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Everything posted by Atrice

  1. He waited as patiently as possible for Teutus to show up. This was an important conversation to have, he thought. And it should be before the ceremony with the newborn son. Gods he wanted to see the boy, but tradition was tradition and he’d just have to wait. Meanwhile he could focus on the son he’d known most of his life, but only recently did something good for. Something that should have been done years ago. And what now? What if tradition was unable to change and he wouldn’t ever be able to claim Teutus as his rightful son and heir? He had an idea for what to do, if that was the case, but he’d first have to see if Teutus would agree to it. At last the oldest of his now two sons appeared. Teutus tried to sound neutral, but to Tertius, he seemed tense too. “I did.” Tertius said, “Care for a glass of wine?” He then asked and poured a small cup for himself, because honestly, he could actually use one to calm himself too, “So… how did you sleep last night?” Actually the last two nights, it had taken several days from that night he found Charis in the garden and until she finally last night gave birth. He hoped she was alright. But for now, he needed to focus on Teutus. @Sharpie
  2. It was interesting getting to know Artemon, who seemed to long for someone to hold onto, although Alexius still had to figure out how to tell the young man, that Lucilla was not the girl he ought to pursue. It would never end well. Someone would end up getting hurt and it most likely would not be Lucilla’s heart that was broken. He smiled when Artemon spoke of presents and wondered why you should not sell things to women, “They do like presents, sometimes. But don’t offer them things. Give them things. And it must be something they want, although not necessarily something they need. Something special and something for themselves.” Alexius replied. It was so much easier to tell these things to Artemon than to his own son, he then thought. Lexus was not easy to talk to about women, because uh, he wasn’t like Alexius. He was still a guy who liked a girl though. And Alexius knew many useful things. Not that he claimed to know everything about women – what man could? Then women wouldn’t be such a wonderful mystery to explore… Alexius had then spoken about how not everything was about looks or size, although it did matter, sometimes. For Artemon though, he thought he’d need to say something else, since the guy had such poor ideas about himself. Artemon kept complaining, saying he was not rich and had a less than glamorous job. He wondered what to change and how to act. Alexius felt a bit sorry for him, think to have such low thoughts of yourself. What was it with the people in this insula lately? Theo was also as nice and gentle as a duckling and Didia recently named herself an idiot too. There were a lot of things for Alexius to fix, it seemed! Good thing he was here! “I doubt it’s your job or your lack of coin. I’m not wealthy either.” He said with a wink to the younger man, “And I don’t know what you should change or if you should even change anything. I don’t know you so well yet.” Alexius said and smiled, “But that, of course… is something we can do something about. I was just on my way down to get some food, do you want to join me?” @Liv
  3. He was quite certain it was obvious he was a foreigner. He did not wear the same clothes at the Romans and his broken, accented Latin was also a giveaway. This man here, he definitely looked Roman to Wulfric, but then everyone who were not from the North as himself, looked Roman. The welcoming stranger grinned and said he knew a taverna and actually several. All of the taverns in the city? They had many? Of course, such a huge city catered to so many people. There had to be taverns. Places where you'd buy your drinks. It wasn't like back at home at all, you might trade, but not so much with little pieces of silver or other metals. You'd trade goods. Someone had something you needed and you had something they needed. So you'd trade like that. No one could eat coins, sadly. But here in Rome, they seemed important. Wulfric would have to find a way to get some. Wulfric tried to pay attention to the stranger, who knew places with good wine and beds and company. And then he would know what brought Wulfric here. "I guess family. I have family here... somewhere..." He gestured around him with a hand, as if to say they could be anywhere in Rome, with it being so vast and filled with people, "I don't have much... coin, that is used for trade. For buying. So maybe not taverna that is... need... much coin?" What he was trying to say was that he could not afford some expensive place, but he'd figure it out. And eventually he'd find his father and maybe he could help too. @Chevi
  4. Of course he was sweet, but he was also honest. She mentioned again what an idiot she’d been, to follow that man. That part was true though and now she learned her lesson the hard way. Alexius still couldn’t quite wrap his mind around the idea of someone just wanting to cut and do nothing else to a woman… if you were such a beast anyway, why not go all the way? It just made it even more sick, to him. That man was an idiot too! Alexius caressed her hand gently with his fingers and tried to focus on what they did know about the man, should he make an attempt to find him. What made her think he was a Senator, for example? Not that Alexius had ever been an investigator, but he could try, for her sake. She leaned back into the chair and it creaked. Alexius glanced mostly towards his own curtains and thought he heard someone shift and his bed creak too. Didia went on though, explaining how the man had not been dressed very finely, but it didn’t sound like he was poor either. And then she mentioned a bag with a glass vial… and apparently that’s how it all went wrong. But he had put a knife to her throat first? And then she did the same? Alexius was surprised, that she carried a knife, but thought her clever for it too. At least she had something to defend herself with. Not that it had worked in her favor this time, but at least she tried. She paused after that, as if she wasn’t sure what he’d think. Alexius would definitely not report her, he admired her idea, so his answer to that was quite easy… “Do let me know if you want lessons in how to use the knife properly… for anything but cutting food.” Didia explained further about the vial again, that it had contained a lemon scented oil that had been expensive. She didn’t know what it was for though, but Alexius had an idea. Especially when she went on about the man having a shop. So he carried a knife and a bag with a lemon scented expensive oil, among other things. And he had a shop. There were a few useful pieces of knowledge here, he thought. Could be very useful. Didia had also told the man she ran a stall though, which wasn’t so good. “It has, actually… it’s narrowed down the field, at least. Did he look like a thermae worker? No… I don’t think he’d be. Those are slaves and they would not carry around expensive oils at night like that. Or have access to knives like that.” Alexius said thoughtfully and downed some more wine while he kept thinking, scratching his chin as he did it. There was a bit of a stubble there, which was actually helpful, “Perhaps he is a professional masseuse or… a barber, perhaps?” @Sara
  5. 23rd of August, 75 AD He barely had any sleep last night, after Jocasta came to tell him that he had a new son. Tertius had gone to sleep in the chamber that had been set up for him, the day after Charis suddenly went into labor. He had to sleep somewhere, although it definitely was not the same as his own bed. Hector had done everything he could to make Tertius feel comfortable and he also tried during this particular night, but for some reason, Tertius was just not really in the mood for sex. Finally Hector fell asleep and Tertius turned many times, thinking about freedom, adoption, ceremonies and sons. He’d have to speak to Teutus about the matter. No doubt his oldest son was worried about his rank in the family now that Tertius would be a father, a real father, to his newborn son. No doubt Teutus was also aware that the child had been born now, so perhaps he could guess why Tertius sent for him. Tertius would have to make sure Teutus understood it all, what had happened and what was going to happen. He'd have to make sure Teutus understood his own rank and Tertius' plans - because he honestly wasn't sure if Teutus did understand at all, why it was taking so long and why it wasn't as easy with him as Tertius had hoped. He’d also tell his plans for the new son so far. No one else knew about the plans, not even Charis. And no one else would know until the ceremony, no one but Teutus anyway. He could not just discuss it right away though, he was a Praetor and Senator and had to do some honest work first. But after the morning turned into afternoon and the warm part of the day began, Tertius headed home and sent a slave to find Teutus, so they could meet in the tablinum. Here he sat now, on the edge of the table, just like last night, when Jocasta came to dryly announce the birth of his new son. Hopefully Teutus' mood would be at least a little better. @Sharpie
  6. It was like the world stopped for a moment, everything was silent... before there was the sound of a wail, clearly from a newborn baby. He’d heard that before. So the child was born. Tertius tried to continue working, but it was getting late and dark and with a newborn child in the house, there was no way he could focus now. So he closed the tablet and put away the pen and rolled up the pieces of parchment he’d been sitting with. Just as he stood from the table, there was a knock on the doorframe and one of the female slaves, Jocasta, appeared. “The child is born, Domine.” Jocasta said and Tertius moved around the table and sat down on the edge of it, silent a moment, while he watched her. Had she been present? He didn’t think so. She and Charis were never close friends and she had not even helped Charis during the earthquake. Actually he was not very impressed with Jocasta. Charis however… “How are they? The child… and Charis?” Tertius then asked, hoping both were alright and that he’d not lose Charis the same way he lost his wife. That would be too much. “I think they are both fine, Domine.” She replied. Tertius wanted to go to her, but he knew that the first many days, the mother and child were usually left alone and without any male visitors. It was not until 9 days after the birth, that the child would be presented to him during a small ceremony and he’d let it be known, that he acknowledged the child as his own, gave the child a name... and allowed it freedom too. What child though? Charis said she was sure it would be a son… did he dare ask? He wanted to know. He had to know. “What gender is the child? Do you know?” He asked then and Jocasta inhaled a breath. “It is a boy, Domine.” She replied. She had always liked her master, but he barely looked her way and now that Charis had a child, even a son, there was no way Tertius would take any interest in her. It was a lost cause and she didn’t like it. “Thank you. You can go. If you see Charis… tell her I’ll look forwards to seeing them both.” Tertius said and Jocasta nodded and left, as instructed. So he had another son. Which he was pleased to hear, but Teutus had not yet been adopted. It wasn’t something you usually did – freed a slave to adopt them. Usually if a slave was freed, they could be adopted by another family, but not the one they came from. Teutus was a special case though, because he should of course have been freed all those years ago, but Tertius had not been very interested in the boy as an 18 year old and his father was the one performing the ceremony… and while he named the child, he did not pick up Teutus – so the boy remained a slave. It was not something he was proud of, especially not now. And finding a loophole had proved difficult. He might have to speak to Caesar himself to have it done… which wasn’t at all easy either, getting through to the most important man in the Empire to speak with him on such a strange matter. So Teutus remained his own until Tertius got through, although at least now he was free. This new son however… would not suffer the same fate. @Sara
  7. That smile on Charis’ face, however exhausted and tired she was now… that was all that mattered, when she saw it. Charis was proud of her beautiful little boy, loving him already, even though his fate was still unknown to her. Cynane kind of wished she could just sweep them both away and back to Britannia, far away from Rome and their owners. But she could not. Instead she’d just help Charis the best she could. When she suggested rest and Charis going to the bed, Charis was not sure she could stand. Poor girl. She was so tired. Cynane sighed, although she stood up now and the midwife seemed to agree that Charis should be moved to the bed. Then Charis suddenly asked if Cynane would take the boy. She remembered what Charis had said, that she should hold him second, but one thing was to say it then and another was to hear it now that the child was born. She nodded, of course, “Yes… yes, I’ll take him.” She said, almost as if speaking through her breath and then Charis held the bundle out to her. Cynane could not remember if she ever held such a newborn child before, but she took him and held him gently, a hand under his head and then up against her body, cradling him in her arms. She could feel his warmth and there he was, looking up at her face with dark blue eyes and how could she not smile at him? It was kind of sad to know that it would never be her child, looking at her like that. Then she remembered she should follow Charis to the bed, so she did. Charis soon lay back against the pillows and cushions there, with a blanket over her and Cynane sat next to her. Charis thanked her and she smiled, “There’s no need for that. You’re my friend, Charis. I would do anything for you… and him.” She added and handed the boy carefully back to his mother, “Now rest, you two. You need it. I’ll stay here for as long as I can.” ((most newborn’s eyes are blue)) @Sara
  8. Of course he knew her, he’d been living here for months now and as he came and left at odd hours, he met people at odd hours. Including lovely Lucilla, who sometimes needed someone who’d just hold her. And who was he to deny a woman who wanted a strong man to just hold her and comfort her, when other men sometimes weren’t half as nice as considerate? He wondered naturally what Artemon was looking for… a friend, it seemed, and then Lucilla to be more than that. Alexius weighed the options, it was sweet that Artemon liked her, but it wasn’t a good idea to get involved with a girl like her. The younger guy went on about how he thought she didn’t see him and he had offered her a discount, but she didn’t want it. Alexius let out a little laugh, “That’s also a very strange way to impress her, I think. Some women do like to be bought… but others need more than just that.” Alexius said with a smile and noted how Artemon set down his amphora and looked Alexius over and then called him hot. How sweet, Alexius thought, while the youth went on about how he was not hot and couldn’t get anyone as easily as Alexius could. It seemed like this might take more than a few moments and so Alexius leaned casually against the wall next to him by the staircase, “Don’t say such things… you’re not unattractive, Artemon. Besides, you know… although I will not be forgetting your compliment anytime soon, it’s not all about looks and size…” He said and grinned at the lovely young man, only happy to deal out some advice to someone who clearly yearned for it, “It’s also about who you are though… what you do. How you act. You know? And you seem like a friendly guy, so I wouldn’t give up if I were you.” @Liv
  9. Manius might right now just be a freedman and a simple bodyguard to her - she didn't know his past or what he'd done. That he used to work for none other than the infamous Manius Rutilius Cyprianus, who was dictator while Caecina was nothing but a toddler. Manius was much more than just a simple bodyguard, he had been behind the most powerful man in Rome once... but she didn't know that. He was also an awful human being of course, for having the flaws he had. But that also meant he worked hard to satisfy his employers and he would not fail this time. And his job was to protect Caecina and with an absent father and almost as absent stepmother, he was the one who was here to look out for her. And he would. He'd protect her against any wrongdoers, including her own half-brother or what you'd call him. That boy was up to no good, he knew it. And she just stood there with a frown, naturally upset about how Manius accussed them of doing more than discussing their lessons... but he was quite sure he was right. Why else would she be so upset, if she wasn't telling the truth? Besides, he knew what he heard. She dared him to go tell what he'd heard and threatened with Manius losing his job, because they would not believe him. She claimed it was none of his business. But it was. "It is every bit my business, Caecina." Manius said, standing still, remaining calm and he even uncrossed his arms again to appear more relaxed and less threatening to her, "I have been hired to protect you - to guard you until you are married and perhaps beyond that, if your future husband will allow me. And your brother, or what you prefer to call him... he is no good for you. I can't allow him to ruin you." Manius paused, watching her carefully, "I am not here to irritate you, please understand that. I am here to guard you... help you. And I won't tell them this time, if you can promise me to be more careful too." Manius rarely spoke so many words in one round, he was usually quiet and alert and he only spoke when there was a real need to. When it mattered. And this... this mattered. He could not allow her brother to ruin her. @Echo
  10. It really wasn't fair that someone as kind and friendly and openminded as Didia was attacked by such a freak. It was true, that's what he was. A freak or a beast, Alexius thought to himself. She said the man had even seemed to enjoy cutting her and since that's all he had wanted to do with her, Alexius believed it. Because if you were a man and up to no good, and you cornered a beautiful woman and then all you'd do was cut her? Then you definitely had to get some kind of kick out of it. It was sick, really. He shook his head and downed some more wine, watching her seem so protective of herself and then she gestured to where the man had hurt her. On her throat and her chest. She explained Theo had stitched it and Alexius nodded, "He is rather good at that. He stitched me up too once." He said with a little smile, at least it was something they had in common now, although it wasn't a good thing that she had to be stitched up. It wasn't fair. Then she sighed and laid her head on the table and complained again about how much of an idiot she'd been and she didn't know the man's name. She wanted Alexius' help though, so that kind of information was useful. Before he could ask into it though, she said something more and Alexius put a hand on hers, "Don't say that, Didia. Of course you matter. To your family. To your friends. To me." Alexius said firmly, hoping such words would matter to her and that it mattered that he thought she mattered to him - because she did. How could she not? "But he won't do anything if I can help it. Let's see what we can learn." He said thoughtfully, "What makes you think he might be a Senator? Do you remember how he was dressed? Did he have anything with him but the knife?" @Sara
  11. Added Wulfric to my list of chars, please come and play with him - and the rest of my crew :D
  12. Every step of the way, Cynane would be here. She never experienced childbirth herself, but she remembered it from Britannia and also a few women in the ludus, who got unlucky and had to give birth to children conceived unwillingly. Much like Charis. Poor Charis. And she swore and cried out and barely let go of Cynane’s hand for a single moment. And she allowed Charis to do it, because honestly, Charis needed it! She didn’t have her sister here, or her mother or any other family members. But Cynane recalled their moments together, when they confessed they loved each other as if they were sisters. And she would be Charis’ sister now… and the child her niece or nephew. No matter what the Romans said. Eventually it happened. Charis was in the odd birthing chair and the midwife said she could see the child – she could see ‘him’, she said. She held onto her friend, until the child was finally released from her body and silence filled the room, while the midwife had the child and cut the string. Cynane stroked Charis’ warm and sweaty hair with her free hand, while her friend relaxed a few moments against the chair. Then there was a wail. Cynane let out a little laugh, hearing the child cry out for the first time and then the child was handed to Charis, against her chest. Cynane felt tears in her own eyes but it didn’t matter – it was a miracle, that she had just witnessed! She watched Charis with the child, her friend kissed the boy on the forehead and spoke to him in their own language. She sighed, happy for Charis, however unknown the future for the boy still was. Soon the placenta came and Charis just held the child and Cynane was crouching down next to her. Charis seemed so happy when she looked at Cynane and she nodded, “You did it, Charis. You and your son.” She said, “He is beautiful. Come, you need rest. Can you stand?” She would help Charis to the bed, with the boy in her arms and she would stay for as long as she would be allowed to, now the child was born. It was sad though, that she knew she could not stay for weeks, until it was announced whether the boy would be free or not. She wanted to be by Charis’ side when it happened, but she knew this birth was a special occasion and she’d soon need to return to Claudia. She had barely thought about Claudia while she was here, but now… for once she felt torn between her mistress and her friend. @Sara
  13. It was late in the day and Alexius thought he better go down and get something to eat for him and Lexus, once the boy returned from his job. It still annoyed him a bit that his son kept working in the house where Alexius lost his job from, but they were both smart enough to not really talk about it. Lexus could tell his father wasn’t happy with it and Alexius just let Lexus live his life then. The boy seemed very fond of the gardening, an odd to enjoy for a boy he thought, but if that’s what Lexus wanted… as long as he’d also pay attention when Alexius tried to teach him a thing or two about defending himself. He had a bit of a rest and now he was on his way down the stairs to get out. He was moving down the stairs with fast steps, thinking about what to get tonight from one of the nearby thermopolia, when he ran straight into one of the newer inhabitants of the building. Alexius stumbled and the younger guy called Artemon did the same, but managed to balance the amphora he carried. “No worries… Artemon, right?” Alexius said with a smile to the other man. Young and not bad looking at all, although he seemed a bit… inelegant, sometimes? As if his body was ahead of his thoughts, or something like that. Artemon then looked up at him, touching his arm and said he needed to have his opinion on something… and then asked about the girl called Lucilla, who lived up there on the top floor. Lucilla… how to tell him without saying too much? “She’s very lovely and friendly, once you get to know her. But she works a lot, so… it’s hard to get close to her. You’re interested in her?” Alexius asked curiously. Lucilla really was lovely and friendly and she really did work a lot, so all of that was true. What she did for a living didn’t matter to Alexius though. He liked her for who she was, not for what she was - as it was with most people, that Alexius liked. @Liv
  14. This was turning into something different than what he imagined, when Aglaea first looked at him and gave him back his purse. Eating cakes by a calming fountain and talking... about her god, mostly. Manius didn't know him well, but it was strange and interesting at the same time. Think to have a god who would punish you, if you did anything against what he taught people. But on the other hand, the same god would forgive you, if you just asked for it. So the same god might punish and he might be good and forgive. Was he some kind of trickster god, like Prometheus? He wondered though just how much her god would forgive, because Manius had done bad things. Not that he was ever a murderer on purpose, but if it wasn't for him, his first wife and his son would still be alive. And Salacia would still be here. But none of them were. She seemed thoughtful after his question, but then she said anything could be forgiven, even murder. And then said she had not told him the whole truth and looked at him, as if wondering what he'd think about that. "Oh? And... what is the whole truth then?" @Echo
  15. The most clever thing would of course be to simply find his father and demand a bed there. But eh doubted he’d find his father on his first day in Rome. There were thousands of people here, which he understood was a very big number and more than he could count, to be honest. Not that Wulfric was unable to count, but how did you count to thousands? And from what he’d seen so far, by the way, thousands of people in one city was not necessarily a good thing. Not all of them lived well and he’d seen many who must be very poor people. Not here though, not at the Forum. Most people here were well-dressed. As if they were made to fit in with the white marble. He hadn’t moved from his spot yet, when a curly-haired tall man (taller than Wulfric anyway) approached him and began talking. He hadn’t expected that. Wulfric paid him attention though, focusing on understanding the words. It was a different dialect than what he learned back home, but he had met many people during his journey to Rome and he’d learned to listen well to the different versions of Latin. His own was probably a bit broken, but not the worst either. The stranger welcomed him to Rome, calling it a marvel and then confusing. Wulfric gave the other young man a smile, “Gratitude for warm welcome.” He replied, the German accent probably a little on the heavy side, “It is… very… confusing city, yes. I need place to sleep, tonight? You know such place? Taverna?” He had not expected to see such a friendly face and gain such a welcome to Rome, but he was pleased so far. If all Romans were like this one, he was in luck, wasn’t he? @Chevi
  16. Helios paid attention to her story about Rome’s foundation – honestly he did not know this story before. Helios was a slave and he was not even born in Rome. He never went to any kind of school and he did not have the same knowledge a freeborn Roman had – even this woman here knew more than he did, it would seem, but he was always willing to learn. And while she teased that it might not be the best story to share with a slave, he more took it to tell something about her than anything else. He offered her a smile in return, “What you choose to tell me, is up to you, Domina. And as long as the promised payment comes, I will keep anything you tell me, to myself.” He promised her. He was not one to rise up against the Romans anyway, he never had any desire or need to. All Helios wanted at this point in his life, was freedom and the chance to not be forced to offer his body to anyone willing to pay. That would be a step forwards. She promised him the payment and even the payment straight to his own hands, while they were walking together and then he’d introduced himself. She did the same, saying her name was Antonina, which had him arch a brow. It was most likely her first name and Antonius was an old and well-known name in Rome. Helios did not know everything about Rome’s history, but who had not heard about Marc Antony, among others? It was not an uncommon name, Antonina, but he still thought it added to her rank. She was far from poor and clearly also intelligent. “It is a pleasure to meet you and know your name… Antonina.” He said and then she went on, adjusting her cloak and asked him to tell about his life so far. She was actually interested in him? This was new. Who knew this night would turn out so… different, from his usual life? “I am not Roman born, Domina. Or would you prefer I call you Antonina?” She did, after all, not appear to look down upon him and she’d already voiced how she treated slaves and such. He went on though, “I know I was born in Britannia and I have… distant memories of that.” Very distant and they mostly appeared when he slept and dreamt of the woman he assumed was his mother, before he had been torn away and brought to Rome, “I came to Rome at a young age and was bought by a noble household. I don’t remember the name anymore. I was a house slave, befriending the children of the house that were around my age. One of them was a girl and when we grew older… her father did no longer approve of our close friendship. So to punish me for my blonde hair, my blue eyes and my smile, he sold me to this life instead. And this is where I have been ever since.” He looked at her, wondering if she had not heard a similar story a thousand times before. A child, ripped from the arms of their mother and brought to Rome to live a life in servitude, where they could not make any choices themselves. And they could be sold if their master felt like it. They didn’t matter. It wasn’t exactly an unknown story, in Rome. @Riv
  17. Early September, 75 AD This place was… huge! Wulfric was barely even sure when he entered Rome, it seemed to go on forever and it felt like he’d been walking for days, when he reached this part of it. He had planned to make it to the center of Rome and people kept pointing him this way, towards the so-called Forum of Rome. He knew a forum was a marketplace of sorts, but when he entered this part of Rome, it seemed to be a marketplace for white marble rather than anything else. And painted statues and gold and people literally everywhere. Wulfric grew up in a town, it wasn’t small, it was large actually, for a Germanian town. He bet the Romans would not say it was even a town, they would call it a village. A gathering of houses, even. And the houses were barely houses, compared to what they lived in. And this place, Rome, was not even a town, it was a city or was it actually a country in its own? Of course he knew it was an Empire, but that word was almost beyond his understanding. He’d never seen so many people before in his entire life, nor had he seen so many buildings made out of brick and marble and he’d not seen… well any of this. The towns he passed through on the way here did not compare to Rome. He had been somewhat prepared, but he was still astonished by this. Some called it the eternal city, because it had already existed in centuries, and he’d believe it if it still stood when all men had gone. It was also a bit confusing, to be honest. Where did you go? Wulfric wore nothing but his travelling clothes, the more ordinary clothes, and on his back he had a sack with the rest of his clothes and other personal items. He should find a place to sleep, he’d been sleeping under the sky and with friendly people on the way here. He’d even stayed in a few places where you could buy a drink and pay for a bed, which he never tried before. Perhaps they had such places in Rome too? He should also find the palace though. He was a prince. And most importantly, he should find Varus! But where to begin? He stood staring up at a huge building of white marble, he understood it was a temple of sorts, to their gods, although it was nothing like the temples they had where he came from. It was as huge as everything else. Wulfric scratched the back of his head, he probably looked as disoriented and confused as he felt. @Chevi
  18. Forgot this one! Septima Major - Equite
  19. He had not seen Charis since she left the garden with Rhoda. It was all very strange, he did not recall that he was so worried when Antonia was born. Maybe that was more afterwards, because her mother lost so much blood, but it didn’t take this long, did it? He tried to focus on his work, to other people it was ‘just’ a slave giving birth to her master’s child, it wasn’t unheard of and not unseen either. It wasn’t that big a deal. But for some reason, it was hard to focus and he worried more and more the longer it took. It had been days now and they didn’t tell him much. He’d run into Charis’ friend a few times, but the woman seemed a bit cold and hostile towards him and definitely not interested in talking. The problem was of course, that despite all that Charis had done, despite how much he should actually despise her, he had liked her. And he still did, apparently! How could he feel so hurt and betrayed if it wasn’t because a part of him actually cared about her? And now she was having his child and it was taking too long. He recalled she’d been pregnant and lost a child when he just bought her and he hoped that wouldn’t be happening again. Would he lose them both? Another day had gone by, it had now been two whole days and Tertius had his dinner brought to his tablinum, where he sat, trying to do some actual work, while the wails and whimpers of Charis could be heard through the whole house. Not that it was easy to work. Was she dying? It grew later and later and soon not even the lamps could keep him busy, it was too dark. He leaned back with a goblet of wine instead, considering to call for Hector and ask for a massage when suddenly… There was a strange silence in the house. The sounds had stopped. @Sara
  20. The gods better have mercy on Charis. Pity she could not kick their asses for putting Charis through all of this, but she could imagine it, at least. Meanwhile she said nothing when Charis reached for her hand and squeezed it hard. She felt so bad for Charis. She was young, but of course, at the right age to have a child. Many both Romans and Britons had their first child earlier than Charis did. Charis could do it, she knew. But if Charis could not be confident, Cynane would be confident for her. And it would happen – the child would be born and Cynane would be right here by Charis’ side the whole time, helping her, encouraging her and helping her curse when something hurt too much. Charis cried out in pain again and when it was over this time, she said how glad she was that Cynane was here and that the baby would have her too. And she wanted Cynane to hold the baby second after her. Cynane wondered if Charis would get any time to recover or if the baby had to be laid by its father’s feet right away. Not all women were able to just get up and walk out after they gave birth, after all. Well, she supposed she’d wait and see. “If that is your wish, then that’s how it will be. I will be here, for both of you.” She promised her friend, knowing that the worst was probably still to come, but it had to happen and it would. The day went on, afternoon turned into evening and Cynane didn’t leave Charis’ side once until it was all over. @Sara
  21. Cynane knew how rough a situation it had been. They could all have been killed - Claudia too! She hadn't known anything but that, when she threw the knife. She had to save Claudia and not because she was her slave-bodyguard who might be executed if Claudia died in her watch... no, because she cared and she could not let anything happen to the princess she'd come to like so much. Claudia was her mistress, but also her friend and Cynane would be there for her, no matter what. She'd kill for her. She'd rather not die for her though, because then she could not protect her. Volusa was quiet while Cynane talked and seemed surprised when Cynane told about how she threw the knife. Cynane still felt good about that part though. It had felt good. Volusa however, said it sounded terrifying and dropped her bundle of washing and extended her hands to Cynane. She wasn't sure what Volusa wanted though, Cynane wasn't the type to go around and hug just anyone and she never did it with Volusa before. Cynane had a hard shell. "I suppose... when you look at it like that... I guess it was?" Cynane said, "But we're safe and alive now. Claudia is safe and alive. That is what matters." @Sharpie
  22. WULFRIC of the CHATTI 23 | 21st of June, 52 AD | Foreigner | Prince | Heterosexual | Original | Joe Armstrong Personality. Wulfric is well-mannered, friendly, openminded and diplomatic – he is generally just a nice guy, who wants the best for those around him and of course especially for those, that are friendly towards him. While he is raised to be a warrior, he does prefer to work things out with words rather than fight. Wulfric has a lot of empathy and is good at reading other people's emotions and he's a problem-solver. He likes to discuss solutions and think them through, before reaching a decision about what to do. He is however also confident, so that when he decides on an opinion, it is the right one and he can be quite stubborn – demanding to be paid attention to, when he wants his opinion to be heard or there is something he desires. Maybe he inherited this trait from his father? Wulfric likes to be heard and believes that when (if) he returns to Germania, he will come closer to his grandfather and uncle there, because there is a possibility that he could become the next king of the Chatti, if anything should happen to them. He does not really have a mean streak though, he’s not out to kill them, but he is prepared to take over, if he must. In Rome, he hopes to find his father and hopes to be a bridge between the Chatti and the Romans. Wulfric is and wants to be a peacemaker of sorts, if that is at all possible. He is very curious to learn about his true origins and his family in Rome, although the Roman way of life is certain to be a surprise to him and may turn out to be quite different than what he thought. Appearance Standing just about 5’10” tall and with striking blue-green eyes, Wulfric has always been told he is as handsome as he is strong – and he is strong, a warrior and guard of his tribe. Much made sense to Wulfric, when his mother told him about his true father, because he never looked much like Wulfstan, his stepfather. He has some resemblance with a Roman man called Tertius – especially the nose and face shape, but also the shape of his body appears much like his. He has brown and slightly curly hair – and with a bit of facial hair, unlike most Romans. His clothes are native to his tribe of course – mostly made from wool and flax. He has two sets of clothes, a simple set that is brown and yellow/green and a finer set dyed with indigo. He always wears a light green long-sleeved tunica as an undershirt. On a daily basis, you’ll find him with a pair of light brown long trousers, a light green tunica and/or a leather vest for colder days. The tunica reaches his mid-thigh. For finer occasions, he has a pair of indigo trousers with an indigo vest to wear on top, closed with buckles. Add to this of course always a pair of good shoes and a belt with a purse and his trusted short sword. Family Stepfather: Wulfstan of the Chatti (deceased) Father: Tertius Quinctilius Varus Mother: Frieda of the Chatti Siblings: Hilda (21) and Signy (18) – half-sisters in Germania Spouse: N/A Children: N/A Extended family: Hrodulf, grandfather – Chieftain/King of the Chatti Hrolf, uncle - Frieda's brother and next in line to be king The Varus Clan in Rome Other: History Before Wulfric was born, there were Romans roaming just across the Rhine, on the other side of the border to the great Roman Empire. There were Legions waiting there, just in case anything should happen, since the Romans really wanted to expand their empire. They failed last time though, all thanks to a man named Varus. The stories still went in the tribe about that man and especially how the Germanic tribes worked together to defeat him. But that was all a long time ago and now, the Chatti mostly lived in peace with the Romans, trading with them when they had the chance – carefully, though. Hrodulf, the Chieftain of the Chatti, did really enjoy that Roman wine. Hrodulf had a son, Hrolf, and a daughter named Frieda. And in 51 AD, when Frieda was 18 years old, she travelled across the border to the Romans along with other women and men from her tribe, to entertain and please the Romans, to make sure they would stay friendly with the Chatti. Frieda was actually betrothed to be married when she returned from the Romans. But among the Romans, she met a charming young man – there were many, in fact – but she singled one out. His name was Tertius and in his name was also Varus, which she found remarkably interesting. She ended up spending a pleasurable night with the young and handsome man. So much that she returned every night the entire time she and her people were with the Romans. Then she went back home and married Wulfstan, one of her father’s best guards, as planned, although she was already pregnant with Tertiu's child. Nine months later, not long before she gave birth, she had a dream. Tertius, the Roman, was holding a boy-child in his arms and placing him on a throne. It was not a dream easily forgotten. A week later, on Midsummer's Day, Frieda gave birth to Wulfric. This also told her that this boy was special. Her husband thought it was his own son, but Frieda knew it was Tertius’ and the older the boy grew, the more obvious was the resemblance to her. With Wulfstan, Frieda also later had two daughters, that are Wulfric’s half-sisters. Wulfric grew up as any kid born to a princess in Germania would. He had everything he wanted to have, but he also learned how to fight and fend for himself and as he grew older, he knew that while he knew how to fight, he did prefer to settle things more peacefully. He was officially declared a prince to the Chatti tribe, when he reached puberty and went through the rites to become a man – his grandfather was the king and his uncle would be king too, after all. Wulfric became one of his grandfather’s guards when he was old enough, while his father was in the king’s council. When he was 18, 5 years ago, the Romans began to move more into Germania and made their own settlements. Wulfric was encouraged by his mother to get to know them, not yet knowing why. The Romans in Germania taught Wulfric a lot of Latin, as he spent time with them as a kind of ambassador for his grandfather. When Wulfric was 21 years old, Wulfstan, the only man he knew as a father, died from illness. After his death, Frieda told her son the truth about his real father – that she suspected it was a man by the name Tertius Varus and that man was in Rome. And this was why she wanted Wulfric to know the Romans and their language. She wanted Wulfric to go to Rome and find his father and seek further knowledge and perhaps glory - and then come back home. She had, after all, never forgotten the dream she once had. A year later, Wulfric was on his way to Rome and on the verge of fall after he turned 23 while travelling, he finally reached Rome. Timeline of Wulfric's life: 51 AD - Frieda sleeps with Tertius Quinctilius Varus. A month later, she marries Wulfstan, but is already pregnant. 52 AD - Wulfric of the Chatti is born, officially to Frieda and Wulfstan 54 AD - Wulfric's sister Hilda is born 57 AD - Wulfric's sister Signy is born 66 AD - Wulfric goes through the rites to become a man. Afterwards his grandfather officially declares him a prince. 69 AD - Wulfric is made official warrior and guard to his grandfather 70 AD - Roman settlements form beyond the Rhine. Jullus Flavius Alexander has encouraged traders and settlers to move into Germanian lands, initiating "the peaceful settlement of Germania." Wulfric befriends some of these Romans to learn the language and about the Roman way of life. 73 AD - Wulfstan dies and Frieda tells Wulfric whom his real father is. He soon begins the long travel towards Rome. 75 AD - Late in the summer, just before fall, Wulfric finally arrives in Rome. Atrice | GMT+1 | PM or Discord #7964
  23. She frowned when he told her he knew she was not alone in her room - the kind of frown someone made when they'd been doing things they shouldn't and were then discovered, Manius thought. Then Caecina claimed nothing was going on and that she and Marcus were just discussing their lessons. She pulled back the curtain so Manius could see Marcus standing there, almost as if frozen. Oh he definitely looked guilty of something! Weren't they supposed to be siblings? Meanwhile Caecina said that Manius could have the rest of the day off, as she was planning to stay in tonight. "I don't think you were discussing your lessons." Manius said. He was probably annoying her now, but with her father not present in Rome and her step-mother not always here either, someone had to look out for her and that was Manius' job now. He decided they'd not get away with it so easily and then he entered Caecina's chamber and pulled the curtain behind him. He leaned against the wall just next to the doorway, crossing his arms, looking at them both. "You two were doing something. I don't know what, but from what I heard, it was a very passionate discussion you had. Passionate in a way I doubt you really are, concerning those lessons. And I don't want to be hearing that again. Not between two young people who are not married to each other." He had not seen anything, but he heard something and he had to make them understand. Marcus meanwhile stood still, he mostly wanted to excuse himself and just leave, but he had a feeling Manius would not let him do that. He had to come up with something. "We're just good friends, that's all... really. Can't a pair of siblings have a little fun?" Marcus asked and Manius looked at him, "You really think I'll believe that? But you can go. I need to talk to your sister right now." Marcus looked at Caecina, silently wishing her good look and then he left. Perhaps it was best to get dressed and leave the house entirely for the rest of the day. He did not want to run into Manius today! Meanwhile Manius was left behind with Caecina and he had not left his spot by the doorway. "What would your parents say, if I told them what I heard?" He then asked Caecina. @Echo
  24. Alexius was usually a very friendly and approachable person – he preferred that people around him felt good in his company. But he also cared for his friends, who were anything from former gladiators and slaves he knew, former and current lovers, people he shared a good drink or brawl with, former people he’d worked with. And neighbors, of course! He could not (yet) count Didia as a former or current lover, nor anyone he’d worked with or shared a good drink with, but he lived close to her and he kind of felt she knew him and he knew her, by now. They ran into each other in the hallway, after all. And he knew Lexus knew her well too. So why should he not be upset when he learned that lovely Didia was attacked in the dark of the night and now wanted his help with her attacker? Alexius was known to lose his temper when it mattered, and it did now! That’s why he wanted the drink, perhaps it would calm him? Who in their right mind would attack someone as sweet and friendly as Didia? And then he feared what had happened to her, since she looked fine to him, but clearly wasn’t. She shook her head at his suggestion, she knew what he meant and she exclaimed rather loudly before realizing what she did. Alexius thought he heard someone turn in his bed, but focused on Didia and his drink, which he tasted while she continued talking, explaining what happened. She blamed herself and he agreed, she should not have followed a stranger into an alley, but then the man had wanted to cut her. She seemed nervous, afraid… “He just wanted to cut you?” Alexius asked, that sounded too weird, but then again, who in their right mind would do something to her? This one clearly was not in their right mind! “Did he, then? How badly? Did you see someone… Theo?” He knew the medicus from the ludus had moved in here too, after the earthquake and he was quite sure Didia had made friends with him too. She’d make friends with anyone. But that man who attacked her, he would surely not live to befriend anyone or see another day, if Alexius should ever find him! @Sara
  25. Manius was hearing words he didn't hear before, today. And learning about a god he had only heard about in passing, but apparently this god meant a great deal to kind Aglaea and that made Manius interested... or at least curious to learn more, to understand more. He wasn't some high and mighty Senator either, he was just a bodyguard. He wasn't here to judge her, just to talk, even though it was actually not planned. He asked more into her words, wanting to know what sin was, because he didn't know it. Aglaea laughed and explained it. That sin was an immoral act that went against their teachings from their god and she explained about the first sin and the first people, even. Manius knew vaguely what the creation story of the Romans were - a god had created the first man from a lump of dirt, some said. It didn't sound all that different. But the sin, he didn't know that. Aglaea explained what it might be, like stealing or being envious. But her god would forgive anyone who asked for it. He arched a brow, surprised, "He will forgive anyone who asks for forgiveness? No matter what they did?" Manius asked and looked at his hands for a moment, "What if they did something very bad... killed someone or caused someone else's death? Would he forgive even that?" It seemed strange to him, that such ill deeds should be forgiven. Manius couldn't forgive himself for the pain he'd caused others... why should any god, then? @Echo
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