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  1. Sarah

    New Arrivals

    A momentary expression of mild annoyance crossed Tiberius's usually calm features as Claudia pushed past him, but disappeared just as quickly as he followed her in. Claudia always was the bolder of the two. "I'm glad to hear you're well." He told their older sister as the pair settled themselves on the edges of the bed, which was already quite crowded. He chuckled at her jest, imagining that two helpless babies probably weren't what she'd been hoping for as a girl expecting siblings. He studied each baby as they were named, unable to tell them apart but not doubting that their mother could. Honoria, for the man who had been father to Flavia and step-father to the twins, the only father they'd known. And Saturnina; portentious? Hopefully fortunate. Saturn was, amongst other things, a god of bounty and creation, which were desirable traits in a woman. "It's a good name for a girl." He approved. Hopefully her future life would be blessed by her namesake. "We've been well." He glanced at Claudia for confirmation. As Caesar's kin and wards they were well treated and enjoyed the protection expected for imperials. "We brought some things for you and the girls." He added, and offered over the small, carefully carved box. Inside were amber and lapis lazuli beads, both substances beloved of the gods, and the sort of thing that could be made into a part of the necklaces on which their lunulae - protective amulets - would be hung, when gifted by their father. @Dev@Gothic
  2. "We'll see." He said, always one to be a little reserved on such commitments. "I often used to quiz Uncle Octavius about his travels in the service of the Empire," alright, he still did, "so I hope I'll get to see some of it myself." And do something that would better the Empire. Like Caecina, he hadn't yet travelled much beyond Rome and the surrounding countryside yet. "I'll bring you back something, if I manage to go somewhere exotic." He promised with a wink. Popularity wasn't everything, but for a young man who was still growing into adulthood, sometimes it's lack was felt. No doubt his cousin understood. Tiberius didn't have Titus's bold and sometimes brash confidence, but his thoughtful self-assurance was perhaps more likely to grow into the kind of gravitas that demanded respect. His father had had it, in his youth, but Tiberius had never known Emperor Claudius, having been born after his death. "Have you asked them?" He asked, perhaps a little cheekily. He intended to ask Quintus what his thoughts were, when he got the opportunity. He didn't actually expect to get any say in the matter of course, but he trusted his uncle to do what would be best for their family and the Empire. No doubt Juliana would see that the same held true for Caecina's match. Not that she should want for suitors, in the way of young women she already seemed mature, and she was very attractive. Being family they wouldn't be a match for each other, unless Quintus saw something he didn't, but likely used to make other political links. He was glad that he didn't have to worry about that political minefield himself. That didn't mean that he couldn't enjoy her company. And it didn't mean that their family couldn't be more strongly bound together. "Have you spoken with Claudia recently?" He asked, meaning his twin, Claudia Caesaris. She was a politically savvy young woman who might appreciate having their cousin around to chat with, and plot with. Tiberius was firmly of the opinion that the family, however extended, should present a united front. They would be safest that way. @Echo
  3. The tips of her manicured nails brushed his palm as she took the dried peaches from him, her expression softening slightly from her previous irritation. Why she'd been irritated with him he wasn't quite sure, but that was nothing unusual. She was often cross with him for no apparent reason, or cross with the world and he just happened to be there, so he'd stopped placing any importance on it. Usually if he failed to react her mercurial nature meant that her mood would change in the next moment, as indeed it did. His question was a gamble, and initially earned him a narrow-eyed look. He drank his wine and waited, helping himself to a few nuts whilst she decided whether to answer him or throw something at him. He figured the odds were pretty even, and was ready to catch her cup, but it never came. Instead, after a thoughtful pause, she did answer him, and not with some idle dismissal. Safe. Prominence. Interesting. Why did she not feel safe? And what did she think she was owed? She was already rich and beautiful. He was about to ask her, but unexpectedly, she turned the question on him. Corinthia had never seemed to care much for his preferences, and in that unguarded moment her words caught him off guard, hitting right at the wound to his heart that he was trying to let heal. He glanced away - he would not weep in front of her - and took a deep breath. Then he reached for the jug of wine and refilled her cup, which she'd emptied, whilst he sorted through his limited selection of words. "I not know, now.". He admitted quietly, as he set the jug aside. "Before I want freedom, go home." And he too was being honest. "Be with my wife, my son again." It had been all that he wanted. "But... is too late now. I... gone too long, dead to them. They make the... death fire." And would no doubt sing the songs and tell the tales, assuming that he had died in battle with the Romans. "Eithne is good woman, daughter of chief, she have find new husband. Not wait for dead man." She might mourn him, but she would move on. And knowing that, he felt lost. Yes, perhaps he might make it back some day, find another wife, have another child, set up his smithy somewhere, but the place he had occupied would have been filled. And where did that leave him? He looked away again, staring off into the distance and absently rubbing the scar on his arm, before abruptly tossing back the rest of the expensive wine in his cup. There was nothing to be gained on pining for the impossible. He shrugged. "So I not know." He said again, in more fatalistic tones. @Gothic
  4. Sarah

    Brought in

    Ah, the meaning of the expression was fairly obvious once one knew. She wanted him not to talk too much, especially about her and her doings. Including to her mother, which was an interesting caveat. Aeneas deliberately kept his amusement from his face. What did his young mistress intend that her mother would disapprove of? "I understand." He said gravely. "No say what you say, what you do." He paraphrased. Yes, he understood. Whether or not he would obey might depend on how self-destructive he thought his mistress was being. "Where I from, man who say false word is no man." He added. It was an easy way to lose trust. Including hers. But then Aeneas was not the kind to act rashly, or without reason. Those barbarian blue eyes searched his mistress's face, wondering whether the same rules would apply for her. Somehow he doubted it, yet if they were to have that kind of relationship where they relied on each other, then there needed to be a certain level of surety. "You, I, need trust." He said, holding her dark gaze. They needed to be able to trust each other. @Gothic
  5. There was both a thrill and a trepidation in entering the rectangular building that hosted the Senate audience. It had been a place of great tragedy for his family, but also triumph. In his first year of the Cursus Honorum, it was now his right to take a seat amongst the assemblage, and further his learning. Attired in a manner that was not ostentious but never the less appropriate for a son of Caesar. Some of these men he knew, by reputation if not personally, and some he knew not at all. His uncle Octavius was visible down the front, the seat he was entitled to being a previous Consul. For a moment the size of the building seemed to echo around him, and Tiberius felt oddly naked without the presence of the Praetorian guard. He knew the Senate chamber had not proven so safe as it should have been. But he could make no contribution to the Empire if he lived in constant fear. The past was behind them, and if he would not see it repeated, he would have to arrange the situation politically so that it would not happen again. To do that, he had to be here. But he was not alone. With a final glance towards his uncle, Tiberius turned towards the upper tier of seats, head held high and expression schooled as though he were far more confident than he felt; the demeanor of an Imperial. Nodding politely to those who greeted him, and greeting those few he knew and passed in turn, he made his way to the upper tiers, determined to learn from today. It was, after all, why he was here.
  6. Sarah

    The Bodyguards

    In some ways the ritual that had preceeded had felt less strange than many Roman customs, though Aeneas deplored the waste of good meat. But the giving of a god's blessings by those chosen was a concept that was familiar enough, even if the manner was strange. But as a young woman of marriagable age, it had behooved Corinthia to attend, and she had taken her bodyguard. It had been one of his first real outings in Roman society, and it had been somewhat eye-opening. Viewing them on the same footing instead of from behind bars or from the floor of the arena. Yes he seemed largely invisible to those dressed as citizens, but invisible was better than actively disdained. Corinthia, dressed and made-up in the expensive elegance he thought of as her mask, stepped out amongst her peers, and it was clear from a glance around that those who served as he did - as bodyguards and ensurers of safety - were not required to follow. Only house slaves, serving food and drink, mingled amongst the highborn attendees. Others, many of obviously foreign birth like himself, stayed discretely out of the way about the edges. Was there a vanity in the fact that the tunic Corinthia had given him to wear had no sleeves? It showed off the blue tattoos on his upper arms, and those along his collarbones were visible past the square neckline, though it was obvious that more were hidden. Leather bracers on his forearms hid the scar on his right and went with the leather jerkin over the tunic, part of the look, along with the belt and sandals with greaves. Whatever. He was more interested in watching those around him, curious about this type of event, and as he glanced about Aeneas became aware that he too was being watched. She was tall, like him, and pale skinned. Pale eyed too, in this land of dark eyes and mediterranean complexions. Blonde hair was braided back, and the slight raise of the cup in her hand suggested a willingness at least to speak. Aeneas cocked his own head slightly in acknowledgement, and wandered slowly over, coming to stand with his back against the wall nearby, but not too close. "Salve." He said evenly. @Atrice
  7. a former champion of the arena and freed gladiator Gaia certainly knew how to get his attention. Those barbaric blue eyes turned to Lexus and gave the man a long, thoughtful look. A former slave and gladiator, now a freedman. Gaia herself was apparently a freed slave, but she'd not been a gladiator. Lexus had, and now he was free. And he was still here. Was he Roman born, or had he simply seen the Roman way of life as preferable to what he had left behind? Aeneas studied the man, but if he was being eyed up in turn, he didn't seem to notice. "Dominos Lexus." He acknowledged the man, blue eyes glancing at Gaia before returning to him. "Domina Corinthia say I must 'train', 'learn'; I do." He said carefully. His grammar still left a lot to be desired but Gaia at least would notice the constant improvement. "You were champion? You win many arena fights?" He asked, clarifying, obviously curious, and he'd learned that Gaia was the kind to permit such. "I not have big fight yet, only small. Still training." Though he viewed the prospect with both anticipation and trepidation. That way could lie both freedom, or death. @Gothic@Atrice
  8. I can type really fast, even though I don't touch type. Like, professional typist fast. I acquired this skill through simming for twenty-odd years. The faster you type the more you can sim!
  9. Actually... Lupercalia was surprisingly fun. What change do you think would most benefit the Empire?
  10. It was best that Justinia's questions about her future went unasked; even had he wanted to, Spurius couldn't answer them. The training of whores and prostitutes was the realm of others; he just sold them. He was however quite sure that her new mistress would not hesitate to make known what was expected of her. At least there were no protestations. Some female slaves appeared horrified at the idea of being a prostitute, however familiar their previous master might have been with them. Perhaps there was a difference between one and many? Others seemed resigned, some almost intrigued by the idea. If anything Justinia seemed to fall into the last category. It was, at least, a very good brothel. Spurius didn't tend to handle the kind of slaves that would end up in the poor ones. Good, she understood. That was all that was necessary. Understanding, and acceptance. He'd take her down there personally, not trusting one of his factors not to get swindled by the madame. Besides, he enjoyed the verbal sparring with Titinia, though that was all that he enjoyed from her and hers. And that would normally have been the end of it, had Justinia not spoken. Spurius raised one eyebrow at her in an appraising manner. "You may." He said after a moment, humouring her. @Sydney
  11. "Thank you." Tiberius accepted the goblet and took just a sip of the wine, cautious as was his nature. He was not one to get roaring drunk, even when others relaxed. He'd noticed that Claudia practiced the same caution; perhaps not surprising. His fingers traced the embossing on the cup, Hercules and the lion, without really seeing it. Rather he was pondering her question. "I don't know." He admitted, expression suggesting that he found the idea interesting. "Do you think barbarians give their slaves some freedoms at times?" Romans did and their Empire was the greatest, so clearly their system was the correct one and they were right to keep slaves; it stood to reason since they were so obviously blessed by the Gods. "But then, I imagine there are plenty of their traditions that we would find odd." He mused. "I asked Uncle Octavius if he'd tell me more about his travels one day. I think there'd be a lot to learn from actually seeing the edges of the Empire." It was his hope that he would do so one day. He glanced at Claudia, wondering whether she had any desire to travel, before letting his gaze drift around the room, alighting on some of the more outlandish figures on the other side. "Did he really give you that Amazon slave?" It seemed somehow out of character for the man that Tiberius associated with Libraries and monuments. @Gothic
  12. Did he feel prepared for the Cursus Honorum? He tilted his slightly as a thoughtful expression crossed his features; he'd not do her the disservice of a flippant answer. "I think so." He said at last. "I am looking forward to it. Lessons can be boring, but some are very interesting." He smiled shyly for a moment. "I actually really like learning about the Empire."He admitted. Titus, his adoptive brother, wasn't quite so keen, but Tiberius could see how it all fit together, and how an understanding of that relevancy and interrelationship could only be beneficial to future governance. "We start with the Military Tribunes. I'm hoping that, if we get deployed, I'll get to see some of the wider Empire in person." That thought excited him. Not the prospect of battle itself, though it was unlikely that he would face it. But it was a serious subject. Caecina's promise that he and Titus should have first invitations to her next party drew out a boyish grin. "I'll hold you to that. I'm sure your parties are not to be missed." he said, taking a judicious sip from his own cup of wine. Then the subject of marriage came up. As high ranked young things they all faced that prospect, though the young women sooner than the young men. Claudia had mentioned something similar. He wondered for a moment whether there was more to be read into Caecina's words, even as he flushed at her question. "Not so much, no." He admitted, though in truth he wasn't too worried. "Titus tends to be the popular one. I'm sure Caesar will find someone appropriate when the time is right." And Quintus would want what was best for the Empire. It was, admitedly, one of several topics that he'd like to talk to his uncle and adoptive father about, but the ruler of the Empire was a busy man and there hadn't yet been time. Hopefully soon. Rather he cheekily turned the question back on it's asker. "Surely you've had suitors lining up at your door?"
  13. Her words drew laughter from Aeneas, not at her, but in delight and amusement, accompanied by a rare grin. Always that front, that carefully sculpted manner of power and control, and he was perhaps one of the few who ever saw behind it. Because her words had only come after a long pause, a deep draught of drink, a glance away. Had no man ever said such to her? There was also that oddly endearing innocence, usually hidden behind her haughty manner, revealed in a moment. But always the self-assurance, the control. Still looking entirely too pleased, Aeneas turned away for a moment, the fabric of his tunic shifting across his broad shoulders as he reached out, and turned back with a handful of dried peaches in his grasp. He held out his broad hand to her, palm flat, that she might take one first. And all the while he watched her, blue eyes darker in the light of the torches. He thought he understood better now how Corinthia worked, but not yet why. "What you want, Domina?" He asked her quietly, his tone gentle. "What you want from... all." He gestured around them, not having the words for the abstract concept he wanted to express. What drove her, guided her; what did she seek for in life? "If I know, maybe I can help." He suggested. Especially as her bodyguard, where he would watch and listen and learn from others. Who knew what opportunities might be out there? And in here. @Gothic
  14. Sarah

    Brought in

    Aeneas listened as Corinthia explained his duties slowly to him. To serve and protect, at the expense of his own life if necessary. Well, that seemed to be the lot of a slave, whether that life was many years or brief. He was interested to note that she stressed obedience a second time; had she been disobeyed in the past? Or was she so insecure in her control of her slaves? She was, he reminded himself, young, however marked her poise. Clearly she was expecting something a little more than 'yes mistress'. "I protect, Domina. I serve. I obey." He assured her evenly, as his blue gaze watched her face, trying to fathom the thoughts behind her words. No doubt time would bring understanding. Whether or not the word of a slave was worth anything was for her to decide. How did Romans feels about assurances given under duress? His own people certainly accepted them. "What mean, 'wag your tongue'?" He asked then, cocking his head slightly in query, not familiar with that particular expression. @Gothic
  15. Hi Sharpie! My Spurius is a slave trader, so he might know Paulus as a fellow businesperson.
  16. With a grin and a nod Tiberius followed Titus's lead, heading from the grove just a pace behind him, in the athletic jog of the young and fit. This was a serious business, but also fun, and amongst those waiting for them would be many young women of Rome, hoping for the gift of fertility bestowed by the Gods' grace, in the form of the two naked young men. He swung the lash in his hand, the strips of hide moving heavy and wet, ready to flick it gently over those who presented themselves for the blessing, and what they presented. Hands were common, backs for those truly hoping for a change in their fortunes. Let Rome grow and prosper! @Gil@Gothic
  17. Pride went before a fall. Spurius wasn't particularly disdainful of his wares but he had no need for a reputation for selling uppity slaves, so he kept those in his temporary care under a firm hand. For all he knew, Justinia might be very well treated by her next master, and good luck to her if she was. But she might not, so it was best she not have high expectations, it would only make trouble for her, and thus for him. She seemed to get the message, which was just as well. Some might be surprised by the time he took to learn about her past but Spurius made a point of knowing his stock, all the better to find the best use for them, and the best price for himself. He'd thought that Justinia - young, beautiful and largely unblemished - would make a good whore, and nothing he'd heard had dissuaded him of that. She'd been broken in at least. Her Domina hadn't bedded her, so she'd have to learn those particular skills on the job, but no doubt Titinia would see that she did. "Well, you'll learn." He said simply. "I'm going to sell you to the Domus Venus." He'd learned from experience that it was better to tell slaves what their intended fate was, rather than leave them wondering. They had time to accept it and there were less behavioural problems due to fear and uncertainty whilst he was holding them. He was pretty sure that Titinia would want this one, he knew her tastes. "It's a brothel; one of the best in the city. Only high class customers. I dare say you'll be treated very well, if you please your new mistress." If she didn't she might find herself at a rather less genteel establishment. "Do you understand?" @Sydney
  18. If Tiberius thought anything of Caecina's momentary slip, he didn't show it. There were a lot of people there, the wine had been flowing and he wasn't exactly the sort that sought attention. He was also slow to judge and not the sort to take offense over simple errors. Those who intended harm to him and his might well be another matter. "No good gossip? Why, I'm disappointed!" He teased. But in truth he hadn't heard of much worth gossiping about either. "You'll have heard that Flavia is pregnant again. Rufia Flavia." He clarified. That was his older half-sister, making him an uncle again. He racked his brains but couldn't think of anything particularly juicy. "I'm afraid I'm not much good for gossip, Titus and I are supposed to be studying and somehow I don't seem to get invited to all these parties." His grin made it clear that his words were in jest, though sometimes it seemed that the Senatores and Equites had all the fun. No doubt some of that was the necessary protectiveness around the Imperial family, and Tiberius was never going to argue with that. The thought sobered him. Much as he would love to have the freedom of the his peers in the noble classes, the peace brought by Caesar Quintus hadn't been long enough to fade the memory of the cost of the purge on his family. "We start the Cursus Honorum next year." That was the training that young men of the noble classes were expected to undertake, preparing them for roles in politics and leadership. "What about you? Any plans for the year?" He asked, aware that Caecina was of an age now where she too would be thinking about her future in society, including her marriage prospects. "Beyond organising a party of course. I might have to insist on an invitation." He didn't think Quintus would object to that, Caecina was practically family. @Echo
  19. Bustling with importance, Alaricus actually put down his wooden sword and got a chair for his step-mother who, he'd had it explained, was pregnant with his youngest sibling. His father was forever trying to impress upon him the importance of good behaviour and he wanted to make a good impression on Decimus; the man was a Praetorian Guard, and had called him Legatus! They were a big family, and due to grow, and Alaricus grinned at his step sister as she half-hid behind her mother shyly. "Imperia, come sit by me." He said quietly, once Seia was comfortably seated and the household slaves had taken over the pouring of the wine. His stepmother was the kind to welcome everyone and ensure they were comfortable - she'd certainly made their home comfortable - but he was learning that part of a man's role was to look after the women in his life, especially when they were carrying. Alaricus cast about and surreptitiously retrieved his wooden sword whilst the adults were talking, before returning to his own seat next to his father and listening with interest. Decimus was going to be working with Marcus, Barbara's husband, and anything military immediately had Alaricus's full attention. @Renna @Sains @Echo @Jenn @Indy @Gothic
  20. Alaricus pouted at the look Barbara gave him, knowing that it meant she wasn't going to lay the blame for the chair on some stray breeze or mischievious spirit if asked. She'd been his mother figure for his earliest years, which didn't make her the best co-conspiritor; now she had a husband and a baby to look after of her own. But any resentment immediately fled from his thoughts as their father entered, carrying the girl Imperia, who was only a year younger than him, and accompanied by Seia, who had become a regular feature in their family's life. The young boy immediately sprang to what he obviously thought was attention, and held the wooden sword behind his back, as though that might fool the adults. That didn't stop him from blushing scarlet as Seia righted the chair he'd knocked over. He hadn't meant to, it had just, well, been in the way. He would have sworn it hadn't been that close before. She didn't look cross though, in fact both of them were smiling, so his embarrassed expression lasted only a moment. "Salve Seia, Salve Imperia." He grinned at the little girl. @Gothic@Renna@Jenn
  21. Sarah

    Eris' Plotter

    I'd be interested to have a thread between Rutiliana and Tiberius!
  22. Sarah

    Atrice's Plotter

    I'm wondering whether we might be able to get Aeneas and Cynane to meet, if you'd be interested? Somehow...
  23. I too am relatively new to this game, but I love the friendly, welcoming community and the sense of light-hearted fun that permeates the writing. I am still puzzled as to what it is about ancient Rome that attracts so many antipodeans - myself included - but I am looking forward to weaving many stories here with everyone! Gothy, Chris and Anna have put an amazing amount of effort into building a delightful game; no surprises it's going strong after eleven years. Here's to more of the same!
  24. "Dying in a foreign land where no one will remember me." What do you hope for?
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