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Everything posted by Atrice

  1. He saw how she looked at him, when he told her that it was obvious she’d been hurt by the man Alexius was referring to. Then he tried to explain again, just how important it was to track down the sick bastard, so no one would have to fear him again. He didn’t want him to hurt Didia again or Deia for that matter. She seemed very sweet and kind and undeserving of her fate, he thought. So he came up with an idea how they might talk more safely… he could pay for her, for the night. The Elysium was not half as expensive as the Domus Venus – not that he went there either – and paying for a prostitute for the night couldn’t be that pricey either. Deianira seemed to like his idea and then she left Alexius for a moment alone. When she came back, it would seem the deal was made. Alexius gave Deianira the fee and then she was hers. He never bought a prostitute before! And this wasn’t even for pleasure, but her master must never know that. Deianira found an old cloak and together they went outside. “Preferably some place far away from here. I feel the walls have eyes and ears around this place. I don’t usually come here.” Alexius explained, thinking he’d not ask further questions about the man who cut women, before they were at some destination. Maybe he should take her home? No, people knew him, they’d call him by name. He didn’t want her to know he was Alexius, because then her master could easily track him down. His appearance, manners and name were a package and he could easily be found if you knew them. He would find another place. “How did you end up in a place like that? You seem like a sweet girl, Deianira.” Alexius asked on the way, just to make some conversation while they were walking. Maybe it would also make her feel more comfortable and she’d know he would not harm her. @Echo
  2. Didia chuckled at his idea about going back to the insula, although he only considered it to make her feel safer. But she didn’t wish to, because she had not told her mother what they were doing and they’d be questioned. Alexius nodded, “Fair enough, it’s perfectly alright. As I said… you’re this boss. I’m doing this for you.” He added, because that was the truth. He was trying to teach her how to defend herself, for her sake, without any hidden agendas. And the drink was also to attempt to calm her down. Again, it was for her. The sun was setting and she wanted to go to a place that was laid back. Alexius chuckled at the story about her brother and he nodded at her next comment, “You’re right about all of that. I’m pretty sure we can find a nice place.” Alexius said, considering if Bellona’s place was too far away, but decided it was not. They’d definitely be safe there, since he was so well-known and the owner was a freed gladiatrix too. They’d not fear a thing there. “I know a place, come. It’s not too far.” He said and motioned to follow him. Didia asked about his job hunt and he grinned again, “You mean being your savior shouldn’t be enough?” He said with a laugh, but turned more serious again, “I still just… take the jobs that are there to take. If you hear about some fancy Senator or his wife in need of a bodyguard, let me know. Else I’m sure something steady will turn up soon. I’m not so worried. As long as Lexus and I can live where we do and not starve, we’re good.” Because really, it was like that. If you could afford a roof over your head and food every day, you’d be okay. Alexius didn’t strive for luxury. He just wanted to live a good life and he thought he did. @Sara
  3. It really did sound incredible to him, that his father had managed to produce three sons and just one daughter. And the only child born to a wife was the daughter. Maybe Tertius had other kids elsewhere, also by other women? Who knew if Wulfric had more siblings somewhere? It was interesting and something to think about. But he would save such thoughts for later. For now, he decided to turn the conversation to something more relaxed and save the questions about his uncle a little bit. Aglaea smiled, claiming she did not have much to tell about herself, when he asked her. But then she shared it anyway - that she'd been a slave most of her life and she had been with the same mistress for fourteen years. That was a long time! "That young age, to be slave, when born free. But I know it happens." Poor people would even sometimes sell their children - maybe that's what happened to Aglaea? She didn't seem to miss anything right now though, perhaps other than freedom from her master, who put a child in her. He couldn't help but think about that, because Aglaea told him and he hated to think that she was pregnant against her will. And that his uncle would take the child and pretend it wasn't hers at all. He had planned to relax right now, talk about something else, but he couldn't stop himself. "Does mistress know about Secundus plan with child? To make seem hers?" Maybe he could speak to her, convince her that the child did not deserve to grow up with a cruel master, which was what he'd understood his uncle was. Secundus was family, of course, but you didn't get to choose such things. You could choose who to support though. @Echo
  4. Charis was far from the first mother he'd ever fancied, but he'd not recently really looked at a woman who was so happy and proud to be a mother. She was beaming, it was so beautiful. How could you not admire that and be attracted to that? Charis flushed so sweetly and thanked him for his compliments, then told more about her son. The name was of course Roman and then she told Alexius that her dominus freed the boy. So he would not be a slave. Alexius couldn't help but smile at her grin, "Congratulations on that too! I'm so glad to hear that... I remember when Lexus' mother told me she was having my child, we were both slaves. But then she was freed before she gave birth. So Lexus was born free." He said, looking at his son, "I couldn't be happier about that. Back then I was still a slave, after all." He added. Lexus nodded, he'd heard the story before from his mother and Alexius had probably also told it. When you were a slave, having a child that was free meant much more than anyone could imagine. "I must meet your son sometime. If he's inherited just half of your beauty, he's going to be a heartbreaker someday." Alexius added with a grin. Lexus didn't say much, but instead finished his cup of wine. Charis said this was her first time out in the evenings, it sounded like she'd never been and then she smiled at him, but looked away a moment later. What was she trying to say? Alexius honestly had no clue. Charis had yet to fall for his charms. In fact she usually slapped him when he tried to kiss her. She went on though, saying she wanted a night to remember and suggested going out to have a drink. She also invited Lexus. "Thanks, but... he should be here soon." Lexus replied with a small smile. Alexius was kind of glad to hear it, he would prefer to have Charis to himself. And not just because he liked her, but because he felt they ought to catch up somehow. There was so much he didn't know about what she'd been through. "We can go out for a drink, if that's what you want. There are a few good places near here. You know... or... I hope you know... that I want you to feel good, Charis. Anyway I know you'll let me know if you disapprove of anything I do." He winked, she knew what he meant. Lexus didn't. And Lexus didn't seem to care, as there was a knock on the door and he jumped up to open it. It would seem that his friend had finally arrived. @Sara
  5. So it was agreed, they’d try and have a joyful night together. What night though? Cynane still knew she might get in trouble tomorrow over this, maybe even tonight when she came home, way too late considering what plans she told them. But it didn’t matter. Cynane never did things like this. She was always very vigilant and alert. Letting her guard down like this was different, but Sosia was kind to her and she was easy on the eyes. Why should she not, just once, not follow orders? Sosia then of course asked if she had many nights off. “Sometimes, my domina lets me out. I don’t have the night off though…” Cynane said, “I was on my way home from the baths, when I came across the entertainment. And you.” Would Sosia turn her in for revealing this? That she did not have the night off. Hopefully she would not – in fact Cynane didn’t think Sosia would do anything, because she seemed almost nervous about Cynane even staying with her and she didn’t even know whom Cynane served. The other woman then spoke of how it must be like, to be a bodyguard and wondered if Cynane used her skills. “I haven’t had to use them much, no… luckily! But we were once attacked, when we were out riding outside of Rome. I definitely got to use my skills there.” She added with a smile, “And my domina left unharmed too, so all was well, at least regarding that.” That they’d been attacked in the first place was bad though, and that the fight had been so rough and the princess’ life in danger. That was not good. But Cynane was still here at least. She didn’t dare giving away too many details though, she knew the imperials wanted to keep it as quiet about the attack as possible. And Cynane would not break Claudia’s trust. @Sara
  6. How could he state anything else, but her being the mother of his son? He had no wife and no one else but Charis would take care of his son, at least while the boy was still small. He imagined that once he'd learned to walk and talk and understand things, it might be different, but a baby and a toddler should just be what they were. And their mother should care for them, like Charis would do it now. And how could his son be comfortable if she was not? She listened quietly while he spoke, telling her all that and that she could take breaks if Peregrinus required it. Sweet Charis thanked him and then went on wondering when she could work in the gardens again. "If you wish to do your job in the gardens, that's fine. But while he's so young, Peregrinus should be your highest priority. I don't want to see him unattended and unhappy. He is my son and it is your responsibility to make sure he is satisfied, at least at this age." It was good to know though, that Charis wanted to be helpful, even while she was taking care of their child. She really had come back and changed into someone he felt he could work together with, after her breakdown in the spring and now after the childbirth too. This was not the same disobedient Charis that he took to bed, to prove he could control her and she had no power over him. This was someone he could... admire and enjoy spending time with. He picked up a few grapes to eat while thinking about all that, and watching her, nursing his son. This was so peaceful. "We should do this more often." Tertius said with a small smile, almost in his own thoughts though. He looked at her. He was still her master, but... "What do you think?" @Sara
  7. Manius still didn't know if he felt he could prosper in this life anymore. Aglaea was not so easy to break though, she said that she did not believe God - her god - had abandoned him and her god wanted him to have a good life to honor Him. That him being her god. But how could he do that, when he didn't know if her god was the real god? Should he give it a try? His own gods had never paid attention. Would her god do that? He listened to her when she agreed she was lucky and she thought he could find comfort someday. She didn't want him to apologize. "I hope you are right, Aglaea... I do want to believe it. But I just don't know..." He trailed off, still feeling bad about talking to her at all, since everyone he befriended or cared about either disappeared or perished or eventually just turned their backs to him. As if he wasn't good enough for anyone. He ought to excuse himself and leave her be, but he wasn't sure how, since she had been so kind to him. It would be wrong if he was the one to tell her to go - or that he had to go. What good would that do her, or him? He didn't want to hurt her feelings. He didn't want any harm to come to her. Hopefully her god, if he was so good, would help with that too. @Echo
  8. Marcus was a pleb indeed – but one of the wealthier ones, although not the wealthiest. Yet. Still, his access to luxury had improved since he came to Rome, because he was the kind of man who strived for perfection, and if it was not achieved… he’d just work harder next time. That was just one more reason why he demanded so much from his slaves. Anything less than perfection was simply not good enough for him. Tonight, he was also looking for perfection. But among the people in the streets… and what they contained. He had chosen this fancy looking Senator to talk to, to offer him a game of chance. He didn’t now yet if he’d want to see this man’s blood or someone else’s, it entirely depended on the Senator, although Marcus had already kind of prejudged him. He greeted the other man nonetheless and the man greeted him back and invited him to sit. Marcus took a seat, while the other wondered what sort of company Marcus offered and Marcus could not help but wrinkle his nose briefly at the Senator’s next comment. As if he was some kind of simple whore! Did he look like one? Not likely! Although… maybe he was plying his trade. Just not what the Senator assumed. “Maybe I am, who knows. Although I know what you’re thinking and you’re wrong.” Marcus said, “I’m a barber you see… not that you look like you need a shave, but maybe another day.” He added and lifted his chin a bit, looking at the Senator as if studying him intently, “But no… you seemed bored and I saw you were gambling. Do you like to gamble… Senator?” @Sara
  9. How could he not be concerned about a nice and pretty woman such as Didia? And one who had just too recently experienced something very bad. That man was sick, Alexius already knew that. And he’d try to find him and there was no knowing what he’d do, if he did find the sick bastard. You should not treat women like that! Or anyone for that matter. Didia commented with a smile how concerned he was and that maybe a drink would be better indeed. She also didn’t want to maim him worse. “Yeah we don’t want that. I prefer fights that are fair in some way.” He said, but with a grin, as if she was better than him, but she kind of was, because he had just pretended to attack her and see how bad that went for him. What would happen if it was real? Didia sure was strong when she was afraid. Maybe that was a good thing. She suggested they tried this again next week when she felt better and felt safer too – although she felt safe with him, which was nice to hear. Alexius nodded and before he could say more, she continued to compliment him in a way he’d rarely heard before. “You’re too kind, Didia. I only do what I feel is right. I don’t like bastards treating others like they are trash. I’ve been there. And… no, nevermind…” He trailed off, he was thinking about his sister. What if it was her, treated so badly? He would want someone to look out for her. Maybe it was for her he did it. But Didia didn’t know all that about him yet. She thought she knew him but she’d barely begun… Didia interrupted his thoughts, wondering where to go for a drink. “Just one, you’re the boss.” Alexius winked at her, it was up to her how many she drank, he wasn’t one to force someone into drinking, “There are many great places, but we probably want something local and laid back... unless we should go to mine or your insula for a drink. Would you feel safer there?” It was all about how she felt. He didn’t want her to feel afraid. @Sara
  10. It wasn’t that he had wanted her to feel like a slave – in fact he almost wanted to take his suggestion about them switching roles after he said it, but then it was said and he didn’t. Charis pointed out too that she was not his slave and Alexius nodded, “You’re right. Let’s just… be people, then.” He said and Charis had come further inside, speaking to Lexus, who replied to her questions and asked his own. Alexius thought his son was being a bit rude to their guest, but Charis didn’t seem to mind and explained how long they’d known each other and how. Alexius smiled at her story, not that the memory of Helios though. But he liked hearing that he’d helped her out and that they ran into each other when she needed it. Which reminded him of last time they met, had she really needed him then? She’d been… right, pregnant! And acting strange. Differently than now, actually. What had happened? “I do like to help people. Isn’t that right Lexus?” Alexius said with a grin to his son and Lexus looked at him. “I suppose.” Lexus replied, mostly hoping that his friend would show up soon because he preferred to not be at home when his father had company – it didn’t matter if they were male or female, he knew what might happen. Unless it was Didia, but she was something else. Somehow, she could do what not many other people who visited his father could do. She could resist his jokes and very obvious flirtation. Was she a goddess of sorts, perhaps? While he was thinking, his father and Charis were talking. Alexius wondered for how long Charis was out for and she explained she had to be home by dawn and also for her son. So she was pregnant, he remembered right! Charis explained she had a son and smiled so beautifully. She was proud of her son. And happy too? Maybe her master was kinder now she gave him a son. But he didn’t want to think about her master now. “Congratulations Charis! A boy… a son! He’s lucky to have you as his mother.” Alexius said with a smile and touched her cup with his and drank some, toasting to her son, “Is it the first time you’re out then? We must make it a night to remember then.” He could easily come up with an idea or two how to do that, but Charis confused him and he didn't quite know what she wanted. Maybe she'd just come here to spend time with a friend. Who knew with her? @Sara
  11. Teutus pointed out that Alexius might not like nobles if he was related to one, said that they never kept promises. He must have had a hard time with his father, Alexius thought. He could imagine it must have been tough, being born as a slave to a Senator and not freed until you were an adult. It must be weird too. At least Alexius was born free and he’d strived for that ever since he was enslaved – and he gained the freedom too. “I’ll remember your advice.” Alexius just replied. He didn’t believe any promise spoken by a drunk and if people of the Senatorial class promised him anything while not drunk, it was mostly cash earned for hard work or other benefits he didn’t mind having. But he didn’t think too deeply about it, instead suggested they found something more amusing to do and offered Teutus a place to sleep in his own insula, if he needed it. Alexius let out a little laugh when Teutus didn’t want to be a bother. “Trust me, you won’t be. I have people sleeping over at my place all the time.” It wasn’t a lie. Just most of them slept in his bed. But Teutus could have the couch if he was way too drunk or just didn’t want Alexius’ bed. Which was hard to imagine, but sometimes people surprised him! And he didn’t know Teutus that well yet. He didn’t even know if he liked men like that. Meanwhile Teutus would know what was more amusing than getting drunk. “Oh I can think of a lot of things.” Alexius said with another grin, “There are plenty of ways to distract yourself. We could go watch a game, like we talked about. Sharing a bit of pleasure is rather… entertaining too.” He added with a wink, “Else just simple people watching can be fun too. I like to watch people. And meet people. I know people all over Rome.” It seemed Teutus needed a lesson in how to have fun. Well he’d found the perfect teacher – or at least Alexius thought he had. @Sharpie
  12. She thanked him kindly for his compliment about her name. It was a very foreign name to him, but beautiful nonetheless and now he knew how to pronounce it, he could feel how it almost floated across the tongue. It suited her well; he didn't know what it meant, but it was very pretty indeed. He wasted little time though, asking about his father and Aglaea had explained about his two siblings. A son he had by a slave, but who was now free and then a daughter born legitimately. Which had to mean he had a wife. Aglaea then revealed he had a third sibling here... since his father recently had another child, also by a son. Wulfric couldn't hide the odd surprised look on his face. So two sons he had with slaves. One son born beyond the Rhine. And then one child born within marriage, but it was a girl. What in the name of the gods had his father been doing? Aglaea said more though - his father was not married right now and he didn't want another wife. Wulfric nodded, thoughtful now. "So three siblings. But no sons with wife." He repeated, mostly to himself. What did it mean? Did that mean he could claim to be his father's heir too? Heir to the Varus name? At least he was not born to a slave like the other two. It was kind of messed up even without adding Wulfric to it all. "Thank you, Aglaea. It all good to know." Wulfric said and decided he'd mull more over all this when he was alone. He wondered what else Aglaea could tell him about his father, that would be useful, but his father was not her master. Pity that she had a master at all and that he had made her with child. Was that a common thing in the family? Having kids with slaves? "I have lot to think about." He then told her, but gave a smile, "I will think later. Now I am with you. Tell me... about you? I am interested in knowing you." And he was. So much he would even try and save her from the life she led right now... if he could. @Echo
  13. Wulfric was glad that he managed to say her name right - he really needed to learn everything here in Rome, with their strange names and ways to act. Their odd etiquette, it was so different from Germania and his own tribe. Not that he hadn't known Romans before, there were settlements, but being in Rome and being the foreigner was something else. He informed Aglaea that she spoke his name right and since she told him a bit about her name, he also shared a bit about his. And he couldn't help but feel a bit... oddly shy? When she said that he was aptly named. She was very kind, "Thank you. Aglaea pretty name too." He replied with a smile, and then he went on to ask about his family. She told him that his father had a legitimately born daughter called Antonia and a son born by a slave, who was free now. And his name was Teutus. Wulfric arched a brow, he recognized a part of the name the Romans had given the area, in which they were defeated by the German tribes, the Chatti being one of them. And it was Wulfric's ancestor who was defeated, was it not? Since his father also bore the name Varus, just like the general back then. Right, back to business. "So I have two siblings. Good to know. He has wife now? I hope she kind." Since Aglaea mentioned a legitimate daughter, there might be a wife too. He had to be prepared for that. @Echo
  14. A night like tonight was perfect for Marcus. It was Saturnalia and it was supposed to be a joyful night, but it hadn’t been that much for his slaves. He knew that if he allowed them too much freedom and allowed them to go out, they might try and escape. They might never come back. Or they would tell someone about him, they would tell the wrong person about him and they would tell the wrong things. He could not risk that. So the night at home had been like any other. Aculia had cooked, Marcus had eaten his meal and the slaves ate theirs and then he’d made himself ready to go out and left the slaves at home. Behind closed and locked doors. They were not going anywhere. He could not risk them going out on a night like tonight. And the streets were packed with people, as usual. People running mad and wild. It was both fascinating and disgusting at the same time. Marcus sometimes found his eyes lingering at people, but then he moved on. It would be easy, tonight. He just had to find the right… target. With him he had simply a small bag with precious items, like a purse and a small knife and a larger one. He was a simple man like that, he didn’t need much. Just enough. In a corner of one of the several forums, known together as the Roman Forum, there were a few tables for gamblers, since that was allowed for Saturnalia. Not that Marcus cared for games. Not those kind of games. A pair of men were playing in a corner and one lost, the other won. The loser made sure to show his anger, before he stormed off and Marcus looked after him. He could have been useful, but he was already gone. Then he looked at the other man. He was dressed finely and did not seem to belong among these common people. But he just sat there now, smirking, ordering the slaves around, drinking his wine... seeming so pleased with himself. He was a Senator though, he had that going for him. But to Marcus, he seemed arrogant. A plan began forming in his head. The man was a gambler. Among common people. Perhaps he liked games a lot. Perhaps Marcus could come up with a very interesting game for him. He smiled briefly and then he approached the game, “Salve, esteemed Senator… you seem… bored? Do you want company?” Marcus spoke in his usual voice, a strange hissing one, not quite a whisper, but there was a urgency to it you could not miss. @Sara
  15. Sosia’s warm smile was worth it – Cynane would stay and have a drink or many more, like she’d never done before. She was being a terrible slave right now. But just one night of having fun, it could not hurt anyone, right? She hoped Claudia would understand. Sosia said Cynane did not have to stay if she didn’t want to, but she just gave the other woman a smile, “I want to stay.” Cynane informed her and then she’d called a slave over to refill their cups. Sosia asked for a drink too of course, while Cynane gave the young man a coin for himself. She had plenty and she had never dared to discuss buying her freedom with Claudia. She didn’t know if her young mistress would allow it. Hopefully one day, she would just free Cynane. One day… Sosia brought her back to the present, saying Cynane did not have to pay and then went on about how she never enjoyed herself like this, not since she came to Rome. Cynane looked at her, felt a bit sorry for Sosia. “That’s their problem, not yours. You’re good company.” She said with a smile, “I don’t remember when I last enjoyed a night like this either. You don’t get a lot of those when you work as a slave in the palace.” She sighed, but then shook her head, “Let’s make the most of it then. A toast to a joyful night?” She said and raised her cup, hoping Sosia would join her. @Sara
  16. Teutus was a freedman with a nobleman for a father, but he hated them, it seemed. Maybe he was better off with his own kind… freedmen and former slaves, like Alexius. He patted Teutus on the shoulder, when the other said he was sick of the nobles, “Sometimes I am too.” Although not all times. When they fell for his charms or paid him for his work, he didn’t hate them. But other times he remembered former patrons and former nobles who wanted a little fun with a gladiator and then he was not so fond of them. Silence fell a bit and then Teutus emptied his current wine and said something about not talking to any of them ever again. Alexius arched a brow, looking at the upset and disappointed Teutus who could not find more wine in the jug he bought. “Your father and the slavegirl, you mean?” He asked, “Don’t think about them now. Finish that… and then we’ll go and find something more amusing to do. And you can sleep at my place, if you’d like.” Depending on how drunk Teutus got from here on and the rest of the day and evening, Alexius had two choices. He did have a couch in his humble home – Teutus could sleep it all off there, if he needed. Else there was Alexius’ bed, of course. If he needed comfort. Anything to help out a fellow freedman, right? @Sharpie
  17. Alexius was glad that Didia managed to joke even in this odd and awkward situation – he chuckled at her idea about writing apology letters to Rome, “Hopefully it won’t come to that.” He replied, almost adding that she should apologize to him for not wanting to enjoy said little guy’s company, but this was not the right situation for such a joke. He still felt bad about making her feel so bad, that she lashed out the way she did. It helped getting her pretending attacker away from her, but he knew she didn’t mean to punch him there. It wasn’t part of what they planned. Still, it was not her fault, it was all in his court and he felt bad. He could hurt people, sure, but that was to protect others and not to just… make people feel awful. It really was not what he did. Didia said she knew and then tried to explain herself further. She seemed so insecure. This really was not like her at all. “I don’t get kicked in the balls every day, but sure.” He replied with a grin and got on his feet too, stretching his back the best he could, “And Didia, you are not pathetic. It is not your fault. You have to stop saying such things. It isn’t you.” Alexius then said, “I don’t know if it’s a good idea to continue though. Besides, you got your attacker off, now. If that nutcase ever comes after you again, just kick his balls. That’ll work. Why don’t I buy you a drink instead, to calm your nerves?” @Sara
  18. Alexius was more than happy to let Charis into his humble home, although he was still a bit surprised to see her. Had it been half a year again, since he last met her? And last time she was so… different, from the woman entering his home now. He closed the door behind her though and she joked about him not having plans on Saturnalia. “The closest thing I have to a plan is going out and getting drunk. Something usually happens while I do that.” He said with a smile, “Besides, I have no slaves to switch places with… although… now you’re here…” He looked at Charis with a grin, she was a slave, was she not? Oh he’d be more than happy to have her tell him what to do for and to her. It was a very interesting thought, actually. If she would. If that’s why she was here. But he didn’t know – what he did know was to be careful with Charis, because she had a temper and she could turn on him when he least expected it. She was pretty, she was funny and good to talk to. But she shouldn’t be messed with. Meanwhile Charis spoke to Lexus, while Alexius went to find a cup for her. “I’m going out with a friend.” Lexus replied to her, “Good to meet you too, I guess. Charis, was it? Have you known my father for long?” Lexus himself had barely known his father for more than a year. Well a little more than a year. And that wasn’t very long, considering he was 16 years old now. But Alexius was all he had. Charis also told them both she hadn’t been out of the house much and said Alexius had been very kind to her, when she’d seen him. She explained how she and Alexius met and then Alexius finally handed her a cup of wine. “Have a seat, while you tell all about how kind I’ve been to you.” Alexius said with a grin, gesturing at the seats by the table, “You’re out all night then, or what? Your master just let you?” It was Saturnalia, of course, but her master sounded a bit strange sometimes. And last time he met her she barely dared to talk to him. So what had changed? @Sara
  19. Tertius chuckled too, when she laughed, it was contagious. But things turned serious again when he told her that he wanted things to be done right this time. Charis looked up at him, their eyes met for a brief moment there while she thanked him. Tertius nodded, it was for Peregrinus’ sake though, but he was certain she understood that. Meanwhile the little boy in her arms, by her breast, just lay there suckling quietly and everything seemed so oddly… peaceful. He watched her stroke Peregrinus’ head, she loved her son, didn’t she? Although it was not only her son. It was his son too. He hoped she understood that. Silence fell briefly, before he also told her hoped they could work together to make Peregrinus’ life a happy one. Charis nodded, replying she’d like that and she thanked him for trusting her and trusting her to take care of her son. He had threatened with taking Peregrinus from her, in case she did not pull herself together during her breakdown. But she had done that. She had risen again, she had become someone he could talk to once more. Even spend peaceful time with, together with their son. Charis then thanked him for allowing her more freedom too and then she said he was generous, but there was a hint of a smile there. “Am I? Maybe I am…” He replied with a little smile, but then fell more serious again, “If you’re to take care of him – and you are – then I want you to be comfortable. If his mother is not, then how can he be? And I want him to be comfortable and happy.” Tertius added, “Know that while he is small and requires your attention… you can take breaks when you need to, for him. And if you need anything for him, just let me know.” Anything for this son of his, the first son he had who was not born to be a slave. Not after he announced Peregrinus’ freedom anyway. His son was free, would grow up as a free Roman and have the same rights as everyone else. This was good. @Sara
  20. Charis seemed very focused on their son, as soon as she got him back into her arms. It seemed very natural to her, motherhood… the way she handled Peregrinus, smiling at him, bringing him closer to her body because he needed that. He was hungry. Tertius wondered if she wanted privacy, he could not order her to stay and be watched, if she didn’t want to. Not in this situation. Not with their son present. He didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable. So he just had to ask. It took a few moments before she looked at him, seeming surprised about the question, but he smiled and she said nothing. Tertius assumed that meant she did not want him to leave, or else she would have said so, right? Tertius picked up his wine, oddly fascinated by the sight. Not that he had never seen women nurse their children like that before, but it was something else with Charis and their son. He saw how she gasped and winced when the boy latched on, but after that, it seemed more peaceful and she even smiled at Tertius… while speaking of how she thought it would be easier and she had always wanted to be a mother. “I’m sure it will come to you. You… make it seem very natural to you.” Tertius replied, thinking about her words. She said she always wanted to be a mother, yet she tried to kill herself and the baby many months ago. Hopefully she had moved on, truly. Hopefully it was not a ruse. It didn’t seem to be though… “I’m sure you will be a very good mother. I will do things better this time. I want it to be done right.” Better and more right than with Teutus, he hoped she understood that’s what he meant. Tertius was no 18 year-old anymore, who had accidentally made a slavegirl of the house pregnant. Not that this was planned, but he’d decided to welcome it anyway, “I want Peregrinus to be a happy child and I hope we can agree to both try and achieve that, together.” @Sara
  21. Alexius could honestly not remember if he had ever told Charis that he had a son. They’d met a few times, maybe more, but the circumstances were almost always random and he mostly remembered her in their conversation. And his own stupidity a few times, of course. He hadn’t expected to really see her again, after last time he met her. It was in the summer, she was pregnant with her master’s son and she would barely speak to him. Now he thought he heard a familiar voice outside his door, as Lexus opened it. Alexius stood while they talked, because it was obviously not Lexus’ friend here to pick him up. “I guessed as much. He’s right here.” Lexus said, sounding maybe a tad bit disappointed, maybe because it was not his friend or because people were always coming to see his father. Alexius came over to the door though, surprised to see Charis there, as pretty as ever in his eyes. Her long hair was done up very prettily and she seemed a bit nervous. “It has been a while, definitely.” Alexius said, while Lexus went to sit by the table again. Wait, how did she find him here? Last time she came to visit him, he was still Oriana’s bodyguard. And that was a long time ago now, or it felt like it was. Not that he was not pleased to see Charis, but he was surprised! There was an odd silence that Charis broke. She suggested to go and see him another time. “Oh you’re not intruding! Lexus… did I ever tell you about him? He’s just waiting for a friend to pick him up, they’re going out for the festivities. I don’t have plans. Or, I didn’t…” He added, smiling again, “Please come inside. Lexus, this is my friend, Charis. Lexus is my son...” Alexius stepped aside so she could enter his humble home, thinking he could tell more about Lexus once the boy had left, “Do you want anything? Wine, food… anything else?” Oh he could not help it, could he? Although he’d not forgotten last time they met. It was like she was changed, again. Would he ever figure her out? @Sara
  22. Alexius words were not really well-rehearsed or planned, they were spontaneous, but there was a very good chance Artemon was not the first to hear them. He was an interesting young guy, Alexius thought to himself. A bit insecure in a way, but in a sweet way and he just bet Artemon was not as insecure when it came to pleasure. Alexius was probably even more confident though. Maybe that’s what Artemon needed – someone to put their trust in him, so that he could show what he could do. Alexius would gladly do that for him. Artemon had worried about Alexius’ son though, but he promised it wouldn’t be new to Lexus and suggested that if Artemon really wanted to be alone, they could always go to his place. As long as it did not take too long… he grinned when Artemon said he was getting restless and they’d skip straight to dessert, “I guess we can.” Alexius agreed and followed Artemon as he stood, letting the pull get him close to Artemon’s body, while the other wanted to know which one was Alexius’ bed. “You guessed right.” Alexius said while he was being dragged towards his own bed. Once on the other side of the curtain, he took a moment to make sure it was giving them the needed privacy and then he turned to Artemon, “Just let me know what you like… and maybe we can teach each other. Right now though…” He pulled Artemon close to him, initiating a kiss. Warm and lovely lips met his own and he closed his eyes, just letting the feeling of it take over. Just like he’d do for the rest of this time spent together with Artemon. Alexius was sure to not be disappointed, he rarely was, when it came to pleasure. Hopefully, Artemon would like it well enough too and maybe sometime, he’d be back for another round. @Liv THE END (AND ALEXIUS SAYS IT WAS A VERY NICE END)
  23. Alexius hated that the man who hurt Didia had also hurt the lovely Deianira here. It was not fair to any of those girls and he knew it was not their fault. All he could do now was attempt to stop it... find the culprit who hurt them and beat him up. Maybe he'd even go as far as to dispose of the man if he found him. Alexius very rarely felt a desire to kill anyone. He'd done it in the arena, but back then, it was either kill or be killed. It had not been something he really wanted to do, it was something he had to do. This was different. Such a man did not deserve to live! He came over to sit nearer to Deianira, hoping that might make her open up to him and she nodded, agreeing that he could sit. Alexius then sat, promising he'd keep her secrets and he wanted to know if Deianira was really hurt by the same man, who hurt his friend. Even when the wound and scar healed on Didia, she'd be scarred inside. This was the least he could do for her. Deianira said then that her master was paid well to keep secrets, and if he found out she told Alexius anything. He saw her shiver. "I'm sorry too. And I'm sorry that he hurt you... it's obvious that he did." Alexius said. He felt he had to be more direct though, or Deianira would never say anything. She was too afraid. If only he could take her away from here, but he could not. Or could he? What was her price? "Deianira, I don't like this, but I must be forwards with you... if I can find him, I can... do something. Trust me, I'm a former gladiator and I stay in shape. I'm not afraid of him. And I don't want you to be. If you won't tell me anything, there is a good chance that he will hurt you again. And he'll hurt others. And he'll keep on doing it. You don't want that, do you?" He kept watching her to see her reaction, "What if I pay for you, for the night? Could I take you away from here, to somewhere more safe, where we could talk?" @Echo
  24. Saturnalia had always been one of Alexius’ favorite festivals – but then, he had a lot of favorite festivals, actually more or less all of them, since they very often included a lot of drinking and sleeping around and those were some of Alexius’ favorite things to do. Saturnalia lasted for days and nights and he got back home late last night, so it was good with a long sleep the next morning. Then he went to the baths to freshen up and then back home to find out what Lexus would be up to, tonight. They agreed to have a drink and a meal together, before they’d do each their thing. Lexus had his friends to see and apparently one was going to pick him tonight, which Alexius kind of looked forwards to, because he didn’t really know his son’s friends. Alexius had… friends everywhere. He’d find someone when he walked out the door and there was no knowing where he’d end up sleeping. They had just finished eating when there was a knock on the door. Lexus jumped up, expecting it to be his friend, “How do I look?” He asked his father and Alexius grinned. His son was dressed more or less like usual, but Alexius had helped comb Lexus’ hair and he looked mighty handsome. Almost like a like young version of himself. Lexus then opened the door with a bright smile on his face, only to find an unknown woman on the doorstep. Short and quite beautiful with her braids and sweet face - although she looked a little bit tired. But he didn’t know her. Yet it was only for a second he was confused, because it was easy to figure out why she was here. Good thing he was going out, he thought to himself. “Uhm… salve. Are you uhm… here to see my father?” Lexus said with a shy smile and looked over his shoulder at Alexius, who hadn’t said he was expecting anyone. Alexius arched a brow and stood to find out who their guest was. @Sara
  25. She had definitely not killed him - if you were dead, you could not feel such insane pain as he did! It did wear off a bit, but when they spoke again, he was still not doing too great. He wanted to kick something. Or someone. Not Didia of course, he knew she didn't mean it, she panicked, but it still hurt like fucking Hades! Meanwhile she sat there, with teary eyes and he wanted to comfort her... but how could you comfort anyone, when you felt like this? Still he tried to show it at least, asking how she was doing and pointed out that at least her actions got her attacker off of her. Didia said she was fine, but she didn't look fine. She apologized again and said he should not be sorry, because it was his fault. Alexius shook his head, how was this her fault? Was it her fault she was attacked and was now suffering within because of it? And that's why she lashed out at Alexius? In his world, it was not her fault! "Not crippled, I'll be ok... I hope this guy will too..." He nodded downwards, she knew what he meant. He still held a hand over his crotch as they spoke, odd how you felt so protective once it was hurt! Didia suggested they tried again, said she did want to learn, but not like they just did. "Listen, Didia... it is not your fault that you lashed out. It's that sick asshole's fault!" He added and sighed, ran his free hand through his hair as he had a tendency to do, when he needed to relax, "Are you sure you're ready to try again? I don't want to make you feel... like that. That's not what I do..." @Sara
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