoped- even as she loathed her newfound position - that the young Antonia Varia had the support Ardra had from Erea...or Charis as she was now. She wasn't, however, surprised at his reaction. She supposed she should be grateful and forced a smile on her face as her eyes remained lowered. "Thank you...Domine...I will please you." She felt sick, "I hope." She didn't even know what the punishment would be if she didn't. She had heard rumours of whipping, of flagellation and of women being forced into bed against their wills. There had also been passing mention on the road of something called crucifixion for the most severe offences but she had yet to glean what exactly it entailed. She didn't know what to do. She was tempted to ask for permission to leave - but where would that land her? Alone back in the kitchens to prepare a meal with no clue how to do it? No. As much as she felt uncomfortable in his presence, she at least felt safe here. Or safe, given the circumstances. The feel of his fingers on her face still felt as they were burnt into her skin. Thinking on it, she asked, perhaps a touch too bold; "Will I see you a much Domine?" Teutus had mentioned he had served at meals, but she was not so sure she would be given the task. She wanted to at least glean, before she left, whether he could be avoided in the future. "If I stay in culina...I will not see you?" She tried to show him a smile, but she was not sure whether it looked forced. At least that was one benefit of being shut away in the recesses of the house, she supposed, that she wouldn't be prey to him or his friends. TAG: @Atrice
  15. Sara

    An Introduction

    "Does Domine have villa?" She asked with the vaguest hint of excitement in her voice. She had missed the country; the fresh air and greenery did wonders for her health. Still, at his question, she smiled bashfully with a shrug. "Little while...we were...husband was a smith. Metalsmith." She knew that word at least, "We did trade...it was good to know language after you people came to Britannia." Not necessarily for trade purposes, but certainly for the convenience of day to day life. The Romans would no doubt be perturbed to learn just how much the little woman had picked up from their conversations. "I know number better than words...I counted a lot...sold a lot." Whilst her father and older brother had been the brawn behind their operation, Charis had most certainly been the brains. Without her acumen they would have gotten nowhere, and now that mind was being confined to cooking...she muttered a swear word under her breath at a the thought. Arching a brow at him she nodded, signifying she understood. "I know culina is kitchens...woman told me, here." She couldn't help the bitterness in her voice. The other slave had evidently been irritated by her presence; a new person to train, and one a fair amount younger than herself. She had used the word 'savage' as well, but Charis hadn't quite deduced what it meant. Walking back into the domus, she admired the world she now inhabited. Appreciatively she ran slender fingers over the art on the walls with a sigh. The colours were so vivid she felt like the images were living. Glancing back at Teutus, she inclined her head, "What next?" Which room was her next education on this little tour? There could surely be nowhere grander than this? Although even as that thought occurred to her she cast a concerned glance over her shoulder, as if watching for the second said Dominus would walk in. She barely remembered his face the interaction had been so fleeting. With a little smile, and without quite understanding the gravity of what she was saying, she asked a question as they walked; "Slave keeper said he would sell me to Ludus..." She watched for his reaction. "I do not know...what it is...this is better?" TAG: @Sharpie
  16. She moved swiftly to his desk but paused before she poured the wine. Her hands were still trembling out of anger and shame. Swallowing her pride, she moved one hand to steady the cup and the other poured, managing to avoid spilling any, she let out a pent up breath. Pushing the cup back to him and setting the pitcher of wine down, she inclined her head and took a step back - widening the distance between them. She wanted to get out of the room as quickly as she could manage. Whilst the day before had lifted her spirits slightly, Teutus being helpful, if a little cold, this interaction had most definitely brought her back to earth. She didn’t know what she had been anticipating, maybe that he was not like the others she’d heard about, but he was. Whilst not unkind, he still evidently enjoyed the power he held, and she felt a renewed wave of humiliation wash over her. Shaking her head, she said slowly. “No...Domine...I am sure others will teach me.” But a thought occurred to her, something Teutus had mentioned. Keeping her eyes on the mosaic floor before her, she considered her words carefully. “One thing...Domine...” Careful, Erea, it might be a sensitive subject... “You have daughter? Teutus said?” She stole a very fleeting glance up at him before returning her gaze to the floor, and her fingers to her husbands bracelet. “If you need woman...to help her...care for her...I good, I had...have little sister. If it please you Domine...” What did she want out of this? To watch after a child? Have that risk on her shoulders? She didn’t quite know, and doubted he’d be willing but the idea was certainly more palatable than being stuck in the kitchens all day... TAG: @Atrice
  17. Charis nodded dutifully. “Yes Domine.” And quickly turned her back and strode from the room. Her hands were shaking as she walked, far more out of anger and humiliation than fear. Although the latter was still present too. He wanted her to nod and look away, play fetch and stay quiet. It occurred to her that he wanted a pet rather than a person, and she groaned loudly, slumping against a wall in the slave quarters as she finally crossed the curtain. Wine. Where was she supposed to get wine? Glancing around, and relieved to still see the other kitchen slave still in the culina, she moved in. “Wine. Dominus want wine.” She said tersely. The older woman glanced up at her with a glare, hesitating for a moment, before gesturing wordlessly to a pitcher on the side. Responding in kind by not speaking, she snatched it up. Still, she took her time as she walked back to him, wanting to delay the inevitable as long as was reasonable. When she did make it back, she knocked quietly and slipped inside, eyes to the floor. “Wine, Domine. W-would you want me to...” She tried to find the word, “Pour?” She resisted the temptation to look up. “Can do anything else, Domine?” TAG: @Atrice
  18. Sara

    An Introduction

    She flinched a little at his hand, but then smiled. It was something Turi used to do, grip her hand. She nodded at him, as if suggesting she follows his words. Market, slaves next door...gossip. Maybe not all was lost? Her mother had been taken some months before her and she had no idea of the fates of her sister or youngest brother. She hoped they had arrived back to the home, seen or been told what had happened, and run. But that was a hope. No doubt they had come back and reached the same fate as Charis herself. "My mother is Letinie...and was taken before me...my sister Ardra and little brother Turi...I do not know." She said their names with reverence, but sadness caught in her throat. "The rest..." She waved a hand with a sigh, "Husband...father...old brother..." After some hesitation, she decided not to mention the child. That was her private pain. She shook her head, "Gone." She knew some had it worse than her. Some of the stories of the men and women imprisoned and transported with her had been harrowing. But she still felt her grief acutely. Squeezing his hand gently, she offered a smile and took a deep breath, trying to banish the darkness from her mind. She didn't want to dwell, not now, not here and with company. "Thank you Teutus. Helpful, kind Teutus." She offered as a new epithet, repeating a word she had failed at before. You see? I'm a quick learner. Feeling awkward, as if she was a great raincloud - descending and drenching everybody with sadness, she stood up quickly and brushed herself down. "Sorry...the house? Domus?" She tried the Latin on for size. TAG: @Sharpie NOTES: Feel free to wrap up if Teutus is bored of showing a miserable new slave around, but happy to keep going if you are!
  19. Charis noticeably flinched as he reached to touch her face, but willing herself still, let him and kept vivid blue eyes looking up at him. The threat, veiled, made her skin crawl and a blush of humiliation coloured her cheeks. It was not that men never raised hands against their wives or families at home, but this was different. Immin had never hit her, or even threatened it, and this man - standing in front of her now, was a man she did not know. The whole act was too familiar. Blinking at him, out of wilfulness she kept her eyes on him for a moment. Just a moment. Before respectfully lowering her gaze to the floor, eyes searching the mosaic beneath her bare feet. Her voice sounded forced as she spoke. As if she was having to push each word through gritted teeth. "I am sorry, Domine." The flush still brightened her cheeks at the embarrassment of this spectacle. It could have been worse, however, she supposed. The slave-market, being gawked at like an animal was worse. And for those that had been forced to strip, even moreso. She had at least been able to keep her modesty intact there, but here and now it felt like she was being laid bare in another way. Shaking her head, she finally relinquished the grip on her husbands bracelet. "I thought...when talking I could look. I will be good, next time...I don't want to...hurt." She had been punished on the road. The sting of the lash across her shoulder blades felt like yesterday. She felt sick. This was to be her life now? Constantly looking at her feet? Deciding to try and get back on safer footing, and resisting the overwhelming temptation to look up as she asked a question, she spoke quietly. "Can I get you anything Domine. Wine?" She heard the Romans liked their drink, and she wanted him to think her useful, she wanted to be useful. If only to serve a higher purpose for herself. TAG: @Atrice
  20. Sara

    An Introduction

    She smiled broadly as he fished out the stone, eyeing it with appreciation. She had to restrain herself from moving to touch it. "It is lovely." She affirmed, "And we say it is lucky also...the stone with hole." She added with an inclination of her head, "But it has not brought you to luck yet." It was more of a statement than a question. If he had luck from his talisman, he wouldn't be sat talking about their lives as slaves, would he? Extending her wrist, and deciding to share her own secret, her other hand played over the small leather bracelet. "My own luck. My husband, Immin, made it." She smiled at the memory. It had been just after they were married. It was depressing to think it was now the most precious thing she owned, when before it had gone unnoticed, almost forgotten on her arm. "I do not know what happened to Immin." She said, without prompting. She had been given very few opportunities to talk about it, what had happened. It was cathartic in a way. "I think he dead. He is dead." She corrected, shaking her head. "My sister and mother...I think slaves, my mother definitely...they took her before me." A thought occurred to her, and she peered curiously at him. "How would find them? If they are in Rome?" TAG: @Sharpie
  21. Sara

    An Introduction

    Charis smiles as he joined her. Including her head, she repeated affirmatively; “Friends.” He could only be a few years older than her at most, she guessed by looking at him, whereas some of the other slaves she had encountered seemed to take dislike or offence at her youth and inexperience. Nonetheless, she frowned at him, concentrating heavily. “It is hard? To look after sister?” When she has everything, and you have nothing. She kept the latter thought internal. She didn’t know how he could stomach it; serving and being owned by a family that should by right be his own. But it spoke volumes to her, and slightly unnerved the young Briton that there must be a reason. She had heard whispers of the punishments inflicted on slaves, whilst on her journey here. She supposed it was a fool’s game to try and influence or directly oppose a master, especially when it was over something as personal as inheritance and family, when the stakes were so high. She only hoped her new Domine would be more understanding of her own predicament. She was completely oblivious to the fact that for the man that now owned her, and the slaves she worked with, her story was the same as hundreds of others, and equally unimportant. Stifling a yawn, she glanced across at him, trying to lighten her mood. “As friend,” She started with mischief in her voice, “Tell me something you would not say other slaves...secrets I should know.” Whether about the master or the house, or even Teutus himself, she didn’t care. She was craving knowledge. She felt like she had been thrust into a room only to have all of the sconces put out on her, and she was desperately trying to find her way in the dark. TAG: @Sharpie
  22. She did smile to herself as he suggested she'd be allowed out, but kept her eyes respectfully lowered. "Thank you, Domine." She said with genuine pleasure in her accented voice. The chance to get out was exhilarating although as he warned her about escape, she nodded dutifully. She had seen what had happened to the girls that had tried to run away on the road, and before she was put up for show chalk-footed at the slave market. She still heard their screams as they were branded. "I will stay" She glanced up briefly to gauge his reaction, trying to joke; "Britannia is...far..I have nowhere to run." Maybe it was different for Roman-born slaves, but for a woman with her accent and fair skin, she'd stick out like a sore thumb if she tried to get away. "I..." She hesitated when he asked her opinion of Rome, thinking about it. "I do not know." She said uneasily and moved to clasp her hands together in front of her waist, as if protecting herself. Reliving the journey was traumatic to say the least, as was her first impression of Rome. "Journey was long and...I am from small village, close by Petuar." Given the poor victory of the Romans there, the day she lost her father, she'd be surprised if he hadn't heard of it. "I like green...country, fields, nature..I never saw place like this until I was taken." She shrugged, "Rome...is very b-big and little bit...frightening." She didn't have a problem admitting that as a weakness. She'd be surprised if anybody wasn't scared of the business of Rome. But she offered a smile to him, glancing up briefly, "Because I like green and nature...I like your garden, it is...lovely...Domine." When Teutus had brought her into it she had felt a faint glimmer of happiness for the first time in weeks. "I would like to go to bigger garden in Rome. When you let me...when I am loyal." She forgot herself, and didn't look down, instead she kept his gaze. TAG: @Atrice
  23. Sara

    An Introduction

    Charis smiled genuinely for what was possibly the first time since she had been taken from the village. It was a grin of pure pleasure that stretched across her face as she took in its beauty. Instinctively, she reached out to touch some of the flowering plants. "So lovely." She said, in appreciation, and glanced back over to him. "We are allowed here?" She could probably spend an entire day here, sitting and looking at the flowers and herbs, and deciphering the idols that littered it. Basking in being somewhere that felt like home, she felt herself relax. She hadn't realised she had been on edge, but here, now, she felt her shoulders lose some of their tightness and drop, and her breaths became longer. Nature had that effect on her, and to be walled into a kitchen to work sounded like torture for her. Glancing at him, she offered a smile. "You have been good." Helpful, what is the Latin for helpful? "Thank you...Teutus." Without a prompt she moved to take a seat on one of the benches placed there. The heat was still oppressive but the breeze in the little courtyard was a welcome relief. "It was joke...slave-son." She offered with a little smile of apology, "I miss jokes...laughter...I hope," This was probably a stretch, "We friends...soon." Company had been poor on the journey, as was to be expected and in the weeks she had spent in the cage and on the road, she had contemplated that one of the most acute losses she felt was that of the loss of her friends, her family. Of being alone. "What does you do?" She said, sounding out the words hesitantly, "If I cook and clean...what do you do?" TAG: @Sharpie
  24. This time Charis held her ground as he took another step closer to her, gritting her jaw, as if she wanted to move but was willing herself to stay. There were no doubt a thousand rules she should know, but based on what Teutus had said and inferred, infractions were not severely punished if they were honest mistakes. Which was a relief. She was struggling enough to pick up the language, let alone the thousand rules that she now had to abide in her new position. Charis blinked at him as he said she should avert her gaze. It felt unnatural to her, to look down. It felt like weakness. Still, this was the beginning of something and if she was ever to gain his trust - which was seemingly necessary to move up or on in this new, strange place, she needed to appear to be respectful at least. With some obvious hesitation, she finally lowered her eyes to the floor, her nails working themselves into her palm in frustration, enough to leave marks on her skin. Patience, Erea. You have to keep calm. Keeping her eyes still on the ground, she moved one hand back to spin the bracelet on her wrist, a nervous habit. She frowned to herself. "What if...other slave tells me...order...that you would not...like." She meant to ask how high she was in the pecking order; whether she was able to give opinions or not, and whether she had to listen to the other slaves as well as him, but it came out wrong. Without thinking, as he continued to speak, she raised her gaze to glance at him, a little amused, as if what he had said was a joke to her. Guess what he wanted? She barely knew him! Remembering herself, she dropped her eyes to the floor again and nodded with a sigh. "Yes Domine. I hope I learn that." Honestly though, what hope did she have? But given she was new, and given she had been told he was a good master, she decided to risk it and ask what might have been considered an impudent question. But she hoped, given her complete lack of experience as a slave, it would be taken as naivety rather than rudeness; "I...have never been here, Rome. Will I...look it?" She shook her head, "See it?" She doubted she'd have an abundance of free time, but if she had to spend all day every day in a kitchen preparing food, she feared she'd go mad. Despite not being a place she wanted to call home, Rome looked enticing and intoxicating and if she was to be here for the foreseeable future, she wanted to experience it. TAG: @Atrice
  25. Sara

    An Introduction

    Charis sighed a relieved breath that he did not have a litter of bastards around. Whilst her new position was untenable to her, the suggestion that she could have been sold into a brothel or ludus had been petrifying on her journey. At least here she was presumably free of the advances of men, even if she thought her master’s actions cold-hearted or bad. Unable to follow Teutus’ explanation she shook her head weakly. It was something about children and feet? He is making a fool of me, a joke? With a frown she shrugged, “I do not know...the words.” Why are you talking so quickly? Of course I can’t bloody understand. But she was relieved the conversation had changed track. For now she just felt frustrated, but in time she might be able to understand the complexities of his words. With a nod at his suggestion she continued to walk through the house, fingers trailing over the ornate paint on the walls and eyeing the housewares proudly on display. “The best room?” No, that isn’t right, “Your f-favourite? Room?” Charis, in her life as Erea, had always enjoyed gardens; the planting and planning of them. She didn’t even know if this home had one. “You start,” She gestured for him to go first and lead, sipping from her water, “Son-Slave Teutus.” She added the epithet to add some levity, and only realised after she hoped it didn’t sound cruel. TAG: @Sharpie
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